Fairy Tail was always known for being loud and obnoxious. There was always a commotion to be heard, whether it being the clash of glass shattering on the ground, the rambunctious chatter of the fellow members, or the sound of a fight beginning to rumble. But, to a certain blue haired girl, none of that could be heard at this very moment.
Juvia was always one to be off in her own little world, and today was no exception. She drummed the fingers on her left hand to a steady beat, while resting her chin on her other. Her eyes were glued to the clock further up ahead, watching the seconds endlessly tick by.
43, 44, 45… if only time would go faster for her, she thought. Her eyes were glazed were boredom, with a tint of sadness. If only-
"Knock it off, will ya?" Gajeel's booming voice erupted, and Juvia immediately stopped her strumming fingers, being knocked her right out of her trance. Ah yes, the water mage had completely forgotten where she was, eating lunch with Gajeel and Levy.
The iron dragon slayer gave Juvia an irritated look, whereas Levy just looked at her absently with her head cocked.
"Sorry, Gajeel-kun. Juvia is just so… sad," Juvia muttered, giving a wistful look towards her untouched meal in front of her.
"Why is that?" Levy questioned, turning her attention to the water woman. Gajeel immediately sighed, and put his hand on his forehead.
"Here we go…"
Juvia gulped, and looked Levy straight in the eye, her eyes brimming tears.
"It is because Gray-sama has not returned from his mission yet!" she stood up and slammed her trembling hands onto the table in front of her, before continuing, "and he told Juvia that he would be back in 3 days!"
"Every freaking time…" Gajeel groaned, lowering his head.
"Well, maybe the mission turned out to be tougher than he expected," Levy began, unsure as to how to take care of the situation, "how long has he been gone for?"
Tears began to slowly slide down Juvia's now red cheeks.
"Three and a half days!"
Levy furrowed her brows to the now sobbing girl, and Gajeel shook his head while he began to stand up.
"Where are you going?" Levy asked with wide eyes, bewildered.
"I'm gonna head out before the guild hall gets flooded again, so see ya."
Levy stood up immediately and grabbed Gajeel's arm, earning a somewhat confused look.
"Aren't you going to help me?!"
Gajeel simply shrugged his arms, before he began walking away, making Levy's hand release from her grasp.
"When she gets like this, there's no helping her."
Gajeel smirked as he left the two bluenettes at the table, and began to approach the door that lead to exiting. As he was reaching the door handle, an unwelcomed surprise came his way.
With a big smash, the door was swung open, sending the ex-Phantom Lord member flying across the guild hall.
"That's karma for ya!" Levy shouted towards the now air borne dragon slayer, before turning her head back to the blue girl in front of her, only to realize that she had now disappeared.
"Whoops! Sorry man!" Natsu waltzed in, scratching the back of his head with a charming smile on his face.
"You better be, Salamander!" Gajeel roared from across the guild hall, covered in wood from the now broken table he was lying in. Mirajane quickly rushed to his side, helping his stand up.
"I'll heal you!" Wendy exclaimed rushing in, Carla flying closely behind her.
"Why waste your effort? Him and Natsu are about to go at it any second now anyway," Lucy expressed as she entered with Happy flying behind her.
Erza was the next to enter, trudging her unnecessarily large luggage behind her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, before re-opening them with a winning smile adorned on her lips.
"It's always nice returning home," she grinned, taking a step forward. The powerful mage then noticed a very eager looking water mage before her, and then strolled towards her comrade.
"Ah, Juvia! It's nice to see you up and ready for battle," Erza joked, but received nothing but a slight 'mm-hmm' from the focused girl who was now peeking over her shoulder.
Erza's smile began to falter, as Juvia began to walk outside of the guild hall, her main target being the only thing on her mind.
"Gray's not here," the requip mage spoke, which earned a worried glance from the now distressed bluenette.
"Where is he?!" she demanded, her arms flailing as she spoke. Erza gave her a downcast frown, gaining a gasp from the water mage.
"Our mission didn't go too well for Gray, so he decided he wasn't up for coming to the guild today. He said he wasn't feeling that great anyway and-"
"What did you do to him, love rival? Did you make my beloved sick?!" Juvia demanded to Lucy, as she somehow made it to the celestial wizard so fast that it would put Jet to shame. Juvia grabbed Lucy by the arms, and the blonde worriedly tried to pry off the crazy fan girl off her.
"N-Nothing! And for the last time I'm not a love rival!" Lucy shouted, desperately shaking her off.
"She is right Juvia; Lucy, or none of us for that matter, had anything to do with it," Erza explained, grabbing the water mage and 'gently' pulling her off the poor key holding girl.
Juvia childishly wrapped her arms around her chest, and turned away, quietly saying something inaudible. Erza, feeling slightly bad for the love struck girl, approached her and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Maybe you should go and visit him tonight," Erza offered, which caught Juvia's attention as she turned her head to the red haired warrior. She then continued, "I'm sure a friendly face would do him good! And I'm almost positive that if anyone could make him feel better, it would be you."
Juvia stood there, and contemplated, before a love-filled smile grew onto her face.
Going to Gray-sama's home… alone?! Juvia thought as her imagination began to run wild, all the possible outcomes her visit may be able to obtain flooded her mind.
"That is an excellent idea, Erza-san! Juvia will go and even buy Gray-sama food as well so he can recover!"
"Great! Then, do you need me to give you his address-"
It was too late for Erza though, as Juvia had already dashed out of the guild, leaving nothing but her dust.
Well, it's not like she wouldn't know where he lived after all. Erza thought, and then took a seat beside Lucy, who was giving Happy and Natsu a disgusted look as they were munching down food at an abnormal speed. Thanks to Natsu and Happy, food was flying every which way, making Lucy quite bothered. Though, once noticing Erza's presence, she turned to her.
"Are you sure Juvia is the right person for making Gray feel better? I mean, she's a great girl and all, but…"
"Don't worry about it Lucy," Erza answered, stealing the slice of strawberry cake that was with Natsu's giant platter of food, "Gray enjoys Juvia's company a lot more than he lets on. You have nothing to fret about."
Lucy simply nodded, before turning opening her mouth to reply but was sadly cut off by a fish bone that was sent flying straight into Lucy's head. She then turned to the blue cat who threw it at her with a devilish look on her face.
"Happy.. you did NOT just-!" she stood up as she began to yell, but unfortunately knocking into Erza while ascending up, sending the beloved strawberry cake tumbling towards the ground.
Lucy stopped dead in her tracks, as did Natsu and Happy, all turning towards the now heartbroken Erza who had a single tear roll down her cheek. And then, in a flash, flames began to envelope the hungry girl, as she turned towards her team with a deathly glare. Lucy began to tremble, and slowly reached for her keys out of comfort.
"Oh no…"
Wow, I love how I originally intended on this entire story being a one-shot, but it got way too long. So yes, now it's multi-chaptered. Yay? It's a darn shame Gray hasn't showed up yet, but do not fret fellow Gruvia fans, from here on out, its basically all Gray and Juvia. I just had to cut the chapter here because if I didn't it'd be like almost 5000 words .. But yeah, the entire story is basically finished, so expect a pretty quick update.
Any who, thanks a bunch for reading! And it'd be pretty nice if you would review. [:
And for a last thought, would it not be the best thing in the entire world if by the end of Tartaros Gruvia was canon? I mean, Silver did say he left Gray to Juvia ;). Fingers crossed!
Update- Wow I fail. I forgot to add Juvia and Gray as the main characters... can you tell I'm new here yet? xD
Also... I changed the description because the old one sucked butt. I hope this one is better!