"Ludwig, Ludwig! Give me a "good-morning" kiss!"

"Ciao~ Kiss me, kiss me!"

"Look, look, Ludwig! I cleaned up, just like you asked! Aren't you proud? Give me a "good job" kiss!"

"Veee! T-the kitty s-scratched me, Ludwiiiig! K-Kiss it better, per favore?"

"Buona notte, Ludwig! Can I have a "good-night" kiss~?"

The German couldn't help but let out a sigh, his arms lazily around Feliciano's waist as the two lay in bed after a long day. He closed his eyes, breathing in the Italian's sweet scent as he mused to himself. "There really isn't anything that you won't ask a kiss for, is there…"

"Hm? What do you mean, Ludwig~?" The man wiggled in his arms, breath tickling against the blond's neck.

Ludwig just shook his head; it wouldn't do much good to try to reason with his slightly-airheaded lover. "Nothing, never mind. A "good-night" kiss, then?" His lips brushed against the other's forehead, bringing forth a river of bubbly giggles from the Italian.

"Per favore, per favore! And that one doesn't count!" Feliciano leaned back slightly to give the German a huge smile, eyes bright with expectation. "I love Ludwig's kisses!"

And he couldn't help but smile slightly himself; Feliciano was so easily pleased. "Right…" Ludwig leaned in to press his lips against the grinning Italian's without further debate.

After all, he loved Feliciano's kisses too.