AN: It's really been a while since I've written anything. I should get back into the groove of things, but I don't really have the motivation to continue my other two stories. [siiiiigh. DX ]
This is dedicated to my friend [who wants to remain anonymous.] I hope you enjoy, dear~.
Axis Powers: Hetalia does not belong to me.
"Bye, Yong Soo~!"
"Good night, South Korea. You've been a very pleasant host tonight."
"Next time, I'm OWNING your Asian ass in that game."
"You need to show me more of your songs and dramas next time! Have a good night!"
"Way to throw a party, dude! Good night!"
Yes, yes.
Be careful on your way home.
I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.
Good night, good night, good night.
Yong Soo waited patiently for every one of his guests to file out of his home. Knowing the various mannerisms of the nations, the Korean bowed his head to some, shook hands with others, pat the backs of many, and politely smiled to the rest.
He had taken the time to understand every face and every personality, especially of those whom he considered close in his heart.
His Asian 'family' was the last to file out, and just like every year, his goodbyes with China and Japan were awkward.
This was the day Yong Soo was reminded of his freedom from Japan. Kiku was, surprisingly, always more silent than his usual taciturn self during the young nation's parties.
This was the day Yong Soo was reminded of his 'disfavor' with China, the only real connection he had to a 'calmer' North Korea…who of course did not bother to even pick up his phone this morning.
The eldest Asian nodded his head to indicate his farewell, though it was difficult to muster up anything close to a smile. He had always found it hard to speak on such a day, let alone straighten it out to himself.
"…Another year, ah, Yong Soo?"
All South Korea could do was return the nod and smile like his usual self. "Yes, hyung-niim. (1)"
"Aiyah (2). I must be growing very old, aren't I—"
"Now, now, Yao-san." Japan placed a hand upon the Chinese's shoulder. He took this as his cue to politely interrupt the conversation before Yong Soo could conjure up a joke. "Let's not get into that again. All of us are very tired…I'm sure."
Surprisingly, that's the most you've said all day, Yong Soo mentally contemplated for himself.
Kiku sighed at the sight of Yong Soo's messy living room behind him, still unreadable after such an obvious gesture of tiresome intent.
"Perhaps I should help you cle—"
The youngest of the three waved off the ridiculous offer. "WHAT? You're nuts, hyung! Don't even think about it~." Korea grinned, chuckling. "Now shoo, shoo. Rest up at home. I got this covered." He waved off his brothers as if he meant to swat a fly.
This statement earned an eyebrow quirk from the Japanese. If Japan ever offered anything, usually Yong Soo would be more than glad to accept. He tried once more.
"Are you su—"
"T'CH," the Korean male frowned childishly as he puffed air into his cheeks. "You helping out would slow me down, you know." Yong Soo pouted, folding his arms in front of him.
It had taken a moment, but Kiku finally nodded his head in amused understanding. "…But of course, otouto (3)," he smiled, bowing in custom as his farewell. It was apparent that Yong Soo wanted to spend the rest of his night alone, much to both his disappointment and relief.
We both need to think tonight. Perhaps not being together is best for the both of us, Honda agreed silently.(*)
Long, strong arms wrapped around the Chinese and Japanese, bringing them into one of South Korea's warm hugs.
"…Thank you both for coming." Yong Soo mumbled above the others' heads.
Yao yawned something like "Of course", and the two Asian nations had finally left, making their way down the paved stone path of his front yard.
The host stepped back into the stuffy, crazy home of his. Gently kicking his door shut, Yong Soo stared at the vast mess created by his friends.
Countless plastic cups lay scattered at every tabletop, bookshelf, his fireplace, and wherever else. Thank goodness there wasn't much food to clean up, but that piece of cake splat on the wall would take a little while to wipe off.
South Korea sighed heavily, slowly sliding down against a wall. He rested easily on the wooden, polished floors.
Time to get cleaning…
AN: The second (and final) chapter will be up shortly. America will make his appearance then.
1. Hyung-niim: The term of "older brother" a younger brother must use in Korea.
2. Aiyah (Aiyoh): It's a term equivalent to "Ah, jeez" in Chinese.
3. Otouto: The term for "younger brother" in Japanese.
* : August 15th is also the anniversary of Japan's surrender. I would definitely take some time to think, wouldn't you?
-As a final note: The reviews you all have left me... I really cannot thank you all enough. You're all so kind!
Please review!