Summary: He didn't know why he was so drawn to her; she wasn't even that pretty. Drabble.

Disclaimer: Don't own Soul Eater. 'Nuff said.

Author's Note: Basically, this is just another one of those "how they met" fics. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy.


Red Dress
By: Lady Azura


He observed her from a distance, as he'd been doing all week.

The girl in the red dress; the girl surrounded by a group of fellow Shibusen students like herself, laughing and chatting away, completely unaware of the ruby orbs watching her every move like a hawk; like a predator stalking its prey, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

A social butterfly, she was; everyone seemed to like her and sought out her company -- the girl who had somehow managed to inexplicably capture his attention and keep it, unbeknownst to her. To the daugther of Shinigami-sama's current Death Scythe: Maka Albarn.

It was beyond frustrating.

He didn't know why he was so drawn to her; she wasn't even that pretty. She was as flat as a board and wore pigtails -- pigtails! -- with ribbons. Like some kind of child. The red cocktail dress she wore hung loosely from her thin body, failing to cling to her frame and curves (or lack thereof) like the rest of the girls' dresses. There was absolutely nothing sexually appealing about her yet he wanted so badly to be near her.

He frowned, the glass of punch in his hand threatening to crack.

Was it hormones?



She had to be… The One.

His Meister.

That was the only logical explanation, he concluded.

With that in mind, Soul Eater Evans placed his drink down and made his way over to the ballroom entrance. As he walked by the girl in the red dress, he watched her through the corner of his eye, and almost smirked when he saw her stiffen, knowing that she too felt the surge of energy pass between them as he briefly crossed paths with her.

He had just made it out of the ballroom when he heard her voice, faintly speaking over those of the group she was with.

"Could you hold on a sec, Kim? I have to… go check something."

Soul grinned a shark-like grin as he wandered down the corridor and into another room; an unused and secluded one. The Piano Room.

Closing the doors behind him, he walked over to the grand piano situated in the very center of the room and sat down.

If Maka Albarn was indeed "The One"… then she would find him.

With that in mind, he pressed his fingers to the keys and began to play.




And the rest, they say, is history.

Okay, so this was more of a drabble than an actual one-shot… I apologize for the shortness. I wrote it a couple of weeks ago, but I've been so busy lately what with exams coming up and final, last-minute projects and such…


Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed.

Please REVIEW and tell me what you think!

-Lady Azura-