Hey everyone! I'm back with another NaLu story! This is a series story about Natsu, Lucy, their relationship, their life, their reactions and 7 kisses. There is a slight mention of Gajeel x Levy in this. I hope you guys will enjoy it. As for those who have read the latest chapter of the manga, I'm sure you're crying out in angst, anger and horror about Gray changing and getting possessed. I am too! And as for those who have not caught up with the manga or are following the anime, you are in for a world of PAIN. Beware of all the heartbreaks that you will be receiving. Well then, that's all. I hope you'll love this new story!

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail and its characters does not belong to me but to the author Hiro Mashima. Of course, that includes NaLu. The only thing that belongs to me is the plot.

It was a blistering hot day in Magnolia, with the heat reaching every part of town and every citizen trying their best to escape the poisonous rays, a particular blond in the famous guild, Fairy Tail, was just starting to feel the effects of the heat after leaving the cooling comforts of her home. Seated at one of the guild's table, she was sweating like never before when her fire using partner just had to decide to sit next to her and make her sweat glands produce even more 'juice', as Happy would call it. The said blue cat though was not to be found anywhere as he had decided to chill himself at the guild's backyard pool.

Natsu and Lucy had been dating for a few months now and their relationship had been as steady as it could be. Though at the beginning, there were misunderstandings and confusions due to the involvement of a few particular people in the guild who liked to see the two of them being all flustered. But in the end, their feelings were properly delivered to the opposite gender and they got together properly . Well, as properly as it could be since they are in Fairy Tail, the number one most disastrous guild, in Magnolia.

"Lucy! Did you see me sock Gray in the face just now? I was awesome weren't I?" Her boisterous partner started chatting animatedly about his win against Gray all while seemingly oblivious to the fact that she was currently drowning in the amount of perspiration her body is currently producing.

Too drenched in sweat to properly answer her favorite fire mage, Lucy Heartfilia just gave a tired hum of agreement before burying her head onto her folded arms tiredly. Finally noticing his precious celestial user's lack of participation in their conversation, Natsu looked at Lucy lying down on the table exhausted from the heat and finally noticed her shirt soaked with sweat. Being a fire mage and all, he had been immune to the heat for as long as he could remember, hence, he could not really sympathize with Lucy's tiredness from the heat. So, he decided to cheer his girlfriend up. He tried to think of a perfect plan that will not annoy the hell out of his beloved. However, he could not think of a proper way to cheer her up. He thought of buying flowers for her but he knows that Lucy is too tired from the heat to properly appreciate the flowers right now, so that idea is out of the question.

Just then, Natsu spotted the resident match-maker in Fairy Tail and thought that it'd be a good idea to get some advice and ideas from her so that the plan will be perfect. Making up his mind, Natsu told Lucy that he'll be back after settling some business and made his way towards said mage. Lucy muttered her okay before quieting down to sleep off the heat.

"Hey Mira! Do you know a perfect way I can cheer Lucy up?" Upon hearing the question, the demon soul mage looked up from her work and frowned at the resident pink-haired slayer.

"Natsu, did you do something to upset Lucy again?" Sensing a rapidly growing dark aura coming from his fellow guild mate, the dragon slayer quickly raised his hands in defense and explained in a hurried tone, "No no no! It's not what you think Mira! It's just that Lucy is very tired because of the heat so I want to do something to cheer her up!"

At his answer, the match-making cover girl of the guild brightened up and started gushing about how sweet and caring a boyfriend Natsu is towards Lucy, making his cheeks turn red from embarrassment. "Of course I'll help you Natsu! Since you are being such a wonderful husba-oops, I mean boyfriend for Lucy." The fire user sweat-dropped at Mira's slip of her true feelings. It was not a secret that the white-haired lady had been supporting the two of them ever since they met. It was even less of a secret that the barmaid want the two of them married ever since they were in a relationship.

"Great! Thanks Mira!" The boy smiled, pleased that he will be able to get a perfect plan to cheer his Lucy up. Before the two of them could start brainstorming for ideas though, Fairy Tail's very own bookworm came trudging up to where the two mage were and asked the barmaid for a chilled beverage. While waiting for her chilled drink to be delivered, the solid script mage turned her head and said, "I'll help you too Natsu. I overheard what you and Mira were talking about and I got just the perfect plan to cheer Lu-chan up!"

"Really? Thanks Levy!" Natsu cried out glad that Levy is willing to help him in his plan to enliven the curvaceous mage's spirit as the blue-haired girl was his girlfriend's best girl friend. Note girl, because you know, he is and will always be Lucy's best friend. That is one of the positions he will never give up. Including being Lucy's boyfriend, fiancé and husband. If even Lucy's best girl friend is getting involved, then the plan will surely be perfectly perfect.

Just then, Mira came back with Levy's drink and the three of them starts brainstorming of ways to perk Lucy up. "How about you treat Lucy to some ice cream? I'm sure she'll cheer up." Mira suggested.

"But Lucy is currently on a diet so she said that she's going to lay of on the fats and sugar for awhile." The fire using, disastrous boyfriend said.

"Oh! How about you sing Lu-chan a song Natsu? Surely she'll perk up with you singing a fun and Happy song." The petite mage clapped her hands in delight.

"Do you mean like how you always light up whenever Gajeel sings for you?" The famous model teased as the cheeks of the said blue-haired mage redden at the mention of the iron dragon slayer.

"I would, but Happy and Lucy always says that I sound horrible whenever I sing." The dragon slayer pouted, recalling all the times when his mate and best friend rolled around the girl's apartment living room laughing at him singing.

"Well then, I suppose that's out. Anymore ideas?" Mira looked at her two fellow nakama. The three sat in silence for a few minutes, when Levy suddenly jumped up and clapped her hands as absolute joy spreads itself onto her face.

"I got it! Natsu! Just give Lu-chan a kiss! I'm sure that she will perk up and stop being so tired after that."

Hearing Levy's suggestion, Mira too clapped her hands in delight and said, "Oh! It's the perfect plan Natsu! You have to do it!" Hesitating for a second, Natsu thought it over and decided that the two of them were right. It is the perfect plan. Not wanting to waste a moment, the fire dragon slayer said a hurried thanks to both his guild mates and made his way towards his one and only mate.

"Lucy!", at the call of her name, the celestial mage lifted up her head tiredly and saw her boyfriend bounding towards her happily. How he can summon so much energy under the torture of this horrible heat never fail to amaze her. Just looking at him filled to the brim with energy in this stifling weather makes her feel even more tired. When her boyfriend reached her side, she muttered out a lethargic "yes?".

Not missing a single beat, the pink-haired dragon slayer leaned down towards his girlfriend and pecked her on her cheek before declaring out loud, "Cheer up Lucy!", and smiling his toothy smile at her.

A stun look was shown across the blond-haired mage's face as she sat in shock at her mate's sudden surprise and outburst. "Wha-?" The surprised mage managed to utter out that one word before red dusted her cheeks at the fact that her boyfriend just kissed her in front of the whole guild.

Undeterred by his Lucy's reaction, Natsu looked at her and said, "I saw that you were really tired from the heat and so I wanted to cheer you up! Did it work Lucy? Did I manage to cheer you up?"

Hearing her Natsu being so caring and sweet towards her well-being, Lucy recovered from the shock and smiled sweetly towards him before standing up and returning Natsu's surprise with one of her own, on the lips. The astounded dragon slayer stood still for a moment, at his mate's abrupt and unusual behavior, before returning the kiss with an intensity that made the key user's knees turn weak. Luckily, her boyfriend was there to hold her up with his strong arms that were wrapped tightly around her waist.

At the couple's kiss, the guild began cheering for them as catcalls resounded in the guild hall. Some were also smiling happily at the two's sweet act. Meanwhile, Levy and Mira gave each other a high-five at successfully helping Natsu lift Lucy's spirit up.

"Thank you Natsu. That was really sweet of you. You're the best!" Lucy cried out in happiness after they broke apart for air.

"No problem Lucy! I'll do anything for you!" The salmon colored hair mage replied, happy that his Lucy is finally in a good mood. After all, when his mate is upset, it's his duty to make her happy because he loves her. Plus, he got two free kiss out of it. What could be more perfect than that.

Annnd, that's the end of the first chapter! I hope that it has been an enjoyable read for you dear reader! Please do give your comments on it and don't feel shy about writing your honest opinion. I welcome ALL sorts of opinions! Thank you so so so much for reading. I hope that you will love forward to the next chapter. Once again, thank you! NALU FOREVER!