Hello everyone! Kitty29 here with a new chapter of Colours!

Sorry for the wait everyone, for some reason it seemed like after every page I wrote of this I was hit with writer's block, making this rather difficult to complete. It also didn't help that every time I wrote someone's reaction to something but brain kept whispering 'thisss isss bulllshhiitttt' argh. I really hope its fine, this chapter made me a little uncomfortable while I wrote it. Not sure why, but I had to force myself out of my comfort zone to type up this little didy. Y u so strange, chapter?

Anyways, this chapter had the potential to be the longest one yet (I got blisters on me fingers!) but I cut out a scene between Alfred and Matthew because it was just a bit too out of context. It was pretty long too like, 3 pages or a little over 1000 words but I'm going to post it separately in Hues and Shades so it's not a big loss. It'll be over there in lets' say about a week or two. I need to stop cutting out so many scenes…

Thanks MaryMew for the epic beta! Even when busy she found the time to do this for me! She's like, or no, she is the best beta ever. I'm seriously in love with you, in a strictly bromance kind of way of course but it's still there. Thanks for the beta.

Kay that's about it, hope you enjoy! ^^

Matthew lay staring at the ceiling. He had watched the sky as it slowly transformed from night to dawn to morning, though the shifting colours doing nothing to help with his insomnia.

It had been two days since his 'kidnapping' and he had yet to tell anyone about it. After Elizabeta had let him go he had continued like nothing had happened, he went and received Alfred's phone then went to meet him back at Kiku's house. It was there he learned he was going to spend the weekend over at Berwald's apartment. Alfred had shoved a bag of packed clothes and his school bag at him before saying he wasn't going with him, he had to stay and work on his 'master plan'. Yao wasn't there.

Normally he would have warily asked what his twin's plan was, as he was usually the one who would talk him out of his 'grand master plans' but this time he just couldn't find it in him. He didn't know why but ever since his interactions with her everything's been strange. It was as if his body was running on complete automatic, so much so that at times he felt like a floating presence just outside his body, simply there to observe. Even now, as he just lay there, it was as if he was thinking everything and nothing at the same time, he just couldn't bring himself to focus. What did he do to her?

Reaching into his shirt he pulled out the object she had bestowed to him and held it up in the air. It was a USB stick. If he wasn't completely out his mind he would be tempted to see what it contained but she said no one but Yao was allowed to open it. He had yet to see Yao.

He heard a door open and he immediately shoved the stick back into his shirt before closing his eyes, pretending to be asleep. His ears twitched when he heard the door shut, closely accompanied by a loud yawn. Tired footsteps made their way past the couch he was currently 'sleeping' on but paused. They backtracked until they were right beside him. "…I know you are not asleep, Mattie. Your have your glasses on."

Matthew opened his eyes to find himself face to face with Lars, Berwald's roommate from the Netherlands. He smiled his lazy lopsided grin and Matthew blushed. The man was almost stupidly handsome, with his high cheekbones and sharp green eyes that always demanded attention. It certainly didn't help that the handsome man had hit on him when they had first met, though honestly Matthew didn't notice until Berwald had told Lars to 'back off because he was only fifteen'. Though Lars was only nineteen and soon Matthew would be sixteen so really they were only three years apart. Matthew had to keep telling himself that he already had a boyfriend.

Lars continued. "Cool, so what do you want for breakfast?"

Matthew's blush deepened and he wished the other would leave him alone. His presence was bothering him. "N-no it's okay…I'll make something."

At that Lars' grin widened, making Matthew's blush deepen even more. "You mean I will have breakfast prepared to me by a cutie like you? What a good start of the day."

O-oh. He didn't mean he would make him breakfast but from the way Lars was looking at him he supposed he had no choice now.


Berwald appeared and placed a hand on his shoulder, indicating his flirting time was up. Lars, getting the hint, left without a word. Releasing a sigh Berwald focused on Matthew. "…Y'sleep well?"

Matthew nodded and Berwald grunted in response. Deciding that was enough of morning pleasantries, Berwald tiredly moved on. Shortly after Matthew decided to get up and follow after them, taking a moment to adjust his overly baggy shirt. Alfred had forgotten to pack his pyjamas so for the last few days he had been sleeping in one of Berwald's t-shirts (which was almost comically big on the Canadian) and his boxer shorts. Reaching into his bag of clothes he pulled out some pants and pulled them on. He didn't like people seeing him in his boxers, not even his family. It was a silly he knew but it was just how he worked he supposed. Not bothering to change his shirt he walked towards the kitchen.

Berwald shuffled over to the kitchen counters and leaned heavily on them, removing his glasses to rub his eyes. "I c'uldn't save 'im."

Matthew looked to him quizzical before he turned his questioning gaze to Lars. He shrugged in response before he picked up a washcloth and focused his attention on removing a random dark spot on the wall. "Just ignore him. He's always like that after one of his weird dream things."

Without thinking Matthew replied, "Being an oracle must be hard." His mind caught up with his words two seconds too late. Damn he was supposed to be keeping these abilities a secret, and here he is blabbing off abilities terms like it was normal.

Lars spoke back. "Yes. Glad I'm not one."

Matthew blinked. "So…you know?"

"That he can dream the future? Yes." He stopped scrubbing to inspect the spot, only to cuss in his native tongue before dipping down to open the cabinet under the sink.

"Do…do you have one too?"

Grabbing a bottle of cleaning product, he sprayed a rather generous amount on the spot. "No I do not have one of those freaky things."

"Ign're 'im." Berwald spoke up, apparently done acting like he had just witnessed someone kick a puppy. He grabbed a mug and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Get ready, Matt'ew. I'll drive y'to school."

Matthew glanced between the men before he nodded and walked out of the kitchen. The spot finally gone, Lars put his cleaning products away and tuned back into reality. He jerked his head in the direction of the retreated blond. "Kiddo on something?"

Berwald chose stirring sugar into his coffee over answering him. Lars rolled up his sleeves and rested his elbows on the countertop behind him. "Who was it?"

"Short. Blond." Berwald described as he rubbed his forehead in an attempt to ease away the dull ache in his skull. "A flow'r pot fell on his head. Skull c'llapsed into his brain. Died inst'ntly. C'uldn't save 'im in time."

"Same one, huh?" Lars pondered aloud. It wasn't the first time he had been told about the blond killed by the flower pot. Actually, Berwald had been telling him about it over the last week. He hoped that today would be the last; this story was starting to get boring.

Berwald tipped his stirring spoon against the mug before he carelessly threw it in the right sink. "Yes."

Lars picked up the spoon and threw it in the left sink before he reached for a sponge though Berwald slapped it away. He leaned back against the counter and tried not to pay attention to the lone dirty spoon in the otherwise perfectly clean sink. "So you're going to save the world one short blond at a time?"

Berwald grunted, acknowledging the comment before he replied in all seriousness, "I'll try." He took his mug and left the kitchen.

Lars idly watched him go before his focus shifted to the dirty spoon. Again he reached for it and the sponge.


He put his arms to his sides before he turned and forced himself to walk away.

/ / / \ \ \

He didn't feel right. This wasn't right.

He stood, perfectly still, looking at the school he saw nearly every day as the incoming flood of students walked past him. He should be following their example and head inside but at the moment the strangeness he felt about himself and his surroundings forbid them from moving. He came here five times a week and yet he had never really taken the time to actually look at his school.

It was a very plain school like building, nothing really outstanding or interesting about it in any way.

This was what he, as a teenager, did right? He was only fifteen. It wasn't like he had anything more remarkable to do or any tasks he desperately needed to complete. Classes would end soon and then exams would start. The whole school was abuzz with talks of summer plans and last minute high school dramas. That was what he should focus on now right?

The message he got a few days ago told him he would see Yao on Friday, just four days from now. He would give him the USB then but until that time he would act just like he always did.

Because that thing that happened with her

It did not change him.

It did not change anything.

He's fine. He's fine. He didn't do anything; he didn't do anything to her. What did she think he did to her? It doesn't matter because he didn't do anything. He's fine. He's fine. What did he do? He's fine.

"Yo Mattie!"

Before he could even turn his head to look at the one who called his name the person had taken hold of his wrist and led him away from the crowd of students. Matthew followed without complaint though didn't even realize it was Alfred leading him until they had stopped at a less populated spot further from the front entrance to their school. Alfred turned to him with a bright smile. The smile said he was happy to see him but the small cease between his brows meant he was also quizzical about something.

"Hey Mattie, what up? You okay?" He had tried to make it sound as conversational as possible but the concern was too obvious to hide. Matthew tilted his head. He wasn't acting that weird, was he?

He's fine. "I'm fine."

The slip of his smile and the deepening of the cease told him his twin wasn't as convinced as he was. "Ya' sure? 'Cause you blocking the way into the school isn't something you normally do."

Matthew's eyes widened. Not because he didn't even realize he was acting as an obstacle but because of a certain word that Alfred had used. 'Normal'. That's right. That's what he needed right now. "I'm fine, Al. I just…I just want a normal day today."

The cease deepened further and he stared at his counterpart like he had just told him the moon was made out of cheese. Though after a few seconds he laughed, the smile back and the cease gone. "That's what you were thinking about? Frinkin' airhead." He pushed Matthew's forehead with his palm, still laughing lightly.

Though it didn't hurt Matthew still reached up and rubbed at where he had pushed. "I-it's not that weird, is it?"

Alfred shook his head before he threw his arm around his brother and pulled him into a one armed hug. "Nah, let's do it! Let's have one more normal day before we have to start cramming for exams so we don't epically fail at everything!"

Despite himself and the fact that his whole being still felt off-kilter Matthew smiled. "Yeah!" One day. Just one normal day was what he needed. One day where he could pretend he never stumbled upon the world of abilities. Where he could pretend he hadn't been lied to by his father. Where he could pretend he hadn't been kidnapped just days prior.

Just one normal day with no incidents, mishaps or break downs. Today was going to be normal if it killed him.

Someone grabbed onto his chin, forced his head to turn and promptly pushed their lips against his. His eyes widened and in retaliation to the sudden intimate act his body went rigid. It took longer than it should have to remember but when the other had slipped a hand into his hair he recalled that he had a boyfriend named Gilbert, who was the one kissing him. Oh right. Once he recalled this he relaxed and kissed back, though from the get go had trouble keeping up with Gilbert's more experienced mouth. Usually Gilbert would slow it down when he realized that Matthew was struggling but this time it didn't seem like he cared at all. Before Matthew could even wonder why this was an arm looped around his own and pulled him back.

"What the fuck, man?" Alfred yelled at the unwelcome third presence.

Gilbert scowled and pushed Alfred away. "Fuck off I'm not in the mood." With that he went to kiss Matthew again but Matthew stopped him by putting two fingers on his lips.

Matthew didn't want to kiss him right now, partly because he was knew if he let him Alfred would jump in and try to start something and partly because he felt in the current mood Gilbert would eat his face off. "What's wrong?"

"His freakin' existence is what's wro—" A raised hand from Matthew stopped Alfred mid sentence. Matthew turned to him and gave him a look that clearly commutated 'I-got-this'. Alfred didn't look completely convinced but either way he shut his mouth and silently fumed on his own. Satisfied, Matthew turned his attention back to Gilbert as he waited for an answer.

Meanwhile, Gilbert was also silently fuming; his narrowed eyes making his red orbs glow with anger. He hadn't planned to tell Matthew what was up, he wasn't even sure why he came over to him in the first place, but under his boyfriend's violet gaze he crumbled. Turning away he pushed the hand away from his mouth and growled. Great, now he was also angry at himself for having such weak self resistant. Nevertheless Gilbert began his rant.

"Fucking West! I go to check in on him and he looks like he was going to die! Not that the fucker even cares, I know he's into some weird SMB shit but I didn't think he was a fucking masochist! I give him some of my awesome time and you know what he does to me? He laughs. In. My. FACE! But oh it's not like that fucking matters; all he gives two shits about is Feliciano. I was right about his power of homo lovesickness, every two fucking seconds, 'it was for Feliciano' 'it's okay because Feliciano's okay' 'just tell me how Feliciano's doing', like hell I will! If he keeps doing this shit I'll grab a gun and shoot the bastard again myself. See how he likes that shit! Fucking mother—FUCK!" Wanting to do something to showcase his frustration but not knowing what Gilbert angrily scratched at his head as a low growl rumbled out his throat. He looked back at the twins expecting that, at least from Matthew, they be as angry as him or sympathetic of his exports. He got neither from neither of them. Instead, both looked rather awed. Alfred had a large near disbelieving smile on his face and Matthew was trying to cover his own smile with his hands though the twinkle in his eye betrayed him.

"Dude! Your bro sounds freakin' heroic!" Alfred commented with a hearty laugh. He mentally noted that he needed to up his hero game. He wasn't going to let Ludwig sort of but not really taking a bullet for his friend make him a bigger hero than him. "Don't know why the hell you're getting so upset. You should be proud of the guy! What he did was awesome!"

"Only I can decide what is or isn't awesome." Gilbert snapped, only making Alfred laugh.

"That right was revoked the second you started calling yourself awesome."

"No one asked you fucking—!" Gilbert was halted mid insult by a sound that was rather inappropriate for the situation.

A light, happy giggle.

Both Gilbert and Alfred turned to look at Matthew who made a small embarrassed noise at the attention. He didn't mean to deter them, the noise just slipped out! "S-sorry. I didn't mean to I just…" He stopped himself when he realized if he continued talking he would just dig himself a deeper hole. Damn it, he's never felt more like a teenage girl than he did right now. When Gilbert told him Ludwig's story his immediate thought was how romantic it all was. Ludwig had convinced Feliciano to give him back the wound that could have killed him just so Feliciano didn't have to suffer anymore. Even if the two weren't lovers, it was still very romantic on a friendship level. Then as he was thinking about this he realized why Gilbert was so upset. It was because he was so concerned about his younger brother's safety and, God, seeing Gilbert so concerned was just…cute.

"…'cute?'" Alfred repeated incredulously. Matthew's face went red when he realized he had said that last bit aloud.

"I am not concerned about that masochist!" Gilbert defended, completely skipping over the cute comment. "That guy can jump out his window for all I care! If I ever act like that please kick me in the balls!"

"Hell, I could do that now if you want." Alfred replied with a bright hundred watt smile.

"Stay the fuck out of this fa—" Matthew laughed again, stopping Gilbert once more. He turned to him, annoyed. "Will you stop that—" Again Matthew interrupted him but with a different method this time around. Matthew had walked up to him, leaned forward and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek. "Please don't worry about Ludwig. I'm sure he's fine."

Gilbert just stared at him, suddenly rather dazed. Tentatively he reached up and touched the cheek that Matthew kissed, his surprise from the act slowly but surely overpowering his anger. Did that really just happen? Did Matthew seriously just kiss him on the cheek? Wow, the last time someone had done that they were aiming for his mouth but were so drunk they missed. Though this kiss was certainly different from that one, this kiss was…nice. Nice…when was the last time he had been in a 'nice' relationship? He honestly couldn't recall a time.

Matthew couldn't help his smile from growing as he observed Gilbert's dumbfounded expression. In his mind, Gilbert's speechlessness only ascended his cute status into adorable. Letting his French instincts take him over just this once, Matthew took hold of the hand not touching his cheek and removed the glove covering it. Before Gilbert could gather his bearings enough to ask what he was doing Matthew raised the hand to his mouth and brushed his lips against the knuckles, all the while keeping an intent eye on Gilbert's expression. Today would certainly be a day to go down in history for today was the day that he, Matthew Kirkland-Bonnefoy had managed to make the infamous Gilbert Beilschmidt blush, and oh what a sight he was. The pink hue only served to make his pale skin seem even more handsomely pale in comparison which, indirectly, made the deep red of his eyes even more strikingly beautiful. Oh, how he wished he had a camera right now.

"Does anyone even care that I'm here right now?" Alfred rolled his eyes and threw his arms in the air when the two didn't even so much as glance in his direction. "Fine, whatever. Don't pay attention to me." With that he turned and headed towards the school. His exit was rather well timed for not ten seconds after he had left the bell rang out. The sound startled the two out of any trance they had slowly dragged themselves into and almost like a switch had been pulled Gilbert's blush disappeared.

Inwardly Matthew cursed before he realized just what he had done to achieve said blush. What in the—why would he do that? What was he thinking? Convinced he had made a fool out of himself, Matthew desperately tried to get the glove back on Gilbert's hand as he stammered out apologizes. "I-I'm so sorry! I d-don't know why-why I would do that—I can't even, I-I—!"

Seeing as Matthew trembling fingers weren't going to complete their task any time soon, Gilbert took the glove and easily slipped it back on. "You don't have to apologize for everything, Mattie. You're totally ruining the mood."

"S-sorry…" Matthew replied automatically, making Gilbert laugh.

"You're lucky you're cute. I'll see you later, 'kay?" There was a beat of indecision before Gilbert peeked Matthew's cheek and promptly walked away. Behind him, Matthew couldn't help his smile.

/ / / \ \ \

School finished without too much trouble, to the delight of Matthew and his plan to have a successful normal day. About twenty minutes after it had ended he found himself sitting around in the small grassy area at the back of the school with Gilbert, Alfred and his friend Martin (Yong Soo was there but rushed off after realizing that Kiku was starting to walk home without him). They weren't doing much of anything, just talking rather animatedly to each other about school, exams, relationship status', everything that did and didn't matter. Matthew was quite enjoying himself (though he was blissfully unaware of the often murderous looks between his boyfriend and his twin) until he saw something, or rather, didn't see something strange.

Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Feliciano. He knew that he had been discharged recently, even though the doctors were baffled by his sudden recovery, but he didn't know he would be back in school so quickly. Looking at the brunette he noted that he was acting rather different than normal. First of all, he was entirely by himself. Usually he would be walking about with a small group of people, as many were naturally attracted to the Italian and his rather sunny disposition but this time he was alone. Another thing was his walk, though a strange thing to notice about another Feliciano had a rather interesting walk. It was like he had small springs hot-glued to the bottoms of his feet, each step had a lightness to it, a bounce or a mini skip. Watch him long enough and it didn't even seem as if he were walking anymore, rather, he glided from location to location, infecting his happiness to whoever happened to be along his path. Watching him now, though, there was no lightness in his step. He simply…walked, for the lack of a better word, like an ordinary muggle. No skip or bounce just one foot in front of the other. Left right, left right, left right…

There…there was something else, something more important but Matthew couldn't put his finger on it.

"YO FELI!" Gilbert suddenly yelled. It seemed he wasn't the only one to notice him. Gilbert waved his arms high in the air to get his attention. "FELI! OVER HERE!"

Feliciano froze at his name and looked over at Gilbert. He blinked at him but didn't move.

"Feli!" Martin cheered, pointing at the Italian with faint uncertainly. "…Vargas! You sit next to me in science. You let me steal your notes sometimes. What's up?"

A small smile found its way to Feliciano's face though it was rather timid. "The sky's up!" He shouted before he had his way over. His hands were violently wringing the strap of his off shoulder bag but the rest of him was relaxed, considered.

Gilbert released a bark of a laugh before he patted on the grass beside him. "Come sit down! You'll feel better in my awesome presence!" Alfred rolled his eyes and blew a raspberry, making Martin laugh and Gilbert glare at him.

Feliciano continued to stand, the smile on his face fading slightly as he laughed. He was trying to hide it but he was nervous. "I want to but I can't! Lovino's wa—"

"C'mon! Just sit with us!" Gilbert interrupted with a large bright grin. "I got a present for you!"

"A…present?" Feliciano repeated. He looked confused. Despite this Gilbert nodded happily.

"Yeah, so sit so I can give it to ya'!" He patted the spot again encouragingly and, curious, Feliciano sat. Still grinning Gilbert turned his attention away from Feliciano to grab his bag. "Awesome! Right, just give me a sec…"

Feliciano nodded before he waved to everyone in greeting. It wasn't until Matthew had returned the wave did he realize what had been bothering him ever since he had laid eyes on Feliciano. His colours were gone. That wasn't to say that Matthew couldn't see them if he concentrated but usually, especially with Feliciano, he didn't have to. Usually all it took was a simple side ways glace and his colour would leap out at him wither he wanted it or not but today…nothing. He was as ordinary as everyone else. Huh.

Having found whatever he was looking for Gilbert pulled his hands out of the bag, withdrawing from it a small thin rectangular box. Before he handed it over he looked at it and flicked his hand across the top several times, riding it of any imperfections it might had gathered while out of his sight. Only when he was satisfied it was pristine did he give it to Feliciano. Feliciano gingerly took the gift and blinked down at it as Gilbert rambled on, "Saw these in my closet and I thought you should have them since, you know." He shrugged and gestured to something vaguely with his hands. Not even Feliciano looked like he understood what he was talking about. Though, curiosity over coming him, he removed the top of the box, revealing a pair of barely used lush green leather gloves. Upon seeing the gift a sharp inhale interrupted his breath and his body froze in place as if suddenly painted into his surroundings.

"Yeah, thought we could match, become like some kind of duo. It'll be awesome!" Gilbert proclaimed excitedly, grin brimming with pride at the Italian's sudden speechlessness. His eyes were completely trained on Feliciano, not wanting to miss a second of his grateful reaction when he got through his initial bout of overwhelming emotion. He didn't notice Alfred's eyes widen when he saw what was in the box nor did he see the American's eyes flicker to each individual, his mouth hung open in a way that suggested he desperately had something to say but couldn't fathom the words to express it. Matthew and Martin saw the act and they exchanged glances to see if the other knew what was running through his head. For once, both were stumped.

A small pitiful whimper brought everyone's attention back towards Feliciano and, as if a dam had been smashed open, tears began streaming down his face. His hands tightly closed around the box, crushing it and the gloves inside as he cuddled it to his chest. "I-is this what it's like? Is this w-what it-it's always like for you and L-L-Lovino and Michelle and-and everyone who-who have to touch people? Is this h-how it's going to be like forever? E-every time I touch someone it-it hurts! It always h-hurts!" He moved a hand in front of his face to view it and now that it was brought to light the others noticed the far too many cuts and faded bruises littered along his fingers, palm and wrist. He could barely see the injuries through his tears but the reminder they were there made his sobs louder. "I don't want this to be fo-forever! I-I'm sorry for what I did! I'm sorry! I don't want to hurt anymore!" He abruptly stood and ran off, somehow managing to avoid the numerous people through his tear filled vision.

The four abandoned teens stared after him, nothing but shock written across their faces in three different coloured markers. They turned to each other as if to assess their visages and see who among them was the most dumbstruck. Several long minutes pasted as each patron picked up their bearings and slowly overcame their astonishment. Ultimately, it was Alfred who broke the heavy uncomfortable silence.

"Dude." He shook his head and fixed the Prussian with the most unimpressed stare he could manage. "I've lost any respect I've had for you."

"You had respect for him in the first place?" Martin supplied in a dry monotone.

"Thanks for backing me up, bro."


Without looking at each other they threw their hands out and high-fived.

Gilbert glared at him, vexed at first. "I didn't do anything! He just—" A memory, ill-timed, ill-received, ill-everything, jumped to life; a memory from that very morning when he had talked with his deranged younger sibling. His words, pained and slow yet somehow light with laughter, flew across his mind like a kite trapped in a storm.

'He's useless without me, that Feliciano. While I'm here you have to watch him, make sure he doesn't do anything…Feliciano would do. Don't give me that look. I would do the same for Matthew, if you asked.


Unwarranted, Gilbert's eyes flickered over to his boyfriend and for a fleeting moment he imagined himself and Matthew being in the exact same position as Ludwig and Feliciano and he understood. For just a fleeting moment his mind went over everything his brother had done for the Italian and it told him he would have done the same for Matthew.

Of course when that moment was over those thoughts were promptly beat up, spat upon, and thrown away, being far too unawesomely sappy to be in his mind at all. Growling, Gilbert stood and ran in the direction Feliciano had gone.

The three watched him go until he had also disappeared before they turned to blink at each other. "…Does anyone know what all that was about?" Martin finally asked. Being the only one there unaware of abilities existence he was probably the most confused out of everyone. The twins exchanged side ways glances, mapping out their next course of action in the two seconds their eyes met. They began gathering their belongings.

"Maybe we should maul it over at home."

"I dunno but what Feli needs is a total hero right now!"

Okay, so maybe they weren't always on the same page.

Before Alfred had the chance to dash off like the hero he thought he was Matthew held him by the arm. "Alfred, no. Gilbert can handle it let's go home."

Dropping the bag back to the ground Alfred looked to his brother incredulously. "He gave Feliciano gloves, Mattie. Gloves! C'mon! That's basically telling him he's going to end up like a freak like him for the rest of his life! Do you really want his worst nightmare to be the one to comfort him?"

"Nightmare? But that's so…" Matthew sighed, not sure how to describe it. Feliciano did look pretty broken up and Gilbert wasn't exactly what one would call sensitive. Should he just let him go…?

Alfred shifted his position to get more comfortable, but mistaking it as him trying to make a mad dash Matthew's grip on him automatically tightened. Alfred didn't need to leave him right now, Feliciano was fine with Gilbert. He was fine.

Alfred cried out and clawed at the hand that was squeezing him a little too tight. "Ow! Mattie! Alright I'm sorry, let me go!"

Realizing he was hurting him Matthew quickly obeyed. "S-sorry!" He apologized as Alfred rubbed his sore arm.

"J-jeez bro…" Pouting, he received his phone. "Can I at least text him? Jeez…" Though he had asked permission he didn't wait for Matthew to answer before he began composing his message, muttering about hate crimes committed against his heroic nature all the while.

Martin laughed jovially. "Thanks for the show, Matt. If I'm lucky this happy memory will ease the physical pain of studying." He visibly shivered at the mere thought of the long hours of studying before him. "Yeah. I should go and start doing that or something…" Martin made sure he got an acknowledging wave from both blonds before he stood and left.

After sending the text and pocketing the device Alfred grabbed his school bag and stood. He took a moment to stretch out his limbs, having been seated far too long, before mentioning for his brother to follow his example. "Well whatcha waiting for? C'mon!"

Confused but obedient Matthew stood and patted the dirt and grass from his pants. "Where are we going?"

"Where you said we should go, home." Alfred rolled his eyes before he starting walking in the right direction. "Its like aliens stole half your brain Mattie, gawd!"

Matthew pouted at the insult as he matched his pace. "There are no such things as aliens."

"Course there are! Where do you think 3-D movies come from? Alien technology! The government tries but they can never keep it hidden forever!"

Matthew couldn't help but roll his eyes. "The guy that invented 3-D was—"

"A secret agent! Or, wait, he would probably be dead right now if that was right. Mm, 'kay, maybe he doesn't even exist! He's a hologram! A hologram they made to give us 3-D! Cause even they couldn't keep something so awesome to themselves!"

"Wouldn't 3-D have to be invented before holograms?"

"No! Or, wait…maybe but that doesn't matter cause they already had the technology from the aliens, aren't you listening?"


"Oh, c'mon! You're lucky I—hey! Mattie wait up!" Alfred moved into a light jog to try and keep up his brother. Seeing as his fast walk wasn't enough to keep the distance between them anymore Matthew also broke into a jog.

"I'm fine over here without your theories, okay?"

"Dammit Matt stop being so cheeky!"

Matthew laughed and quickened his pace. Alfred was the faster runner of the two so it was only a matter of time before he caught up but until then he would see just how far he could—

Like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over his head Matthew realized where he was running to and froze in his tracks. Amidst all the useless banter—banter he blankly noted was fairly normal for the two—he had somehow slipped back into his usual routine. How he did not notice before was beyond him but now, now everything was clear. He was going home.

Running directly back to


Just the thought of his step father made his heart quicken, his lungs harder to fill and unexplainable goose bumps to run up his spine. He wasn't sure what he was thinking. Where did he think he was going to go after classes were over? Back to Uncle Ox's? Berwald had said nothing about picking him up and he had no idea how to get there via public transport. He had just assumed and now his oversight made home the only option.

His clothes suddenly had weight and he was trapped; rooted to his spot by the harsh rays from above.

N-no. No!

Today was suppose to be normal, he had sworn his life on it! How could this had happened? Was it really all his fault?

What did he do to make her like that?

Why couldn't you make sense?


Alfred caught up to him quick and enclosed him in a bear hug from behind. Matthew, now mentally and physically contained, panicked though oblivious to Matthew's inner turmoil, Alfred assumed he was still joking around.

"Aha! No one can outrun the hero that is Alfred F. Me!" He had proclaimed this as hero-quese as he could but the only response he got was Matthew's horror manifested into three words: "Let me go!"

"Nope! I caught you so now you're my slave forever!" He hoisted Matthew off the group and hobbled a few clumsy steps towards their home. "You can start making me burgers when we get back."

Matthew's shrieks and pleads for freedom intensified with each step though it wasn't until he flung his head back and nearly hurt him did Alfred respond to his behaviour. "Hey—! I caught you square and fair! Quit being such a sore loser!"

"I don't wanna go home!"

Alfred let him go and, surprised, Matthew fell to the sidewalk in an undignified mess. "Oh shi—! Mattie!" Alfred quickly helped hoist the other back on his feet, astonished that he had even fallen in the first place. His relaxes weren't usually so lax. "You okay?"

Matthew simply nodded, ignoring the faint stinging on his hands and backside. In a quieter, more embarrassed tone, he repeated himself. "I don't want to go home."

Alfred tilted his head, puzzled at his words. He attempted to make eye contact but Matthew's meek nature had reared its head once more, forcing his stare on his shoes. "…Let's go get some pizza! They have a special today—"

"No, I…" Matthew stopped him, unsure. He felt the need to explain himself for reasons unknown. "It's…its Arthur…"

That one name was all he needed to get his older twin to understand. Alfred shifted his feet around uselessly, knowing the atmosphere between them was no longer playful despite his oblivious nature. "Listen Matt I…" He trailed off and licked his lips, gathering his thoughts. He wasn't the type that planed out his words or actions but with his little brother, especially as of late, he tried to be careful. "You…don't have to face dad if you don't want to. Well, you'll probably have to see him but you don't have to talk to him when we get home. You don't…you don't even have to do anything! You can hole yourself in your room and I'll tell dad not to do anything until you want to so, so…" He began to feel as if he was bargaining so he changed his approach. "You don't have to worry about anything. I'll protect you even if that means beating up dad! Plus, we have to study and stuff, right? Dad won't bother us if we're studying so it's all good, right?"

Matthew opened his mouth to reply. "…" He closed his eyes and exhaled, though it did nothing to calm his thoughts. When Yao had told them about the black he made it sound as if it was only transferable via touch. He had gained Arthur's black just by looking at him. Facing Arthur after he had learned of his secret was the least of his worries; it was looking at him he was afraid of. What was he suppose to do about that? Would Yao know? Would she know? Would anyone know?

Alfred took hold of Matthew's wrist, gaining his attention. He smiled, trying to assure him that he knew what he was doing, that he was a hero and because he was a hero everything was going to be alright. He took a few slow steps forward, ceasing when he noticed Matthew was not following suit. He tugged on Matthew's arm, in no way trying to force him to do anything he didn't want; just a small, helpful pull in the right direction. A form of physical advice meant to aid with his indecision.

To Matthew however, that small tug might as well have been someone hijacking his body all over again.

"NO!" He wrenched his arm free and took off running down the nearest street that led away from their destination.

"MATTIE!" Alfred cried though it did nothing to stop him. He turned his head skyward and groaned, cussing everything and nothing as he gave chase. "Dammit why does everyone run away from the hero?"

I'm afraid that from this point on updates will be very sporadic. I'll be rather busy in the next few months with work and getting ready for collage and whatnot so I won't have much time to write. Or maybe I will, it's usually when I'm supposed to be busy that I tune out everything and write pst.

I feel like I'm writing Alfred and Gilbert too similar. Ha, I should just write a scene where Matthew comments on this and than he and Alfred stare meaningfully into each others eyes and—oh God no. No, no no no no no no! Oh no, I have to go take a shower now. GAH THE IMAGES!

Thank you TinaBanina96, moonlightgaia123, Don'tMessWithAFangirl, Chelseaj500, fan girl 666, TreesAndCheese, xIkuna, Odisdera-kun, fluffymagentajellyfish, Ashe-Kuro, Neeky-chan, Ayla The Librarian, Rainstorm-Mosspath, Leafy Savanna Chan, ElectricMomo, Kaitou-Eileen, xGreySkiesx, lalalalala, fallendeHimmel, Zaabeth and jennamonster for the reviews!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and please leave a bit of feedback telling me what you think! ^^