Karaoke Bar! Chp1

"So with that the meeting is over for today and we're not meeting tomorrow or Sunday so we will be meeting again Monday! Later!" Self proclaimed hero, Alfred F. Jones, also known as the nation America, ended the UN meeting. The other nations got up and stretched, most of them stiff from sitting for hours. Nations mingled around chatting about random things that only concerned them.

Arthur Kirkland, England, was talking to Honda Kiku, Japan, when Alfred bound up to the pair, his smile turned up to a thousand watts. "Hey Iggy!" The American exclaimed happily.

Kiku gave Arthur an apologetic look, since it was his fault for the nickname. Arthur sighed and rolled his eyes as he turned towards the younger nation. "What America?"

"Oh nothing, I actually came over here to talk to Kiku!" Alfred said as the Englishman glared daggers at him.

"Alfred-san I've told you the new game won't be ready until next month for you to test it out…" The Japanese man said with a sigh and smile.

"I know! I came to ask you to a Karaoke Bar…well restaurant place…but I found out that there was a karaoke night at this place on Friday nights, and I remember you telling me about the bars in Japan. So I was wondering if you wanted to go with us!"

Kiku smiled, "I would lover to go."

Arthur gave Alfred a look, "I don't get invited?"

Alfred gave him a surprised look, "France said you wouldn't want to go…"

"And you would listen to that bloody Frog! No, I would most enjoy going out with the group as long as I don't have to sing," Arthur said.

"Aw come on!" America gave England big puppy dog eyes.

"I will-" England was cut off by the loud voice of Feliciano Vargas, Italy.

"Ve~! Come on let's go!"

"We're comin'," replied Alfred.

"Oh bloody hell…"

Hello there my readers! i know no song in this first chapter it's really an intro! but i hope all of you who read it will love it! Also if there's a character or charaters that you want to 'hear' sing then message or review! but remember to put down what your contacting me about for message! Anyways i am uploaded two chapters tonite so i will add more to the other chapter!