A/N: So, some people were asking for a sequel so here ya go. Enjoy!
She was invited.
Of course she was invited, she was one of the few people he was actually close with, it would seem rude if he didn't invite her to his special event.
Even if, she wasn't the one he was getting married to.
He invited her parents too, out of sheer politeness if she guessed correctly, knowing Adrien. He had met her parents and had pleasant conversations with them before when he visited the bakery a long time ago, and they actually liked him, said he was a nice boy and he should come again sometime, just to talk to them.
Imagine her horror back then.
She was sitting at her desk in her room, her elbows propped on the desk as the morning sun shone onto her face, highlighting the bags under her eyes and the tired lines around them, running across her skin softly. She supported her head from falling flat on the surface by clasping her hand onto her forehead, staring down at the crisp white card laying on her desk.
Marinette couldn't stop staring at it. A simple white card with golden flowers swirling at the corners, simple yet beautiful. The envelope was set aside neatly under it, and she had been careful when she teared the edge with a mail opener, her hands shaking from emotions that thundered inside her, never ending since last night.
(She cried herself to sleep, the pain in her chest becoming hollower every second as exhaustion took hold on her, leaving her an empty shell.)
She traced his name with a finger, cursive and gold, just like him.
Just like him.
Golden locks she always loved passing through her fingers like water as she giggled against his mouth, his body warm and inviting as she felt the way his arms wrapped around her with care and possessiveness he always gave out whenever he was with her, the hum that rumbled in his throat vibrated under her fingers made her skin tingled with exhilaration.
His eyes were flecked with gold and emerald, looking into her soul as she traced the way his face was structured. From his pronounced cheek bones to his sharp jaw and soft lips, he was golden inside and out, spreading in his veins with such wonder as if he could rival the gods at their element.
(The love that left unsaid hung between them breathed down their necks like vulcans ravished for food, and yet, both of them refused to give in, and instead make themselves content in the pit they've dug themselves to rot.)
He had always been beautiful in her eyes, and she will never forget that.
Marinette leaned back onto her chair, feeling a wave of grief passing over her as she ran her fingers through her hair, pushing her bangs back as she forced out a breath to calm herself. She couldn't cry anymore, it was as if she used her tears to the limit, and she was okay with that really, her eyes was swollen from excessive amounts of them.
Tikki was observing her with worry from where she sat on the desk. "You don't have to go," The kwami told her softly. "I know it hurts you more than anything."
Marinette shook her head, glancing down to her. "He invited me, I can't just leave him," She paused, letting go of her hair as she sank onto the desk, her chin on her arm. "Anyway, Mama and Papa are going, they would ask questions that I wouldn't want to answer later on if I don't go."
Tikki sat beside her, her tiny body pressed against Marinette's arm. "You're too selfless," She whispered. "Sometimes I worry about you for giving your heart out too freely."
Marinette gave her a sad smile. "I was taught to love, and it got stuck into a habit."
"To love everyone?"
She shook her head. "To love what you have in front of your eyes."
Adrien adjusted his bow tie in front of the full length mirror, his body stiff with internal turmoil as his fingers worked swiftly to twist the bow tie to take its shape. He smoothed down the last crinkles of the black fabric, positioning it in a way that it would be perfect, one of the things that his father had drilled into his head ever since his mother passed away.
It's been half a year since he last saw her, half a year since he last talked to her.
He tugged the bow tie a little sharper before he let his hands down, observing his reflection.
Thank god he was alone, because he looked like absolute trash.
Drained, that was the first thing he saw in the mirror of himself as he saw the way his eyes reflected back at him. There was no life, absolute no sort of emotion that was even considered closed to joy since he was, in fact, getting himself involved with a woman he had no interest in whatsoever. His life was being gambled with men trying to groom their business, and he was the chip his father tossed to the centre of the table.
He felt disgusted, what kind of a man uses his own son to his advantage? Telling him to do something as big as getting married to someone he didn't want to? Just so he could be successful?
He lost someone he truly love all because of that.
Adrien pinched between his eyebrows with his thumb and forefinger as he turned away from the mirror, feeling the pressure bubbling inside him again, and his feet started pacing around the room of their own record as he tried to calm himself down.
There was a knock on the door that made him pause, straightening himself up as he cleared his throat. "Come in." When he saw Nino poking his head in, Adrien blinked once, before continuing on his aggressive walk on the carpeted floor, his hands going through his hair that he messed it all up again after he repaired it the forth time earlier.
Nino came in and closed the door quietly behind him, his suit looking sharp as he watched the way his best friend was tearing himself apart. "Hey man," He called out quietly, as if advancing an animal in a cage, afraid that the blonde man would break so soon before his own wedding. "Need any help?"
"Yeah," Adrien laughed bitterly as he continued moving. "Kill me now and make it look as if it was an accident, or say you found me dead because Ikilled myself, say I couldn't handle everything that's going on right now because I don't care."
Nino sighed, walking towards his distressed friend. "I wish it was that easy, Adrien, but it's your father we're talking about here, and the whole of Paris is gonna know about your wedding with Chloe, she's particularly the mayor's daughter. Look," He grabbed hold of Adrien's shoulder and made him stay put. "It's not the end of the world, you can still go through this. How about you just divorce her after a year of brandy life and end it? Then, you'll be free."
Adrien raised an eyebrow. "You just said that this wasn't supposed to easy and immediately after that you said that I get a divorce just like that? With the mayor's daughter? Where the tabloids would go berserk over the fact that Adrien Agreste dared to ask for a divorce from the mayor's daughter because for the fact he rather get married with another woman?"
Nino winced. "Okay, I realised my mistake."
Adrien ran his fingers through his hair again, almost gripping them in frustration. "Je suis niqué."
They didn't say anything in the quiet room, and when Adrien finally let go of his hair, he sighed, meeting his friend's stare. "Are the guests here?" He muttered, the energy sapping out fast, his shoulders sagging slightly from the invisible weight that seemed to be balancing on his shoulders.
Nino nodded, patting his friend's shoulder once before steering the man to the mirror. "Everyone's almost here, just gotta wait for the bride to walk down the aisle," He trailed off, as if he didn't know whether he should continue as he watched Adrien fix his hair. He went on anyway. "And then you'll be having a photo shoot session in front of Notre Dame, before all of us would be going to the hotel the mayor booked where the reception would be held. And then it'll be over."
It almost sounded as simple as Nino explained, but he knew better. All through that time he would be keeping up a facade, easily slipping into an easy smile and polite talks that was reserved for the eyes of everyone who didn't know how his soul looked like. The tilt of his lips would easily fool the cameras that captured it even if his insides were churning with displeasure, his cold manner would be mistaken for mysterious behaviour that women would gush about, writing lies upon lies in magazines about how Adrien Agreste would indeed be your ideal man.
It was easyly like acting, and he should win an Oscar for being so good at it.
Adrien stared into his reflection again, straightening himself up as he tried to gather his wits. "Alright," He said finally. "Let's get this over with."
As they walked down the hallway, Nino nudged him slightly to whisper to him. "Is she coming?"
Adrien's steps faltered for a while, before he continued his walk quickly, ignoring the way his heart clenched with pain.
"I don't know."
She shouldn't be surprised at how grand this wedding was going to be.
And yet, amongst the dulled pain she had inside her, she couldn't help but feel the slight amazement that ignited inside her chest when she saw the decorations inside the church, with red and pink roses decorated the across the aisle beautifully, it's petals bloomed to its limit. The sun was shining brightly from the windows, enlightening the whole space like a warm halo.
She saw that most people had taken their seats, and she saw that Gabriel Agreste sat at the front among other people of high authority, talking quietly and giving out a nod here and then. He wore his normal attire of tailored suits and polished shoes, his hair sleek back without so much a stray. Marinette noticed that he didn't seem particularly overjoyed like most fathers would when they sent off their sons to get married, then again, she never saw him in an excellent mood ever.
She quickly took a seat with her parents somewhere around the back, sitting at the far edge near the wall as she saw more people walked in with their glamorous dresses and expensive looking suits.
Suddenly, she felt self aware of the fact that what she wore something as simple as a baby pink dress she made a week or so before the event. But unknown to her, people had admired her work from afar as the dress flowed to her knees, the diamond studs accumulated from her stomach before they spread across the satin of her skirt, and some climbed across her chest. To top it all off, she wore white heels and brought a clutch with her, with her hair tied into a bun at the top of her head.
Her breath was stuck at her throat when she saw him walking out of a door with Nino at his heels. He stood at the altar, adjusting the cufflings at his sleeves as Nino was trying to crack a joke for his ears only. He shot Nino a wry smile as his best man adjusted his bow tie, straightening his suit to get rid of possible crinkles.
She took a small breath to calm herself down when suddenly she felt a hand on hers.
"Are you okay?" Her mother, sweet loving mother, asked quietly as she met her gaze. "You seem," Her mother paused, observing her daughter's face like a hawk, and she hoped there was nothing to show as she carefully hid her turmoil behind a mask. "Uncomfortable."
Marinette gave her a smile. "It's nothing," She replied with an assured squeeze of her mother's hand. "It's just that, there's so many people of authority here, it's making me jittery."
Her father snorted softly when he overheard the conversation. "They're people like us, you've got nothing to worry about."
Her mother nodded. "That's right."
Marinette shook her head slightly in wonder at her parents' reactions, before looking up to the altar, where Adrien was staring straight at her unbashfully.
She was here.
She actually came.
He was letting Nino do some last touch ups for his bow tie when he spotted her father first. Her father was a large man, so it was quite easy to see him among the crowd, with his petite wife beside him.
And then, she was there.
His heart lurched in his chest when he saw her. Her head was bowed slightly as she talked to her mother, a soft look on her face as she replied something that was only meant for them. She was absolutely stunning, making butterflies flutter inside him everytime he saw her. It was an immediate reaction, he couldn't stop himself if he wanted to.
And then she looked up, where she met his stare with a surprised look on her face, as if she couldn't believe that he was staring at her without shame when he was right in front of so many people. He almost laughed at the thought.
My Lady, you should known me by now.
He realised with a start that he couldn't call her that anymore, never again in their lives.
She looked away from him first, and he noticed the pained look on her face she tried to hide, and his heart reached out to her once more.
It took him a while to tore his gaze away from her. Some sort of understanding flashed across Nino's face when he followed his line of sight, before giving Adrien a pitiful smile and a pat on the shoulder. "It's time."
They stood at their places, holding their breaths.
And then, it started.
He couldn't pay attention to the flower girl when she first came in. His eyes flickered to Marinette once in a while, where she was pointedly avoiding his gaze as she watched the flower girl threw petals to the floor. He was becoming fidgety again, his skin crawling with some sort of need to just go to her and take them away from here.
"Adrien," Nino hissed at the corner of his mouth. "Hold still."
Once the ring bearer and the brides maids were up, the music started, causing everyone to stand up.
He felt the dread sinking in his gut.
Chloe came into the church with her father at her hand, and he was starting to panic because no, this wasn't supposed to happen, this wasn't the woman he was supposed to see walking down the aisle towards him. She wasn't supposed to sit among other people to watch him getting married to someone else other than her.
He felt a pinch on the back of his arm. "Goddammit man," Nino breathed out. "People will notice."
He tried to at least calm himself, making everyone believe he was nervous from excitement rather than the fact that he very much wanted out.
Before Chloe was passed to him, he saw at the corner of her eye that Marinette had gotten up, her phone in hand as she answered it on her way out of the church, closing the door quietly behind her that it hardly made a sound.
"Take care of her," The mayor told him with a gruff as Chloe took his arm, where she flashed him a smirk as they faced the priest.
Adrien tried to listen to what the priest was saying, but found it difficult when all he could think of was Marinette, with her dark hair he used to run his fingers with and her soft lips he once tasted. It was very hard to see what was in front of him when he just saw the love of his life came to his own wedding instead of being beside him at the moment.
"Do you, Adrien Agreste, take Chloe Bourgeois, as your wedded wife?"
He could feel the stares that were aimed to him, the looks of criticism as they waited for him to answer. Of course, they were expecting him to agree to this, to say yes, and if he didn't, well, something bad would clearly happen later on.
He could feel Chloe squeezing his arm impatiently when he was quiet for too long. "Say it," She hissed, shooting him a glare. "Get this over with."
Licking his lips, he glanced at Nino, to which his best man answered with a raise of eyebrows.
He took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry."
At once, everyone muttered out their concerns as he unlatch Chloe's fingers from his arm, where she was gaping at him in disbelief. Nino looked as if he was holding in his laughter, and Adrien faced the priest in front of him, who was observing him through his spectacles, his beady eyes darted around his face. "I'm sorry I've wasted your breath and time," Adrien muttered. "This is a mistake," He turned around, and saw the outrage the mayor had on his face while his father was silently seething at his sudden decision. "All of this."
He quickly walked down the aisle, ignoring the screech Chloe made as well as the looks and words of disapproval behind him as he loosen his bow tie, shoving it into his pocket before breaking into a run, pushing the heavy doors open.
He searched for her, his panic rocketed momentarily, afraid she already left. But then, he spotted her standing against a lamp post, her back to him as she stared ahead, an arm wrapped around her stomach.
His body was suddenly filled with energy, the excitement bubbling inside him as he saw her just there. Now was their chance, their chance to be together and like hell was he going to make it pass his fingers like smoke ever again. But he had to be fast, soon enough people would come out, and he didn't want them to interrogate him just yet. Then, he glanced down to the white ring he always wore.
"Need help, buddy?"
Adrien grinned when the kwami appeared beside him. "Where have you been?"
Plagg shrugged. "Eating the cheese you brought for me and then sleeping," He gave a toothy grin when Adrien chuckled. "Let's do this."
Adrien hid behind one of the pillars to transform. Once he did, he ran towards her, his face felt like splitting into two as the biggest smile was stretched across his face. He slowed down until he reached behind her, tapping her shoulder to get her attention.
The frown on her face immediately turned into shock when she saw him standing there. "Adrien? What-"
"No time to explain, let's go," He wrapped his arm around her, using his katana to propel them to one of the buildings. Once they landed, she transformed herself, before they ran together towards Notre Dame, laughing their hearts out as they left everyone in the church.
He wanted to howl into the sky, the way adrenaline coursed through his veins made him feel more powerful as they soared through the air, his hair flying as he landed on each roof with ease, catching up with her as she used her yo-yo to get from one building to another. They climbed up the Notre Dame, taking hold of gargoyles and pillars alike as they hauled themselves up to the tallest level of the building, smiling and laughing and screaming all the way to let all of Paris know they have reunited.
Once they reached their destination, where their feet landed on the cold stone of one of the greatest buildings in France, their transformation worn off. Plagg and Tikki sat near the huge pillars, watching their partners face each other.
Adrien's chest was raising up and down frantically as he tried to catch his breath, staring at Marinette with such joy as she too let her eyes wonder all over him to not let her eyes deceive her, before she shook her head at his absurdity. "What were you thinking?" She laughed breathlessly in disbelief. The absurdity of the whole thing was just phenomenal. "To just bail your own wedding like that?"
He shrugged, walking towards her slowly. "Well, mostly how everything was just so wrong and I had to fix that particular negativity that's causing me some distress."
She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms across her chest. "By running away?"
He smirked, stopping just in front of her, and yet not touching her exactly. "It worked now, didn't it?"
He saw the way how her eyes took everything in. "Your father will be angry."
He shook his head, cupping her cheeks as he rested his forehead onto hers, their eyes closing simultaneously. "I can handle him."
"Your reputation is ruined." She whispered, resting her hands on his shoulders.
He chuckled, nudging her nose with his. "I don't care."
She bit her lip, looking at him through her eyelashes. "You sure?"
"Positive," He murmured, brushing his lips to hers, getting slightly impatient at her persistence.
Her breath hitched, her hands now gripping his shoulders as his hands slid down her arms, and then holding onto her waist. "Alright then."
Grinning, he pressed his lips onto hers.