a|n - this is the last chapter of Me & Joshua Matthews so i hope you enjoyed, check out my other stories! I also just want to thank TellYouAllAboutIt for leaving the cutest reviews this past week

*i have a new joshaya story in the works rn and it'll be posted this summer.

thanks for reading x

People always said that when you graduate from high school, you'll miss it almost immediately. Maya didn't think there was anything in this school that she would possibly miss. The lunch tasted like cardboard, the majority of the kids in her grade were shallow and annoying and the teachers were way too nagging. People might think her thoughts on the school are negative and pessimistic but that wasn't true.

There were (very few) good moments, like when her and Farkle went to prom in clown suits. Or when they both had a milk drinking contest and got sick and needed to be sent home. But the most memorable moments would definitely be from this year, when she got her best friend back.

The two got a B on their questions paper and Maya remembered thinking that was the first B she had gotten in that class all year. Maybe it was because Riley rewrote the paper and used fancy grammar.

So no, she was negative. She was actually somewhat happy that day. Everyone was being called up to get their diploma and get the chance to shake the principal's wrinkly hand.

Oh how exciting.

Alright, she was being negative but who could blame her? You would think the ceremony would be over now but no. There was about four hundred kids in her class and Maya was slowly losing her patience with every single one. How hard was it to walk a little faster when your name was being called? How hard was it to just follow the lead of the person in front of you?

Riley called her snappy when Maya shared her thoughts later that day. Apparently, everyone else was getting emotional and that's why they were going slow. Maya just wanted to get out of there, the sun was beaming down on her and she could feel her gown start to stick to her legs.

When the moment did come, Maya could feel herself smile.

It's been a while since she actually smiled and it would have nothing to do with a certain boy from Philly that gave her the craziest three weeks of her life. Nope, it had nothing to do with him practically ignoring her for two months. She was fine.

Shawn said that he needed time and Maya was more than willing to give it to him and she felt completely selfish thinking otherwise. She felt like so clingy when she wondered why he hasn't called her. He had a phone. He had her number.

It was a simple process.

But it was selfish and foolish for her to think that he would call. The person that mattered to him most passed away and he thought it was his fault. Anyone could know that he needed time.

Maybe it was all the times he snuck into her room in the middle of the night or when she told him about Riley and he was completely okay with it or when he opened up to her about his dad. Maybe that was why she wanted him to call. In her head, the two were close.

Not just romantically but Josh proved to be a close confident about Riley whenever she was scared that Farkle would flip out on her. He was nice to talk to and she thought the least he could do was call her and tell her he's okay.

Or as okay someone could be in mourning.

No, no, no, Maya mentally shook her head.

She did not need to think about all that. She had her friends altogether again and that was great. It was strange, having them together as a group again made her wonder how she never missed it.

Even though, Farkle was loud and eccentric enough for Lucas and Riley.

"So, you're not gonna miss any of this?" People from their class rushed over to their friends and family, some were crying, others were screaming, "Freedom!" and snapping as many selfies as possible.

"Absolutely not. The only things I'd miss about high school are gonna stay in my life forever." Yes, her friends were making her sappy.

"Are you actually admitting that you missed us, Maya?" Lucas appeared beside the two girls and slung his arm around Riley. The two were so cute together she might just puke.

"Maybe just Farkle and Riley. You're kind of iffy, Sundance."

Farkle was next to Maya now too and it was strange seeing everyone so happy over an hour ceremony about a piece of paper inside leather casing.

"Some things just don't ever change." He said and pecked Riley's cheek.

Farkle linked arms with Maya who then linked arms with Riley who followed suit and linked arms with Lucas, "If the four of us stay together, nothing ever will." said Farkle who looked a little teary-eyed.

Isadora waved him over from where she was with her parents and their moment was over. For now.

"So, as a graduation gift I thought that I could bring you something that I know you've wanted for a while." Her mouth twitched, struggling to hold back her smile before she took off her cap and gave Maya a letter.

It was folded in three and had a few dark scribbles that caught Maya's attention before she saw the top of it.

Dear Maya,

Yes, I chose to write a letter to you. But that is only because I thought calling would be too weird and texting was too insincere. I'm sorry for everything I've put you through those three weeks and I hope you'll forgive me for disappearing the night of the funeral. It still hurts with him being gone and all but I'm trying to work through with my family, I haven't had a drink in two months. I miss you more than you know, Hart and don't worry, you'll see me sooner than you think. You're absolutely incredible, Maya.

Love, Josh

And what he said was true because that night when she was beginning to fall asleep, she heard a noise that she remembers hearing months ago.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Sitting on the fire escape was a beaming Joshua Matthews.

Her Joshua Matthews.