So this is it. The last chapter. I'm sorry it took such a long time for this to be released, but I kept changing how I wanted this last chapter to be. I kept changing my mind from one idea to another. I wanted to do this story the justice it deserves and I hope this chapter does it. Please let me know what you all think.

Thank you to all the readers and reviews. You guys stuck me through thick and thin and I love you guys for that. I almost gave up on my writing but you guys kept encouraging me to keep going. You helped me gain my strength again. You were there without fail throughout this story. Thank you so much everyone. Thank you. I am so grateful to you all.

I want to dedicate this story to my sister, Cindy. I remember when I first started this story, she fell in love with the idea. She made me put her in the story saying that she wanted to be a badass dragonslayer. She was my other half. I was quiet and shy , but she were outspoken and tough. I hope the character I based on her is a character that did her personality justice. I love you, Cindy. And I miss you so much. I wish she didn't leave me at so young. This story is for you, sis. RIP.

Chapter 30: Protecting the Future

11 Months Later….

It was a cool and bright day in Magnolia. The sun shined brightly as the wind blew peacefully to the flow of spring. It was like a beautiful song outside with the many different animals singing their tone happily. The new rebuilt city of Magnolia was peaceful. Shops were open. People were out talking. Some of whom let out gasp of shock as they witness a group of loud mages walking in the street towards Fairy Tail.

The group of five held their resident temperamental and reckless fire dragonslayer. Although many of the citizens have to admit they have not seen much of the dragonslayer since he came back from his seven year mission. The reason for that is currently being carried by him. The young blonde woman let the fire dragonslayer carry her on his back as she moaned in pain. A lot of the citizens let out murmurs and whispers as they believed the blonde on his back was dead. But there she was alive and not looking so well. Her face was green as she hanged weakly on the amused Natsu's back.

"Lucy is alive?" Many of them started to whisper.

"But I thought she was dead. Her son almost destroyed this town in his grief."

"I heard he was kicked out of Fairy Tail and forbidden to come back."

"No one even knew he had magic in him. Lucy lied to protect him. That's what I heard."

"But he was just a child."

Soon enough many of the citizens whispered about the boy of Lucy Heartfilia. Their eyes stared at the boy in fear knowing full well what he was capable of. Taiyo simply ignored the whispers as he continued on his task of balancing on the river wall. The small boy happily walked on the wall happy to be back home. He couldn't wait to see all his loved ones back at the guild. He couldn't wait to show them how powerful he has become. He wanted to show them he was in control. That he was back.

The blue exceed known as Happy walked in front of the boy with a sad expression. He didn't like the fact that the citizens of Magnolia were talking bad about the boy. He didn't like that they feared him.

"What is the child doing back?" A woman whispered out in shock once she noticed the group. "He destroyed our town. He should have stayed away. He isn't welcomed here."

Unbeknownst to everyone there was a certain red head walking between Natsu and Taiyo looking extremely annoyed. The more the gossip and whispers about the boy arose the more her vein in her head popped. The red headed woman gritted her teeth as she attempted to hold in her temper. Lucy warned them before they traveled here. Lucy knew that they would whisper about her son. Lucy told everyone to just remain calm and ignore them because they don't know any better.

"That child is a monster."


Cindy has had enough of their whispers, of their comments. These nasty people don't know anything. They have no right to talk so badly about an innocent child. The devastation of this town that Taiyo caused was because of grief of the thought of losing his mother. The red head lifted her gloved hand up slowly and carefully. Light blue glitter trickled out and went softly to the ground. Cindy quickly put her hand back to her side when she was done so no one will notice.

"Ahh where did this ice come from!" People gasped as they slipped and fell on the icy ground.

Cindy smiled deviously as she heard everyone behind her exclaiming as they slid and fell.

They deserved it.

Natsu and Taiyo immediately stopped turning towards the commotion. The street behind them was covered in a thick layer of ice. Happy had to put his paws over his mouth to hold his laughter as he witnessed the clumsy citizens attempt to get up. They looked like new born lambs. Taiyo looked up at his Aunt with a thankful smile. Her eyes held an almost faraway look. Taiyo noticed this look from her for a while. Worry started to fill the small boy. His Aunt was hiding something from them. Something that is hurting her deeply. Noticing Taiyo's worried gaze Cindy simply masked her emotions holding in her own worries. She let out a soft smile as she bent down ruffling the small boy's hair.

"No one talks bad about my nephew." Cindy simply stated. "Let's go, the guild is waiting."

Natsu looked at the red head woman with smile and shook his head. The girl has changed a lot in the past 11 months. In those months, she finally got used to her older looks and her powers. Her long red hair was cascading down in loose waves while her bangs went across her forehead. Cindy had on a dark blue crop top and black leather pants with different pockets, buckles, and zippers. The snowflake necklace her dragon gave her is hanging loosely and cooly on her neck. She wore a light blue long sleeved trench coat with black lines on the boarders. Her hands remained covered completely in black gloves.

Ever since she has gotten Acnologia's magic and the bond with Lucy, Cindy expressed how the visions felt stronger to her. Apparently according to Cindy, when she touched someone she lived in the ominous visions of their future. It was only chucks of visions that she got now, but they were so strong that she has kept gloves on her hand. It was after she touched a man in town. She witnessed and felt his murder with her eyes. Natsu still remembers finding her shaking in the alley away from everyone. When he went to touch her, the red head screamed in fear. She didn't let no one touch her except Lucy and Taiyo. Ever since that day, Cindy expressed on how she will never touch someone with her bare hands ever again.

Lucy still continued to moan on Natsu's back still recovering from the damn train. They followed behind the laughing red head and yellow-orange haired boy. The two continued their walk balancing on the river wall as they joke animatedly with Happy.

"They are definitely related to you." Natsu commented out loud with a laugh.

"What's…that..supposed…to mean?" Lucy breathed out in a tired breath.

Natsu turned his head slightly giving the blonde a toothy grin. Color was slowly returning to her face as she was starting to feel better.

"They are walking on the river wall like you used to." Natsu explained.

Lucy lifted her head weakly to look at her sister and son. She smiled softly as she saw them balance happily on the wall with their arms extended out. A boats floated not far from them in the river. The older men in the boat that used to warn her to be careful all the time, warned Taiyo and Cindy to be careful. Except they mistaken Cindy for Lucy asking her if she did something different with her hair. Lucy watched with amusement as Cindy flicked her wrist towards the water. Making the water current under the boat speed the boat with the men away from her. The men in the boat yelled in shock at the sudden movement then laughed as they looked for Juvia. They thought the water mage messed with the water of the river because of her Gray-sama.

"What am I going to do with her?" Lucy moaned at her sister's actions. The blonde let her head fall back on Natsu's shoulders. She breathed in his musky scent that she loved so much as she tightened her hands around his neck. "I love you." She muttered into his scarf.

"Me too." Natsu breathed out looking towards the sky. "Are you feeling better?" She could only nod in response as she muttered curses towards the train. "It's kind of funny if you think about it."

"What is?"

"The fact when we were younger I used to get sick on trains and you used to put my head on your lap while you ran you fingers through my hair. Now I got to return the favor. You got sick on the train and I got to put you on my lap and run my fingers through your hair."

"The only reason you were able to do that was because Cindy put the Troia on you not me." Lucy defended. She glared at her sister with annoyance. The stubborn red head will not teach them how to handle transportation. Cindy even refused to give Lucy the Troia because she wanted her to experience the motion sickness dragonslayers get. "I can't believe I get motion sickness now. And she and the dragons won't teach us how to handle it."

"Igneel said it would take too long for us to master the control. We were in too much of a hurry to get back home." Natsu let out with a smile.

"I miss them though. I wish they could have come with us."

Natsu hmmed in response agreeing to the blonde's statement. They all wanted the dragons to come with them to Fairy Tail. Especially Natsu. The fire dragonslayer kept expressing in the Dragon realm on how cool it would be that Fairy Tail had three dragons part of the guild. 'We would be the most powerful guild in all of Fiore.' Natsu would always let out with a dark laugh. Being the idiots that they are, Metalicana and Cindy would join in on the laughter as they thought about it. They would even mention on how everyone would bow at their power. That comment always earned them a good smack curtesy of Igneel and Lucy.

Lucy smiled as the memory passed through her head.

But that can never happen.

It is too dangerous for the dragon's to come out.

The blonde shook her head lightly as she thought about everything that happened in the past 11 months.

During the whole time, Lucy missed her family in Fairy Tail. She trained hard with her sister to control her powers in hopes to return soon. Taiyo spent the time training with Natsu and the Dragons. Happy would go back and forth with Wendy and Charla from the Dragon Realm and Fairy Tail. They informed Lucy and everyone in the Realm everything that is going on outside. Erza, Gajeel, and Lily left the day after Natsu and Sting were kidnapped. All three returned to Fairy Tail to be with their families.

Apparently two days after their return to Fairy Tail, Levi and Cana went into labor. Happy, who was with Wendy and Charla at the time, informed Lucy, Natsu, Taiyo, and the Dragons of the chaos that erupted through the guild during the births. According to Happy, it was a dark day in Fairy Tail because of all the panic, chaos, and the screaming. Because of the horrible storm outside at the time, Cana and Levi had to give birth in the guild. They only had the help of Mira and Wendy while everyone else at the guild freaked out. Happy informed Natsu and Lucy that he would never look at Levi and Cana the same way again. 'Gray passed out with Elfman. Every time Cana and Levi screamed in pain everyone else screamed with them in panic', Lucy remembers Happy telling them.

Lucy felt pity for the guild knowing the pain and horror of child birth. But it was worth it all when they saw their baby. Lucy still remembers when she gave birth to Taiyo. She remembers how the dragons and Cindy cried as they thought the birth would be the blonde's demise. 'They won't let me die,' Lucy remembers the words she told them 'this child, I can feel him and the spirits..' After those words, she remembers passing out to only wake up again hours later. Everyone including her spirits all leaning over her with a worried expression. Lucy will always remember the joy she felt when they handed her the crying baby. He seemed to almost glow brightly in her arms. Like the sun.

According to Wendy, Cana gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who has Gildarts wrapped around her finger. And Levi. Well, Wendy said Levi gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Apparently Gajeel fainted right when Wendy told him the good news. That piece of information made Natsu and Metalicana drop on the floor in their laughter. Happy even said after the babies were born, Erza took one look at babies then demanded Jellal to get her pregnant. The red haired woman had dragged the poor blue haired man out the guild to start the process.

According to Wendy and Charla, word quickly spread like wildfire about the existence of Dragons. No one knew where they were at, but some people claimed to have seen them fighting in the forest of Ember. Apparently on the day of battle to get back Sting and Rogue, there was a group of humans in the forest. They witnessed the horror of the bloody battle with their own eyes. One of the people even recorded the Dragons with their Lacriyma.

While away from the Realm Wendy investigated the matter with Charla. Lucy still remembers how the sky dragonslayer warned the dragons of a dragon hunting guild that has resurfaced. Ever since that warning, Lucy and Taiyo put a layer of protection in the forest leading to the entrance of the Dragon realm and even in the Dragon realm. The sister's even went as far as forbidding the dragon of stepping out of the Dragon Realm.

Which of course lead into an argument between them. The argument ended in a fight between Cindy and Metalicana. Which Taiyo, Lucy, and Grandeeney had to stop while Natsu and Igneel laughed.

"Natsu, you could put me down now." Lucy spoke snapping out of her thoughts. Her strength returning, making her legs beg for her to use them.

"Nope." The pink haired man simply let out. He tightened his hold on her legs not letting her get off. Lucy sat up on his back with a pout. The only reason she didn't get sick while he carried her was because of his scent. The whole time she dug her nose in his scarf and neck taking in his scent. The greatest perk she has to say about being a dragonslayer. "I like carrying you."

"Aren't I heavy?"

"Extremely." Natsu laughed earning a smack by the blonde.

"Seriously, Natsu. Put me down. I want to walk."

"Fine, but if your feet start hurting, don't come crying to me." Natsu breathed out.

The fire dragonslayer stopped carefully letting Lucy down. The blonde smiled happily breathing out a fresh breath as she stretched. She couldn't believe how refreshed she felt. Then the two continued to walk hand in hand while carrying on a conversation with their favorite blue exceed. They excitedly conversed about their guild members who they missed so much. Lucy laughed as Natsu announced that they will kick Gray's ass together with their flames.

Not far from them, Taiyo watched with a soft smile on his face. He watched as his mother's smile radiant her whole face. Her honey brown eyes would sparkle with joy every time she glanced at the pink haired man next to her.

Natsu made his mother happy.

Taiyo then looked towards Natsu to see his Onyx eyes sparkle with the same joy Lucy held, but Taiyo can also see adoration in the depths. The boy's eyes was almost memorized on the couple.

Their love and admiration towards the other is so apparent. Even their faces glowed with an almost unattainable joy as they talked to each other. Many of the citizens they passed would stop to stare. The woman held a soft knowing smile as they stared at the blonde. It was a rare occasion one gets to witness something as amazing as this. Taiyo felt proud knowing that those two were his parents. They are soulmates.

"Taiyo? Why you stop?" Cindy asked noticing the boy. The red head stopped right behind the boy with a confused expression. His eyes stared ahead at them with a far off look and a smile on his face. Cindy followed his gaze curiously to see him staring at Lucy and Natsu walking ahead. "Why are you staring at them?"

"Auntie?" Taiyo let out. Cindy hummed in response bending down to the boy's level to give him her full attention. "Remember that dream I had about my birthday."

"The one I went into to tell you about Lucy?"


"What about it?"

"Do you remember what Natsu did in the dream?"

"What he did?" Cindy looked towards the pink haired man with a serious expression. She thought back to Taiyo's dream trying to remember everything that happened. She remembers being in a prairie with Lucy getting Taiyo for his surprise birthday party. Then Taiyo telling Natsu he approves of him ..then. Just then the small boy pulled something out from his pocket showing his Aunt. Cindy looked back to the boy to only gasp in shock at the object. "Taiyo. Are you sure?"

The boy simply nodded then slipped the item back in his pocket. He looked at his Aunt with fierce determination making the red head smile at him. She lifted her hand ruffling his hair. Taiyo immediately pouted as he whined trying to fix his hair back. That only made the red head laugh and ruffle his hair again.

"Hey? Why are you guy's all the way back there?" Natsu called out grabbing their attention.

Taiyo and Cindy looked up to the couple ahead. Lucy and Natsu looked back at them confused as to why they are so far behind. Happy floated in the air between them.

Taiyo and Cindy immediately huddled together whispering to themselves. They started their planning on the steps to take for Taiyo's plan to succeed. Cindy couldn't help, but feel her chest jump in excitement. This boy. This small brat. The red head's eyes started to water earning a weird look from the boy. He is a good kid. Despite everything, he is a good kid.

"Pull yourself together, Auntie!" Taiyo scolded. "We got work to do."

Cindy quickly nodded. She gave the boy a serious expression letting him continue to whisper his plan to her.

"Lucy? Does your weirdness run in the family?" Happy let out earning a glare from the blonde.

"What are you two doing?" Lucy called out, but was ignored.

Finally after getting lightly scolded by Taiyo again, Cindy pulled away standing up straight. She zeroed in her fierce gaze at her sister. Smiling widely at the three in front of her, Cindy silently prepared her muscles for a hard sprint.

Her and Taiyo's plan will work. This is for them.

Now to separate Lucy and Natsu.

"I have a bad feeling." Happy let out.

Natsu and Lucy could only nod in agreement with the exceed. Their eyes were trained on Cindy and Taiyo who jumped down from the river wall. Natsu, Lucy, and Happy unconsciously took a step back. Their eyes stared at the determined Aunt and nephew in front of them with caution. There was something about the look they were giving them. There was something about the fire in their eyes that blazed violently. With one swift nod to each other, Cindy and Taiyo ran towards them.

"Last one to guild is a sore loser!" Cindy scream out running past them, but not before she grabbed Lucy and Happy. The pair screamed in shock as they were dragged away from Natsu and Taiyo. "Muhahahaha!" Cindy laughed evilly to the sky.

Natsu was left staring at the dust cloud they left behind. The sounds of horrified screams and dark laughter echoed in the air. The fire dragonslayer scratched the back of his head in confusion, wondering what was going on in Cindy's head. Natsu quickly shook his head as he let out a chuckle. Who knows what's in Cindy's head. Hell, she is related to Lucy.

"Hey, wait for me!" Natsu yelled. The fire dragonslayer went to run forward, but he was immediately grabbed by the back of his coat. "Ah! Shit." He let out loosing balance immediately. Taiyo watched in amusement as Natsu fell backwards to the ground. His small hand still held the back of Natsu's coat in the air. The pink haired man let out a string of curse words as he sat up rubbing his head. The Onyx eyes looked up at the boy with annoyance. "What was that for?" Natsu whined.

"I need to talk to you?" Taiyo let out sitting on the ground next to Natsu. He took out the item from his pocket keeping it enclosed in his small palm. Natsu lifted an eyebrow looking at the boy in confusion. He tilted his head to the side, sitting up Natsu gave Taiyo his full attention. The two ignored the stares there were receiving by the people for sitting in the middle of the street cross legged as if nothing. "Natsu?"

What if he says no? What if he doesn't want to? These questions raced through Taiyo's brain extinguishing the determination he felt earlier with his Aunt. Doubts started to take over boy. What if Natsu didn't want him? After everything he did to him? Taiyo immediately remembered all the mean things he said and did to Natsu when they first met. The boy started to shake as the fear of abandonment filled him. But this is Natsu. The man that carried him to guild when his mother was taken, he defended him against Gajeel, he saved his mother multiple times without fail, and he was there throughout it all. He believed in Taiyo's ability to bond Lucy and Cindy. He treated Taiyo like a son. To Taiyo, Natsu was and forever will be his dad.

"What's up, buddy?" Natsu let out softly placing his hands on Taiyo's shaking shoulders. Taiyo looked up at Natsu. The Onyx eyes of the man looked at him almost encouraging him. Taiyo looked down letting out a sigh to calm his emotions and cease his doubts. Why does he doubt. This is Natsu. No. This is his dad. With a smile Taiyo lifted his head back up to looked at Natsu. Without a second thought, the small boy lifted his hand over Natsu's placing the small he made and protected in the older man's hand. "huh?" Natsu let out in confusion once he felt something round, small, and cool land on his hand.

"Don't wait to long." Taiyo let out pulling back his hand revealing the item to Natsu. The fire dragonslayer's eyes widen in surprise. He looked back up at the smiling child. "Okay, Dad?" Tears welled up in the dragonslayer's eyes while he stared at the smiling. The acceptance clear in the boy's hazel eyes. Natsu then looked back down at his hand. "Sorry, it's a little lumpy. It was the first time I ever made something like this. But I tried as best I could using all the elements to make it perfect." Taiyo let out looking down at the small object in Natsu's hand. "It's ugly, isn't it?"

"No." Natsu let out shaking his head. He looked up at the boy with a proud smile, tears soft went down his eyes. "It's perfect, but are you sure?"

Taiyo just nodded happily.

"Did he give it to him?" A gruff voice let out in impatience.

"I believe so?" Another voice let out.

"Oui! Blowfish, bring us up closer so we can see better."

"Don't call me Blowfish, Tin Foil." Cindy hissed into the Lacrima. The red head stood a few feet away from Natsu and Taiyo. She was slightly hidden behind the side of a bakery building. The Lacrima in her hands was facing towards the father and son duo. In the medium sized crystal sphere were none other than the three dragon parents. They were crammed together trying desperately to see the scene in front of them. "I can't get any closer or they will see me."

"What's happening now?" Igneel let out.

Cindy looked back up at the scene. She let out a chuckle as she saw Natsu tackle Taiyo in a hug. The pink haired man kept telling the boy his thanks as he promised to protect him and Lucy with his life. He promised to be the best dad and keep their family the happiest family in all of Fiore. Tears went down Cindy's eyes as her heart clenched in sadness as she continued to stare at the scene. Her family was fine and protected.

Now she has to…

"He accepted. He accepted the ring Taiyo made for him to give to Lucy." Cindy breathed out. The three dragons stared at the Natsu and Taiyo hugging with a smile.

"Where is Lucy?" Grandeeney let out softly.

"At the guild with Happy. I left her there to be attacked by Mira and a pregnant Erza." Cindy spoke up in a shaky voice.

"Are you crying?" Igneel let out in worry. "Turn the Lacrima, Cindy!"

The red head shook her head no forgetting they can't see her. Her shoulder's shook violently as she silently sobbed to herself. She let herself lean against the build's wall for support when she felt her legs grow weak. She knew what she had to do.

"Cindy, turn the damn Lacrima now!" Metalicana growled in rage. Finally, Cindy turned the Lacrima for the dragons took look at her. Metalicana let out a soft growl not liking seeing the tough red head with tears of sadness. "We told you not to do this! We told you to talk to them! They will be with you! Hell, we will be with you! Stay there I will come get you!"

"Don't!" Cindy let out glaring at Metalicana in the Lacrima. The Iron dragon narrowed his eyes at her in anger. He let out a low and dangerous growl. "You can't come out. It is too dangerous."

"We can't let you do this alone." Igneel spoke up. He as well as Grandeeney looked up at Cindy in sadness knowing the reason for her tears. The red head confessed to them in secret her plans before she left the realm. They were livid and tried to stop her, but the red head is quite stubborn. "You can't do this alone."

"Yeah! Don't be fucking stupid!" Metalicana roared pushing past Igneel so the Lacrima can just show his furious face to the red head. "You are bonded to Lucy. If something happens to you then…..Don't be fucking stupid, Blowfish. I am going with you!"

"No! Metalicana. You have to stay in the realm." Cindy yelled at the iron dragon again.

Metalicana immediately let out a raging roar out and stomped away from the Lacrima. The thundering destruction of the realm echoed in the background letting the red head know that Metalicana is currently in the middle of a tantrum. Igneel then disappeared from the Lacrima in hopes of calming the Iron Dragon down. Cindy was left to stare at the sadden Sky dragon.

"Child, I don't think what you are doing is wise." Grandeeney spoke up in a soft voice. She looked at Cindy's crying face with a motherly gaze. "He is dangerous. You know this. At least take those boys that fancy you so much with you. They will protect you."

Cindy shook her head.

"Sting is master of Sabertooth now. He can't leave his guild. And Rogue. Rogue is not mine to take. Someone needs him where he is at. That woman is his to save and cherish." The red head spoke.

"They will realize what you have done and go after you. You know that. They will get you."

Cindy let out a sniff as she wiped her eyes quickly. The red head stood up straight. A soft smile crept on her face. She lifted her hand creating a tiny wave of water to hold the Lacrima in the air. The medium sized crystal floated in the air next to her with water as its support.

"They won't." Cindy said. Her voice holding such strength and finality that shocked the Sky Dragon. With one last look at Natsu and Taiyo, Cindy turned away making her way out of town. As she walked the Lacrima floated next to her head revealing Grandeeney's worried face. "Their future has already been put in motion. They will experience lost like no other." Cindy spoke as she walked. "A lost more painful than they have ever felt. A darkness will go after them from the underworld. And he will leave her in her time of need."

"You are leaving them also child." The Sky dragon spoke up in hopes to convince the red head to go back to her family. "He will hurt you. He cannot be trusted. He is dark.."

"He won't hurt me."

"How do you know?"

"I know." Cindy turned her head to look at Grandeeney. "I saw everything I need to know when I touched him. I know things I shouldn't. I know what he plans. And I know the role he plays in my life."

Cindy looked down at her hands in slight fear as she remember the images. Her legs continued to move automatically as the images invaded her head. The images that haunted her so much and forced her to cover her hands. You see, the reason Cindy swore off touching people with her bare hands wasn't because she witnessed a man's murder before it happened. No. She never touched the man she said she touched. The person she touched was someone more powerful. A shiver swept through the red head as she still remembers the way her hand brushed against his cold hand.

Just by that brief touch, Cindy saw so much horror and devastation. The darkness that the man held in his heart was strong and it affected her. Cindy felt forced to do something. She had to protect the ones she loved.

Reaching the outside of Magnolia, the red head stopped. The Lacrima stopped next to her head. Both her and the Lacrima turned to face the city of Magnolia. A cold wind blew as if signify that she was truly alone. Cindy let out a sigh pulling off her gloves gently. Grandeeney stared in worry as Cindy slipped a note in the gloves then threw them on the ground. Tears dripped down Cindy's face as she stared at her wrist which held the blue markings of the bond that she shared with her sister.

"They will be angry." Grandeeney breathed out.

"I know." Cindy whispered. The red head shook in fear as she continued to remember the images. There was a certain image that will forever be engrained in her head. The image of a man with horns, scales that covered his body, dragon wings covered his back, and a fire so hot that it made it difficult to breath. The man's eyes were blood red filled with so much darkness and rage. "But I have to do this. I have to protect their future. He can't turn…"

"What are you so afraid of, child?"

"You know what I am afraid of, Grandeeney. You, Metalicana, and Igneel know everything. In fact, you knew all of it before I even knew. You knew what he was. What he is. I cannot even look at him the same way without thinking in the back of my mind of that image. I can't pretend anymore. Taiyo is starting to notice."

"He is not what you saw. You know this better than anyone."

"He will become what I saw." Cindy breathed out. She looked at Grandeeney with a soft smile. "I love you." Before Grandeeney could even speak again, Cindy flicked her wrist. The water under the Lacrima surrounded the crystal so tight that it caused it to shatter. "I have to protect you too, Grandeeney. I can't lose you and Igneel. Hell, even Metalicana." The red looked up at the bright blue sky. The sun shined over her. "I will do what I can to protect their future."

"Are you sure you can do that?" A voice spoke behind her. Cindy turned behind to stare into the forest. Her eyes widen in shock as the man that she touched so long ago appeared before her. His solemn face stared at her. Dark eyes seemed to only hold agony and pain in them. His long black hair flowed with the soft breeze that blew. The man lifted his right hand to her. A trusting expression filled his features. Cindy narrowed her eyes at him distrusting. Here was the man that she was going to search for with determination, just standing there as if nothing. His hand extending towards her waiting for her to take it. "I will not hurt you. I will never hurt you."

"I know that." Cindy breathed out.

"Then why hesitate? I promised you, didn't I? I only came here to spare you the time in looking for me. Cindy, I promised. As long as you come with me. I will not touch the dragons. They will be protected."

"How can I be sure you are telling the truth?"

"Take my hand and see for yourself." The man let out taking a step towards her. Upon instinct Cindy took a step back saddening the man. The man sighed, but continued to stand in front of her with his hands extended. He will patiently wait for her. "You have to learn to trust me, Cindy."

The red head could only stare at the man with an unsure expression. Slowly, she took a step forward towards him. The man stayed rooted in his place not wanting to startle the girl as she took hesitant steps towards him. She slowly lifted her shaking hand towards him. The closer she got the more her heart hammered in her chest. A lump formed in her throat, her bottom lip shook. The man watched in sadness as tears spilled down the girls face. Without a second, he took a step forwards wrapping the girl in his arms. Lifting his hand up, the man wiped the Cindy's tears. The instant their skins made contact images flooded into the red head's mind making her gasp in shock. The man just held her in his arms as he let her see everything.

"I believe you, Zeref. " Cindy let out in a pained whisper. "I believe you."

"Good now, let's go. We have much to discuss if we are to find another way to undo my curse without having to destroy my brother's happiness." Zeref breathed out. He led Cindy towards the inside of the forest. His arm securely around her shoulders almost protectively. "When you first touched me, you made me see many things unconsciously. That is how I know. You made me see the rode that I was taking would only hurt my little brother greatly. That is why I came for you. I believe you can help me find another way, if not then I will return to my original plan."

"Your original plan?"

"Killing the dragons in order to anger Natsu enough to kill me." He simply breathed out as if it was nothing.

Cindy stared up at Zeref in sadness. Tears streamed down her face. The images that she saw when she touched him was of that. The mangled bodies of the three dragons that she held so dear. Zeref was in the middle of them stare at Natsu with a sadistic smile. Cindy shook her head furiously at the dark mage making him stop. She wanted the images to stop. To disappear. This cannot be the future for them. She will do something. She will stop him. Zeref stared down at her with serious emotionless black eyes.

"You can't. I will stop you." Cindy cried out.

The black haired man's face darkened in anger as he leaned his face down to Cindy's level. The red head leaned back in fear. She stared into his now red eyes. Her body shook in fear as she came to the realization that she was staring at death in the eyes yet again. Zeref let out a dangerous growl as he snatched Cindy's wrist in his hand. His grip painfully tight as he held the hand up so the girl could stare at the bond mark on her wrist.

"Even if I cannot kill you, know I can still hurt you to the point you wish death." Zeref hissed. "You are bonded to my last hope in all this. Since she cannot die then you cannot die. I understand your need to protect the dragons and your family. I understand you know I cannot kill you. But understand I can still hurt you if you get in my way or stop me from my goal." Cindy's eyes widen in shock as she witness tears fall from Zeref's dark eyes. The red returned to sad black color he held before. "I want to die. I don't want to live anymore."

A wave of sympathy immediately took over the red head. She stared as the man in front of her slowly let her go. Tears streaming down his face as agony filled his eyes. Zeref took a step back falling to the ground burying his face in his hands. His body shook as he sobbed none stop into his hands. He kept repeating the same words over and over again. 'kill me, I don't want to live anymore'. Cindy's face soften as she took a step towards him. She didn't even know what came over her as she bent down placing a soft hand on his shaking shoulders. Zeref sniffed loudly as he looked up at her. His eyes were blood shot, his nose red. The red head felt her heart break just at the sight of his broken face. She smiled softly at the man even though just a minute he terrified her. He even threatened her.

There was something about this man. Something about Zeref that she can't help, but feel the need to stay be by his side. Cindy placed her hand on his cheek wiping his tears ever so gently. Zeref could only stare at the beauty in front of him with wide eyes.

"What is it about you that makes me feel so confused? I fear you, I pity you, and I want to stay by your side all at the same time." Cindy mumbled out under her breath. Her honey brown eyes searched Zeref's with curiosity. "You are just lonely aren't you? You lived for too long alone in this world hoping for an end to your curse. You want everyone to misunderstand you as an evil guy. You want them to want to destroy you. You want your own little brother, who you love with all your heart, to kill you because you believe it will redeem you. You believe he will forgive for what you did to him, if he killed you. Don't you?"

Just like that, Zeref felt something between him and the red head. Fresh tears flowed down his eyes as he stared up at her sad eyes. She held a soft expression filled with so much sympathy towards him. She understood him. With just the touch of the skin, she understood him better than anyone in the world. Zeref could only nod to answer her. He cried yet again as Cindy wrapped her hands around him hugging him to her tightly and securely. She kept telling him that it will all be ok. That she will find a way to rid him of his curse.

And she did, but it cost her something very dear to her.

She was able to protect him. Protect Natsu, Lucy, and Taiyo. Protect Fairy Tail. Protect Magnolia and all of Fiore.

But she couldn't protect them. She couldn't protect the three creatures that raised her and protected her all her life. She couldn't protect them from their fate and everyday Zeref blamed himself for it.

They couldn't protect the Dragons.