A thousand shards of glittering, crystalline glass and colorful wax crayons were scattered around Namine's bare feet. She didn't wear her sandals, usually, and now she could see that it was a bad idea. Whimpering slightly, she tried to take a step backwards so she could at least lean against the wall, but her foot scraped the tiniest bit of glass- and she immediately drew back and resumed her former stance.

She was trapped in the mess she made herself. If she tried to take a single step, she would experience the very painful experience of being stabbed in the foot. If she stayed where she was... chances were that eventually DiZ would come over to yell at her for being useless and clumsy.

Biting her lip back and bowing her head, trying to think of more possiblities...

"What happened?"

Riku had appeared at the doorway, and from the looks of it, had tried falling right asleep after a mission. He had only done so much as to remove his blindfold and gloves, but otherwise he was wearing his full organization uniform. His teal eyes were groggy and tired. And he was wearing shoes.

Looking up, seeing the slouching figure at the doorway, she bowed her head again and attempted to apologize- she probably woke him up or something- but her words were coming out in an incomprehensible blur.

"I-I'm sorry, its just that, the jar.. and I-"

She only stopped when she heard footsteps coming her way, though she was urging to look up and see why he was walking towards her, she didn't. It was probably to yell at her or just glare at her or- or something. Whenever anyone came within a 2-feet radius of her figure, it had almost always been for a negative reason. This really couldn't be any different.

She heard the crunch of glass under Riku's boots, and clenched here eyes shut. And then the floor beneath her feet was gone and she felt herself... falling? Closing her eyes even tighter, waiting for the moment until she would hit the solid ground, but instead finding herself against warm and strong arms. For a moment she was confused, until it dawned on her- Riku was actually carrying her. And now sea-blue were open and she could see the silverette's face. And actually notice his bare hands were just beneath her knees and her shoulders.

Feeling her cheeks grow a little pink, maybe from warmth because she obviously couldn't feel embarrassment, though not noticing that the boy's cheeks were actually rather red. Or that he was stuttering and tripping over his own words. All she heard was something along the lines of "be more careful".

Ignoring his words against her own better judgement, she simply rested her head against his chest. Riku held her tighter and tried to hide his red face. And finally managed to form a concrete sentence,

"Just- just ask me if you need something from the higher shelves, alright?"

And then let her down onto the floor far, far away from the broken glass. And then rushed to leave before actually hearing her reply ("O-Okay!"). Namine was a little struck back by his sudden leave, and it took her a few moments to realize that she still didn't have any crayons. And Riku had already left.

The silver haired boy in question had rushed to his room and simply sat in his bed, (his face was red as a cherry now) and went over everything that had just happened.