![]() Author has written 28 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Fairy Tail, Mediator, Magi/マギ, Rise of the Guardians, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir, and Frozen. I'm the crazy from somewhere in the universe. No, I don't live in the woods even thought I live in Brazil... Oh Well, most of my fanficttions are on Portuguese because it's my first language, I don't know when I'll translate them. Espero que goste das minhas histórias! Aceito críticas construtivas, ameaças de morte, raiva,fúria, e tudo o que está incluso no pacote! Abraços! Organization: Nyah!Fanfiction: Only in Portuguese-BR (there may be a few more because of the brazilian books that don't get a classification on here for me to post). Fanfiction. net: Both in Portuguese-BR and English (no idea when I'll get to translate all of them) Archive of Our Own (Ao3): Only in English. Organização: Nyah! Fanfiction: Lá você só vai encontrar Fanfictions em PT-BR Fanfiction. Net: Você vai encontrar as fanfics em inglês e português. Archive of our own (Ao3): Lá só terão fanfictions em inglês. Tumblr: ArtGirlLullaby DeviantArt: Samio-Ana (Shared with ACLyoko / Compartilhado com ACLyoko) YouTube: ArtGirl FF. net: (You are here)/(Você está aqui) Você pode falar comigo em qualquer meio que estiver mais confortável :) You may speak to me on any way you're comfortable with :) |