Hello! QuartzClaw here! And this is my first fanfiction.
Usually in AUs, Ash, Misty, Gary, Leaf, May, Drew, Paul, and Dawn are in high school. So I thought why not make a fanfic of when they were in lower grades? I'm going to make a collection one-shots of when they were from grades kindergarten to... well, I don't know.
These are going to take place in May's school, so they're going to be more centered around her. Not all of the characters are going to be in every one-shot, as not all of them were at the same school at the same time. Some characters will appear as new students in higher grades. These aren't in any specific order, so I'm going to write what grade each one-shot takes place in and which characters it includes at the top.
Okay, let's get started!
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any way, shape or size!
Making Friends
May (age 5), Drew (5), Paul (5), Gary (5)
It was May's first day in kindergarten. Her mother led her into a large classroom filled with many colours and pictures. Many children May's age, who had already arrived, were sitting around large round tables, while others were walking around, exploring the room.
"Hello. I'm Ms. Kelly, the teacher. Nice to meet you!" May looked up to see her mother conversing with a young woman, who looked like she was in her 20s.
"Hi, I'm Caroline, and this is my daughter, May Maple." May's mother introduced her to the woman.
"Hello, May! I know we are going to be great friends! See those tables? You can choose a table and sit anywhere you like." Ms. Kelly bent down to address the little girl.
May shyly smiled. She liked her teacher. She was very nice and pretty.
"Now, May run along and make friends. I'll be back to pick you in a while. Oh, look! There's a boy sitting alone on that table. Why don't you go say hi to him?" May looked at where her mother was pointing and saw a boy with spiky brown hair at one of the tables.
"Bye sweetie!" Her mother waved goodbye as she left.
"Bye Mommy!" Most little girls would be afraid to be left alone in a new place. But May knew her Mommy was going to come back soon. The classroom looked very interesting, and she wanted to explore it. First, she made her way to the boy her mother had pointed to and sat down beside him.
"Hello! I'm May." she greeted him. She was never afraid to meet new people. The boy looked at her, and smiled. But it wasn't a nice smile, it was a mean smile.
"I'm Gary. And I'm the king of this table! You can't sit here unless I say so!" He smirked at her surprised expression. "And I say you can't!"
May was shocked. "But Ms. Kelly said I can sit anywhere I want." she protested.
"Not here! So go somewhere else!"
May scowled. She did not want to sit next to this boy anymore, but she was stubborn. She wasn't used to not having her way, with her Daddy spoiling her the way he did. "No!"
It was Gary's turn to be surprised. He could always push around other kids. Why couldn't he tell her what to do? "I said go away!"
"Okay class!" Ms. Kelly clapped her hands together, getting everyone's attention. "Now that everyone is here, please come and sit on this mat!" There was a large, square mat with a chair in front of it. The children from around the room sat down on it.
"Now, most of you don't know each other, so we are going to do introductions. Each one of you is going to stand up at the front and tell us your name and something about yourself. Now doesn't that sound like fun!" She sat down on the chair.
One by one, the children came up to the front. Some were very shy and needed a lot of encouragement from Ms. Kelly, while others were eager to share their names.
A boy with green hair walked up after a couple of people. "My name is Andrew Hayden." he announced proudly. Having such a long name made him feel bigger and important, despite his small size. "I have a huge house and lots of teachers!"
"No, Ms. Kelly is only one teacher!" someone yelled out.
Andrew looked a bit confused. This wasn't the reaction he expected. "No, I have lots of teachers at home."
"You can't keep teachers!" someone else pointed out, leading to many snickers from the others.
"Now, class." Ms. Kelly warned sternly. "What Andrew means is that he has many tutors. A tutor is a teacher who can teach you at home." she explained. She turned to the green-haired boy. "Very nice to meet you, Andrew. Now take a seat."
After a while, it was Gary's turn. "I'm Gary! I have a big sister, and my grandpa is a famous scientist, and I'm the king of the class! You have to do what I say!" he bragged.
"No, Gary, no one is the king of the class. In a classroom, you have to do what the teacher says." Ms. Kelly corrected, putting an end to the "No fair!"s emerging from the other students.
May went up next. "My name is May! I have a little brother who is two, a daddy, and a mommy. I love chocolate, and my favourite colour is red!" She smiled proudly as she concluded and went back to her seat.
After some time, everybody had gone, or so it seemed.
"Has everyone had a turn?" Ms. Kelly looked at all the students. "Now then,... wait! Paul, what about you?" she directed her question at a boy with purple hair who was sitting alone at the very back.
"I don't want to." he mumbled.
"Come on, don't be shy..."
"I'm not shy!" That got him to the front. But after that, he just silently observed his feet.
"So what's your name?" Ms. Kelly decided to start him off.
"You know my name." he muttered.
"But the class doesn't. Why don't you tell them?"
The boy briefly glanced up before muttering "Paul."
"Now tell us something about yourself."
"Like what?" He sounded moody.
"You just moved to town, right?"
"So you're new here. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"One brother."
"Yes, you have a big brother, don't you? Okay, you can sit down if you want." Paul was more than happy to.
"Now then, I want all of you to pick a table to sit at. Only four at each table, okay?" the teacher instructed.
The class was instantly filled with activity as everyone rushed to sit beside their new friends or at a spot they liked. Gary went back to the table he was sitting at first, and May stubbornly did too. Naturally, they got into a little argument about their sitting rights.
Andrew looked around uncertainly. He was an only child, and didn't get to meet with others his age often, so he had been really looking forward to making friends at his new school. But he did not know anyone here, and he was not sure where to start.
A table with only two others caught his eye. One of its occupants was a boy who looked a little mean, but the other was a friendly-looking girl. He was going to be friends with that girl, he decided. He took the seat next to her.
"Hello. I'm Andrew." he told her. He had always been taught politeness. It seemed the girl had just finished talking to the other boy about something. She turned to face him, and went from pouting at the other boy to beaming at Andrew.
"Hello Drew! My name is May!" This caused Andrew to frown a little.
"My name is Andrew." he corrected her.
"It's too long!" May complained.
"Paul, why don't you sit over here?" Ms. Kelly led the grumpy purple-head to the table. "You can sit with Andrew, May, and Gary."
"I don't want to."
"Paul, all the other tables are full, and you have to sit somewhere." Ms. Kelly told him a bit sternly. Paul begrudgingly took the last seat at the table.
"Okay class!" Ms. Kelly got everyone's attention. "For today, I'm going to hand out paper and a box of crayons to each table. I want everyone to draw a picture of something they like. It can be anything you want!"
As she handed out the paper and crayons, many of the students began discussing what they were going to draw.
"I'm going to make my house." Andrew said eagerly.
Gary only slouched with his arms folded, because his mood had been ruined by May's not doing what he said. Paul stayed quiet as well, until he noticed May staring at him.
"What?" he demanded.
"I'm going to make your hair!" May announced unexpectedly. "It's so pretty!"
Paul was taken aback. "What! My hair is not pretty!" he protested as if she had insulted him.
"Yes it is!" May giggled.
"No, it's not! It's normal hair!"
"It's pretty, purple hair!" May leaned over the table to ruffle it up. Paul swatted her hand away.
"No, you can't make my hair!" It was his hair; he didn't allow her to draw it!
"Ms. Kelly said it can be anything we like, and I like your hair." she said in a final sort of way.
"My hair is nice too..." Andrew felt a bit left out. All of his nannies adored his hair, but it did not look like May did.
When the paper arrived, May and Andrew reached for the crayon box. It seemed, however, that Gary had snapped out of his moody state once he saw another chance to bully the others. He quickly grabbed to box and put it on his lap, having it all to himself.
"Gary, I want a purple crayon!" May whined.
Andrew looked serious. "You have to share."
"No." Gary was enjoying his little revenge.
"Ms. Kelly! Gary won't share!" May complained. The teacher arrived at the scene.
"Gary, please put the box in the middle of the table." she said sternly. When Gary looked reluctant, she added, "Or else you will have a time out!" This seemed to do the trick.
"What's a 'time out'?" May was curious.
"When someone is being naughty, or is not listening to the teacher, they have to sit alone in the corner and think about what they did wrong." Ms. Kelly explained.
May shuddered. It sounded scary, especially to someone who loved being in a group. She did not want to end up in the time out corner.
Soon, everyone was colouring. Well, almost everyone, anyways.
"What are you drawing, Gary?" May chirped as her purple crayon went back and forth on her page.
"My grandpa!" Gary answered, no longer attempting to hog the crayons.
"What about you, Drew?"
"My name is Andrew!" he corrected once again before answering, "I'm drawing my house."
"Paul," May frowned. "Why aren't you making anything."
"I don't want to." Paul's sheet was blank.
"I just don't!"
"Maybe you can draw your big brother." Andrew suggested. He felt a bit jealous of the other three because they had siblings, but not jealous enough to have any negative feelings toward them.
Paul seemed to consider the idea. Then, slowly, he reached for a crayon and got to work.
"My, what wonderful pictures you all drew!" Ms. Kelly complimented the class when everyone was done. Her students beamed at the praise.
"Can we take them home?" someone asked.
"Why, of course you can!" Ms. Kelly assured.
May was delighted. She loved kindergarten, she loved Ms. Kelly, and she loved her new friends. She would tell her Mommy all about it when she got home.
"May, your mom's here!" Ms. Kelly called out. Everyone's parents were now coming to pick them up. May frowned. She didn't want to go just yet; her friends were still here, and she wanted to spend some more time with them.
"May, we have to go." Caroline walked up to her daughter. "Oh, you made some friends?" she said, noting the other three. "That's great, sweetie! But we have to go now. You can meet them again tomorrow. Now, say bye to them!"
May smiled at the thought of meeting them again the next day. And then the next, and the next, and for the whole school year!
"Bye bye, Gary! Bye bye, Paul! Bye bye..." She hesitating before continuing. "An-drew."
Andrew thought for a second. "You can call me Drew if you want."
May beamed. And off she went with her mother, telling her all about her day, and especially about her new "bestest friends in the world".
And that's that! Tell me what you thought in your reviews. I accept both negative and positive criticisms.
I have a couple of ideas for future chapters, but not many. You can tell me if you have any suggestions.
I'm not completely sure about when I'm going to update. I'll try at least once a week, but it also depends on how many ideas I can think up. I'll tell you if I ever come up with a schedule.
Bye bye for now! And have a smiling day! :)