I Need a Minute

She really should have seen it coming. Really, should have anticipated the attack, really should have looked out for herself.

Maybe if she hadn't been so dumb, maybe if she hadn't been so careless, she wouldn't be screaming her heart out, wouldn't be seeing his beautiful, beautiful body reduced to a mess of freshly drawn blood, torn flesh and sadness.


But she wondered, at the back of her frenzied mind, if it really was avoidable—his death, that is (because who exactly can survive a blow to the head?), if—had the circumstances been completely different—he would have lived to fight along side her and the others, if they might grow old—preferably together.

She remembered most her screams, her painful, heart wrenching shouts of a mixture of both pain, and misery, a mind-numbing combination of shit loads upon shit loads of hurt.

Paroxysms of grief flooded her very being, filling the nooks and crannies of her core.

She was in so so much pain.

I need a minute.

Notes: HAHAH HELLO. If you didn't catch it bc this fic sucked ass, this thang was based loosely on Gray's death in the GMG arc hahaha. Bc I suck like a lot, I would appreciate reviews for improvement

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