Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, but here is a new story for you guys I am slowly progressing. PolarDawn is actually helping me out being my editor and all. So if you haven't checked him out you definitely should! I wanted to write a new Oldrival story because my other I lost inspiration for. I'm still writing this as we speak, but I really wanted to get the first chapter out there to get some feedback! I hope you guys like it! Onto the story! I also don't own the lyrics of the song in the story.
Live for the sake of living
Love till your heart is breaking
Give your all and don't hold back, tell the truth and don't forget to
Laugh till your body's aching
Cry till your hands are shaking
Whatever you go, whatever you do, don't live a whatever life
It was an early morning for Leaf. She groaned loudly when she heard her alarm go off, signaling that it was time for her to wake up and get the day started. She moved her arm to shut off the alarm, but that only ended up with her knocking it over. She groaned even louder, still hearing the obnoxious sound. Grudgingly getting herself out of bed, she unplugged the damn thing and started the process of getting ready for this miserable day.
After she finished her morning routine, she made her way downstairs with her bag slung over her shoulder.
"Morning," she mumbled out incoherently. Drew rolled his eyes, already downstairs waiting for her to be finished. He grabbed his backpack off the table.
"It's about freaking time," he said, with bitterness in his tone. Drew's mom frowned at her son's manners.
"Drew, be nice to your sister," she scolded him sternly. Drew stared at his mother with a disbelieving look.
"She's NOT my sister, and she never will be," he growled, glancing at Leaf. "You better not do this every morning. We picked you up from that orphanage when no one else wanted you, and we can take you right back," he spat viciously, and turned to leave, slamming the screen door on his way out. Drew's mother sighed softly to herself and placed a comforting hand on Leaf's shoulder, making her jump slightly.
"Don't mind Drew, honey. Just give him some time. I'm sure you two will grow to become very close," she said in a gentle voice, smiling softly at her. Leaf shrugs her hand off of her shoulder, and sighed to herself.
"Thanks Mrs. Hayden."
"You know Leaf, you can call me mom…" she encouraged her slightly, not trying to push her.
"I know. I'm just not ready to." She paused for a brief second. "I better go… don't want to be late for school. Thanks again," she said a bit awkwardly and left her new 'home'.
8:00 A.M. First period bell rings in five minutes.
Mr. Oak stopped the car, and let his two sons off at the school.
"Have a good day, boys."
Gary opened the passenger door, but before he could get out of the car, Mr. Oak grabbed his arm tightly and stopped him with a glare.
"I said, have a good day," he said to him in a harsh tone. Gary jerked his arm out of the tight grip.
"I heard you," he commented rudely before getting out of the car and slamming the door.
Paul was in the backseat, watching the whole altercation. He sighed, hiding his eyes behind his long, shaggy purple locks.
"You too, sir," he mumbled, getting out of the car after Gary.
Drew stopped in front of the school and grabbed Leaf's arm tightly, pulling her off to the side.
"Listen. You don't know me, just as I don't know you. My mom never adopted you. I don't even know you exist. You got that?" he explained to her in a hiss. Leaf glared at him and then looked down at her feet, hesitantly nodding her head. Drew smirked.
"Good. And that means don't approach me in the halls, if you haven't figured that out already."
Gary suddenly saw Drew talking to someone he hadn't seen before, and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. He started to walk over to him.
"Hayden, my man. What's up?" He then glanced at Leaf with a frown and an odd look. "Who's this, and why are you talking to her?" he asked impatiently, waiting for an answer from his friend. Drew scoffed.
"Some loser I paid to carry my books." He handed his textbooks to Leaf aggressively. "Go on. Scram. Get out of here nerd," he says with a violent push, making Leaf almost fall on her face.
Leaf turned around to glare at her 'adoptive brother' and was about to make a snarky reply when Gary interrupted her.
"What are you still standing there for? Shoo nerd," he says with a laugh, motioning for her to leave. Leaf rolled her eyes, sighed to herself, and started making her way towards the large school.
Gary punched Drew on the shoulder with a grin on his face.
"I thought for a second that you actually knew her," he said with a chuckle. "That would be an embarrassment." Drew swallowed slowly, and started chuckling nervously.
"You're telling me…"
Gary walked into the classroom five minutes late and took his seat in the back row, completely ignoring the teacher glaring at him.
"Glad you could finally join us, Mr. Oak. Care to tell us why you were so late to class once again?" Ms. Thompson said sternly, waiting for his excuse. Gary shrugged his shoulders and leaned back into his seat.
"I have places to go and people to see," he said in a wiseass tone. Ms. Thompson shook her head with disappointment.
"Ah, of course. Well, I'd like for you to see me after school… for your hour of detention," she responded back to him.
"Wait! You can't do that! I have a football game tonight and practice right after school!" he complained in a slightly desperate tone. Ms. Thompson shrugged her shoulders.
"You should've thought of that before showing up late to my class every day." She turned back around and continued on with the lesson of the day. Gary suddenly got very angry and slammed his hand down on the table, standing up from his seat.
"This is such bullshit!" he shouts out to her. Ms. Thompson turned around and stared at him incredulously.
"I'm sorry, did you want me to make that a week's detention?" she asked, daring him to argue with her. Gary frowns at her.
"No…" He sat back down, slamming his head on the desk in misery. He glanced up when he heard another student entering, later than even he had.
Leaf walked into the classroom with a questioning glance, making sure she had the right room. She was totally lost in this huge school. She glanced around at everyone and saw them staring at her. Her cheeks reddened from the attention and resulting embarrassment. The teacher broke her nervous thoughts.
"You must be Ms. Green. You can grab the seat right next to Mr. Oak," she said, pointing to the empty seat in the back.
Leaf nodded her head and complied, sitting down next to him even though he's glaring daggers at her. Gary scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"And I thought this day couldn't get any worse," he mumbles, complaining. Ms. Thompson suddenly turned and looked at Leaf.
"Leaf, please stand up and tell us a few things about yourself," she said, smiling encouragingly at her.
Leaf coughed awkwardly.
"Uh—actually, I don't really want—"
"Chicken," Gary coughed out, smirking.
The whole class broke out into laughter after that comment. Ms. Thompson glared at Gary.
"That's enough, Mr. Oak. You have another day of detention." She then glanced back at Leaf with a soft, concerned look. "Go ahead sweetie."
Leaf rolled her eyes at Gary, but sighed to herself and stood up. She immediately froze up when everyone stared at her. She gulped nervously, suddenly not knowing how to form words with her mouth.
"Ms. Thompson, this is just a waste of time," Gary mumbled in annoyance.
"Uh—well, my name's Leaf…" She tried to continue, but she kept getting side-tracked by Gary's obnoxious comments.
"Really? We hadn't noticed. Loser," he said in a rude, sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes at her. The class laughed again at his comment.
Ms. Thompson sighed to herself, waiting for Leaf to finish. Leaf started fidgeting, getting really embarrassed now.
"Um—right…" She paused for a second, "It's my first day here and—"
"Arceus, we know that already, can you stop wasting our valuable time?" Gary commented again, getting even more annoyed.
She turned to glare at him, but instead she saw all the students laughing at her, so she just complied and sat down, burying her face into her arms, trying not to let them get to her.
After class
Leaf gathered up her books and things and rushed towards the door, trying make a quick escape. Before she could make it, Gary stuck his foot out in front of her, causing her to fall and drop all of her things. The whole class started laughing hysterically, and Gary looked down at her.
"Just as I thought, you're pathetic," he said insultingly before walking out of the classroom. Leaf sighed again and picked up her things.
"First day of school and I'm already the target," she mumbles to herself bitterly, standing up and leaving the classroom to go to her locker.
Gary was leaning against a locker next to Drew's when Drew found him.
"You'll never guess who's hopefully only in one of my classes."
Before Drew could answer, a random cheerleader walked by, waving flirtatiously at Gary.
"Hey Gary!" she said, smiling at him. He turned and nodded his head with a smirk, acknowledging her. He glances back at Drew.
"She's hot," he comments to him, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. Drew laughs, but rolls his eyes.
"And you're taken." he points out bluntly. Gary rolled his eyes at that statement.
"It's not as if we actually like each other."
Drew chuckles again, placing some books in his locker. He shuts it and looks behind Gary.
"Speaking of your girlfriend…" he said, nodding towards her.
Amber walked over screeching "Baby!" wrapping her arms around his back, hugging Gary and making him slightly uncomfortable. He gave Drew a look, and then faked a smile, turning around to face her.
"Amber", he said, awkwardly. The girl in question glanced back at Drew and gave him an annoyed look.
"Um—go away?" she said rudely.
Drew rolled his eyes and patted Gary's shoulder.
"I'll catch you later, bro." Then he walked away from the both of them. Gary nodded his head at him and turned to look at Amber with an annoyed look on his face. She grabbed his collar, pulling him closer to her.
"I've been looking for you," she whispers, trying to be seductive, and she smiles up at him. Gary had an aloof look on his face.
"Well," he shrugs, "you found me, didn't you?" he said sarcastically. She leans her forehead onto his.
"Now that I did, how about we ditch this place and go somewhere we can be alone?" she asked him with a smirk on her pretty little face.
Gary sighed to himself, and gently took her hands off of him.
"Not today, Amber. If I'm going to graduate, I think I should at least show up. It's only first period."
"Oak! Let's go!" One of his teammates suddenly shouts at him.
"Let me get my stuff!" he shouted back. He then glanced back at Amber. "I'll see you later though." He gave her a light kiss on the cheek and walked away from her.
Leaf was having a hard time finding her locker. With the hallway of students pushing and shoving their way through, it was hard for Leaf to even pass. For a big school, it sure had small hallways. Well, at least that's what Leaf thought. She sighed softly, before finally finding her locker.
She let out another sigh, but this time of relief. She entered her combination and opened up her locker, placing her things into it. She suddenly heard two girls talking as they passed by her.
"C'mon Dawn, you've been crushing on Paul for forever now. You should just tell him already." Dawn sighed softly.
"I know, I know. But ever since what happened he won't even say a word to me, or anyone. I've tried over and over to again to get him to talk, but he just won't open up to me," she whispers painfully to her best friend.
"It's probably just hard for him. Give him some time, okay?" May said, patting her back supportively.
First bell rings
Dawn whined, knowing she had to rush to class now.
"I've gotta go, another tardy and I'll get a detention. See you at lunch," she said in a rush, running off to class. May nodded her head
"See ya." She stopped at her locker and entered her code, opening it up.
Leaf glanced at her and then looked away, continuing fixing her things in her locker. Gary walked up to her and slammed her locker shut, startling her.
"MOVE! You're in the way of my locker," he spat, glaring down at her.
May turned to look in their direction, overhearing the altercation. Leaf narrowed her eyes at him.
"This is the third time today, did I do something to you?" she asked, getting annoyed with this kid already. Gary smirked down at her.
"Yeah, you just happened to walk into MY school and MY class," he responded rudely. May scoffed at him and slammed her locker shut, walking over to them.
"Last time I checked, you don't own this place, or anything in it," she spat at him, glaring. Gary glanced at May.
"Would you mind your own business? This doesn't concern you." he remarked harshly. May let out a dry laugh.
"You know it's jerks like you who get their sorry asses kicked." Gary backed off of Leaf, and stepped towards May.
"Oh yeah? And who the hell are you?" he asked in pure annoyance.
"A girl who won't hesitate to kick your sorry ass," May said, smirking at him. "I'm also a black belt in karate." Gary raised an eyebrow at her.
"Whatever," he muttered under his breath, walking away from the both of them. Leaf glanced at May nervously.
"Um—thanks for that," she said shyly. May smiled brightly at her.
"No problem! I've never seen you around here before. Are you new?" she asked her curiously, trying not to come on to strong.
Leaf nodded her head, stuttering out a 'yeah'. She turned back to her locker and opened it again, grabbing her books she needed for the next period.
"I'm May," she introduced herself as the second bell rang. "Hey, do you want to sit with me at lunch?"
"Oh, I don't know. I'm not really that—"
"Come on, it'll be fun." She smiled at her, trying to be convincing. Leaf nodded her head.
"Okay, sure. I'm Leaf, by the way," she said quietly, trying to ease her nerves.
"Nice to meet you, Leaf and goodbye," she said, giggling slightly. "I never received a tardy before, and I don't plan on getting one anytime soon. I'll see you after class, okay?" May smiled at her, before running off to her class.
Leaf finally cracked a smile and laughed watching May almost trip as she ran away. She closed her locker, making sure she grabbed all of her things. She moved away from her locker, starting the search for her next class.
"Room 234…234," she mumbled to herself as she walked.
The third bell rang, and the hallways were empty in a matter of seconds. Leaf was left standing alone in the middle, looking around in confusion. Until she spotted someone, that is.
"Hey!" she called, walking over to him. "Do you know where room 234 is?" She was rewarded by a blank stare from the boy
"Just follow me," he mumbled, starting to walk towards the classroom.
"Uh—okay…" Leaf says hesitantly, and quickened her pace in order to catch up with him. "I'm Leaf," she said, introducing herself after an awkward minute of silence.
He ignored her and continued walking. Leaf frowned, and decided to try again.
"What's your name?" she asked, politely.
"Paul, okay?" he snapped at her, suddenly getting agitated.
Leaf jumped when he snapped at her, beginning to feel bad that she annoyed him.
"Alright… sorry."
Paul suddenly stopped short, almost making Leaf bump into his back. He began to speak slowly, without turning.
"Look, I haven't talked to anyone in weeks, since he—." He stopped short, pausing before continuing. "You're not special. Don't kid yourself. You asked me where the class was and I'm generous enough to let you follow me. So just shut up and lay off."
Leaf didn't answer, so Paul resumed his walk, her following in his footsteps.
They walk in silence the whole way there.
Lunch rolled around, and Leaf found herself walking into the cafeteria, looking for May, getting anxious when she couldn't find her.
"Leaf! Over here!" May suddenly screamed out. Leaf turned to see May frantically waving her hand to call her over. She started walking towards the table.
Dawn looked at May curiously.
"May? What are you doing?" she asked her friend questioningly. May shrugged her shoulders.
"It's her first day. I wanted to be friendly."
Dawn sighed softly.
"As if we aren't already the biggest losers in the school. Let's just bring over the new girl." She paused at how bad that sounded. "Is she nice at least?" she finished, looking worried. May rolled her eyes at her best friend.
"We aren't losers. And yes, she is… well from my two minute conversation it seems like she is."
Leaf finally made her way over to the table with her lunch tray, and sat down.
"So who are you guys?" she asked with a small, shy smile on her face. May smiled back her.
"We're the 'regulars,'" she air quoted the word, and then pointed to another table. "Those are the popular jerks." Leaf looked over and saw that they looked stuck-up almost to a man, with the Paul being the only exception. He looked like he didn't even want to be there. Her thoughts were interrupted when May started talking again.
"They're practically who everyone wants to be, excluding me of course," May spoke, rolling her eyes at even the thought of being "popular."
Dawn frowned and stared at Paul sitting at the other table.
"I still don't get why Paul sits with them though. It's not like he talks to them…" she mentioned with a frown on her face.
"Paul? That kid's not really the nicest person I've met today." Leaf said, thinking of her encounter earlier. May sighed softly.
"Well, his brother just passed away. He's been hurting a lot since then, and he doesn't really talk to anyone anymore. Gary, on the other hand, has just become an even bigger jerk than before. I can't believe those two are related," she said, cringing in disgust.
"Related? Paul doesn't even look like him." Leaf said, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. Dawn smiled softly.
"They're half-brothers. And Paul isn't as much of a jerk as Gary is. He's just very quiet and reserved. He's really sweet once you get to know him," she said with a light blush dusted on her cheeks.
May giggled at Dawn, throwing a fry at her. Dawn glared at her playfully, and Leaf smiled at them, seeing how good of friends they are. May looked behind Leaf, frowned, and rolled her eyes.
"Speaking of your best friend, Leafy, here he comes," she said sarcastically.
Leaf frowned, having a feeling like she knew who it was already. She sighed and didn't say anything, waiting for the insults and abuse to come at her.
A/N: Hi again. So you finally made it through the end of the chapter! Let me know your thoughts by leaving a review! Thanks guys so much :)