I went to the pool for Alfred's birthday (we really go all-out celebrating in my family) and wrote - SURPRISE! - about being at the pool. Witness my creativity. Woo~.
Anywho. This one's HRExChibitalia, country names used. Yup.
Hungary lounged back against her lawn chair, eyes closed in contentment. She listened to Italy's "ve" noises and without looking up called, "Careful, Ita-chan. Don't fall in."
Italy was crouching by the edge of the pool, looking down into the blue abyss with a wondering gaze. "Ve, Hungary, it's so shiny down there! Why is it so shiny?" Not waiting for an answer, Italy turned and asked someone else, a boy sitting with his legs dangling into the pool. "Holy Roma, why is it so shiny?"
The small child had been watching his friend, and now flushed a bit, having been caught staring. "Um, well, it's the sun shining through the water. It makes the little lines of light."
"Ve, but why?"
Holy Roman Empire frowned. "Actually, Italia, I'm not sure." He turned to look back at the brown eyes shining up at him. "It looks like magic, though, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, yeah it does! Oh, Holy Roma, maybe something magic will happen! Ve~"
Holy Roman Empire kept his eyes fixed on the other for a long moment. "I hope so."
The two stared into the bottom of the pool in silence. It was only ten feet deep here, but to the small nations the distance to the bottom looked much greater.
After a few minutes they heard raucous laughter from the other side of the fence. Then the gate burst open and three teenage boys came bounding across the pool deck, shouting madly and cannonballing into the water. Italy gave a small cry as the water doused the pair on the deck, and Holy Roman Empire felt his fists clench.
Prussia was the first to surface, shaking his silver hair and spraying a jet of water from his mouth. He was followed by France, who flipped his long hair back quite dramatically, and Spain, who shot up like a rocket and came down grinning as usual.
"What's up, guys? You scared of the water or something? It's not that bad, see?" Prussia splashed the two, chuckling at Italy's squeals of discomfort.
"Aww, what's wrong, mon cheri? Is someone afraid of the water?" France splashed Italy playfully.
"Come on, little Ita, it's not so bad." Unlike his friends, Spain refrained from splashing the poor nation, remembering the other Italy who was waiting for him at home. Italy would've been more grateful for this, but was somewhat distracted by Prussia, who was now tugging on a certain trembling nation's ankle.
"Come on, Italy, the pool's no fun from the deck."
He continued tugging on Italy's ankle, ignoring all the child's cries to stop, each one bringing the Holy Roman Empire more distress. "Hey, guys, she doesn't want you to do that. Stop!"
Prussia ignored him, and amid great laughter from the teenagers, Italy finally tumbled into the water. The boys swam away laughing, but the Holy Roman Empire looked anxiously over the side of the pool. Italy had sunk straight to the bottom and had not resurfaced.
He quickly calculated his options. The boys surely wouldn't help, but the water was deep and he wasn't a very strong swimmer. He glanced down at Italy's hair rippling at the bottom of the pool...
...and jumped in.
It was a whole new world under the surface. The chlorine stung his eyes as he looked around frantically for Italy. At last he saw the small sundress below him, and began trying to swim down.
It was hard work. The water seemed intent on making him defy the forces of gravity, and it seemed like an eternity before he finally reached the bottom of the pool. Finally he was able to wrap his small arms around an even smaller torso. He held his Italy to his chest protectively, and looked back to the surface of the water.
It was high, impossibly high. With another body and the loss of his hands, he had no idea how he'd be able to get them both to safety. He was starting to run out of air, but a quick glance at the closed eyes below him said that Italy already had.
He had to be strong. He could do this. He crouched down and shot up, pushing off the bottom as hard as he could. Kicking furiously, he used one hand to pull himself up with long strokes, hand cupped for greater efficiency. His lungs burned, but finally, finally, he broke the surface of the water, inhaling deeply and dragging Italy to the side of the pool. With great effort, he pulled the unconscious child onto the pool deck, hovering worriedly.
Hungary looked up and gasped. "Ita-chan!"
At the sound of her voice the three teens looked up. "Is Italy alright?" Spain sounded at least a bit concerned.
"She can't swim," Holy Roman Empire said harshly.
Prussia's jaw dropped. "Oh, shit... really?" The three swam over and watched as Hungary slapped Italy's cheeks frantically.
"Ita, please, please breathe..." She looked up, her eyes searching madly. "Does anybody know CPR?"
Holy Roman Empire looked for a moment at Italy's lips, then set his mouth against them. He breathed into Italy's lungs and watched them expand, then felt an exhalation against his cheek. He breathed for Italy once more, then watched with a sigh as the child coughed up some pool water and began to breathe without help.
Italy looked up at Holy Roman Empire's relieved grin. "Ve, Holy Roma, I had a dream that you were kissing me! Maybe I need to drown more often, ve..."
"I... I'm glad you're safe." Then he bent down and captured Italy's lips with his. He felt Italy kiss him back, and when he pulled away Italy looked up at him and locked a hug around Holy Roman Empire's neck.
"Hungary... can we come here more often? Holy Roma never kisses me at home..."
Holy Roman Empire smiled and helped his friend up. "Maybe we can fix that..." He gave Italy another quick kiss and wrapped a towel around the trembling child, and together they watched as Hungary yelled at Prussia and his friends, brandishing a towel she was twisting up in quite a menacing fashion. He was suddenly very, very glad for hot weather.
Aww, poor Ita. But, hooray for daring rescues!
and teen!BFT... well. Prussia might not have existed. Or maybe he was part of HRE. But SHHHHH, we don't need to tell that to the plot bunnies. They never have to know.