Main shippings are the usual; Pokeshipping, Contestshipping, Ikarishipping and LeafGreenshipping, (will also contain other minor shippings) although the story will mainly be focused around LeafGreenshipping.

Dedicated to ShinyDragonair2 for being such an amazeballs friend and because she's just fantabulous! (I'm still working on that little 'project' by the way XD)

Disclaimer ~ I don't in any way own Pokemon, it's characters or drumsticks. If I did, Pokeshipping would be the new religion and my other supported ships would also be made reality.

Chapter One ~ Another Day, Another Drumstick

Normal POV

Now, Leaf," Misty began, eyeing her friend carefully. "Just calm down and-

"I'm going to kill that Grasshead!" the aforementioned brunette screeched, cutting the red-head off in mid-sentence.

From the bed, Dawn sighed heavily, rubbing her temples.

"Maybe we can fix it?" May suggested, holding the object of discussion at eye level to inspect it properly.

Fix it? Fix it?! There's no way we can just fix it! It's completely ruined!" Leaf hollered, stomping over to yank the door open before flying out of the room.

"I think she's finally lost it," the blunette sighed, flopping backwards onto Leaf's bed in defeat.

"It really isn't that bad," May tried again, earning blank stares from both Misty and Dawn. "What?"

"May...look at it!" Misty exasperated, gesturing to the canvas in May's hands.

Leaf's portrait - or what used to be Leaf's portrait - of a young girl, was now sporting a thick black line, right on top of her lip and making it look like a mustache gone wrong. Courtesy of the group of boys that were currently playing below the brunette's room at ear deafening volumes.

"We could always, well we could…" May stumbled, trying to find a way to prove her point. "Ugh, fine! You're right, it's ruined," she sighed, finally giving in.

"So how do you think he'll get out of this one?" Dawn questioned.

"You mean Drew?" May inquired.

"Who else?"

"Who knows?" the sapphire eyed girl shrugged. "It's Drew we're talking about here. The boy doesn't care about anything that isn't to do with his hair or himself."

"She's got a point," Misty laughed.

"You think Drew doesn't care about anything?" Dawn shot up, raising an eyebrow. "Have you seen Paul? That boy could win the lottery, get free passes to a resort in the Orange Islands, have a years supply of chocolate, catch a unicorn in the same day and still keep that scowl on his face!"

"Hey, at least they both know the lottery is," Misty put in. "If it's not to do with that Pokemon game or food, it's not in Ash's vocab. Besides, Paul's your boyfriend. He cares about you."

"Funny way of showing it," Dawn grumbled. "And Ash is your boyfriend! You're also in his vocabulary."

"That doesn't mean he gets the concept of 'girlfriend'," Misty pointed out. "Last year on Valentines Day, he made me spend the whole day watching him play Pokemon games and instructing me on every detail about how to battle."

"Better than spending it trying to convince Paul to take you shopping."

"How did that turn out?" Misty smirked.

"I never want to relive that day again," the blunette shuddered.

"Well either way," May interrupted, "At least Ash always has a smile on his face. He's happy, while Drew has a permanent smirk!"

"That's because Drew is Drew Hayden," Misty dead panned. "Nuff said."

"I can't disagree with that statement to any extent," the brunette nodded. "You'd think that seeing as they spend so much time together a tiny bit of Ash's happiness would rub off on him."

"It's not happiness, it's obliviousness," the redhead corrected. "But come on! Pokemon, on Valentine's Day. Really?"

"She does have a point," Dawn agreed. "It's just a game, afterall. He could have waited until she went home."

"Just a game?" May repeated, giggling. "You do realize that if Leaf heard you say that, you'd be out the window by now?"


"At this rate, I'll be surprised if she can hear anything," Misty groaned as all three simultaneously covered their ears, hoping to avoid permanent disability in the hearing department.

"Agreed, I'm waiting for the walls to split in two," Dawn mumbled.

"It wouldn't surprise me, considering the racket they're making," May grumbled, eyeing the bunch of pencils that were now shaking on Leaf's desk due to the vibrations from the instruments.

"Speaking of splitting in two," Misty began. "How do you think it's going down there?"

"Knowing Leaf, probably not good," May sighed.

"Come on, we should probably go and make sure she doesn't kill anyone," Dawn rolled her eyes, but was unable to keep the ghost of a smile off her face.

Leaf's POV

Drew was so dead.

Everything was going perfect! I had been this close to completing my summer art portfolio, and that canvas contained the last picture that I needed to finish. Granted, school started tomorrow and yes, I may have left it until the last minute but that wasn't the point.

The point is that I am about to murder my brother.

Thanks to stupid Drew and his stupid friends making the stupid decision that now of all times would be perfect to begin their stupid rehearsal and scare the living daylights out of me, my artwork now looked dissected.

The whole Summer, their 'metal band' - as they put it - had been practicing non-stop so that they would be in top shape, should any producers randomly come by and miraculously discover their 'amazing talent'.


Metal band my butt. They haven't had a single gig as of yet, let alone anyone notice them. Not even one stinking YouTube video. Then again, with a band name like Hairy Melons, that much was hardly surprising.

And as for their so-called 'band practice? Pfft, I prefered the term Instrumental Torture. The only thing any of them had managed to do was wear out their instruments and make our supply of orange juice magically disappear.

Although, if I'm honest with myself, they are actually pretty decent musicians. That is, when they play separately.

Drew's been playing since he was roughly nine, and considering the amount of dough our parents have invested into his lessons, I'm not really surprised that he can shred it. Not that I will ever tell him that, of course.

As for the rest of the band...well, I can't lie. They're pretty damn good as well.

First, you had Gary Oak and Ash Ketchum, the guitarists of Hairy Melons. Just like my brother, they had both been playing since a young age, so they were great as well. Especially Gary, seeing as he was lead guitarist and all. Then there was Paul Shinji, their bassist. Paul was the quietest, which automatically made him my favourite. Granted, he was also the grumpiest person to ever walk the Earth.

If Paul ever decided to quit the band, I would personally be his reference should he take an interest in filling in for the Grinch one Christmas.

Last but not least, the final member of Hairy Melons and lead singer was Calem Xavier. Calem was somewhere between Paul and Drew personality wise, but just like the rest of them, he also came with an oversized ego.

If I might add, none of them were hard on the eyes, either. Each of those guys practically screamed Coverboy.

So where did the problem lie, you may ask? Well yes, with their talent - and looks - Hairy Melons should add up to equal the perfect band.


The lot of them, with the possible exclusion of Paul, had an ego so large I'm surprised they all fit on the one planet, let alone under the same roof. In fact, their egos were about the same size of the planet.

Actually, with egos like that, they could probably make their own planets.

If a band is going to function correctly, the general idea is to have all the members work as a team. So with Gary shredding another self-proclaimed solo every five seconds, Ash throwing himself around like a monkey on crack in order to draw the attention to his smaller, less rhythmic guitar, Calem belting out unnecessary notes when they're not needed and Drew attempting to have all eyes on him by smashing his drumsticks into those smaller golden circle things on his drum set when he's not supposed to…

Yeah, you get the picture.

Anyway, back to my original testament...

Drew Hayden was so dead.

I stormed down the stairs, making sure that my best 'angry face' was firmly plastered on before stopping outside where the abomination was sounding from. Honestly, how anyone could even consider that racket music was beyond me.

"DREW!" I screech, all but tearing the door off of it's hinges in fury as I burst into the room.

I freeze, taking in the scene around me. Well, so much for my dramatic entrance.

None of the boys had even noticed.


Drew was bashing away at his drums, flinging his hair around ridiculously, while Gary had managed to somehow balance himself on top of the washing machine, tapping out a solo. Of course. What else would he be doing?

To my far right, Ash was flailing about with his own guitar wildly, while Paul was playing his bass like a normal person in the corner, scowling at the raven haired male and trying to avoid copping a guitar to the head.

If anything, Ash should be the one worried about copping a guitar to his head. When angry, Paul was not a force to be reckoned with. Drew and Gary had learnt that the hard way.

"Oh, you asked for it," I grumble, stomping over to where Calem was screaming into his microphone, and snatching the device out of his hands, making his scream sound more like a surprised llama.

"ANDREW HAYDEN! IF YOU DON'T STOP THAT INFERNAL RACKET THIS INSTANT, I WILL DYE YOUR HAIR PERMANENTLY PINK!" I screech at the top of my lungs, smiling in satisfaction as the music - or whatever it was - died down instantly and my brothers face turned to one of horror.

"Leaf!" Drew cried, clutching both of his hands to his black coloured locks in terror.

"I'm serious, Drew! If you do…" wait...did I just say black? "Drew, what in the name of chocolate bacon balls did you do to your hair?!" I cry out, gaping as he rolled his eyes and removed his hands to reveal his now black coloured hair.

"You're only noticing this now? It's been like this for three days," he deadpanned, raising an eyebrow.

"My bad, I tend to draw the attention of the ladies," Gary pipes up, smirking.

"Not if you were the last hedgehog in Kanto," I huff back.

"Don't dis the do!" Gary pouted, running a hand through his spiky hair.

"Anyway," I go on, ignoring his comment. "No, Drew, your hair has not been like this for three days! I'm an artist, how unobservant do you think I am?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Gary smirked again, my jab at his ego seemingly restored.

"Okay, so maybe I did it this morning. So what? Just don't say anything to mum or dad. Especially dad," Drew winced, already being able to picture just what our father would say.

"You think they won't see? Drew, honestly, we may have gotten away with replacing mums expensive vase with a cheap copy from the two dollar shop, but they aren't completely blind," I point out.

"There's still a chance they won't notice," he insisted, pulling his hoodie over his head.

"Are you kidding me? Drew, you've gone from green to black! And not just any green, bright green. That stuff sticks out like a chocolate bar in a swimming pool. Mum and dad will notice, and when they do, they will kill you, and I shall be be sitting on the couch with popcorn and a camera," I reply.

"Glad to know that I can always count on you for support," he mutters sarcastically.

"What was wrong with your natural colour anyway? You're always boasting on about how unique it is," I inquired, tilting my head to the side.

"Because, dear sister, black is more metal. I'm not keeping it, it's a test," Drew replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Then why-

"Leafy, you just ruined our song!" Calem whined, butting into the conversation.

"Oh, that was a song?" I gasp in mock-shock - I'm such a fabulous poet right? Maybe I should start writing songs instead of painting - shooting Calem a side-glance glare that sends him cowering back instantly.

Drew rolled his eyes, and threw both of his drumsticks at me before speaking, "Of course it was a song. Really, Leaf, I know you're not the smartest person around, obviously, but are you deaf as well?"

"With this ritual for Satan you were smashing out a minute ago? I'm not surprised," I shoot back, ducking to avoid the flying projectiles. They bounce off the wall, and I decide to pick them up in case an opportunity arose.

Gary scoffs and I whip around to face him, preparing for whatever Gary-like remark he's about to make.

"This is art, L'il, none of us expect you to understand that," the menace smirked, jumping down from the washing machine. Oh, sure. By all means, Bring my height into this.

Even without the extra leverage Gary gained from standing on the machine, he still loomed over me. Kinda like the way a giraffe looms over a hippo, except I'm not a hippo. Plus, he's not a giraffe.

Giraffes are so much more majestic.

Gary and Drew have been best friends since childhood, and together the two of them have always bonded over their mutual love for making me look like a total dipstick. But back to the height business, Gary was really tall.

Then again, to me, everything seemed tall. I suppose that the fact my own height is the whopping total of four foot nine - that's right, and that one extra foot was going to be the death of me - it wasn't hard to do.

Gary's endless pool of nicknames relating to my height, or lack of height as such, doesn't bother me as much anymore. His personal favourites were; L'il, Shortstack, Peanut and - I have no bloody idea why - Hobs.

'Hobs' being short for Hobbit.

Joining in on that Lord of the Rings movie marathon had been a huge mistake. In fact, it had affected my entire life.

All it takes is one look at those hairy feet for Gary to break out the Hobs jokes.

"No, Oak. This is art!" I snap, thrusting my ruined canvas - which Misty had conveniently just appeared and handed to me - in his face.

"Uh, L'il? I don't know what they've been teaching in the lower grades these days, but that is not art," the brunet boy smirked, eyeing the line that made the girls face look half dissected.

"It was art, and it just so happens to count for half of my grade. But now, thanks to you lot and your sabotaging of those poor instruments, it's ruined!" I huff, crossing my arms - which was a bit of a challenge when you take the portrait into account- and glaring at him.

"Sabotaging?" Gary repeats, spluttering, "That hurts real deep, L'il, right here," he mock sniffs, slapping a hand to his chest.

"Oh does it? Well, you'll be hurting in a lot more places than that if you don't keep the noise down!" I snap, then turning to Calem I add, "Except for you, Calem. Have you ever considered joining an actual band?"

He pulls himself up straighter and grins, "Gee, thanks, Leaf. I actually-

"Mist!" Ash suddenly cries out, cutting Calem off finally noticing his girlfriend. A massive goofy grin spreads across his face, and he all but pounces to the other side of the room to scoop her up in a hug.

"Ash," Misty moans as she is suddenly hidden by a mass of Ash. "I can't breathe!"

The raven haired boy stepped back, "Eh...sorry, Mist," he chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

"You never change," she sighs, smiling up at him, before standing on her toes to give him a peck on his cheek. Ash turned a light shade of pink, but none the less slipped an arm around Misty's waist and pulled her closer to him.

Dawn and May stood silently gushing over how adorable they were - which if I was honest, I would be doing as well if not for my current predicament - while the other boys, apart from Paul, make gag signs.

The blunette suddenly turns and looks at Paul expectantly, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

"What?" he grunts back. Clearly, he wasn't about to do anything like Ash and Misty were. Dawn huffs something incoherent under her breath that sounds suspiciously like 'emotionless jerk'.

"Leaf," Drew speaks up, frowning. "You've wasted enough of our time already. Can't you see that we're busy here? Go bother someone else, all this mushy stuff is making me sick."

I roll my eyes at him. Typical boy behaviour.

"This is my house to, you know."

"So? At the moment, we need it for band practice. Seeing as you obviously can't deal with that, can't you go off to that geek, Birch's house or something?" he retorts back.

"It's Brendan," May corrects, frowning at Drew.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't June," Drew smirks, putting emphasis on the 'June' part.

The effect is instantaneous.

"My name is May. M-A-Y, like the month! Is it really that hard to remember you stupid Grasshead? That's it, all that damn foliage must have finally gotten through to your skull and - what the hell happened to your hair?" May stops her rant, finally noticing his change of colour.

"Here we go again," I mutter, and everyone else rolls their eyes.

"I dyed it, duh," Drew replied, rolling his eyes at her.

"I can see that!" May screeched, stamping her foot.

Oh boy.

"Yeesh, April," Drew groaned, rubbing his ears. "No need to scream, I'd like to keep my ears, thank you."

"Like you can talk," she scoffed. "The way you are playing, it sounds more like an ancient demon spell to wake up the cemetery two miles away."

Ha! Take that, score one for the girls.

"Oh yeah?" my brother challenged, shooting out of his seat and narrowing his eyes at her.

"Yeah!" she yelled back, not affected by his actions.

"Oh yeah?" Drew shouted.


"Oh y-

"Shut up!" I practically jumped out of my skin as Paul suddenly roared at the top of his lungs.

"Ow…" we all - except for Dawn - groan in unison, and I look over to the other girls. Ash is clutching Misty in what appears to be protectiveness, but it's probably just a front for fear, while May is rubbing her ears and Dawn is glaring at her boyfriend, used to how loud his voice can go due to their frequent arguments.

"Now," Paul begins with an expression that dares anyone to oppose him. Hell no! I'd rather keep my limbs attached to my body, thanks. "Here's what going to happen; Troublesome and her friends will leave us alone until we're done, Gary will stop flirting with Leaf, Leaf is going to give Drew his drumsticks back-" Drew shot me a smirk "- and Drew will then apologize to Leaf so we can get back to practice."

Drew's smirk dropped and he stared at Paul will his mouth agape, similar to the one Gary gave him when flirting was mentioned. Woohoo! I knew that somewhere under his rough, purple-ish exterior there was a reasonable...


Did he just say that I have to give my brother back his drumsticks?

"Paaaauuul!" the three of us whine in unison.

"What?" the mauve haired boy glared back in annoyance.

"I'm not giving his drumsticks back until-

"It was so not flirt-

"Why do I have to apolo-

"My name is DAWN!"

We all turned to face the fuming blunette, who currently looked as though she could blow a gasket any minute. Wow. For someone smaller than me, she could sure raise her voice.

"Troublesome," Paul smirked, watching in amusement as her face turned even redder.

"Look here, you eggplant," Dawn seethed, "How many times do I have to say it? My na-

At this point I decided to break away from that particular spectacle, seeing as it would only end when...well, when hell froze over. When it came to arguments, those two were just as bad as Ash and Misty. Speaking of which...

"Maybe we should go," Misty muttered from next to Ash, who frowned at her words.

"But, Mist," he whined. "You just got here, and I haven't seen you all week!"

"Ash, you can see me after band practice," she pointed out, and his expression instantly brightened. Wow, Misty works just as good as food…

"Okay!" Ash agreed happily, planting a soft kiss on her lips before removing his arm from around her waist.

"Come on, Dawn, we have places to be," the redhead instructed.

"And if you still haven- wait, but Misty, I'm in the middle of something here!" Dawn broke away from her argument with her hands on her hips.

"You can do that later," Misty shrugged. "Are you coming, May?"

"Actually, I'm going to stay," the brunette responded, and Misty gave her a funny look.

"What? Someone needs to stay and back Leaf up. Besides, that idiotic Grasshead-

"Okay, have fun with that!" Misty cut her off, knowing full well that May saying 'Grasshead' would lead to a new argument, before dragging Dawn out the door.

"THIS ISN'T OVER!" the blunette screeched as she was carried away.

"O-kaaay," Gary whistled awkwardly once they were gone. "Now that that's settled...L'il, the drumsticks!"

"Nope, he has to say sorry first," I smirk.

"What? No way am I apologizing!" Drew snorted, crossing his arms stubbornly over his chest.

"Then no drumsticks. To bad."

"Leaf, just give the man his drumsticks," Gary sighed.

"Apologize and maybe I will," I grin. Ha! I knew these things would come in handy eventually.


"Drew, just apologize to your sister so we can get back to rehearsal," Calem groaned, eyeing the microphone which was still in my hand.

"Fine," Drew finally gave in, rolling his eyes. "I'm sorry. Great, I said it. Can I have my drumsticks back now?"


"What! But you said that-

"I said maybe." Ha, and he says I have hearing problems.

"Leaf..." my brother begins dangerously.

"First, we have to solve this little conflict of terms," I state, waving the drumsticks around for added effect.

"Conflict of t- what are you on about, Leafy?" Gary exasperates. Clearly, all of this excitement has been to much for him.

Honestly, I sometimes wonder whether that boy's head actually contains a brain. There's the minor possibility that it does, but it's too small to focus on anything other than himself, the band, himself, his hair and girls. Did I mention himself?

"My terms of being able to finish my artwork without you making the walls come crashing down."

"I would suggest that you don't offend my obvious talent while I'm with hearing range, Peanut," Gary huffed.



"Shut up."

"You shu-

"People!" Calem shouted, and the both of us turned to raise an eyebrow at him. "If you two could save the flirting for when none of us are around to get sick by it, it'd be great. Leaf, give Drew his drumsticks back. This is cutting into practice time, and my Aunt wants me home in time for dinner. She's Kalosian."

I've known Gary Oak for my entire life, and trust me, while every other girl, with the exception of Misty, May and Dawn, would kill to be in my position because they worship him, I would rather fall off a cliff. If anything, I've saved them.

They should be worshipping me.

Unfortunately, Drew and Gary have been best friends since they found out that their names both have four letters in them. Even their full names, Andrew and Gareth, still have the same amount of letters. Apparently, two year olds find that incredibly amusing and upon realizing that fact will declare each other 'besties for life!'.

He's never been anything more than my brothers annoying bestie. We tolerate each other, and that's about the extent that our relationship goes. Seriously, if it wasn't for the sake of my artwork I would not be in the same room as him right now.

"Dude, we know she's Kalosian. Must you really bring that fact up every time?" Gary sighed, and I'm not sure whether he's choosing to ignore the rest of Calem's words, or just didn't hear them.

With that brain of his, or lack of in Gary's case, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd forgotten them already. Poor guy, his minor mental capacity must be such a nuisance.

"There's no harm in reminding you every now and then. I feel as though you overlook that fact way too much," Calem shrugged.

"Oh, my apologies. I will never undermine her Kalosian-ness again," the brunet remarked sarcastically.

"Greatly appreciated," Calem nodded, the sarcasm going right over his head.

Hmm. It seemed as though Gary wasn't the only one with limited brain function in here.

"Could you guys stop with the bromance already?" I scoff.

"Jealous, are we?" Gary winks.

"Leaf, I already told you to go to Birch's house if it's bothering you so much," Drew remarks, shooting Gary a glare,

From the corner of my eye, I could see May about to erupt again, so I quickly replied before anything else happened to get us off topic.

"Brendan," I begin with added emphasis for May's sake, "happens to be at his Grandpa's birthday."

"Birthday? I thought his funeral was last year," Drew questions, tilting his head in confusion.

"No, Drew. That was his grandmother's funeral," I tell him with a sigh, seeing as it looked as though this malfunction of brain capacity was contagious. I should really get out of here.


Brother, your unlimited variety of speech continues to thrill and amaze me every time. Do tell me where you come up with such fabulous responses.

"Anyway, if you're so insistent that you can't stand the noise, you should probably go find a place to stay tonight. The guys are sleeping over," he shrugs.


"Well, except for Calem," Gary puts in.

"Fabulous," I groan. "Any other amazing tidbits that I should know about?"

"Now that you mention it, yes," Drew stated, perking up.


"We've entered the Battle of the Bands this year, so the guys will be over every night after school for rehearsal."


"Every night?" I splutter, my eyes almost bulging out of my head when he nods. "And you actually managed to get mum and dad to agree to this?"

"Eh, dad was half asleep when we mentioned it, and you know what mums like. As soon as I started going on about how it was a good way to develop my future, she wouldn't stop blabbering about me 'pursuing my inner artistic abilities' or something like that," he shrugged.

"And just who exactly am I supposed to get a lift home with, then?"

Don't kill Drew. You must not kill Drew. You would get in serious trouble if you killed Drew.

"Still me, unless you've been hiding secret brothers from me or something."

"If only. But wait, there's five of you, and one of me. That's six in total."

"Oh my lordy!" Gary gasps dramatically, grabbing my shoulder. "Drew, I can't believe that all this time you have neglected to inform me that your sister was such a genius! Leafy, why are you studying art when you should clearly be following in the path of math instead? Your talent is simply unparalleled. They'll be wanting to study this one."

"What I was trying to say before I was interrupted by the talent scout over there," I stop to shoot a glare at Gary, pushing his hand off of my shoulder. "Is that, Drew, your car is a five seater. How is it going to fit all six of us?"

"Tie you to the roof?" Drew suggests with a shrug.

"Drew, how could you think of doing such a thing to your sister?" Gary frowns. "She'd be much better off in the boot."

Feeling the love here, boys.

"Gee, thanks guys," I mutter sarcastically.

"Calem's not getting a lift with the rest of us," Ash explained. I'd forgotten he was there...oops?

"My Aunt's started getting into all of these environmental documentaries, so she's making me 'Go Green' by enforcing a rule where I have to cycle everywhere. Apparently, it's good for Greenhouse Gasses or something like that," Calem groans, slumping against the wall hopelessly. "She's K-

"Yeah, she's Kalosian. We know," we all finish for him.

"Is that all you want, Leaf?" Drew sighs impatiently, holding out a hand for the drumsticks.

"This...Battle of the Bands, is it?" I double check, and he nods in confirmation. "Right, well how long is it going to last?"

"Eh, about four months. Depends on how far we make it," my brother shrugs.

Four months.

Four months?!

"Give or take a week," Gary puts in, very unhelpfully. Then again, at this point, a week would actually make a pretty big difference.

"Great, I'm thrilled. We'll definitely be looking forward to it," I state sarcastically, piffing both drumsticks at Drew's head and turning on my heel, then link arms with May as we both strutted out of the room.

"Ouch, Leaf!" a muffled cry sounded from back inside the room, and I shared a smirk with May. I still couldn't believe I was going to be stuck with that for four whole months! Instead of thinking about my plan for revenge, I stalk back up the stairs with May, silently rueing the day my brother was conceived.

Ugh, honestly, why couldn't our parents have just watched a movie that night instead?

So I thought I should clarify why I chose Xavier to be Calem's last name. So we all know that Calem is the X of Pokemon X and Y, and Serena is the anime version of Y. Well, I read on Bulbapedia that there were other names which were meant to be for the games as a default or something like that, which are actually Xavier, which accounts for the 'X' and Yvonne, which explains the Y. Seeing as nobody really has an official last name for them yet on FFN, I thought it'd kinda make more sense to use their pre-given names.

Current relationship statuses;

Ash and Misty - Together

Drew and May - Not together

Paul and Dawn - Together

Gary and Leaf - Not together

Calem - ...

Please review my lovelies!
