Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha, Soul Eater, Vampire Knight, and Hana Yori Dango. Name: Jessica (but my friends call me Jess) Gender: Well, hopefully with a name like Jessica I'd be a girl... Age: 21 Relationship Status: Dating an amazing man. Occupation: Currently working at a local Sheetz. I write, end of story. My Works: I'm currently working on my manuscript titled "Blue". Essentially it's about a girl 200 years in the future. She's just graduated college from a prestigious aeronautical university and gets offered a job as second-in-command of a large starship and she falls in love with her Captain (who's a arrogant guy whos mouth often gets him in trouble). Anyways, I'm very proud of it and I hope to get it published after I'm finished with it. If you would like to read it, send me a PM!! Other than that I've written over 6 original novels all over 200 pages of word. Also I've written countless numbers of fanfiction (i even wrote fanfiction before I knew what it was!). But the ones I felt were publishable (is that even a word?) are the ones below. Movies/TV: Ummmm... I like a lot of movies but my favorite movie of all time is Twilight. TV is good too, I watch House M.D., Smallville and Bones but my main addiction is anime! I like Naruto, Soul Eater, InuYasha, BLEACH, Vampire Knight, Shugo Chara, Pokemon (yep yep), Special A, Skip Beat!, Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi No Ceres, Mermaid Melody, Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, and others. I also love to watch Jdramas! Among my favorites are - Hana Yori Dango 1 and 2, Hana Kimi, Majo no Jouken, Gokusen 1, Kimi Wa Petto, Absolute Boyfriend, Smile, and Ghost Friends! Due to the fact that I have nothing better to do I thought I'd add a few things to my profile, most of the ideas I got off of my friend Mike's page... Cause his has WAY too much stuff on it... lol Likes: Writing (well duh...), Music, car rides, traveling to places I've never been before, the beach, going to hospitals to see the nursery and all of the newborn babies through the little window (is that creepy??), singing in the shower, car, or at any other time that's not in front of people who criticize every little mistake (yeah, my instrumental concentration at school is voice, so I have to do that... it's lame... it doesn't help that I just happen to suck ass at it...), going to concerts and watching from a safe enough distance to NOT get crushed by the circle pits, wind chimes (i don't know why, but i love them), church organs, getting my hair cut, sleeping for ten or more hours, cooking breakfast (for some reason, dinner and lunch are just annoying to fix...), the color green, updating my livejournal, watching anime, annoying people, jumping into a pile of freshly raked leaves, Jpop (japanese pop), and people who call me "sweetheart", my dad would call me that when I was little, so I guess it always reminds me of him. Dislikes: Closeminded individuals who think they are actually living life to the fullest, liars, bugs (of any assortment), people who pester, thunderstorms, tornados, or hail, guys who thinks it's alright to use their girlfriend/wife as a punching bag, sexists, scary movies, being startled, popping a balloon, loud noises (unless it's music lol), snakes, ummm rats/mice/all rodents, tests, school papers, and the like, KIKYO from Inuyasha, and the fact that Mermaid Melody has no plot whatsoever... Oh, and NARUTOxHINATA/ICHIGOxORIHIME/DEATHTHEKIDxPATTY fans... sorry but damn... Yeah, so that's all I've got, haha. Favorite Pairings Naruto NaruxSaku GaaxMatsu KibaxHina AsumaxKurenai ShikaxTema ShikaxIno (yep i pretty much like both Shikamaru's pairings equally) KakaxAnko Bleach IchixRuki IshixHime UraxYoru HitsuxHina GinxRang Soul Eater SoulxMaka BlackStarxTsubaki SteinxMedusa SteinxMarie KidxLiz InuYasha InuxKag MirokuxSango SessxRin Vampire Knight KanamexYuuki ShikixRima KainxRuka Pokemon Pokeshipping (AshxMisty) Contestshipping (DrewxMay) Ikarishipping (PaulxDawn) Rocketshipping (JamesxJessie) Fruits Basket RyoxTohru YukixTohru YukixMachi HatorixKana ShigurexAyame HiroxKisa Skip Beat! KyokoxRen Special A HikarixKei AkiraxTadashi MegumixYahiro FinnxRyuu Stupid Pairings InuyashaxKikyo - Flipping ridiculous pairing... NARUxHINA - My ultimate most-hated pairing, it's just wrong. IchixHime - ewwwwwwwwwwwww ZeroxYuuki - sorry people, i liked it at first, but the more the story progressed, the more i learned to despise this pairing! Any Pokemon shipping that does not include the ones listed above... |
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