This is a story idea I got when I read the spoilers for season three of 'Girl Meets World'. This is my take of what should happen in 'Girl Meets Upstate'. I hope all of you enjoy it and there are a couple spoilers, but I won't tell you what they are.

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Girl Meets World'.


The two best friends, Maya and Riley, arrived at Shawn's house for help. Maya had lost who she is and Riley assumed Shawn could help. After an hour of them talking, it seemed like nothing had changed except for the fact Maya grew even more sad.

Shawn sighed and stood from the chair he was sitting at. "Well, I'm going to the store to get us a pizza."

"Can we go with?" Riley asked excited for a change of view.

Shawn agreed but looked at his soon-to-be daughter. "Maya, do you want to go?"

The girl shook her head slowly. "If you don't mind, I just want to be alone for a little bit."

"Alright." Shawn reluctantly grabbed his wallet and his jacket. "We'll be back in a little bit, kiddo."

"Bye, Dad-" Maya cut herself off by quickly covering her mouth with her hand.

Shawn let out a short laugh at her reaction. "Bye, Maya." The two left with the blonde girl having her thoughts to herself.

When Shawn and Riley were down the road a little ways, Shawn got on his phone. "You can start heading this way," he told the person on the other line. "Maya's alone."

After getting a response, he hanged up and his niece gave him a strange look. "Who was that?" Riley interrogated.

Shawn smiled mischievously. "Someone who started the long game a few turns late."

After being alone for about ten minutes, Maya's phone started to go off. Looking down at the screen she noticed that it was a number she didn't recognize. Letting it ring a couple more times she answered timidly, "Hello?"

"Hey, Maya."

Maya stood from the couch as she exclaimed in surprise, "Josh? What in the, how did you get my number?"

The older boy, who made a point of establishing their three years difference, chuckled. "I got it from someone we both know. They told me you were losing yourself and you're turning into Riley?"

At that moment Maya had look up to see a picture framed of her best friend and little brother. "Yeah, she thought that Da-Shawn would be able to help, but it turns out it didn't work."

"You know, there's no need to get embarrassed about calling him 'Dad'." Josh encouraged as Maya started to roam around the apartment. "He actually told me about how happy he was that your mom said yes. He even told me when somebody recently asked him if he had a kid, he said that he was engaged to someone that had a daughter that he already thought of as his own."

Maya smiled because in her hand she had a picture of herself and Shawn that was placed on his mantle. "I'm glad, but that doesn't explain why you called."

"Isn't it obvious? I'm calling to help. By the way, I heard you got a crush on a cowboy."

Maya groaned. "Don't get me started on that. It's just a big, jumbled up mess."

"You know what I think?"


"I don't think you really like him. I think you think you like him because you've turned into Riley who also likes him." Maya stopped her roaming and almost dropped her phone. At that moment, the doorbell ringed. "Is that the door?"

"They'll leave," she insisted quietly, but didn't walk on so they'd know someone was inside. "I actually thought that too. That's why I am so confused."


"Well then, here's something to clear your mind. Do you remember that night at the college party? Or the family game night?"

Maya's expression grew slightly grim. "Yeah, I remember both of them very clearly. Why you asking?"


"Because I have something I wanted to-"


"Maya, would you answer the door already? I think they are getting aggravated."

"Fine." Maya spat as she walked over to the door and twisted the knob. "But this conversation isn't-"

Maya stopped talking after she answered the door. Standing before her was none other than the person she was talking to on the phone. Josh smirked as he put his phone in his pocket. "About time you opened it. My legs were starting to get tired."

She said nothing as she backed up to the couch and sat down in surprise. Josh entered the household and closed the door behind him. Maya snapped out of her daze at the sound of the door. "What are you doing here?" She interrogated as she scooted over for him to have a seat.

After he did so, he stated, "I'm here because Shawn told me about your situation and thought it would be best if I solved it."

Maya scoffed. "How are you suppose to 'solve it'? And why you?"

"Because there is something I needed to tell you." He insisted. "I think the reason you changed was because of me and it started after that party." Maya gave him a strange look so he explained, "You lost hope after the party. You saw that you could never be with me and you gave up. It didn't really help that you haven't seen me in a couple years-"

"Why is that?" Maya wondered as she unconsciously scooted slightly closer to him. "Why haven't I seen you?"

"There was a couple things I had to deal with." He sighed as he leaned back on the couch. "For starters, I had started to think back on the night of the party and the family game night. I wanted hang out with you on New Year's Eve, but I had gotten in a motorcycle wreck a couple weeks before. After I healed and after New Year's, a girl like a year older asked me out. You know what I told her?"

Maya swallowed a lump in her throat as she weakly asked, "What did you tell her?"

Maya's spirit rose slightly when Josh smiled at her as he answered, "I said, 'Sorry, but someone started the long game with me and I need to finish it.'" He intertwined her fingers with is and squeezed reassuringly.

Maya looked down at their interlocked hands and then gazed up at him. Josh confessed as he leaned closer to her, "I love you, Maya and I'm sorry it took me a couple years to realize it."

Maya didn't say a word. Instead she closed her eyes and let the boy she had liked since seventh grade kiss her. She only had one thought in her mind as she moved closer to him.

Game Over.