Author has written 6 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hallo! Hej! Hola! Ciao! Konnichiwa! Bonjour! Yeah, that's pretty much all I know. ^_^ Well, my name is Sam and I am a huge fan of Hetalia (which is obvious, since my fanfictions so far are Hetalia). I also enjoy Kuroshitsuji, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Baccano!, and many others that I simply cannot remember. My favourite pairing out of all my favourite couples is ItalyxGermany (from Hetalia, of course). I do have a DeviantArt account and my username is HontoKuru, so feel free to add me as a friend or something! I would enjoy making new friends (I don't have any, really. Wow, that makes me sound sad O.o). Yeah, I never know what to put on these thingies. Um, take care! Heh xD |
Annouramir (13) candy4yourEYEZ (59) crackberries (22) HelloMiho (18) Hikari Kaitou (73) IronicNarwhal (77) | Liung Arkeanda (1) OmangoOlemonadeO (19) Skadiyoko (12) snarechan (120) | Tanya Tsuki (83) Terra Saltt (14) webcomix (26) |