Author has written 12 stories for Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy X, and Timeless. Personal Details Pen Name: Andrea Christoph I've been writing since I was thirteen, with a decade-long break between 18 and 28. Most of my earlier stories archived on this site have been deleted due to...questionable quality. I write for whatever I'm most into at any given time. I'm in my thirties and in my day-to-day I work in healthcare. I enjoy gaming, video editing, and obsessing over my dogs in my spare time. I've been an active member of the KTEB (Kurtis Trent Estrogen Brigade) for roughly 15 years now and have a Lux Veritatis arrow tattooed between my shoulderblades. So, hello! UPDATE: Parallel Lines in progress, current fandom obsession is Timeless. No active plans to update anything else at this time. Blood Like Ice is on hold at present and I'm hopeful that eventually I will manage to finish it, as the entire story was plotted out a very long time ago. |
Acid-Rush (22) BE-Mistress (21) Chianna (16) | Chirugal (120) Filthy Bunny (13) Gabi-hime (44) | Jordy Trent (9) Tim Radley (11) |