Hello there guys!
Fast update for you!
This is, sadly and happily too, the last chapter of Troublemaker!
I hope you guys enjoy it and I hope this is a good end for the story!
More at the A/N at the end :)
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot
"Big sis, big sis!" screamed the children that ran at the direction of the older girl.
Ah, there they come again. No, my mother didn't have a child with Leon. By the way, it's Rin that is talking. Let me explain what is happening here. Do you remember that spoiled girl that liked to bully newcomers at that school? Aoki Lapis was her name. So, after the beating I gave her, it looks like she got too scared of me to come face me directly. She simply went to face me at a tribunal. And she won, haha. Life is beautiful. I was sentenced to pay compensation for her (which Leon paid and my mom said I have to pay him back when I get a job) and I also was sentenced to one year of community service. Now I have to help at an orphanage of the city.
And I will tell you: it's a pain in the ass! I don't like children… Well, I don't hate them, and sometimes it's even fun to play with those little guys, but I want my freedom back!
"What is it?" asked Rin dismissively.
"Are you coming back tomorrow to play with us?" asked a girl, she seemed to be the older one of the group.
"Of course, I am forced to…" Rin looked at the children that seemed they would cry anytime, "Ok, ok. I'm coming back tomorrow because I love you guys, better?"
"Weeehh!" the children screamed in unison and gave the girl a big group hug.
"Hey, let go of me!"
Even saying that, Rin was smiling while she was being crushed by the group of small people. When they finally let go of her, she said her goodbyes and left the orphanage. When she arrived at the subway, she looked at her watch. She still had time to go home take a bath before going to meet her mother at the beauty salon.
"How I hate graduation ceremonies…"
You know, in the end helping the orphanage wasn't that bad of a punishment. I even learned how to change diapers! Now when I have my own children, I won't be a failure. As if I will ever have kids, I don't want a child all covered in snot running around my living room.
If I am well enough to work like this? Of course, since it has been six month since that Robert caused that accident. I had to do four month of physiotherapy so I could start to walk normally again, but now I am stronger than ever. The problem is that while I was at physiotherapy, I had to stay away from the dojo for four months, so I kinda rusted now.
It's hard to believe but, today is the day of my graduation ceremony from high school. Finally I see myself free from that hell! Everyone is already starting to get ready for the party that will happen after the ceremony. Even my friends that don't go at the same school as me are preparing.
Talking about my friends, do you remember V-flower? During these six months that passed, it looks likes she made amends with her parents and they finally accepted her at home again. I wanted her to come to my ceremony, I even sent her a invitation, but she won't be able to.
Now that I am not a delinquent anymore (what a insult, I was never one, I am only the queen of street fights) Miki's mom finally accepted me as her daughter's friend, especially after she found out about my past (hm, my past does not decide who I am!). Now Miki and I can be proper friends, without having to run from her parents.
I wonder what Len is doing right now...
"Ouch..." grumbled Rin when the hairdresser pulled her hair with some strength.
"Rin, stay put and let the lady do her job!" said Lola, while she was reading a magazine. She was also preparing herself for her daughter graduation, after all, she had to be look pretty in the family pictures and the party that would happen after, "See, Miki is not complaining like you."
"Haha. Oh, Lola, I may be Rin's freind but I am not a tomboy like her!" Miki laughed at her friend, that seemed to be in a bad mood and was breath heavily.
"I hate this kind of stuff! By the way, why do I need to wear a dress? I am sure I can be pretty wearing shorts!"
"Today is a special day, don't you want that person to look at you tonight and think that you are the most beautiful woman in the world?" when Lola said that, Rin blushed, because knew who was the person Lola was talking about.
"He needs to see my inner beauty!" mumbled Rin embarrassed.
"And who said you are beautiful inside?" played Miki.
Because some things that happened, I started to use my father surname again. It's not like I have forgiven him for what he did to my mother ( and the accident he caused), but now I feel sad for him. After the accident, he ended up losing his conditional release and was sent back to jail. His sentence got extended too, because he was charged for kidnap attempt and driving while inebriated. I hope someone will be able to save his soul one day, just like it happened to me.
Talking about jail, Meiko won't be able to come to my graduation party because she got a job at another station in a city near here. It seems that she has a new partner and that something is going on between them. Kiyoteru is his name. I hope she will be happy, after everything she did for me.
I wonder how Len will look in the tuxedo has gone to buy…
"Haha, so your future starts now, huh?" rei hugged Rin by her shoulders when the graduation ceremony finally ended. He was the only one who wasn't crying rivers of tears at the moment. Even Yuuma was crying, but only because Gumi ordered him to.
"It was so beautiful, my baby is growing up…" said Lola while crying hugged to Leon. The man also had tears in his eyes, feeling proud of his son.
My future, huh? I've already decided my future. I want to study to become a detective working for a women's police station out there(1). I want to be able to help women who suffer domestic violence like my mother and, being a cop, maybe I can even take away some lost souls from the streets, lost souls as I once was.
"Hey, Rin's family, gather here everyone to take a family picture!" shouted the photographer hired to take pictures of everyone in the party.
Then Lola, Leon, Miki, Gumi, Teto, Ted, Yuuma, Rei, Rui, Piko, Miku, Kaito, Luka, Gakupo and Len gathered beside Rin so they could take the picture. Rin felt proud to be able to call those wonderful people her family. Counting Meiko and V-flower too, even if they couldn't be there.
I am happy for Luka and Gakupo. They got married and Luka is pregnant ( pretty fast, I would say, they don't even have four months of marriage). Len seems really happy for Luka and I kinda grateful to her. Miku and Kaito are still running around in circle, Len told me. But at least they're together.
When the picture was taken, everyone dispersed to enjoy the party. Rin felt a hand touch hers and saw it was Len. Finally they would be able to talk to each other for the first time that day.
"You are beautiful in that dress," said Len smiling. Rin blushed like a tomato.
"Y-you are a-also very h-handsome in this tuxedo," she cursed herself for stuttering. Len laughed at her reaction, finding it cute, " I hate wearing dresses and makeup…"
"I think it's cute," Len said giving a quick Peck at Rin's lips. The girl smiled.
"Sexual tension…" said Yuuma behind them, but he was soon dragged away by Gumi.
"Shut up, Yuuma," whispered Rin, getting even redder than before.
Holding hands, Len and Rin turned to were the party was happening and started to walk to where their friends were. Rin looked at their united hands and couldn't help but smile. Staring at their friends having fun, Len said, "You know… I'm happy," he turned to Rin and smiled.
"… Yeah, I'm happy too," Rin said also smiling.
Yes, Len and I are a couple now. A very happy couple. In the beginning, when we revealed we were a couple, many people at school looked at us as if we were freaks, thinking things like "But aren't they siblings?". This was kind of uncomfortable. Because of that, I decided to go back to using my father surname, Shimoda. I can be a true Kagamine in the future, when I get married to Len.
Len, he decided he wants to study to become a doctor. It makes sense, considering every time he had to treat my wounds. Today it's kinda funny how obvious his feelings for me were, the way he took care of me gave it away. Our colleges aren't in the same city, but I am not worried. I know that being together is our destiny. So, no matter how far we are from each other, he will always be mine and I will be his…
The end.
Len went with Rin to the front door together with the three years old twins. It was his break today and he could be the entire day at home relaxing. However, Rin still had to go to work.
"Akane, Aoi,(2) say goodbye to mommy because she is leaving for work," Len said to the children.
"Bye bye, mama!" they said in unison.
"Good bye, sweeties," said Rin giving a kiss at each one's forehead, "Well, I'll be back at 8AM." she gave Len a kiss and left.
Len closed the door and went to the living room, being followed by the twins who seemed really excited that afternoon. They had gone to nursery school during the morning, so Len thought they would be tired by now, but it seems he was wrong.
"Ah, I was really needing this break," Len sighed and sat at the sofa. The twins sat one at each side of their father.
"Papa, papa!" shouted the girl, Akane.
"Hm? What is it, sweetie?"
"Come play with Ao e Akane!" said the boy, Aoi, pulling his father's sleeve.
"Hmm… Ok." Wrong answer, Len. Wrong answer.
Rin looked at her watch and saw she had arrived at the time she promised to Len. She left the car and unlocked the front door of the house. When she entered, she faced what looked like to be hell. The house was all messed up, there're spread toys all around the place, the dining table was fallen on the floor, some of her clothes were in places they shouldn't be. Dirty diapers could be seen in places no one would want to see. Rin feared for her husband and children's lives, cautious, she prepared her gun and went to the living room.
When Rin arrived at the living room, she was faced by a scene that left her surprised. Len was lying on the floor, sleeping, with the twins wrapped in warm blankets in his arms, also sleeping. Sighing, Rin put her gun at the holster again.
"Len… Len…" she called crouching beside her husband, but without response, "Len… Honey, I'm home… Len?" yeah, apparently he wasn't going to wake up until tomorrow's morning, "EEEh? But I wanted to have some fun tonight!" Rin grumbled, lying beside her husband and turned on the TV.
Somewhere else far away from there, at the same night...
"Hmm… I still can feel a strong sexual tension coming from Len and Rin's house…" whispered Yuuma to Gumi while they watched TV in their room.
True end.
(1)I don't know how it is in the place you live, but here where I live, some cities have a police station that is specialized at woman. They help women that suffer domestic abuse, rape, stuff like that.
(2)Love so life reference
Sorry if there are too many mistakes, weird sentences or portuguese in the middle of english.
So, it's the end of Troublemaker.
I hope I satisfied you guys.
I would like to thank everyone who's been with me during these nine months of the story ( wow, it looks like I just had a baby lol).
It has been more than 100 reviews (and I thank you guys for that), more than 50 followers, more than 30 favorites, the story was read more than 7000 times.
It's much more than I thought I would get.
About my future here in FFnet, I hope I'll be able to upload my new story soon, I want to have at least five chapters finished before I submit it. Hope I see you guys there too.
Ahh… Time to say good bye to this. I had a good time writing this story.
See you next time!
Leave your thoughts of the ending at the review box ;)