What Family's For
Natsu and Mira
Mira observed a very droopy fire dragonslayer from down the bar; he'd been like this for a couple days now, and it was starting to alarm her. No one seemed able to snap him out of it, not even Lucy with the bribe of a mission. Said blonde was now pouting a three seats away, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The whole situation was quite strange.
"Ne, Natsu, can I get you something to drink?"
No answer from the pink-head; something must be really wrong. Even Gray didn't want to fight him. Lucy hopped out of her seat and made for Mira.
"You have to help me out! He's been like this for days! He doesn't eat, he doesn't break into my house, and he won't talk to anyone!"
The celestial mage fisted her hair in frustration. Mira frowned slightly in Natsu's direction, thoughts circulating in her mind. Perhaps she could get something out of Natsu by asking more indirectly? Casting a warm smile in Lucy's direction, Mira said,
"Leave it to me, Lucy. Natsu is practically my younger brother, I'm sure I can coax it out of him. For the time being, just keep trying to engage him in conversation. It could be that he's just been feeling down lately and needs a little nudge in the right direction."
Lucy sighed in relief. If Mira was going to get involved, everything would surely be alright. Plunking back down next to Natsu, she commented about their most recent mission. Mira watched on, checking for any sign of emotion from the dragonslayer. When none occurred, Mira decided to sleep on the issue and come back to it tomorrow. It wouldn't do to make a careless error when speaking with him in this state; she could do more harm than good.
The next morning, Natsu was the first one in the guild. Judging from his body language, nothing had changed since the previous day. Mira cheerfully dusted off a glass and poured him a glass of orange juice.
"Good morning, Natsu! How are you today?"
Her only response was the boy gulping down the orange juice. At least he had done something.
"Ne, Natsu, so Lisanna and Kinana were planning on going out tonight, and Elfman is out on a mission, which just leaves me alone to clean up the guild. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind staying to help? Everyone else seems so busy!"
It was partially the truth; her siblings and Kinana were out, but she hadn't asked anyone else for help. She hoped that Natsu's lack of response would be a good excuse to 'misinterpret' his answer. When he didn't give any indication that he'd heard her, Mira smiled even wider.
"Thank you, Natsu! I knew I could count on you! You're free to do as you like during the day, but make sure you're here at midnight when we close! I mostly just need help with sweeping and mopping the place; you know how messy our family is!"
Score; Natsu's eyes widened slightly and he looked up at her very confused. Mira just continued to smile before lightly ruffling his hair.
"You're such a good little brother, Natsu. I really appreciate everything. If you ever need me, you know I'm right here."
With that said, Mira went back to dusting the bar. She didn't have a doubt in her mind that Natsu would be there tonight.
Midnight came faster than she expected, but Mira attributed that to her nerves. After her 'conversation' with Natsu, the thought had occurred to her that maybe he wouldn't want to talk to her. Perhaps this was something he had to deal with himself, or didn't feel that he needed help with. If so, she might have put him in a very awkward position. There was no more time to fix her potential mistake, however; Natsu arrived at exactly midnight, eyes dead and hands shoved in his pockets. Putting on her best smile, Mira waved.
"Hi, Natsu! I left an apron on the bar for you so your clothes don't get dirty; the broom is over by the door. If you could just sweep the floor, I'll be out soon with the mop to take care of the rest."
Natsu numbly grabbed the broom and began absentmindedly sweeping the floor. His fingertips felt cold against the wooden handle. Everything felt cold now.
"Natsu, I think you've been sweeping the same spot for the last five minutes! You're silly! Here, let me help you."
Mira came up behind Natsu and reached around to place her hands on the broom handle over his. Gently, she pushed the broom in the correct direction and began moving him around the room. Some might have found their position awkward or suggestive, but the affection being shared was perfectly innocent.
"Mira, why are you doing this?"
Releasing him, Mira moved in front of him and placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Because, Natsu, I want you to remember that when something is getting you down, you can always talk to me. I will never leave you."
Mira suddenly found herself in a death-grip hug, a sobbing Natsu in her arms. Almost immediately, Mira's heart broke. Whatever had been plaguing Natsu was serious.
"Can you promise that?"
The words chilled her to the bone, and all of a sudden, Mira knew exactly what Natsu had been upset about for the last couple days. Stroking his hair, Mira hugged him a little tighter.
"Igneel loved you very much, Natsu; I am sure he didn't want to leave you. He will return to you one day. In the meantime, we will be here for you; I promise."
Lucy grinned ear-to-ear upon finding Gray and Natsu going at it when she entered the guild. Skipping over to the bar, she shot a knowing look at Mira.
"I don't know what you did, but thank you, Mira. I'm not sure what we would have done without you!"
Mira giggled at the bubbly blonde. She had no doubt that Lucy would have been able to help Natsu eventually, but she was glad she'd gotten a chance to reinforce her relationship with the dragonslayer. Perhaps in the future, this would prove important.
Natsu had broken free of his fight to wave and share a toothy grin with her. It didn't last long however; Gray almost immediately punched him in the face, yelling something about a stupid smile. Mira laughed whole-heartedly and felt that all had been resolved. After all, what was family for?