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![]() Author has written 19 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Inuyasha, Final Fantasy VII, Uta no Prince-sama, Crimson-Shell/クリムゾン・シェル, Shugo Chara!, and One Piece. Hello, all. I'm Shakyra, AKA SoraLover1994! But you can call me Shay, if you want. Everyone does. And as you can tell by my screen-name, I am totally in love with the main character Sora in Kingdom Hearts. Strange, right? I think not!! I am also a Kairi hater... (But not so much anymore.) I am a girl, just so you guys don't get any ideas on whether or not I am or not. I'll read your stories if you read mine, or if I just find some good stories that can really interest me. As long as they have something to do with video games like Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts, or even certain anime stories for my viewing entertainment!! That's all I can tell you right now. If you wanna know more about someone like me, talk to me! I must change this now due to events* Shugo Chara Character Quiz! Hinamori Amu -You're the older sibling () -You use an outer character (X) -You have a lot of crushes or a harem (X) -You have a reverse harem () -You have a lot of friends (X) -You're kind of wishy-washy and don't know what your dream is (Nope, that dream is set now. XD) () -You want to be normal (..Nah. Still like being weird. _) () -You care about your friends (X) -You don't like the occult (0_0 I LOVE the occult. I don't get scared easily.) () -You're often associated with the colors/ Your favorite colors are red, black, magenta/pink, and white. (RED!) (X) Count: 5 (T.T And here I thought I was 'Cool n' Spicy'...) Mashiro Rima -You're an only child (X) -You don't like being an only child or wouldn't want to be an only child () -You're short for your age (. Am now. 17 and still 5'3 point 5...) (X) -You come off as cold and distant to people (Only until they know me) (X) -You (secretly) like comedy (...Not much anymore.) () -You aren't very athletic (0_o Flexible, yes, but not athletic at all) (X) -You're protective of your friends (X) -You can be suspicious of your best friend's friends when they act strangely (X) -You're not quite ready for love (Even with a boyfriend, still not too ready.) (X) -Your favorite colors are/ you're often associated with the colors red, orange, and white. (I LOVE RED! _) (X) Count: 8 Hoshina Utau -You're the younger sibling () -Your older sibling is important in your life () -You like to sing (LOVE, you mean?) (X) -You like to compete (If there's a risk need taking, Shay's the girl!) (X) -You're very stubborn/ it's hard for you to be honest (X) -You think it's important to eat and get energy (YUM!) (X) -You have a big appetite (...Not anymore. T.T Shay is a half-twig.) () -You like to eat ramen (X) -You can make your stage anywhere you go () -You're often associated with the color/Your favorite color is purple (Nah, purple is claimed by my best friend. XD) () Count: 5 Yuiki Yaya -You're the older sibling () -You wish you were an only child () -You like sweets (X) -You are known to be a matchmaker/shipper around your friends () -You like cute things (X) -You read a lot of manga (Try having over 100 books on the shelf... and counting!) (X) -You like to be the center of attention (Not even close.) () -You hate when people fight (X) -You like being the youngest of your friends (YES!) (X) -You're often associated with the color/Your favorite color is pink (0.0 Pink?! Yech!) () Count: 5 Tsukiyomi Ikuto -You're the older sibling () -You secretly care about your little sibling () -You'll go out of your way to keep the people you care about out of danger (X) -You like teasing your crush (0.0 I ALWAYS tease him.) (X) -Your crush thinks you're a pervert (X) -People often compare you to a cat (They say I appear like a cat. _) (X) -You're stubborn (X) -You don't tell people about your pain and troubles (...Not exactly. I hide things.) (X) -You're protective of your family (X) -You're often associated with the colors/ Your favorite colors are midnight blue and black (I LIKE BLACK TOO!) (X) Count: 8 (Not much of a change AGAIN.) Hotori Tadase -You're the only child (X) -You have held a grudge for a long time (*Shrugs* -_- Queen of grudges.) (X) -You have a rival in love that you despise () -You like dogs (_ Love 'em!) (X) -You're a very sweet and shy person (More so sweet than shy now.) (X) -You want power (0.0 Ooh...) (X) -You have a secretly spoiled character (Very spoiled.) (X) -You hate when people call you 'prince' (. I'm a girl!) () -You are bad at making speeches (...And yet I aced my speech and debate class. 0_0) (X) -You're often associated with the colors/Your favorite colors are sky blue and yellow () Count: 7 Fujisaki Nagihiko -You're an only child (X) -Your parents expect a lot out of you (X) -You have long hair (God, I STILL wish. . Stupid short hair...) () -You are one of the tallest people out of your friends (...Shortest.) () -You like dance () -You like basketball (X) -You are a secret flirt (X) -You have slight romantic feelings for your friend of the opposite sex (...Yep.) (X) -You have cross-dressed before (Uh... techni...cally...? I'm not the girliest person...) (X) -You're often associated with the colors/ Your favorite colors are blue and purple (X) Count: 7 (YAY! NAGI!) Souma Kukai -You're the youngest sibling () -You like to play sports () -You like competition (X) -You have a thing for older men/women (...Older men, but no more than two years!) (X) -You like to try different things (X) -You like ramen (X) -You're very easy going (X) -You are considered to be the big brother/sister of all your friends () -You are the oldest of all your friends () -You're often associated with the color/Your favorite color is green () Count: 5 Sanjo Kairi -You're the younger sibling () -You often take care of your older sibling () -You take martial arts/kendo/karate, etc (T.T' I want to.) () -You're tall for your age () -You're very serious and blunt (X) -You wear glasses (...I do.) (X) -You are good at making observations (Quite.) (X) -You use advanced vocabulary in everyday speech (Heh. Tedious is my favorite word.) (X) -You like sticking to a schedule () - You're often associated with the color/ Your favorite color is green () Count: 4 Shay's Comments: IKUTO AND RIMA! WHOOT! CURRENT ANIME VIEWS: http:///animelist/SoraLover1994 (See here. _) T.T My favorite voice actors have changed all around now! My favorite male ones are Kenichi Suzumura (Zack Fair, Hikaru Hitachiin, Masato Hijirikawa, Lavi), Mamoru Miyano (Light Yagami, Sho Fuwa, Riku, Tamaki Suoh -The list goes on and on-), Yuiichi Nakamura (Ikuto Tsukiyomi, Gekkou Kurenai, Gray Fullbuster), Miyu Irino (Sora, Jinta Yadomi -Which surprised me MOST-, Syaoran, Haku), and NOW Takuma Terashima (Ittoki Otoya, Touma)! My favorite Japanese voice actress is STILL Rie Kugimiya (Taiga Aisaka, Shana, Nagi Senzenin, Mizore Shirayuki)! But I also like Kanae Ito (Amu Hinamori), Eri Kitamura (Seira, Rima -Vampire Knight-, Izumo) and Maaya Sakamoto (Haruhi Fujioka, Aerith Gainsborough, Ciel Phantomhive). (I'm gonna redo this for fun!) (10/9/11 *Doing AGAIN*) The Soundtrack To My Life Put your iPod on shuffle and write the songs that come on. No cheating! Opening credits: Mine by Taylor Swift (... *Shrugs* Okay.) Waking Up: Daybreak by Marie Digby (0_0 Okay, not too bad...) First day of school: Teru-Teru Momiji from Fruits Basket (...Wow. XD Momiji, really?) Falling in love: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence by Ryuichi Sakamoto -instrumental- (0_0 Maybe it's Christmastime when romance occurs?) Fighting: 1000 Words by Sweetbox (...Good fit, oddly.) Breaking up: You Are My Love by Yui Makino (0_o I have NO idea.) Driving: Waratte, Rima by D'iLL (...Weird for an instrumental to be on the radio) Flashback: Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift (...Um, that's okay, I guess.) Mental Breakdown: 3 by Britney Spears (...WHAT? XD) Getting back together: Clocks by Coldplay (...Again, WHAT?) Prom Night: Forever and Always by Taylor Swift (...Okay?) Wedding: Koi, Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu! by Citron (...Too fast, but not too shabby.) Birth of a child: Shining in the Sky -Instrumental- by Key Sounds Label (0_0 ...Huh. Not bad, seeing as how it's a passionate one...) Final battle: Take Off by 2PM (X3 LOVE this song, and it fits! "Ready ready ready for the take off!") Death scene: Past Story -Instrumental- by Takanashi Yasuharu (...Well, it makes sense for a death scene, to be honest.) Funeral: Treasured Memories -Instrumental- by Yoko Shimomura (0_0 Most fitting overall so far.) End credits: Falling Inside The Black by Skillet (...Yep, that's the end of it, huh? XD) Shay's Comments: Well, THAT didn't go like I hoped. XD Some fit, others were close... and some were just plain OFF. My Fantasy Crush List (Warning. 0_0 Will change VERY often): -Sora from Kingdom Hearts: . Such a dork sometimes... _ But I can't help but love him! -Ikuto Tsukiyomi from Shugo Chara: ... X3 HE IS SO FRICKING HOT! -Usui Takumi from Kaichou wa Maid-Sama: Like Ikuto... FRICKING HOT! -Kyo Sohma from Fruits Basket: - KYO-KUN! -Kazuki Hihara from La Corda d'Oro: ESPECIALLY when he has his little ponytail. -Nagihiko Fujisaki from Shugo Chara: _ He has such long pretty hair, and he's QUITE the gentleman -Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club: He's FUNNY! -Zack Fair from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core: ... T.T I've fallen SO HARD for Zack right now...! He's my greatest love, on similar terms with Sora! 0_0 But I don't own a doll of Zack, so I guess Sora's still top-dog. -Archer from Fate/Stay Night: 0_0 His English when he's using his Noble Phantasm in the Japanese version is SO. HOT. -Keima Katsuragi from The World God Only Knows: Small crush. He's an interesting guy. -Oz Vessalius from Pandora Hearts: I just love his looks, he's a really sweet guy too! -Youhei Sunohara from Clannad: X3 Baby face Youhei! SO CUTE! -Katsuki Shima from Clannad: After Story: He's a minor character, but... I've grown to love him because of how sweet and innocent he is! -Renji Abarai from Bleach: 0.0 Where did this come from?! ...Is it because he reminds me of Axel? Yes? No? I'm not sure, I just know that I'm somehow attracted to him... -Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail: 0.0 Well, his clothes come off pretty often, and his voice actor is Ikuto Tsukiyomi's... So that's a win to me! - -Byakuya Kuchiki from Bleach: 0_0 When he's a kid, he's SO adorable, when he's older, he's pretty hot. -Otoya Ittoki from Uta no Prince-Sama Maji Love 1000%: X3 Oh my GOD, I love his singing, and he's totally cute! And his song in episode 2, Brand New Melody... one of my top favorites now! -Rin Okumura from Ao no Exorcist: Son of Satan... Sexy as HELL. -No puns intended- Plus, he's got Usui's voice, and he's a male tsundere-type. What's not to like?! -Neku Sakuraba from The World Ends With You: Okay, maybe Neku isn't so much a 'crush', maybe more of a strong admiration. 0_0 I saw a bit of myself in Neku, wanting to block out the world through headphones... And he's really cute and funny. XD -Taiga Kagami from Kuroko no Basket: I like hotheads, what can I say? -Houtarou Oreki from Hyouka: ...Another Yuuichi Nakamura character, but he's a lot like Neku. XD He's pretty cool, wanting a "grey" life unlike his peers. Favorite Female Characters (Anime): -Hibiki Ganaha from The IdolM@ster (. She's an adorable character...) -Amu Hinamori from Shugo Chara -Elucia {Elsie} de Lute Ima from The World God Only Knows -Naruko {Anaru} Anjou from AnoHana -Taiga Aisaka from Toradora! -Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach -Kagome Higurashi from InuYasha -Kyoko Mogami from Skip Beat (0_0 She's one of the greatest female leads I've ever seen) -Shana from Shakugan no Shana -Ohana Matsumae from Hanasaku Iroha -Yuri from Angel Beats! (0.0 I've been told quite a few times that I sound EXACTLY like her in the English dub.) -Touko Amano from Bungaku Shojo (I admire her. _ I love literature.) Anime/Video Game Couplings I Support: Amu x Ikuto from Shugo Chara Rima x Nagihiko from Shugo Chara Utau x Kukai from Shugo Chara Kyo x Tohru from Fruits Basket Kahoko x Kazuki from La Corda d'Oro (. Don't get me wrong, I like Len, but I think Kazuki is a better fit for her) Keima x Elsie from The World God Only Knows Tomoya x Nagisa from Clannad (One of the strongest couples I have ever seen.) Zack x Aerith from Final Fantasy VII (...I don't hate Aerith anymore. And I LOVE Zack, but... they're a surprisingly good fit to me. 0_o Or maybe I just don't like Aerith with Cloud...) Ren x Kyoko from Skip Beat! InuYasha x Kagome from InuYasha Usui x Misaki from Kaichou wa Maid-Sama Tsukune x Moka/Tsukune x Mizore from Rosario Vampire Ryuuji x Taiga from ToraDora Saito x Louise from Zero no Tsukaima Takuto x Mitsuki from Full Moon wo Sagashite Sora x Kairi/Sora x OC (...Different OC from my old fanfic though. 0.0 Kairi just... she isn't right for him) from Kingdom Hearts Roxas x Xion from Kingdom Hearts (. And yes, I KNOW about Xion, but still, I like them together, they're cute!) Terra x Aqua from Kingdom Hearts (They're the best friend relationship!) Aqua x Ven (Motherly type relationship) from Kingdom Hearts Kei x Hikari from Special A (Don't like Hikari, but they fit well.) Sana x Nanaka from Myself; Yourself (They are just SO cute together.) Rin x Shiro from Fate/Stay Night (I just don't like Shiro with Saber. *Shrugs*) Ichigo x Rukia OR Rukia x Renji from Bleach (...I HATE Orihime, she's too whiny for me, and Rukia is a good balance for Ichigo. They have a really tight friendship, and I'd want them to be together, if she doesn't end up with Renji.) Hiyori x Keisuke from Bleach (0.0 Oh my... I don't know why, but for some reason the tsundere Hiyori can REALLY bring out a balance for the laid-back Keisuke Urahara, they're an interesting pair.) Rin x Shiemi OR Rin x Izumo from Ao no Exorcist (0_0 I prefer Izumo's character over Shiemi's since Izumo is a tsundere-type, but for some reason either one of these couplings will due me justice so far.) Taichi x Chihaya x Arata from Chihayafuru Otonashi x Yuri from Angel Beats (T.T I like Kanade, but NOT with him!) Yamato x Mei from Sukitte Iinayo (SO. COOL! And I see a lot of myself in Mei!) Month one Mommy I am only 8 inches long Month Two Mommy Month Three You know what Mommy Month Four Mommy Month Five You went to the doctor today. Month Six I can hear that doctor again. Month Seven Mommy Every Abortion Is Just . . . One more heart that was stopped. If you're against abortion, re-post this and if you almost cryed post this in your profile
1. Put your iTunes (or iPod) on shuffle 2. For each question, press the next button to get your next answer 3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME NO MATTER HOW SILLY IT SOUNDS AND THE AUTHER 1. WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO? Dog Day Afternoon by rockleetist (0_0 Does that mean I believe that I'm gonna grow up with my best guy friend?) 2. WHAT DO OUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? La La Land by Demi Lovato (0_0 ...Kinda fits. XD Shows that I'm confident and don't care what people think of me!) 3. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Love Chronicle by Changin' My Life (0o0 AH! I DO think about love very often! WHOA!) 4. WHAT IS 22? Thanks by Miyu Irino (0.0 22 is Miyu? _ Hey, I'll take it!) 5. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Futari no Kyori by Di'LL (...Given that my best friend moved to Atlanta last summer, this is more than overly fitting, given that the song title means 'The Distance Between Us'.) 6. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Nagisa: Farewell at the Foot of a Hill by Key Sounds Label (0.0 I want him to die? ...I'm not THAT cruel...) 7. WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Last Kiss by Taylor Swift (-_- Boy, that sums up MY last relationship.) 8. WHAT DO YOU WANNA BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Ai no Yokan -Kusonaki Version- by Ami Koshimizu (0.0 I wanna be MORE tsun when I grow up?!) 9. WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? The Place Where Wishes Come True by Key Sounds Label (AWWWWW!) 10. WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? On The Line by Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brothers (0_o My parents don't like talking to me? Meanies! 11. WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Open Heart by Di'LL (XD WOW! NOW LET'S TRANSFORM!) 12. WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Yume no Tsubomi -Fandub- by SoraLover1994 (...Me. My singing in a chibi voice. At MY FUNERAL. Sad...) 13. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBIE/INTREST? Kizuna by Asumi Nakata (... 0.o My hobby is bonding?) 14. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? ka.ra.ku.ri by Rie Kugimiya, Yui Horie and Eri Kitamura (... -_- Yes, I have a secret obsession for dancing like an idiot to this song. Okay.) 15. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Serah's Theme by Masashi Hamauzu (0_0 ...Apparently I want my friends to believe. Cool, cool.) 16. WHAT IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? Adolescence by Rin and Len Kagamine (... XD I could have twincest with a brother I don't have! If he's like Len, hell yeah, I'll take that and run!) 17. HOW WILL YOU DIE? Dolls by Rin Kagamine (0o0 AH! ANOTHER FITTING AND SCARY ONE! I'm gonna die looking for my love and crack into tiny pieces. T.T) 18. WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU WILL REGRET? Breathing Underwater by Marie Digby (0_0 Huh. So, I'd regret falling in love AGAIN? Too late.) 19. WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH? Dancing in the Velvet Moon by Nana Mizuki (0_o O...kay... Maybe if I saw the PV again, and saw a naked Moka biting Tsukune's neck, it'd be funny.) 20. WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Heartful Song by Nana Mizuki (YES! FITTING!) 21. WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? Because You Live by Jesse McCartney (... *Hearts* Apparently so. Thank you, Jesse, I love you!) 22. WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST? Uso Mitai na by Utada Hikaru (...Apparently that means that I'm scared of a false 'I love you'. 0.0 Maybe that's true.) 23. DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? Love Story by Taylor Swift (...AHHHHHHHH!) 24. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? Yume no Tsubasa duet by Yui Makino and Miyu Irino (... -_- I would change the fact that Sakura lost her memories, and that I haven't gotten past episode 11 of this show despite my love for Miyu Irino. But one show at a time.) 25. WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? Secret Princess -Amu Version- by Kanae Ito (...Nah.) 26. IF SOMEONE SAYS 'ARE YOU OKAY' YOU SAY? Hana Tegami by Saeko Chiba (0.o I be mellow and sweet like Nadeshiko, then epic and dancey like Nagi? O-kay?) 27. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Dreaming of You by Selena (... 0_0 Guess I like dreaming of the person I love? True.) 28. WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Obsession by innerpartysystem (...PFFT. XD WOW! EPIC AND FUNNY!) 29. HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? Cat Food by Nico-Nico Chorus (0.0 Now I feel like singing a peppy song on a rainy day! WHOO-HOO!) 30.WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? The Best Day by Taylor Swift (Yes. My purpose is... _ To make up with my father! ... -_- Can't say I won't try.) Shay's Comment: 0_0 It's CRAZY how much a majority of this stuff fit all at random (5/6/12). Okai! Random quiz thingy!! 1. Write the name of a person of the opposite sex. Steve! 2. Which is your favorite color out of red, black, blue, green, yellow? Red! 3. Your first initial? S! 4. Your month of birth? June 5. Which color do you like more, black or white? Um... Black. 6. Name of a person of the same sex as yours. Autumn? 7. Your favorite number? 7! 8. Do you like California or Florida more? Never been to either, but I'll say California. 9. Do you like the lake or the ocean more? UMI (Ocean)! 10. Write down a wish (a realistic one). I want to become a famous writer, possibly even produce stories that could become TV shows... 0_0 Or even anime if I ever got that lucky. Are you done? If so, scroll down (don't cheat--) THE ANSWERS 1. You are completely in love with this person. ...Well, he IS my boyfriend... 2. If you choose: Red: You are alert and your life is full of love. Cool! Black: You are conservative and aggressive. Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back. Blue: You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love. Yellow: You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down. 3. If your initial is: A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life. L-R: You try to enjoy life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom. S-Z: You like to help others and your future love life looks very good Yay, sounds just me! 0_0 I'm practically a martyr among my friends... 4. If you were born in: Jan.-Mar.: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected. Apr.-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever. ...DAMMIT, that sucks! July-Sept.: You will have a great year and will experience a major life changing experience for the good. Oct.-Dec.: Your love life will not be too great, but eventually you will find your soul-mate. 5. If you choose... Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change. ...How much worse could my life possibly GET at the moment?! White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it. 6. This person is your best friend. Yep, Autumn IS my best friend. 7. This is how many close friends you have in a lifetime. 0.o Seven? Okay? 8. If you choose... 9. If you choose... 10. This wish will come true only if you RE-POST THIS BULLETIN in one hour and it will come true before your next birthday. Posted in seven minutes! Check this out...I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile Not an English major just for kicks, ya know! KINGDOM HEARTS QUESTIONS: SECTION ONE: The "Favorite" Questions 1. Your favorite KH guy? Uh, see my username. Sora, obviously! 2. Your favorite KH girl? Aqua, no doubt! 3. Your least favorite KH guy? Why? . Vexen. He's just Vexen, and Vexen deems creepy. -_- And in Re:CoM, he made me have a grudge against him for kicking my ass SO MANY TIMES during the second fight against him. 4. Your least favorite KH girl? Why? Kairi. I just find her useless. It's like she's there to both prevent Sora/Riku (which I don't like, not a yaoi fan) AND to give Sora part of a purpose to fight. 5. Favorite World? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) The World That Never Was, no doubt there. 0_0 I love it. 6. Least Favorite World? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) Oh geez, um... 0_o I'm gonna say... 100 Acre Wood. 7. Favorite Weapon? (Includes both KH1 and KH2) I loves the Oblivion Keyblade! T.T I wish I had that one on my wall instead of Kingdom Key...! 8. Least Favorite Weapon? (Includes Both KH1 and KH2) Hm...? 0_0 Ooh. Hard. I don't think I have one... 9. Favorite Summon? (includes both KH1 and KH2) XD Can I say the Dreameaters? No? Okay, then I will say... Tinkerbell. Most useful summon in KH1. 10. Favorite Form? (aka. Sora's Forms) I'm the weird one, but my favorite is the Master form. 11. Favorite Pairing? (includes yaoi coupling) Why? 0.0 Ew, yaoi. Um... Well, I'm not keen on Sora/Kairi anymore, I'm gonna say Xion/Roxas. And YES, I KNOW ABOUT XION. 12. Least Favorite. Pairing? (includes yaoi couples) Why? All yaoi. But worst one has to be Xemnas/Saix. T.T Just... ew. 13. Any cool crack pairings you've heard of? List 'em. -I've heard of Ventus/Namine/Vanitas. 0_0 It sounds cool. -Roxas/Aqua. Ya know, because Roxas looks like Ven? 14. Weirdest Pairing(s) You've Ever Heard Of? -Oh god. -_- Xemnas/Saix AGAIN. -And SoRoku. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON, PEOPLE! -Terra/Sora... Just... WHY...? Terra's old enough to be Sora's DAD, for goodness sake! 15. Any "KH-pet-peeves" you have? 0_o I personally have a pet peeve of AkuRoku and SoRiku. THEY ARE CLEARLY FRIENDS, PEOPLE! 16. Favorite Partner in KH? (includes both KH1 and KH2) Oh! I LOVED using Axel! And the Hollow Bastion gang! I always loved playing through the Heartless war there just to get to the last one with Cloud! SECTION TWO: Do you believe it, or not believe it? 17. Do you believe in the Xemnas/Saix theory! ...F* no. 18. Do you believe that Zexion is emo? No, he's not emo. 0_0 You don't have to be a literature freak to be emo, trust me. I'M a literature freak. 19. Do you believe that Marluxia is gay? 0.o Marluxia's a man?! XD Nah, I kid. Yeah, I always thought that he was gay. 20. Do you believe that Kairi is the most annoying character in KH? Oh, absolutely. She's gotten better, but she's still not on the same level as Xion and Aqua, or even Namine for that matter. SECTION THREE: Answer Yourself! 21. If Roxas had to choose either Namine or Olette, who would you root for? Why? 0_0 ...If you had asked me BEFORE Days, I would've said Namine. Now I say Xion because they look like an adorable pair. 22. What's your theory on KH: Birth by Sleep? After playing it? XD I already know it all! Xehanort was an old nympho who screwed over everyone, and will continue to screw everyone over until Sora finally decides to take him out. 23. Was Chain of Memories a waste of time? 0_0 Of course not. Even though the card system was broken, would there BE a KH2 without it? 24. If you had the choice of meeting ONE (and ONLY ONE!) KH character, who would it be? OHMAIGOD, SORA! 25. Which KH character do you relate to the most? Why? Hm... I'm gonna say Xion, if she weren't... ya know...? 26. What's the most embarrassing moment that ever happened to you that had something to do with KH? 0_0 I haven't had that happen yet. But I have had arguments with my cousin that hates the game, and I actually won. Everyone stared at me and thought I was weird. *Shrug* I regret nothing. 27. Have you ever cosplayed as a KH character? If so, who? If not, who would you like to cosplay as? T.T No, but I wanna cosplay as Xion or Kairi. Xion because I have the same attributes in terms of hair, I have the same Keyblade now, I'd just need the Organization cloak... same for Kairi without red hair and blue eyes. 28. The Funniest Moment in all of KH would be...? 0_0 Too many. 29. The Hardest Enemy/Boss was...? (Includes KH1 and KH2) 0.o In KH... That would be Riksem (Ansem/Riku) in Hollow Bastion. As of DDD time... -_- I gotta give it to Young Xehanort. I almost cried at how ridiculously hard that battle was. And then the twist at the end, I literally screamed when time went back because I didn't stop the clock in time and I had to do like 40% of the first fight AGAIN. 30. What was a good edition in KH2 that made it oh-so-addictive? Definitely Roxas's birth as a character, and the drive forms. SECTION FOUR: Decisions, Decisions... Note: You MUST only choose one! "Both" or "Neither" in unacceptable!! 31. Hayner or Pence? ...Gonna give it to Local Attitude Problem, Hayner. 32. Zexion or Marluxia? Zexion, without a doubt. :P Bookworms unite! 33. Riku or Roxas? T.T Gah, NO! Um-um-um-um... Riku...?! 34. Roxas or Sora? Sora, no questions asked. 35. Axel or Demyx? Axel. But I prefer Demyx's voice to Axel's in Japanese. I love Kenichi Suzumura. XD 36. Kairi or Larxene? 0.o Aw, I can't say neither! T.T ...Kairi. 37. AkuRoku or SoRiku? ...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, AKUROKU?! 38. Namixas or Namiku? ...Fffffffffffffff-I'm gonna say Namiku. Roxas goes to Xion. 39. Zemyx or AkuRoku? -_- AGAIN with the yaoi, really?! ...AKUROKU! 40. SoKai or SoRiku? YES, an easier choice! SoKai! 41. Sea Salt Ice Cream or Paopu Fruit? Sea Salt Ice Cream. 0.0 Ice cream, yummy. 42. Cloud or Leon? Cloud... I like him a lot more than Leon. 0_0 43. CloTi or Clerith? CloTi. 0_0 Zack and Aerith (... . Orrrrrr Zack with me, because... ahem. Yeah, let's go with that). 44. Simple and Clean or Passion? Simple and Clean. Made me first learn Japanese when I was 11. SECTION FIVE: The Last Section!! 45. List all the KH character you've fallen for. (This includes Final Fantasy characters as well) ...Oh, bring it on, this'll be a LONG list! -Sora, first and foremost. Obviously. -Zack, second, just barely. Obvious reasons, he's ZACK. He's a lot closer to my age too. 0.0 Dating Sora if he were real would seem like pedophilia, but Zack... *Smirks* I got four years under this guy. -Riku, first crush in this series before Sora, for his attitude. -Roxas... not a crush, more like a bro. Little brother. -Axel, for his badassness. -Demyx, for his Japanese voice. -Cloud, for his badassness. -Leon, very slight, but I like his appearance. XD -Zexion, for the literature! -Ventus, because he's more adorable than Roxas in a different way. XD -Vanitas... 0.o Because he is the dark heart of Sora. -Neku, because's he's Neku. XD 46. What crossovers would you like to see with KH? Well, I've been getting into The Walking Dead... 0_0 I already started a Shugo Chara fanfiction with that base. Can you imagine Sora fighting down Walkers? 47. Does anyone in KH look like another character? List 'em all! ...Here we go... -Riku to Sephiroth... Sephiroth looks like an older Riku to me. -Roxas to Ventus (OB-VI-OUS!) -Sora to Vanitas (Again, OB-VI-OUS!) -Axel to Reno (...Same voice too. 0_0) -Roxas to Cloud... Cloud looks like an older Roxas. 0.o -Kairi to Xion, obviously. 48. Which new KH game can you absolutely NOT wait for? 0_0 Can I say KH3? STILL waiting for that. 49. Do you like KH1 or KH2 better? Why? KH2, because of the new characters, drive forms and it was overall fun. _ 50. LAST QUESTION! What makes Kingdom Hearts one of the best games in the world!? Ooh, definitely the story, and the characters, and the childhood relapse, and the RPG aspect, and the Final Fantasy characters, and it's got something for everyone, and it's fun, and it's got a lot of interesting logic in the long run, and Sora is cute, and it's confusing all at the same time, and it's great to keep up with. Did I repeat anything? A large percent of authors do not know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. If you do know the difference, copy and paste this to your profile. Along with not knowing the difference between 'your' and 'you're', some people don't know how to properly use 'their', 'there', and 'they're'. If you do know when to use these three words than paste this onto your profile and remember to thank your grammar teacher. Shay's Comments: Pfft, would I BE a writer if not? How could anyone mess up like that?! Thank my grammar teacher, I more so thank myself for being a curious third grader that picked up books like Holes and A Wrinkle in Time early on. You love hoodies. TOTAL: 10/25 (Huh. Not too shabby.) YOUR GIRL SIDE: (bold applies to me) You wear lip gloss/chapstick. You smile a lot more than you should. You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. TOTAL: 7/25 (0.o Wow, I am not girly at ALL.) How I write... Style: 0_0 My style actually varies a lot, but when I write stories, I tend to include thought processes as well as dialogue, even if the story is told in a flashback perspective or just first person thought. Genre: My favorite genres are tragedy, hurt/comfort and friendship. However, I also have a strong admiration for romance if it's written correctly. I always add these genres into my own stories. P.O.V.: I switch up my P.O.V a lot. I'm getting into writing in first person thanks to my original story "The One Left Behind" as well as Gravekeeper, my Shugo Chara fanfiction, but I'm usually seen writing in third person with first person dialogue for their thoughts. Rating: I think I'm more in between a T and an M, depending on the scenes I want to add. Because I add a lot of T themes as well as swearing, but I will also add more mature scenes like say... sex... if the mood pursues as good practice for my own stories. Inspiration: I get my inspiration from everywhere, actually, from real life situations to dreams to just randomly thinking up things I can add into a story. XD Good writers are always inspired! Requests: I think I actually WILL start taking requests! :D I like a challenge! Reviews: I always like reviews, and if the story is good enough to interest me, I will definitely read it and review it! Word Count: 0_0 Oh wow... That ranges a LOT, actually. If the story I write is good, the chapter will have up to 4,000 words! I even got to 10,000 in a chapter once! If it's, say, a one shot, it could go anywhere from 900 to 3,000 words. MY FANGIRL SQUEALS! If you could marry one fictional character, who would it be? (As in, who do you think would make a good spouse?) -0_0 Ooh, um... XD Oh gosh. Zack Fair, Final Fantasy VII. That's it. That would be it, my life's over, good night everyone. No, just kidding, let me finish this quiz. XD If you could date/fool around with a fictional character, who would it be? -Did you not hear me? 0_0 I said Zack Fair. If you could break up/prevent-the-getting-together of one fictional couple, who would it be? -Hm... Cloud and Aerith, Final Fantasy VII. It wasn't meant to be because Aerith should be with Zack or Zack should be with me. Ehehehehe. What fictional couple would you want to see making out? -Amu and Ikuto from Shugo Chara. COME ON, PEACH-PIT, WE ARE WAITING! If you could combine up to three fetishy anime traits into an ideal partner for you, what three would they be? -Spiky hair (No matter the color), cocky attitude without going overboard, and... determination. 0.o Well, that describes about 50% of the shonen anime males. XD If you were the opposite gender, what fictional character would you choose to date? -Opposite gender? Kyoko Sakura from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. OR... Hibiki Ganaha from The IdolM@ster. Both are two of my anime wives. XD Yes, I have wives. Which Host Club member [Ouran High School Host Club] would you pick if you had to choose one? (The twins count as one:D) -Oh, HELL yes, Hikaru! XD ...Wait, Hikaru and Kaoru are one? 0_0 :D Threesome. Yum. Which Vampire [Vampire Knight] would you want to bite you? -Ugh, I HATED Vampire Knight... -_- But if you want me to pick, it'll be Zero. At least he's cute. Which zodiac member [Fruits Basket] would you want to hook up with? -...KYOKYOKYOKYOKYOKYOKYO Which country from Hetalia would you date? -0.o I... haven't watched... Hetalia...? Which guy from Yu Yu Hakusho is your favorite? -:D That would be Kurama. If you could enter the universe of any series as your own OC-What series would it be? And what are the first things you’d do? -FINAL FANTASY VII. PREVENT ZACK'S DEATH BY EITHER FIGHTING WITH HIM OR KEEPING HIM AWAY FROM HOJO. ...These are the things Takumi would do, yes. Who was your first fictional crush? -...Ash Ketchum. Strike me down, weather gods. PREP You own a cell phone. (...Owned. Have to have cash to pay for now.) Total: 5. GOTHIC Black is one of your favorite colors. (Yes.) Total: 5 PUNK You can ride a skateboard. Total: 6 (0.o Wut?) GEEK You love the computer. (On daily.) Total: 5 ATHLETIC You watch/watched the Super bowl. (0.o I hate football...) Total: 2 HARDCORE/SCENE You like loud music. (...Nooo, I don't even like having my MP3 player past a certain volume. XD) Total: 3 0. Your fan fiction pen name? SoraLover1994, nice to meet ya! 1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 81, and find line 4. -The waverer always waits and loses. (Faust by Goethe) 2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What can you touch? -Air. o.o 3. What is the last thing you watched on TV? -...I haven't watched much TV in over two years, butttt... Family Feud today. 4. Without looking, guess what time it is: -...Uh... 11:00 P.M? 5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 11:04 P.M. o.o 6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? -...I hear a TV in the background. *Shruf* 7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? -Earlier today, went to see my dad up north. 8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? -Skype. 9. What are you wearing? -Blue camisole and red gym shorts. 10. Did you dream last night? -I don't know. I hardly slept. 11. When did you last laugh? -Friends on Skype playing FF1. _ 12. What is on the walls of the room you are in? -Ummm... A watch, my car keys, a picture of Do as Infinity, my KH blanket and a Hellsing poster. 13. Seen anything weird lately? -o.o Not that I recall. 14. What do you think of this quiz? -XD It's fine. 15. What is the last film you saw? -*Smirks* RESIDENT. EVIL. 16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? -...I would never have problems on that. :D Books. 17. Tell me something about you that I don't know: -... 0.o I am... into fire...? 18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? -Fix unemployment, so everyone who is eligible can have the opportunity to find a job. 19. Do you like to dance? -No. 20. George Bush: - -_- OH, THAT ASSHOLE. 21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? -Leila. *Grins* 22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? -Zackary, after Zack Fair. 23. Would you ever consider living abroad? -YES! :D 24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the "pearly gates"? -... "Wait, you don't belong here, you don't even fully believe in my word." Me: "Sorry, not sorry." Holy crap, it's true 1) Pick the first anime show that pops into your head...NOW.- -Uh, One Piece. 2) Pick the first character to pop into your head from that show.- -Ummmm... Ace. 3) What would you do if you saw them right now?- -...Probably beg him to teach me about pyromancy. o.o 4) What do you think they would do if you did that?- -Stare at me, then smirk. o.o 5) How do you respond to this reaction?- -Wonder why he's smirking and then ask again. List twelve characters from your fandom in no particular order, then answer theses questions about them. -*Shrug* WELL, OKAY! 1. Nami 2. Luffy 3. Zoro 4. Chopper 5. Ace 6. Sabo 7. Whitebeard 8. Robin 9. Franky 10. Brook 11. Marco 12. Nojiko 1) Have you ever read a six/eleven fic? (Sabo/Marco) -...ALL OF MY EW! 2) Do you think four is hot? How hot? (Chopper.) -o.o NO. CHOPPER IS CUTE, NOT HOT. 3) What would happen if twelve got eight pregnant? (Nojiko/Robin) -...Ummm... Was there a sperm donor involved? o.o 4) Can you recall any fics about nine? (Franky) -Nope, got none. 5) Would two and six make a good couple? (Luffy/Sabo) No! WHY-THEY'RE BROTHERS! 6) Five/nine or five/ten? Why? Neither 7) What if seven walked in on two and twelve making out? (If Whitebeard caught Luffy and Nojiko making out?) -...I don't think he would care enough. o.o 8) Make up a summary or a three/ten fic? (Zoro/Brook) -OH GOD, UM-! "Zoro has a hard time falling asleep one night after a grueling brawl, so Brook decides to lull him to sleep with the music dancing along the ocean waves." 9) Is there such a thing as one/ eight fluff? (Nami/Robin) -... -_- You know, I wouldn't be surprised if there was. 10) Suggest a title for seven/twelve hurt/comfort fic. (Whitebeard/Nojiko) -"Stranger Things Have Happened." 11) Would you consider reading a three/one fic? (Zoro/Nami) -0_0 I don't ship them, but sure! 12) Is anything on your favorites list about eleven? (Marco) -Nope! 13) Think of a title for a two/four or a two/five? (Luffy/Chopper), (Luffy/Ace) -WHAT IS THIS?! Um... I guess I'll go for Luffy/Ace. "In Memoriam." 14) If you wrote a song fic about eight, what song would it be? (Robin) -o.o That's actually an interesting idea. Maybe, uh... I suck with songs... Wild Heart by Daughtry. o.o 15) If you wrote a one/six/twelve fic, what would the warning be? (Nami/Sabo/Nojiko) -Warning: 0.0 Sisterly cat fight? 16) When was the last time you read a fic about five? (Ace) -0_0 When I wrote Schizophrenic Relapse. 17) (1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (9) runs off with (7). (1) , heartbroken, has a hot one-night stand with (8) and a brief unhappy affair with (2), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3). -Okay. Nami and Whitebeard are in a happy relationship (0.0 MOTHER OF FUCKING WHAT?) until Franky runs off with Whitebeard( WHAT?!) Nami, heartbroken, has a hot one-night stand with Robin (... o.o I can hear the yuri fans now) and a brief unhappy affair with Luffy (... *Regrets making Luffy second because of shipping Nami/Luffy*), then follows the wise advise of Ace (... *Also began shipping Nami/Ace) and finds true love with Zoro. ...The hell did I just create? 18) Title/warning for the above fic? A... BUNCH of weird... playboy bunny-esque stuff going on. 19) (9) (4), (7), (1) and (3) are playing Truth or Dare. (9) asks (7), and (7) says Truth. (9) asks who (7) loves, and (7), confessed their true love with (4). (4) does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with (3). (7) is heartbroken, and seeks comfort in (1) while (3) and (4) run into the sunset together. However, (9) is secretly in love with (1), and become so jealous of (7), who, after the comfort from (1) becomes in a relationship with (1), and so (9) decides to murder (7), but is stopped just in time by the police officer (10) and is sent to prison, allowing (1) and (7) to continue their relationship. -Franky, Chopper, Whitebeard, Nami and Zoro are playing Truth or Dare. Franky asks Whitebeard, and Whitebeard says Truth. Franky asks who Whitebeard loves, and Whitebeard confessed their true love with Chopper (...That escalated quickly). Chopper does not share the feeling, and in fact is in a secret relationship with Zoro (WHAT?! IS EVERYONE OBSESSED WITH FURRIES?!). Whitebeard is heartbroken, and seeks comfort in Nami (...Gross) while Zoro and Chopper run into the sunset together. However, Franky is secretly in love with Nami, and becomes so jealous of Whitebeard, who, after the comfort from Nami, becomes in a relationship with Nami (WHAT IS THIS?!), and so Franky decides to murder Whitebeard, but is stopped just in time by the police officer, Brook (... *Can hear the yo-ho-ho-ho's now*), and is sent to prison, allowing Nami and Whitebeard to continue their relationship. 20) Final question: Title/Warning for the above? -Title: An Interesting Day -Warning: ...Um... mentions of furries, and alas, pedophilia. |