As an AU, there are no words that I could put in this summary to describe this story. It's filled with love, regret, passion, heartache and pride between two fiery, stubborn characters; this is the true story of an infinate love between Bulma and Vegeta.
AN:Yes it took long, but believe me, it's worth it! It's funny how you plan something out for your characters, but they take own their own distinct path. That means, there's a little twist and change for you in this chapter, so if you're confused as to what is going on, please refer to the end of Chapter 11 and all will be revealed.
Chapter 22 -- New Life.
I'm being moved.
But I don't know where to. I can hear voices in the distance. Just barely. They say something about leaving? Leaving... But where to? My home is here, with my mother and father and my beautiful son. So why must I leave? It's strange because I can hear his voice speaking and... My mother's? I'm assuming that he will be taking me away. Will she let him?
It's like that with him; always wanting to get his own way. He'll force anyone to do anything and if they don't comply, he would just kill them or throw a tantrum, most probably the former. I should do something about that. I should wake up from this comfortable fucking glass bubble and fight it out with him, scratch at his flesh, bite him and tell him that he can't have everything his own way! I'm so angry right now, but none of my anger can be seen by them. That bothers me sometimes. But not always because, I like having my secrets.
I'm actually tired of being angry at him. I'm tired of just being. I wish that someone would give mercy or have pity on me, to put me out of this misery. But they're all keeping me here, so I don't want to disappoint them. But sometimes I want to be here, and sometimes I don't. It depends on my mood.
Right now, I can feel Trunks standing beside me and that calms me a little. If he is with me, then it won't matter where I go. As long as I have him, I'll survive anything.
The Saiyan ship rumbled in the background, awaiting the arrival of it's owner. They stood silently together, watching the various workers load the ship with essential supplies. He looked around at the port in a grim manner. Dran was a beautiful planet, but it would be all to soon before he set foot on the planet again. Especially after everything he had done.
"Did it work?" Vegeta asked quietly to the man standing beside him.
"It worked, your majesty, they are both on the ship and they won't be waking up until you have reached your planet," the reply from Kor came.
"And they won't remember anything except the memories I have told you to place in their minds?"
"Not one thing," Kor assured him.
"Good," he handed the man a small package, "That is your payment in full, Kor."
The elderly man bowed deeply, "I had no wish to do this to her, your highness. But since you implored me to do so, I had no choice but to comply."
Vegeta smirked, "She won't remember you anyway, Kor. You do not have to worry about your integrity or morals, so you can leave that fine detail to me. I will be the only one who remembers their ordeal. Our ordeal."
Kor nodded before offering his final parting to the Prince, "At least they will suffer no longer."
"Give Zarbon my regards," he snarled out to the older man as he turned to leave.
He smirked to himself as the rusty ripple of Kor's fading chuckles reached his ears. Without a backward glance, he slowly walked towards the large Saiyan fleet ship, leaving Trunks and Bulma's past behind him on the planet Dran.
I've lost sense of all time. I can't remember how many days it has been since I heard my mother's voice or saw the light of day. And something... Something is clawing at my brain, melding and fusing and--it hurts. It hurts so much! It's as if it wants to draw me out from the world I have built, the world I have accepted.
But I don't want to be taken away!! Why won't they fucking stop?! These damn voices in my head, telling me to get up--pushing me out of this dark place. They--they keep attacking me and screaming at me that this isn't real, nothing is real. They're yelling, tormenting me to wake up... Wake up...
A glare of light shone across her closed eyelids. She winced in her fitful slumber, slowly forcing herself to open her eyes. Her cerulean eyes sought out the comforting black orbs she had grown to love. Sure enough there he was, laying by her side, staring down at her expectantly.
"What?" She murmured sleepily, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand.
He shook his head impassively as he continued to stare at her, almost as if he were waiting for something to happen, something terrible. She smiled and slowly sat up, clutching the silken sheet to her bare chest. Her husband was always suspicious of her mood in the mornings. It was quite endearing.
She leaned across the extravagant bed and lightly kissed his cheek, "Don't you have a meeting with the Saiyan Elders?" She watched his eyes flash before he answered.
"They can wait," he grunted, drinking up her beautiful, pallid features as she looked at him in confusion.
"Are you feeling ok?" She frowned and reached over to feel his forehead, "I've known you for ten years and never once have you been sick!"
"You'd be surprised," he remarked dryly.
"Vegeta," she cried emphatically, "What is wrong with you? You're acting so strangely and I
don't like it."
When no reply came from him, she let out a frustrated sigh and slowly stood up from the bed, wrapping the delicate sheet around her lithe body. But as she moved her foot forward, her knees buckled beneath her weight. She cried out and closed her eyes, thinking her head would hit the stone surface beneath. When the impact never arrived, she opened her eyes to find her husband holding her up, staring down at her with an angry glare.
"Fool!" He barked as he roughly lifted her upright, "You're the one who's been sick and you can't even remember that little detail."
Realization filtered into her mind and she nodded; everything seemed less hazy than it did before, "Sorry," she mumbled, suddenly feeling weak. She remembered she had been bed-ridden with a virus for the past month, so it was no wonder she couldn't stand up without the aid of her husband! But then... Why did the memory only materialize when he mentioned it? How strange...
Bulma shook her head, "I forgot all about it. That's odd, isn't it?" She caught a flicker of an unidentifiable emotion before he laid her back down on the bed.
"I'll have the servants come and tend to you," he said stiffly.
She reached out and snatched his wrist before he could move away, "No!!"
Vegeta gazed back at her stonily.
"What I mean is, I'll be fine. I just feel a little woozy but I'm probably better now so," she looked at him pleadingly, "please don't go? Re-schedule the meeting and stay here with me. Please?" She ended on a hopeful note, looking up at him expectantly. He always left her alone, every morning, and she despised it.
He reached down and placed the palm of his hand on her cheek. She closed her eyes, enjoying the soft texture of his skin against hers. Her pulse rate quickened as she placed her hand over his.
"Tonight," he whispered the promise into her ear, before quickly turning to leave the majestic chambers, with his wife silently fuming on their inviting bed.
Vegeta closed the granite doors to the royal chambers behind him and gazed intently at the ornately decorated wall opposite as he leaned back against the cool stone. The legendary memories of his ancestors glared back at him from the wall in the form of colorful tapestries and inked, stone tablets.
He was home... Six months of travelling on that blasted ship and he was finally home; or as close to what his home was like before it was destroyed. He had informed all the necessary people how they were to act around Bulma and Trunks, he just hoped that his plan would not fail.
After leaving Bulma's family back on Earth, he had promised her mother that he would bring her back. It was a false promise, one that he never intended to keep. Ten years would have passed on Earth by now... He wondered what the woman's parents were doing. He felt no guilt for his pretenses, only relief. The woman's mother was entirely too trusting. And so he took Bulma to Dran, to be healed one last time.
Once he had Kor heal Bulma, he had him do the same to Trunks. It was for the best, after all. He couldn't have the boy wanting to go back to Earth and see his grand parents. So he had ordered Kor to infiltrate false memories into both mother and son's minds. And now, the were none the wiser. Vegeta had never done such a thing before in his life, nor would he stoop so low as to help another being ever again but... He couldn't let her stay that in that lifeless way for the rest of her life. The boy needed a mother and he--he needed her... It was done and there would be no going back for any of them. It was water under a bridge and he refused to think more on his calculating deeds.
Everything had been put right in his eyes. He had a kingdom, Saiyan subjects, a Queen and an heir to the throne. There was only one more goal to achieve; becoming a Super-Saiyan. And he would destroy heaven and hell to grasp that power in his hands.
Bulma flinched as the aged woman beside her pulled roughly at her delicate azure locks. Moments before, the room had been filled with exited women pouring in from all corners of the palace to tend to her. After much annoyance, she had sent all of them away, accept one that had been patiently standing away from the mass of relieved females pawing at her. She winced as another strand of her hair was yanked away from her scalp. If she had known about the pain the woman would be inflicting upon her, she would never have chosen her to stay.
Her buttocks had gone numb and so with one eye shut, she glared at the servant as best she could, in the hopes that the woman would loosen her death grip before she went completely bald. Who was she anyway? Bulma had never seen her around the palace of Bejiita-sei before. Was she new?
"Are you new?" She asked suddenly, startling the woman in the process.
"Yes, your highness," the older woman avoided any eye contact but smiled graciously, showing the deep lines of age upon her tanned skin.
Bulma frowned, "Oh... I could have sworn--" she abruptly broke off and motioned the woman away. "That will be all, thank you."
The woman hesitated, risking a glance in her direction as she stepped back from Bulma's side.
She smiled in assurance, "Don't worry, I'll be all right," with a wave of her hand, she sent the older woman away and sat quietly on the velvet stool, gazing at her reflection.
A thought came to her, "Where's Trunks?" She looked at her reflection again before standing up and making her way out of the large chambers. Now that she was alone, everything was beginning to suddenly feel extremely... Unfamiliar.
He froze in the doorway of the dark room as her voice called out to him. He had hoped she would be asleep. Shit. "Hn?" He proceeded to enter the chambers, starting to tug at the training gi he had worn throughout the day. The meeting with the Saiyan Elders had been postponed until the following day, for which he was relieved about. He really wasn't in the mood that morning to have a long-winded conversation with the planet's Elite.
His thoughts slowly returned to the woman laying comfortably on the large palatial bed, as she coughed for his attention. He risked a glance at her and forced his features to remain immobile as her angry blue eyes flashed against the pale moonlight that filtered through the billowing gauze curtains. He waited for her to speak.
"Where are we? Where is Trunks?"
AN:Bad Vegeta, bad, bad Vegeta!
Right now, I'm feeling tired and I'm feeling mean. I hate being a butt-monkey, don't you? Death to all the bosses in this world!
So, why hasn'tThe Mistressbeen updated? I was blocked from uploading by the shit that is Xing or whoever the hell decides these things. Apologies go out to all the people that are waiting for the next chapter. One will be coming your way shortly, when I'm not dying from being over-worked and underpaid. Other than that, I haven't been on the internet in quite a while due other responsibilities, but I'm hoping that will change soon. I have also started to revise my very first storyA Thin Line, so look out for the revised edition, which is much better than the original, all coming soon. So watch this space. O.o
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