Gray inhaled deeply as he gathered all his strength to keep moving. The said ice mage was now running with all his might towards where he last saw his fellow guildmates.

Turning into a corner, Natsu came into his line of vision, beside him was Gajeel. They both look exhausted, fighting over something that he couldn't hear through the distance.

He finally stopped, breathing heavely as a small smile appeared on his bruised face.

He was thankful to see those two idiots alive and brickering. Then, his eyes drifted around, looking for a certain blue-haired woman.

He spotted Lucy at the corner, she was crawling, and was trying to reach her hands forward.

"Lucy!" He called out, and jogged towards the blonde girl, Gray tried not to cringe when he saw her small, battered face directed towards him.

Natsu and Gajeel immediately hurried as well on her direction.

Gray was solely focused with Lucy as she was sat up by Natsu who came hurriedly on her side.

"Minna-san," she breathed softly, tears forming on the corner of her eyes. Gray stopped in front of them, his face softening.

When he was about to ask for Juvia's whereabouts, Lucy began weeping on Natsu's arms.

She tried to release herself from Natsu's embrace, still aiming to move (crawl) forward.

"Lucy," Natsu held her tightly, his eyes narrowing but later on he let her free. This time it was Gray who stopped her.

But before he could place a hand on her shoulder, he heard the spirit mage whisper, "Juvia..."

His eyes snapped and he frantically looked around, he focused his vision towards where Lucy want to go and there, they spotted the water mage.

She was half lying on her back, her small body was twisted from waist down.

His heart pounded rapidly inside his chest and shortly after, he was distracted by Lucy's soft cries as she attempted to reach for her friend.

His breathing hitched as soon as Lucy reached Juvia, without any indication of life from the water mage, Lucy's cries became louder.

Gray was staring stifly before Gajeel walked passed him, causing him to fall on his side as the said other black haired mage bumped on him unintentionally on his shoulder

"Fuck," Gajeel cursed, as he glared at the unconscious woman in front of him. He dipped down and gather Juvia in his arms. "Wake up." He commanded, patting Juvia's cheeks with his fingers. He tried to shook her with enough strength but the blue-haired girl didnt even budge.

"She's not breathing!" Natsu yelled as he followed suit, kneeling beside Lucy. Gajeel touched the side of Juvia's neck, and his eyes widened when he didn't feel any pulse beating.

Gray was staring on the ground before he gathered his thoughts and run towards them, he immediately clutched Juvia's hand and Gajeel knowing what to do, placed Juvia on the Ice mage's chest.

"That Demon," growled Gajeel and then he screamed in agony. Pulling his long hair as he rocked his upper body back and forth. "I-if only I helped her..." his voice was different, it held guilt and he, the Iron dragon slayer was blaming himself.

Gray couldnt believe whats in front of him. Everywhere there is chaos, everyone's fighting with all their might. This place is already a mess, a hell and Gray felt like loosing his grip on reality.

Gulping the lump on his throat, he placed a large, calloused hand on her small, pale face. "Juvia..."

"T-they said that ... some particles went inside her body when she defeated Keith. I think its the same with what happened with Laxus and his team." Lucy explained, sobbing as she tried not to think of a very negative way to describe Juvia right now.

"I..." Gray started and he wasn't ready to hear those informations, he was solely focused with the unconscious woman on his arms.

No... Juvia, this isn't happening. Not now, not here!

He placed her gently on the ground and all of them stared at him wonderingly.

His hands were shaking, and he could say that he must handle Juvia with the utmost care, he didn't plan on leaving her like this. Not like this.

He stared at her battered face and he realised how beautiful she is. He didn't mind the blood on her lips or the purple bruises starting to appear everywhere on her small face.

She is so beautiful. Even with her hair tangled and clothes tattered.

Gray felt his eyes blurred for a moment while Natsu called him.

"Hey Gray! Don't you dare lose it!"

Gray blinked his eyes. Sanity was slowly sleeping away from him.

Not her. Not Juvia. She's not going to disappear too.

He decided, after meeting with his father that he'll treasure this woman, no matter what. But now, is it too late for that?

Wendy's voice boomed behind them and for a moment Gray felt that there's still a hope.

"Wendy..." he muttered and the young mage understood whats he's trying to say. He was practically speechless. "S-save her." He's still giving effort to hold himself together.

Without a word, Wendy kneeled and began her magic.

They all waited and for Gray it felt like an eternity. He really wanted to see those big blue eyes right now, he wants to see that amazing smile on her lips, he wants to hear her call his name. That's all what he needs right now. Its her who he needs now.

Wendy began to sob as she held both palm in front of Juvia. "It's not working..."her small voice was shaking, her lips quivering.

"Juvia-san," her small voice called the water mage but she didn't get any response.

Gray kneeled in front of Juvia and withot any words, he began to shook her. "Juvia!" He screamed before patting Juvia in the face, slapping her in the process as he tried to double the pressure on his palms.

"Juvia..." his voice shook and his guildmates already know that Juvia might not respond to any of his call anymore.

"Gray," Lucy called him softly. "It's... It's useless... Juvia... s-she's de-"

Lucy pressed her lips together tightly when Gray shot him a glare.

"Shut up!" He cried, startling the others. He went back to Juvia and cupped her cheeks, his eyes widened in fright. "H-hey..." he called her softly before his shoulders slumped forward, his forehead bumping with hers.

Wendy gripped her elbows and Gajeel went to her side, he placed a hand on her shoulder. The young mage looked up at him, before she shook her head and sobbed into his abdomen.

"No, not you... Not you..." Gray heartbrokeningly repeated, he felt a stinging sensation on his eyes and seconds later, fat droplets of tears hit Juvia's closed eyes and cheeks.

Gray ignored how cold her skin is, telling himself that it was because of his own magic. It was all because of him, unleashing such coldness for everyone to feel his wrath.

"Bastard!" Natsu punched the back of Gray's head. "Control your powers!"

Right now, Gray could only hear Natsu frantic threats about him releasing his powers carelesslely. He couldn't care much right now.

Whats the most important right now is Juvia. No one else matters to him right now but her.

Suddenly, he sat up straight and pressed both of his palms on her chest. Seconds later, the Ice mage began pumping it.

"Come on..." after his third pump, he bent down and opened her mouth. "Juvia..." he said first before giving her air.

He felt electrocuted once his lips made contact with her, but without any further distractions, he began pumping her chest again.

One, two, three, he inhaled deeply before plunging the air on her mouth once again. He straightened up and looked for any sign of life from her.

Still there's nothing. Only her pale cheeks, closed eyes, messy hair, and opened thin lips.

His eyes watered when he released her face and it went limply to the side. "No way..." he chuckled unbelievingly, shaking his head as well.

Gajeel couldn't do anything else but to stare at the once lively friend of him. He felt sick with the sight of Juvia, lying unconsciously on the ground.

The Ice mage pumped and pumped until he felt his shoulders along with his muscled arms tightened in pain, his muscles were cramping and sweat was now tingling at the edge of his black spikes.

Soon, the rest of their guildmates found them, no one couldn't fathom how and why did this happen. All of them wore hurtful and shocked expressions.

Erza clenched both of her fist, stabbing her long sword to the ground.

They all gathered around Gray and Juvia. All of them staring with tears streaming down from their eyes.

Gray was non-stop. He looked so frail and broken to everyone. Master Makarov, stepped forward and grabbed his child's shoulder.

"Gray..." he muttered lowly but Gray still didn't stop. He bent down again and connected his lips with her cold ones.

"No..." he snarled and went back pumping air on Juvia's chest.

"Gray!" Erza thundered and with all her strength, she brought Gray up. The Ice mage struggled but he couldn't get out of Erza's grasp as soon as their other guildmates joined pulling him away from Juvia.

"Fuck it!" He shouted in range, "aren't we all nakamas in here?! Why aren't you doing anything! Why are you against saving Juvia!" He exclaimed, kicking his legs in the air.

Elfman succeeded on pinning him on the ground, the large man also had a hard time holding him firmly due to his insistent struggling.

They were all thrown on the air when Gray made himself ice cold, no one dared to touch him as he run towards Juvia again.

"Juvia!" He called, but before he could even reach her, a loud shot came and he hit the ground roughly.

Slowly, he felt his senses numbing away and with the remaining energy he had, Gray reached his hand outward and clutched the water mage's limp hand, he looked up and saw her being fussed over by their other guildmates, a sad smile graced his bleeding lips.

"Juvia, I-" but before he could even finish his sentence, everything around him went black.

.an: Sorry, did I mess up with your Gruvia feels? Since Juvia defeated Keith and she told Lucy about wanting to see Gray, this scenerio kept on laying eggs inside my brain. And I also think that this has a potential and now, here it is! Please review on what you think about. Im planning to continue this one if a lot of you would be interested on what Im going to write for this story. Ah, the scene where Gray kept on doing CPR with Juvia gave me the most feels, its a heart breaker to see Gray loosening his fight with Juvia's life. Thank you for reading! Btw, these are all inspired by chapters 394-395 :))