Hi everyone! This story I'm really excited about, because hopefully it will evolve into a multichapter fic. Some Adrienette, lots of Marichat. I'm not sure yet, but it may turn into an accidental reveal fic, too. What do you think? If you lean strongly one way or another, feel free to tell me! People really seemed to like it on Tumblr, so I can't wait to hear feedback here! Enjoy!

Paris in the summer usually brought moderately warm temperatures; enough to distinguish the summer season, but not hot enough to be miserable. However, today was the fourth day in a record breaking soaring of temperatures in Paris. The mercury had been creeping around 35 degrees Celsius for what felt like an eternity.

This, of course, did not stop Alya from organizing a picnic for her entire class one Saturday so they could meet up over their school break. She told everyone to meet in a central location of the Champ de Mars, and assigned everyone to bring different things. Rose and Juleka were bringing blankets, Nathanael brought two large sun umbrellas, Adrien had coolers filled with lunch and snacks, Kim and Alix were bringing games, and Marinette was bringing dessert from the bakery. Alya made sure she brought a large cooler with plenty of cold drinks to combat the heat.

Slowly, the class began to assemble and set up their picnic. Kids were scattered around on multiple blankets, chatting and catching up in the shade.

Alya was beginning to get worried. Even Chloe and Sabrina had arrived, but there was still no sign of Marinette. She stepped away from her conversation with Nino to call Marinette.

"Hey, Marinette! Where are you?"

"I'm almost here, there's a lot of desserts to carry! Give me another two minutes," replied a very flustered Marinette through the phone.

"Get here quickly! Everyone's here already and Adrien looks very handsome in summer clothes," Alya giggled.

Indeed, the unprecedented heat caused everyone to shed their usual outfits in exchange for lighter summer gear. There was a colorful array of summer clothing ranging from sporty shorts to flowery tank tops within the group.

"I'll be there soon enough, see you in a minute!", responded Marinette in a much more excited tone. Alya chuckled at the thought of Marinette increasing her pace to see Adrien in summer clothes, and returned to the blankets.

Alya settles on a blanket with Adrien and Nino to talk about their vacations thus far. She had been in an animated discussion describing videographic techniques she used on the Ladyblog when Alya looked up to see Marinette making her way over with a very large basket held in her arms. She peeked around the side of the basket to ask, "Alya, where am I putting this basket?"

"Put it next to these lunch coolers by Adrien," she waved in Adrien's general direction to the coolers right behind him.

Marinette glanced at the coolers, then took a few long seconds to stare at how perfect Adrien looked in casual summer clothes. Careful not to trip, she made her way over, placed the heavy basket down, then brushed her hands slightly.

Marinette put her hands on her waist and said, "Alright, dessert is here!"

She looked over to Alya, Nino, and Adrien sitting just below her, and they all stared up at her with their mouths dropped slightly open. She looked up to her classmates to see that all conversation had ceased and they were all staring at her in a similar fashion. The smile on her face vanished and she turned back to Alya.

"Alya, what's wrong?"

"Um, well, Marinette… How do I say this, but…"

"Dude, you're ripped!", cut in Nino.

Of course she was. Her tank tank hung loosely on her shoulders, exposing her bare arms. Marinette's arms were smoothly toned, showing the kind of intense athletic prowess only brought on by years of hard work. Crossing her arms across her chest in a defensive position, she knew that everyone was watching as her muscles flexed and stretched in the sunlight.

No one could know that her muscles had developed as she took on the role of Ladybug and begin gallivanting across the rooftops of Paris fighting evil. She had to make something up, fast.

Marinette was panicking, trying to think of an excuse. It would have to be a believable sport of some kind. She snuck a glance at Adrien, who was staring up at her in a mixture of shock and awe.

She couldn't think of anything else, so she just blurted, "Fencing! I fence in my spare time. It's a real workout."

With a nervous laugh, she lowers herself onto the blanket next to Alya, hoping the attention was off of her for now.

Alya definitely wouldn't let that slide. "How come I never knew you fenced?"

Much to Marinette's horror, Adrien chimed in too. "It's really cool that you fence, Marinette. I've always enjoyed it."

Marinette wasn't sure how to respond, given that her awful excuse seemed to have worked.

"Oh it's just something I do in my free time occasionally. It's no big deal really," she said.

Nino thought for a moment, then said, "What if you and Adrien had a friendly match or something? It would be really cool to see both of you use your fencing skills."

For the second time that day, Marinette freezes. She already dug herself into a hole with the fencing excuse she used to explain her muscles. She didn't have the faintest idea of how fencing worked. If she had to fence Adrien, her lie would fall apart and put her in danger of having her identity revealed.

In a desperate attempt to avoid certain doom Marinette said, "There's no way I could do that! I'm way out of practice I haven't fenced in forever!" She shrugs her shoulders and flashes a disappointed smile to the group.

Kim suddenly chimes in from across another blanket. "C'mon Marinette. You can't back down from a challenge like that!"

Her heart drops as more and more of her class members voice their agreement.

Even Alya joined in to whisper, "Wouldn't it be great to do something with Adrien one-on-one?"

Marinette didn't know what else to say, so she reluctantly answered, "I guess I'll do a match… But I need to get some practice in first, ok?"

Cheers rose among the students, then left it to Alya to set up the date and time.

Alya looked back and forth between the fencing duo. "What day works for you guys?"

Adrien responded first. "My modeling schedule can be pretty erratic during the week, so could we do a weekend? Maybe two Saturdays from now?"

Two weeks? She only had two weeks to prepare? Marinette was feeling slightly nauseous. Maybe Chat would know someone who could help her. Otherwise, she was screwed. She slowly responded, "Um, I guess Saturday works for me. But what time?"

"How about three? I could get my fencing instructor to let us use the gym where I practice."

Marinette nodded wearily, knowing that her fate was sealed.

Alya announced to the group, "Alright, everyone. Two weeks from now at 3 o'clock, Adrien and Marinette will have a fencing duel! I'll text everyone the details later!"

The class was abuzz with excitement over the duel. As they continued to hang out, they couldn't stop talking about it. Bets were already being taken by Kim over who will win, and everyone was getting in on it.

Eventually, some of the kids had gotten bored, then got up to play frisbee for a change of activity.

Marinette looked over to see Alix make a great catch. She turned in the group's direction and called out to the girls, "Marinette! Alya! Come play with us!"

"Let's go play Frisbee with them, Marinette. It'll be fun," Alya says as she gets up and pulls Marinette up with her. She waves goodbye to the guys and says, "We'll talk to you guys later alright?"

Marinette shyly waves to the boys before running over with Alya.

The rest of the day went fairly well for Marinette, considering much of the hype surrounding her… erm… "level of fitness" had died down. She was still really worried over the two week deadline. Either she learn how to fence or be able to explain away her muscles to an entire class of suspicious kids. She was lost in her thoughts when she suddenly heard, "Marinette! Look out!" Snapping out of her reverie, she looks up to see the frisbee hurtling towards her above her head. Breaking into a sprint, she runs below the frisbee until she had enough momentum to make a gargantuan leap in the air and catch it. She lands back on the ground with the grace of a ballerina and turns to her cheering teammates. Marinette's face splits into a grin and she runs back to the game.

Maybe in two weeks her life will be over, but at least for now she's having fun.

Meanwhile, a certain blonde-haired model was caught in an internal turmoil. Since when has Marinette done fencing? How had he not known before? Adrien had no idea how to process her muscles either. Who knew that tiny, clumsy Marinette could probably bench Ivan? He just couldn't get over how different she looks. It's not a bad different, either.

Looking over to the frisbee game, he sees Marinette be shaken out of a stupor by her screaming teammates and take off into a full run. "She's not going to make it," he thinks to himself, anxiously watching her inch closer to the frisbee. Then, she makes a flying leap into the air, and catches it on the tip of her fingers. For the second time today, Adrien's mouth drops to the floor. While reaching through the air, Marinette's shirt rides up a little, exposing her stomach. Her flat stomach, traced with the ghost of 6-pack abs. Adrien was literally speechless. He gulped, and looked around to see that no one else on the blankets was really paying attention to the game. He had no idea how to process the image now burned into his brain, but he didn't necessarily mind it being there.

He was looking forward to this duel.