Author has written 35 stories for Fairy Tail, Pokémon, Captain America, Girl Meets World, and Haikyu/ハイキュー. Hi, people who are reading this. My name's Jess. If you could already tell by my username then kudos to you. If you couldn't well then you're an idiot. I'm 23 years young for those who care. I like Books I like Tsunderes. I like Fairytail. I like Pokémon. I like Power Rangers. I like Pretty Little Liars I like Girl Meets World I like Full House I like One Tree Hill I like Kingdom Hearts. I also like Final Fantasy as well. Clearly, I like too many things. James Buchanan Barnes is my life. Sarcasm is an exciting way to live. People change people. I'm not a fantastic writer and I know I make mistakes because I'm a human being, obviously. It's fun and freeing so judge all you want, it's not like I'm going to be some famous author who writes a book one day. I'm not as rude as I sound, so message me if you like to talk to random kids on the internet. Just kidding, here's a kitty! =.= Update: 5/9/2018. Yes. I'm alive. I don't know when I'll be coming back. I'm terribly sorry for the unfinished stories. I have so many and it's a goal of mine to finish them one day soon. Life just caught up with me. Adulting is hard. Not to mention terrible lack of writers' block. I hope one day I'll have my shit together. Peter was here. Ash is a loser. |