A/N: MY BROTHER HAS TURNED ME INTO A DIRECTIONER. (He's always been one and he's almost a 16 year old boy, oh gosh. xD)
I just had to say that because they're on my mind a lot, my boyfriend thinks I've gone nuts! My baby Naill also cried because idiots crashed his brother's wedding. NAAILL! D':

Anyways, here's a new NaLu One-shot(s)? x'D
Yay, Yay, story time. C:

Because if you're in love and your girl asks you to do something you always find a way to try and do it.

"Hey, Natsu." Lucy said while sitting next to Natsu, the pink-haired guy turning to look at his girl. "Yeah?"

"If you touch your nose with your tongue than I'll give you a kiss." Natsu looked shocked over what she has said and scrunched his face up. "That's impossible!" He exclaimed, a sly smile coming to Lucy's lips. "Hmm, guess I'll take my lips and go somewhere else—"

"Wait babe! Give me a second!" Natsu suddenly shouted as he sat up, Lucy turning to watch him try and touch his nose with the tip of his tongue.

And Lucy couldn't help but laugh and love him endlessly because she knew that guy would do anything for her.

"Hey Luce?" Natsu asked as Lucy past him while he was in her living room, the blonde turning to look at him. "Hm?"

"If I fell would you catch me?"

"Of course," Lucy replied immediately, knowing the answer. Natsu just grinned at her till he was slowly moving closer to her. Before Lucy knew it, Natsu was falling right towards her.

The blonde panicked and as she held her arms out, shouting his name but he fell on top of her, the two now flat on the ground. "I thought you said you would catch me."

"Natsu, shut up."

"Daddy, do a hand-stand!" Nashi giggled as Natsu got off the couch, putting his palm against the coffee table to lift himself up on his palms, the pink-haired girl giggling loudly. "Now do a flip!" Without hesitation Natsu jumped in the air, doing a flip to land perfectly on his two feet. "Now—now drink tea, balance a book on your head and talk like a British person!"

"Nashi, don't you think your little ides are ridiculous—"

"Daddy!" Natsu sighed as he went on over to go get some tea and books, hearing his little girl's cheering.

He came back moments later holding books and tea, carefully balancing the books on his head as he started to sip tea. "Good morning, miss, lovely day we're having?"

"Now make a fire butterfly!" Natsu put the book and tea down, crouching down in front of his girl to make a fire butterfly on the palms of his hands, the girl squealing in happiness.

"Now do a bridge!" The dragon slayer bent backwards as his palms pressed against the floor, lifting his chest up in the air to make a bridge. "Now—"Nashi said but stopped once she heard the click of the door's lock unlocking, the two pink-haired mages turning to look at the opening door.

Nashi's face immediately brightened up as she ran on over to the blonde. "Momma, you're home!"

"Yeah, I'm home, sweetheart." Lucy smiled warmly, Natsu sitting on the floor to give her half a grin and a wave. "Hi Luce, welcome home." He said, the blonde throwing him a look. She walked past him and ignored him once again, the male sighing. Nashi looked at his father worryingly as she ran on over to him, grabbing his shoulders. "Daddy, one more!"

"Nashi, daddy is tired, maybe tomorrow."

"No, one more daddy, one more!"

"Fine, what is it?"

"Go kiss momma." Natsu blinked as he looked at his daughter who looked at him with those chocolate brown eyes of her, a frown appearing on his face. "Nashi, you know your mother and I are fighting and it's impossible—"

"Daddy, please." Nashi urged, giving him a nudge and Natsu sighed. He stood up as Nashi smiled at him, the male groaning silently. He slowly made his way to the kitchen as Nashi followed, the male poking his head in the doorway to see his wife putting the groceries away. "Go on," Nashi said as she gave her father's legs a gentle push, Natsu stumbling inside.

Lucy turned to face him as soon as she heard the sounds of feet behind her, her expression turning dark. She turned around and continued to ignore the, Natsu pouting and turning to look at his daughter, who pointed at her mother. "Nashi—"

"Go!" She whispered, hiding behind the doors as her mother turned to dig inside the bag. Nashi peeked on over again and pointed at her mother again, Natsu sighing as he walked on over to Lucy.

Fighting with her was bad enough; does his daughter really want him to get slapped?

Natsu stood behind Lucy as the blonde pulled out some ingredients from a bag, about to cook dinner for her family. She turned around and looked up at Natsu who stared right at her, her blank expression making it even harder for him to look at her. What happened to the love in her eyes every time she looked at him? Now every time she looks at it, it was hurt and anger.

"Can you move? I have to cook dinner," She spat, Natsu's heart shattering even more.

He was about to move but his sensitive ears picked up his daughter's words and he sighed, leaning in even more to push her against the counter. Lucy looked up at him with wide eyes, leaning back as he leaned in. "What are you—"

"Shut up," Natsu said before he grabbed her head in his large hands and kissed her on her lips.

When he thought she was going to push him away and slap him, she kissed him back. He was surprised but continued kissing her, missing the feeling of her lips against his.

When he pulled away, the two were breathless. "I'm sorry." Natsu muttered, looking at her with solemn eyes, the blonde reaching up to grab his face. "Shut up," She said before pulling him down to kiss him again.

His daughter was one sneaky little girl.

"Daddy, can we get a pet?" Nashi suddenly said one day at the dinner table, the dragon slayer and celestial mage looking at their daughter in confusion. "Pet?" Natsu echoed, an enthusiastic nod coming from her. "Why? We have Happy, he's like a pet."

"No, I want a dragon."

"A dragon?"

"Oh dear," Lucy sighed, shaking her head as she covered her face with her palm. Natsu's face soon turned into a huge grin. "Daddy told me how cool dragons are and I want one."

"That's impossible, we can't get a dragon."

"But momma . . . "

"No but's Nashi. Eat your dinner before it turns cold," Lucy said as the girl pouted, continuing to eat her food. And Natsu couldn't help but feel bad.

But he made it up to her by buying her a red plush dragon at the store the very next day.

And till this day, that girl is a full-grown woman and she still has it because it was the dragon her loving father has given her as a little girl.

"Hey Natsu," Lucy said as the two lay in a bed of grass, looking up the beautiful starry night sky. "Yeah?" He answered, giving her a glance as he watched a soft smile come to her lips. "Is it possible to give a 1,000 kisses in a day?"

"I think it's possible."

"They said it's impossible to,"

"Who said it's Impossible?"

"The internet." Natsu pursed his lips as he gave her a look, the blonde giving him a small smile. "Well, what do you think?"

"I think it's impossible." Lucy shrugged, her wrist being pulled by Natsu who gave her a grin. "Well then, come here so I can prove you wrong."

And that night, he has given her 1,001 kisses.

"Wah, I'm excited to go on this trip with the girls!" Lucy squealed as she started to pack for the trip with Erza, Levy, Lisanna, and Cana. They were going all the way across the world just because it was Lucy's birthday and it was girls only.

Lucy was excited but Natsu was sulking, watching his girl run around the room looking for the things she need for the trip. He didn't want her going—he wanted her home and with him but he couldn't keep her away like that, she wanted to go and if it made her happy, he'll allow her to go.

"Do you have to . . . I mean, can I go too?"

"Natsu, you know it's impossible. Its girl's only." Natsu pouted and sighed, pulling the covers up to lie down on their head. "I'm going to sleep."

"Good night, Natsu." Lucy said as she continued to pack for her trip tomorrow. She knew he didn't want her going and felt bad but she really wanted to go and she couldn't do anything about it.

Surely he'll understand—she'll see in again in a month.

But she didn't go the next day because when she woke up, all ready to leave, she saw Natsu asleep in one of her suitcases. And she knew she couldn't leave him.

A/N: Alright, I think I'm going to stop writing some. xD
I'll add more onto it, it's so cuuuute! So, that's why I'm saying one-shot(s)

Stay in tune and thanks for reading, review!