Reviews for Happenstance
Blitz.Magister chapter 6 . 1/10/2013
Ah I really do love this, so much. Along with all of your other fics, too, actually! I hope to see you write more in the future! But I understand if you can't!
Keep on being awesome!
Sarcastic Strawberry chapter 6 . 11/5/2012
ahhhh! this is so good! im so excited you're continuing!
Miesie chapter 6 . 10/13/2012
Omygosh! I'm so happy and glad that you are back :D
Can't wait for new chaps :)
alice chapter 6 . 10/7/2012
Wow! Back after 5 years!

So strange cause now o_o, I'm very excited and I will still read your fics that I enjoyed so much 5 years ago! I would like to ask what up? But that would be inappropriate since I do not know you.. xD
Guest chapter 5 . 7/6/2012
For your first seriously-serious multi-chapter Gippal/Rikku story... and AU at that, I cannot /believe/ you just ended it here. That's like- like! dangling us off on the side of a cliff, above a cage of cannibal babies, and going off to get some icecream for...5 years now?
Aaagh. But regardless of my whining and ninnying, I know Life is much more important so. I'll forgive you. Just this once. As if you'll ever read this anyways.

But just in case, on a whim that you do I was certainly taken aback by the shift you had created in Rikku's personality. So much darker, and quieter and ... paranoid (for a good reason, of course). But that doesn't mean I didn't catch the glimpses of the old Rikku that you had subtly slid in with her thought processes. And the contrast just makes it so tragic.

And Gippal? You can tell that you've definitely gave him some kind of personality-lift too. Still flirtatious I see, but much darker in his own way.

& I can stay here all day and list out all the mysteries that are left undone but that would just remind me all over again that those mysteries will probably stay that way. GodsGODS, you created such a different world - yeah, there's still that Al Bhed prejudice but it seems to be much more caustic in this... modern world. And school, too? And then there's the murder...and-and UGH. So much damn potential.

Okay. That's it. I'm cutting myself off.
But, I will thank-you, at least - that you had managed to share this idea with your fellow Rippal/Gikku/whatever supporters. It was a very, /very/ interesting read while it lasted.

E d e n
The Black Angle chapter 5 . 4/26/2009
you must updated is son!
MONST3R chapter 5 . 9/7/2008

PLEASE UPDATE SOON! this story is freaking amazing & im addicted :O
Eione chapter 5 . 1/7/2008

I really like this, and it just kind of ended, so I was thinking about where I would be able to find another fic like this, but I knew I wouldn't.

There's probably nothing like this out there, so you really succeeded in serving something original.
HuGaBblesEaL chapter 5 . 11/20/2007
good very good, i like, so r u gonna have the whole paine barlai (i dunno how to spell that) thingy?

i like!

but um... NEED FLUFFYNESS! i luv fluffyness!
Harlequin Love chapter 5 . 9/23/2007
I'm reviewing! Dear God, I hope you update this because I'm just shaking with curiosity to what's going to happen next.

whereowhere-is-my-rabbit chapter 5 . 7/1/2007
Wow, I'm really sad to see you go. Your stories have been brilliant and I admire you for not being afraid to try new things or go in a completely new direction. Thanks for all the beautiful fics and for being an outstanding author. Send me a message if you ever decide to return to the fanfiction world )
Maemei chapter 5 . 5/30/2007
Wow... Gippal is such an asshole in this chapter... Heheh! Really looking forward to chapter six!
Saiyuki Tasuke chapter 5 . 5/28/2007

I'm fine. Anyways, great chapter. A bit short though.

Paine and Gippal? Interesting.
mushimars chapter 5 . 5/27/2007
ah...nice cliffhanger...update asap...please n_n
Hommeles chapter 4 . 5/19/2007

I love the way how you made them meet each other.

I don't want to spoill anything for anyone, but I think I know something about Gippal, who he is. Perhaps others think so too, but I wont mention it.

Gippal is still a flirt in this story I see.

To bad he picked out the wrong girl to flirt with.

I hope those two will get along soon.

Doesn't he go to school, by the way?

I'll find out, hopefully :)

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