So this idea popped up when I was reading this fanfic called "Make no Comparisons" by cynics-united(.)sarcasm-gifted (without the spaces). Got completely hooked on her writing and how I came up with this story was from just one sentence in her long one-shot. Don't know how I did it but the idea was in my head! xD
By the way, for the first 9 chapters, it's just fluff really and maybe not what you Amuto fans want? You'll see what I mean. If you stick around that is, which I hope you do. ;^;
I guess you can call this a series of one-shots…only they're all connected. xD
Enjoy! [:
"Ikuto, hurry! Don't you want to see Midori's daughter?" A blonde woman beamed at her son while cradling her three-year-old daughter in her secure arms.
"It's just a baby," the blue-haired five-year-old commented as he walked down the hospital hallway alongside his mother, "What's so special about that?"
"Oh, Ikuto, of course it's special! It's Midori's first child, honey."
Ikuto just looked at her weirdly. "Yeah?"
Souko—Ikuto's mother—shook her head. "There's more to it than that. You'll understand when you're older."
"Ok, Mom, whatever you say," Ikuto said.
They arrived at their destination and heard the familiar wailing of a baby. Souko squealed with delight and rushed to open the door. While the two women cooed over the baby, Ikuto stood by the door, not understanding what the big fuss was about. It was just a kid! You don't see those two acting like this around Ikuto every time they see him (not that he wants that to happen).
"Ikuto, dear, come look!" Souko beckoned. Ikuto sighed but complied. Midori grinned widely at the boy and placed her daughter on the bed so Ikuto can have a better look at her. Ikuto stared at the girl and the first thing he noticed were her eyes. Those golden pools just seemed to suck his attention because he couldn't look away.
"Isn't she just adorable?" Souko gushed.
"What's her name?" Ikuto asked.
"Amu. Hinamori Amu," Midori proudly answered.
Ikuto tentatively stuck his finger in front of the baby. Giggling, Amu grabbed onto two of Ikuto's fingers and let out a laugh.
"Look, she likes you, Ikuto!" Souko happily said.
"I can hear you from down the hall," a deep voice interjected. Souko and Midori looked towards the entrance and saw that their husbands were strolling towards them.
"But she's so cute! And Ikuto likes her too!"
"Really?" Aruto, Souko's husband, peered down at his usually quiet son smiling at the baby. He raised an eyebrow. 'He's never like this—he's typically a shy, introverted boy when it comes to meeting new people. Actually, in general he's like this around people other than his family. So why…?'
"May I hold her?" Souko asked, her eyes sparkling.
The Hinamori parents laughed. She picked up the newborn, to Ikuto's disappointment, and handed it to Souko as she in turn gave her daughter, Utau, that was previously in her arms to Aruto.
"She's just so cute!" Souko knelt down in front of Ikuto. "Look Ikuto, it's your new friend!"
"Am I going to see her more and more then?" he questioned, tilting his head to the side.
Souko nodded. "Don't you want to see Amu-chan?"
Ikuto shrugged but deep inside, he wanted to play with the girl.
Aruto set Utau gently on a chair nearby as he too went over to see his friends' daughter. The little boy walked towards his sister and stared at her, contemplating.
"Utau, Mom said that she's going to be our new friend so we have to be nice."
Utau's head leaned to the side as she giggled and clapped her hands. "Iku!"
Ikuto sighed.
Yeah, it's really short. This is the prologue/first year so naturally, it's short. The rest of the chapters won't be that short, I promise. Well, for the next 3-4 chapters, the length will be short. After that, it'll gradually grow longer as they grow older.
Hope you guys liked this! I hope this story will be a success (: I personally like the idea and would love to continue and finish this soon.
Please review? (: