It was cold. The weather, the darkness, the stars outside seem to all say the same thing. It was too much of a calm night for this. For him to be standing across from her, looking at her like that. It was too much. But then again all of his looks make her feel weak in the knees. It was him, always him. No matter how much she didn't want it to be him. He was it, and she knew. Dammit she knew it from the day they met and even though it wasn't a very nice meeting, they became friends, well were they even friends to begin with?

Paul stared a cold-hearted look, "You can't keep doing this to me." His voice was rough, but laced with pain.

Oh god, how much she loved his voice. Dawn hugged herself, and started walking again. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to leave. Anywhere was better than here. Anywhere was better than hearing the pain in his voice. It ripped her heart apart when she saw him actually showing his emotions.

Paul growled a low curse, and jogged up to her blocking her exit. "Troublesome!" he grabbed her arms and looked down at her intensely. "We need to discuss this."

"There's nothing to discuss." She spat bitterly, looking at everything around her but him.

He laughed, a cold-hearted laugh. His voice holding no humor. "Are you seriously standing there and telling me that nothing happened?"

Dawn shrugged him off, and turned away from him eager to get away so she started walking again.

"Of course." Paul said sarcastically. "Let me annoy Paul, there's nothing more troublesome then that. As he glared at her retreating figure.

She stopped, hearing his tone hurt her. Without turning around, she whispered loud enough for him to hear. "I didn't mean it, Paul. It was a lapse in judgment." She hoped he didn't know how her voice cracked in the end. She was always a nuisance to him. Was she anything ever good in his life?

Oh, he heard the crack in her voice alright, he started walking towards her, and Dawn could feel it. "Really. Then why aren't you looking at me?" Paul stated in a smug sarcastic voice.

She ignored him and started walking again, but this time he grabbed her arm tight enough not to hurt her, but turning her to face him roughly, and glared at her. He fucking loved her, even though she annoyed the shit out of him sometimes. He would never hurt her. Well not on purpose that is.

"Look at me, Dawn." Paul stated.

Her dark blue eyes met his dark steel cobalt ones. Those eyes could make her do anything and everything.

"A lapse in judgment is drinking while driving. Kissing me to make your recent boy-toy jealous goes far beyond what I signed on for as your friend." Paul said angrily.

But seriously, were they even friends to begin with? Friends do not act the way they do. Unless there is a whole new definition that Dawn didn't know of.

She couldn't breathe. "Paul-"Dawn tried to explain.

But Paul was not having that, he interrupted harshly "No. You listen to me." His grip tightened. "I'm done with this, okay? I know I've said it before, hell I've said it a hundred times before, but this is it. I'm done being your friend, your rebound." He leaned in closer. "I'm done being there for you when it's convenient for you, you troublesome girl. It has been three years, and still… still you pull me around like I'm some kind of pet. I'm done." He let her go and took a step away from her. He was turning to leave when her anger finally broke out. She was just as pissed as he was, I mean it's like a fucking swing set with him, they go back and forth, back and forth and she just wants it to stop.

"Oh! So it's my fault then? Just because you drop everything to come and help me out, even though I didn't ask you to, it's somehow my fault." She scoffed angrily and looked at him in disbelief. "Seriously? And now you're giving me the 'I'm done' speech? Oh my God, you have such a huge ego! Just get the fuck over yourself already!" she cursed.

Paul stared at her surprised that she cursed, usually it was him being the one to curse. Dawn's anger started to simmer down. "You played me too, you know." She stated warily.

His anger was evident through his confusion. "How in the hell did I play you?"

Dawn scoffed "You don't remember? Hm. Let's see." She said with fake thoughtfulness. "How about the fact that you can't make up your mind. And I'm not talking about majors here, I'm talking about me. You like me. You love me. You ignore me. You're annoyed with me. Then you're over me. Then you like me again. You love me again. You hate me again. It's like you don't know if you want me-"

"Of course I want you." Paul interrupted harshly, surprising her.

"Then why fight it?" Dawn said exasperatedly.

"Because." He began slowly, and cautiously. "It's not going to work."

"You don't know that!" She yelled, surprising them both.

"I can't…" He said as he shook his head. "We're going around in circles."

And whose fault is that Dawn thought angrily. "Maybe if you made up your mind…" She stated.

Paul glared at her and scoffed, "Like you have?"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She asked feeling defensive.

"Every time it's me versus some douchebag of yours, you always pick the douche." Paul growled.

Dawn was seriously furious now, "I broke up with Barry for you." How could he not remember that? "And you turned me down. Ring a bell?" Dawn could not believe what she was hearing. She would drop anyone and anything in a heartbeat if it meant she could be with Paul. Is he that big of a jerk to not even see that?

Paul faltered. "That was… extenuating circumstances… that was…"

Dawn let out a dry laugh, "Oh please. You were scared to get yourself into a proper relationship again. You know the one, Paul. Where normal people decide to date for longer than a few days?"

Paul glared at her, "I was not scared at the prospect of a relationship, I'm surprised you even know what a proper relationship is." He snapped dryly.

Dawn ignored that last comment for the sake of her sanity, because she really wanted to punch him in the face right now. "Really? Then what was it? What thought was so horrible that it stopped you from knocking on my door?" She stated bitterly, and teary- eyed.

Paul's shoulders dropped. "You know what? This is fucking going nowhere. I'm leaving." Paul turned away and started to walk away.

Isn't that the reason why they weren't friend with in the first place? Because they always ran. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Don't they realize that they love each other? Don't they see that this isn't going to get them anywhere?

It was Dawn's turn to grab his arm. "What? No! You're not going anywhere. You wanted to talk, so let's talk." Dawn stated sarcastically.

"I've said everything I needed to say." His tone was composed, and had no emotion. And it hurt Dawn. Is he that cold-hearted that he doesn't even see how much this is hurting her?

"Well tough luck. Because now, it's my turn and you're going listen." She waited for him to object, however he glared at her silently. Not expecting such attentiveness she continued. "I'm still in love with you. She stated softly, He looked away. But Dawn stepped forward and in front of his face. "And I know you love me. I just don't understand why we can't be together." A frown forming on her face as she looked intently at Paul. He was still avoiding her eyes. "I don't want to be without you, Paul." She tried her best to stop it, but a single tear drop escaped. She watched him as his eyes followed the drop to her lips. God, she wanted him to just kiss her and have everything be okay. But he didn't.

"Dawn…" He finally looked into her eyes and she could see the turmoil raging within him. "I can't." Paul stated agitatedly.

Dawn was full on crying now, and the embarrassment of it made it worse. She hated crying in front of Paul. It made her feel so fragile and weak. Like she could never be enough for him. "But why not?" she cried out, this argument was ridiculous. Wasn't it? But that's what people do when they love each other that much. They argue about unnecessary things, why you ask? I don't know why, If I did I'm sure as hell the young couple wouldn't be arguing at the moment. But are they even a couple? I don't think they even know anymore.

Paul shook his head again. "What makes you think we'll work out this time around?" he stated sadly.

Dawn smiled softly through her tears. "Are you kidding me? How could we not? It's like no matter who I ever date, or whatever I do, I always come back to you. It is always you." She shrugged. "And I can't stop it." She mumbled.

"It's the same for me." Paul said seriously. "Which is why I can't get involved in this again." He cursed angrily. This isn't like him. God dammit this woman is driving him mad, why the fuck does troublesome girl always make him crazy, and have all these feelings that he never wanted to have. He is supposed to be like a zombie, no feelings, and just living life as he pleases. But then she comes around and makes all these feelings come out of his chest like he had a heart. The fuck? Since when did Paul Shinji ever have a heart?

She hadn't expected that. "What?" She said as her voice quivered. No. this cannot be happening. They were supposed to have their happy ending? Why weren't they having their happy ending? What the hell is wrong with this fairytale? Oh, wait it isn't one. They were too fucked up to live once upon a dream.

Paul let out and aggravated sigh as if this was hard for him to say. "Every time you leave, I'm a wreck. And the thing is, Dawn. You do the leaving. I can't be left behind, not again." He took a step back. "I'm sorry." Turning around again, he started walking away.

Dawn could not let him leave like this, hell he would not have the last word. "Coward!" She yelled at his back. "You just reminded me why I dated Barry in the first place."

Paul turned back and advanced towards her with rigid with rage, his whole body tightened up and you could see the veins pop out from his own skin. "You chose me over Barry first." He snapped angrily.

"No." She said slowly, standing her ground, showing absolutely no fear whatsoever to the rage he was showing. She. Is. Not. Scared. Of. Him. She will always bite back when she is being bitten. "I chose a gentleman over you the first chance I got." Dawn spat back with rage toned in her voice.

"A gentleman?" He scoffed and leaned forward, his face contorted in anger. "The guy cheated on you. Something that I have never done."

Dawn moved in closer. And spat "How do I know you didn't cheat on me? You were spending all your time at Drew's beach house. You could have easily hooked up some floozy around there and I would have never known.

"You really think that I would cheat on you." He said disbelievingly. "I have never fucking cheated on you. Never. And I never will." He growled out.

"Is that the same level of honesty you tapped into my head when you said you loved me? Or did that feeling even exist for you?" She said as her voiced quivered angrily as tears fell from her eyes.

What the fuck was this woman on?! Did she seriously think that he never loved her at all? She taught him how to love. It was like fucking beauty and the beast.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? I never stopped loving you!" Paul yelled out in anger.

Dawn smiled a teary smiled as she stepped forward and circled her arms around his waist. "I knew you'd admit it." She stated softly.

This girl has to be on something right now, what the hell is she doing too him, she is making him go insane! And he loved every fucking minute of it, no scratch that every damn second of it.

Paul growled "Troublesome." He pushed her arms off of him. "Getting me jealous over the past is not going to change my mind."

Dawns smiled dropped instantly, she was hurt. Truly hurt. "Fine. You obviously don't want to be with me because…" She stopped, and looked curiously at him. "Why don't you want to be with me? She asked nervously.

Paul looked around, everywhere but her, he was looking for an exit. "I told you. I don't want to discuss this."

She gradually took a step forward, placing her hand on his arm. He flinched. "I know. But… I need to know." She stated softly her voice filled with pain.

"I'm serious, Paul. Whatever reason you tell me, I'll respect it. It's not like we both have feelings for each other, and you're just not letting us be together because you're afraid of us breaking up right? She commented trying to laugh off the pain. "What's the real reason for you not to want me? Is it the way I'm optimistic about things? Or the way I jump around and act all girly? Is it the way I snore?" she said determinedly, so she can get to the bottom of this.

"You don't snore." Paul mumbled softly as he looked away from her.

"Then what is it?" She watched him carefully as he mulled it over. His eyes never stayed on her for more than two seconds. "Paul." He finally looked at her, and she finally understood, she always understands him when she looks right into his eyes. She felt her jaw twitch in anger. "You're seriously not going to be with me because we might break up?" Wow, now that seriously shocked her. Paul never backed down from anything, he was never afraid of anybody or anything. So what is he so afraid of?

"No." He said forcefully. "I'm seriously not going to be with you, because I can't handle the drama anymore."

Ouch, that struck a nerve in her. She was hurt and confused. "The drama?" Dawn questioned.

Moving away from her, he started what sounded like a well-rehearsed speech. "It's always drama with you. And somehow, I end up with the short end of the stick. Like today. You're always using me to even the score with that cheating ex-boyfriend, or to try to make me play the role of the perfect boyfriend when no one is available. I can't be your second choice.

He has to be kidding, Second choice? He was the first choice, he always has been. Even more tears start to build up in Dawn's eyes.

Paul stopped, his eyes suddenly clouding over with determination. "Besides… I don't know if my feelings for you are based on our memory together or…" He looked at her seriously. "Or because it's you." He stated softly.

"Wait a minute. But you just said…" She stepped back, feeling like he just slapped her in the face. "So you don't have any for feelings for me." She deadpanned. "And here I am throwing myself at you, while I was convinced that you felt the same way as me, but you don't" It sounded like a question in Dawn's mind. A question she hoped he would answer. He just watched her silently, which fuelled her anger. Why wasn't he saying anything? Dawn wanted to kick, yell and scream at him for ripping her heart right out of her chest and for stomping it on the ground with his stupid combat boots. "So that's it? Your feelings might be based on some memory?" Her anger was boiling. Had she wasted over three years of dreaming up the possibility of them together, while he was so sure that he didn't have feelings for her? "I…" She looked around there has to be somewhere to go. Somewhere to get away from all this. Somewhere to get rid of this aching pain in her chest.

"I have to…" She ignored the concerned look he gave her. "…go…I have to…go…" She started walking backwards, away from him. She couldn't stand to be around him anymore. It just hurt way too much. He crushed her dreams, proved her wrong, and made her break down in front of him. She was going to cry and throw something at him if she didn't leave now.

He moved towards her, his arms reaching out for her. "Dawn…"

"Don't." She kept moving back. "Just don't." She needed to breathe. She couldn't breathe. It was like all the air in her lungs just suddenly disappeared. She faked a smile, needing to keep up her appearance. She was Dawn Berlitz after all. No need to worry right? "I'm sorry for kissing you back there, and for this." She gestured around them to a night that should have been romantic. "You can be sure, it will never happen again." He winced when her voice cracked with raw emotion. Moving back, she turned on her heel and ran. Anything less she would have cried herself into a ball in front of him. And the last thing she wanted to do was show him how weak and pathetic she is. Maybe it was her mind's eye that was playing a trick on her, but she thought his face was filled with hurt right before she left. But then, that can't be right. She was giving him what he wants. Freedom away from her. That's probably what's best for both of them right?

oh how wrong she was.