![]() Author has written 8 stories for Pokémon, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hello and welcome to my profile! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit! Please enjoy reading the fanfics I've made. Feel free to leave reviews and favorite. Arigato! X3 You Have Questions, I Have Answers! Q: What's your name? A: Akiko Arihima! Q: Is that your real name? A: Heck no! Don't want any weirdos hunting me down! Q: How old are you? A: Older than a baby, that's for sure. Q: Where do you live? A: In this wonderful place called My Mind. Q: Description? A: I'm a lazy, procrastinating, nocturnal, noodle-slurping, fun-sized, bubbly, artistic, anime-and-manga-and-video-game-obsessing, loves-to-read-and-write Asian! And proud! XP Q: Why are you on Fanfiction.net? A: Because I love anime and writing stories! Plus, this website gave me the chance to improve my writing skills, meet new people who share the same interests as me, and express myself! Q: What kinds of anime are you into? A: I used to be into Inuyasha, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, Zombie-Loan, D-Gray Man, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Soul Eater, but now I'm definitely into HETALIA! XD Q: Fun facts? A: Math and science aren't my forte, fav color is yellow, you will most likely find me at home or a library, I say no to veggies as well as drugs and alcohol, I think mosquitoes are evil, I only remember things I want to remember like how an anime convention is like dying and finding heaven Also NINJAS ARE AWESOME, Werewolves are cool, Pirates are sexy, and Sparkly Vampires drool lol :D HETALIA I AM: 50% Japan, 20% Italy, 10% Hungary, 10% America, 5% China, 5% Canada Name Twelve Of Your Favorite Axis Powers Hetalia Characters in Any Order: #1 JAPAN - I totally relate to him! Polite and kind on the outside, but crazy and such an otaku on the inside X3 Plus will whip out my ninja skills to save those in need! #2 England Gawd, I'm such a sucker for his tsundere-ness and his whole "gentleman" attitude! I also love him as a pirate, punk rockstar, or Britannia Angel Plus, he makes me laugh so hard when he's drunk and in his, what is it, waitor costume? XP #3 America! - He cracks me up all the time, plus he would be totally fun to hang with XD #4 Canada - Awww he's so adorable with Kumajirou! DAMMIT ACKNOWLEDGE HIM PEOPLE! XP #5 Italy - Who can NOT resist his "Paaaaaasstaaaa"?! #6 Hungary - Girl is wicked with a frying pan! XD #7 China - Cute with a panda or a Shinatty-chan, but awesome with a wok! FEAR THE WOK! #8 Prussia - One word. AWESOME. #9 South Korea - Awesomeness was invented in Korea! (Prussia: THAT'S A LIE!) hahaha XD #10 Switzerland - I lol at him being so trigger-happy #11 Russia - "Don't worry, Vodka is just Russian water, da?" XP #12 South Italy - I rofl at his rude attitude! XD "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Two." Japan and South Korea are in a happy relationship (WAT?) until South Korea runs off with Canada (Double WAT?) Japan, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with (OMFG) Russia and a brief unhappy affair with South Italy (…weird), then follows the wise advice of Italy and finds true love with England! YESH! XD Top Five Fav Pairings: 1.) ENGLANDxJAPAN (or AsaKiku) - Island Nations UNITE! 2.) AmericaxJapan (or Ameripan) - so kawaii 3.)RussiaxChina (or RoChu) - in my opinion, they belong together 4.)PrussiaxCanada (or PruCan) - it's AWESOME 5.) GermanyxItaly (or GerIta) - we ALL saw it comin, don't deny it You MUST watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=509lzLd7t2Q HetaOni - Hetalia rpg game; this pixelized game made me CRY. That's how good it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF3J5-OMjvo Hetalia - Everyone is a Little Bit Racist skit. EPIC. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5Y-5p6EeIE APH(Hetalia) Unlimited - AWESOMENESS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdH3ImZLXFk Best Hetalia christmas vid EVER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfb5Q51jKEc Prussia's blog man. You KNOW it's gonna be good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi-66HfR0V8 I am 100% sure that you will crack a smile at this Hetalia vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xLHQsAHqbs&playnext=1&list=PL8483C9590AF1FBBB For EnglandxJapan fans! X3 http:///lol/ BEST HETALIA FANFIC EVER XD Fanart! Thank you so much iWritePancakes and PastaNotWar for the beautiful fanart for The Sister Swap! Check it out iWritePancakes: http:///?qh=ion=&q=thesisterswaphetalia#/d4cocq4 PastaNotWar: |