Disclaimer: I don't own the Fairy Tail universe.

Characters: Lucy, Natsu
Lucy x Natsu
Mentions of (Canon) Suicidal-Type Actions
Summary: Lucy takes a leap of faith.
Word Count:

Today, I'm Falling

I heard him.

Lucy holds onto that one thought as she throws herself from the ledge.

It's crazy. She knows it's crazy. Even if Natsu is there on the ground, they were too far apart for her to actually hear anything. And everything had been drowned out by the wind tearing through her hair and her heart pounding painfully against her ribs.

He's there. I know it.

The echo of Natsu's voice thrums through Lucy's veins. It gives her courage. He'll catch her. She knows that he won't let her crash against the rocks.

And she knows it absolutely.

"Natsu!" she screams. It feels as if the wind rips the word straight from her throat and scatters. Lucy knows he hears her, though. The way she'd heard him.

Then, suddenly, he's there. They crash into each other just above the ground. His arms are around her, holding her tight and safe. She tries to bring her arms up to wrap around him, protect his head, too. But her hands are still bound and all she can do is press close to him and hope as they tumble to the ground.

Only when they roll to a stop on the rocky ground does Lucy finally get a good look at him. He looks as bruised and battered as she feels. But he's there and grins up at her, fierce and unpredictable and so damn beautiful.

For one wild moment, she wants to kiss him but she doesn't. She's shaking too much with barely controlled sobs. "Natsu," she whispers, "I knew you'd be there."