Disclaimer: Hetalia = notmine ;_;
Will contain Belarus x Ukraine, and rated for what future chapters may contain.
Big Sister
Avio Favalon
A Hetalia fanfic
Chapter One - The Realization
It was always her that he liked more.
It dawned upon me suddenly one day.
It wasn't Toris or Yao or Kiku or any of those other guys.
No, it was her.
Katyusha. My very own Big Sister.
Well, I probably always knew, just didn't wish to think about it. Why would I want to? Katyusha always took care of us, was always so good to us both. I loved and respecter her. I know he did, too.
So it only makes sense that it would be she whom he loved more than me. Of course it would be her.
So there I was, wrapped up in my blankets and sobbing like an infant. I knew it must be Katyusha that he loves. It wasn't fair! It just wasn't fair! I give him my all! I loved him more unconditionally than anyone ever could!
I stabbed at my pillow in a fit, fluff flying all around me, as I thought about it.
It wasn't fair that I'd have to have Katyusha as my number one rival.
What if Big Brother likes her breasts better than mine? Or maybe because of all of her sunflowers? Big Brother loves sunflowers so much… Not to mention, she's one of the few people on this earth that isn't mean to him, or afraid of him.
It wasn't fair. It just wasn't. It's not like I could just kill Katyusha; she took care of me and Big Brother so lovingly, what kind of thank you would that be? But I couldn't let her be near him so they could grow together and leave me behind. Without him. Without my reason for living. He and her together…
No, I could not let Katyusha take my place. That was my role, and mine alone, to be at his side always.
I needed to do something about it, and as quickly as I possibly could.
Katyusha was slowly repaying all of her debts to Big Brother, and was hanging around him more and more.
The bitter sting of envy throbbed in my heart as I thought of how warmly he always greeted her, while he treated me like that plague Arthur had.
So, I lay there among my ravaged bedding fluff, trying to come up with a way to keep her away from him.
Then, it hit me.
I'd make her fall in love with someone else before she could have the chance to fall for him, my most precious him, and take him away from me.
I could make her fall in love with me.
It would be the easiest way to control what was going on, and least bothersome and more predictable.
Yes, I would make my big sister fall in love with me. It was that simple.
My only problem is, if I can't even get my soul mate to admit he was in love with me (I know he was!), how am I supposed to get my sister to fall for me in the first place?
These were the thoughts in my head before I drifted off to sleep, weary and somewhat heartbroken.
A/N: derp. It's Avio again. Clearly. :'D with yet another Hetalia story for you duckies.
Since I'm starting to get into my yuri-writin' groove[cause that's just the way i roll].
So I asked people for couples for me to write or ideas and such, and my Pure-Love Maiden of the Snow, Nana, suggested this story. Which I actually think could be very interesting if I could only manage to pull it off.
Ohdeargodihopeso. Because I realized as I began typing that this is going to have to be a multichapter. OhgodwhyWHY. I'M NOT SURE IF I CAN DO THIS. BUT I'M GOING TO FUCKING TRY ANYWAYS BECAUSE MY PURE-LOVE MAIDEN ASKED IT OF ME SO I AM GOING TO FUCKING DO IT. Somehow. Ohgodidon'tknowhow. I really hope I'll be able to keep it up, I /really/ do. ._. Fff. /end rant of incompetence
So yes, I hope you'll bear with me while I write this. Hopefully I'll be able to pull it off and hopefully you will enjoy it. ;; ihopeyoudo.
Again, I love you already if you read through this pretty-short chapter. iapologizeforlackoflength. hopefully i'll make them longer as i go? and hopefully it wont be /that/ long. idon'tknowificoulddothat. so! :'D let the games begin~!
Reviews will help feed my Russia-chan shimeji, so by all means. Don't let the little cutie go hungry, da?