I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You. Ariana-tan was nice enough to Beta this chapter for me.

Certain Candy and Junk Food He Does Not Eat

By Waterrain

America was happily eating his Skittles at the world meeting when England suddenly tapped him on the shoulder and caused him to choke on one.

'Can't spit it out,' America thought to himself as he swallowed it down. 'It was just one evil little Skittle. I'm not going to hate Skittles just because of one bad one.'

He gasped out heavily to get some air, his lips parted, and then noticed all of the other Nations were staring at him in confusion.

"A Skittle tried to kill me, and it's England's fault." America stated bluntly, puffing out his cheeks.

"How the bloody hell is it my fault?" England asked in annoyance, his arms crossed, but then he thought for a moment and sighed heavily, as it was sort of his fault in a way.

"I had to swallow it and I couldn't enjoy the taste of it," America said sulkily and he didn't notice France's perverted grin or England slapping himself on the head.

'It is my fault that he discovered Skittles,' England thought to himself, wishing that America had never known about Skittles.

"You had to swallow? Did it hurt, vee?" Italy asked innocently; he was smiling cheerfully, and his eyes were full of amusement. Germany smacked Italy in the back of the head, his cheeks flushed. Japan's cheeks were a faint shade of pink. China sighed softly to himself for America is still an innocent child, not knowing about what everyone else is thinking.

"Yep, but it didn't hurt. Sure was a surprise, though," America replied honestly, and he blinked his blue eyes for a moment. "Anyway, have any of you ever choked on a Skittle?"

England groaned and shook his head. France grinned at America; he started to make his way towards him, but was stopped by England. China smiled faintly and then he whispered into America's right ear what everyone was thinking. America's eyes widened, he gasped, and his cheeks turned red.

"I'm not ever eating another Skittle in front of you guys," America stated firmly and then added happily while smiling brightly (he was hiding his embarrassment about the other Nations' thoughts), "Let's go on with the World Meeting and forget about the Skittle that I swallowed."

Italy covered up his giggles with a cough and Germany sighed deeply while thinking to himself, 'Nothing is going to get done today again.' France grinned at America, Greece had fallen asleep, Japan was still faintly blushing, China shook his head, and England groaned.

"You should not have mentioned it again, America," Russia commented innocently, and America glared at him. "Will you eat Skittles here again? Your eating habits are rather amusing, da."

"Hell no," America said simply, frowning to himself. "Creeps and perverts are in this room. Let's get this meeting over with, okay?"

Please review and thank you.

Skittles were first made commercially in 1974 by a British company. They were first introduced in North America in 1979 as an import candy. In 1982, domestic production of Skittles began in the United States.