notes: i've been put into my feels again within one direction and my new obsession: 5 seconds of summer.
here is a chap dedicated to famous boys and being a couple with a certain famous someone.

Coming to the airport, Lucy was annoyed with all the screaming and fussing since apparently, some famous band was in the same airport she was. She honestly did care since she wasn't really into bands and the screaming and squealing from the teenage girls made her head pound. She just wanted to get on this flight back home but the crowds was making it really impossible for her.

Cursing and shoving through another crowd, she finally made it out of the group to suddenly have some large male stop her.

"You can't enter."

"Why not? I have a plane to catch."

"Fairy Tail is checking in right now."

"So does this give them some special treatment? I have a plane to catch too, dickwad!" Lucy hissed, jabbing her finger into the male's chest as he stared in surprise. Everyone else watched in surprise and interest as Lucy told the male off. "Just because they're famous doesn't mean that I miss my fucking plane."

"Look, we just can't let you pass until they—"

"Why does it matter?! What am I going to do to them?! They're male boys! Probably a foot taller than me, buff, and they're probably old enough to take care of themselves!"

"It's too risky!"

"Look here you fucking prick of a guard. I just want to get on my plane without anymore annoyances, alright? Can I just please—"


"FUCKER." Lucy screamed as suddenly a hand clamped down on the guard's shoulder. It caught both of their attention and they noticed it was a pink-haired male about the height six smirking. "S'right, Paul. She can go through—it's just one girl and she seems like she's kind of not in the mood." He threw the blonde a look who only huffed. "Thank you guy with pink hair."

"No problem," he nodded in her direction as the guard shot Lucy a look before going back to shoving girls back as Natsu and Lucy went to the back pick-up and check-up area.

Sighing, Lucy glanced over at the so-called famous singer. He did look familiar and he was one attractive male.

"Uh, thanks, erm, yeah. I'm Lucy, what's your name?"

"I'm Natsu. Glad to see someone not screaming at me for a picture and autograph." He grinned widely as he stuck his hand out and gave her a bright smile. Lucy could only smile back and grab his hand to shake it—knowing that this was just the start of something.

Walking through the crowd of girls asking for autographs and pics, Natsu squinted as the flashed of the cameras blinded him.

He hated coming out—he hated the mobs, the stupid paps, and the crowds. Though, he loved his fans to death, he just hated all the attention he received since he was so famous. He just wished one day, he could go out and return to the point where nobody paid attention to him.

The only person to blame was his girlfriend, Lucy, for forcing him to go out and buy some ice-cream and tampons.

Like seriously, he didn't even have a choice. The woman was basically a monster during her period and Natsu did not want to deal with that. He was thrown out and now, he regretted it.

He rather deal with angry Lucy than stupid mobs.

Ignoring the screams of his name, questions, and requests, he made it through until a certain voice caught his attention.

"Your girlfriend, Lucy, is fucking ugly and such a slut!"

Whirling around in his spot, he felt the anger build up as he looked straight at the fan who looked utterly speechless and scared.

"Well, you're the girl with half a top on and fifty pounds of make-up on—I don't think you're in the spot to tell my girlfriend's ugly and a slut." He fired right back at her making her face turn into pure regret and disbelief.

Quickly turning around and rushing towards his car, he quickly let to go give Lucy a hand-full.

"Hi everyone! How are you doing?" Natsu spoke into the webcam as he started a twit-cam with his fans. So far, he had almost one hundred thousand viewers as he was about to introduce his girlfriend to the world. Not being able to contain his excitement, he had a huge grin on his face. "Alright, I'm going to cut to the chase. The important news I have is that uh, I have a girlfriend!"

He watched a multiple fans started to cry and get overly excited over the fact he had a girlfriend. Some were hate but he ignored them.

"Alright, so, her name is Lucy." He paused before he turned towards the door behind him. "Hey, yo, Lucy! Get out here—I already introduced you!"

He didn't get a reply so he smiled sheepishly at the camera. "Sorry guys, she must be really nervous meeting you all. Lucy!"

Another silence filled the air and he stood up, groaning. "I'm going to go get her!"

Disappearing for a good minute or two, the fans all watched how Natsu kicked open the door and came back out with a screaming blonde in his arms. She threw her limps everywhere to try and get him to drop her but he successfully brought her over to where the couch was to present the blonde to his fans.

"Natsu! Let me go! Damn it—I was just about to shower!"

"You can shower later," he said as he flashed a wide grin to the screen. "Ta-da! Isn't Lucy pretty?! This is my girlfriend, guys! Say hi!"

Whirling her head towards the camera, the screen started to blow up with compliments and shocked words coming from the fans. It made her blush and Natsu laugh as he watched her reaction.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into a hug. "See? I told you they'll like you."

Walking down the streets with his best pal, Gray, the two tired not to catch much attention. They were thankful for the darkness since it covered most of them but some still found out who they were and started to cause a scene.

While speed-walking down the dark streets, the males froze in their spot when they started to hear the hate about Lucy.

"Lucy is nothing but a slut! She's just using you!" Somebody screamed making Gray gawk and Natsu entire body tremble in anger.

"What the fuck? Did you just hear that, Natsu?"

"Yep," he said, quickly walking away so he didn't cause something he would regret later. "Fucking ridiculous." He muttered before he was far from where the scream came from to shout back. "Your hate is fucking pathetic! Get over yourself! Stop being so jealous of Lucy because she's much better than you!"

"Ahh! I'm so excited to meet Sabertooth! I love them so much! Especially Sting!"

"Hey!" Natsu cried out, shooting his girlfriend a look as Lucy smiled sheepishly. "Sorry Natsu but you know, I always liked Sabertooth." She said making him scoff as he scribbled something down on something before slapping it on her chest. She looked down to see her name written on it with his sloppy boyish handwriting. "Just so you don't have to introduce yourself like, fifty times."

"Thanks!" Lucy smiled before planting a kiss on her boyfriend's cheek.

Soon, he left to go rehearse leaving Lucy by herself for a moment. Just then, somebody sat down right next to her making her shift her attention.

Her eyes widen when she realized it was Sting smirking in her direction making her heart stop beating for a moment.

"What's that on your shirt?" He asked, pointing at her nametag as Lucy looked down to see what. She laughed sheepishly when she realized it was her name tag Natsu put on her before he left. "Erm, Natsu is making me wear it."

"Oh, so you're Natsu's girlfriend. He didn't tell me his girlfriend was this pretty." He commented as she felt her cheeks flame up. She looked to the other side to look away but she jumped in surprise when she realized Natsu was sitting next to her. "N—Natsu!"

He only smiled and laughed mockingly before smacking another sticker on top of the nametag he put on her earlier. Looking down, in huge red sharpie, it had NATSU'Swritten on it making her snort and roll her eyes.

notes: i really wanna marry calum hood, guys. i really wanna meet 5sos or one direction and marry either one of them and have kids and WHY CAN'T I? URGH. you should thank them for giving me inspiration to writing another chap to this.

lmao, ilysm. i'm so tired