Author's notes: This brings an end to Abused. Next up is 'Missed' (Post Kingdom Hearts II and pre-Final Fantasy XII) and I have some ideas for a trilogy. It is kind of sitting on a wall, though. It has to do with suicidal emotions ('emo' thoughts) and stuff, so I'm not sure if I'm actually going to do it… it's up to the readers that are still following by the end. If you don't want me to do that one, I have a backup I can do instead.
This has 13 chapters. GO ROXAS! 8D
Roxas flipped, landing behind Sora. "Too slow." He commented, holding Oblivion to the back of his Somebody's neck. Sora had been released from hospital a month ago, and he was starting to get his strength back. Everyone else was there, too. Sam, Rachael, their father, Kairi, Tidus and the rest. Riku sighed.
"Roxas, we agreed to go easy on him. Or do you not know the meaning of that?" Riku rolled his eyes, before seeing Sora sway and his balance falter. Riku dropped Way to the Dawn and caught Sora as he collapsed.
"My head." Sora complained.
"We just gave you some pain meds half an hour ago, Sora. We can't give you any more without risking the effects of an overdose. Lay down, it might go away." Riku sighed. Sora nodded, slowly rose to his feet and walked over to the others. Sam forced him to lie down and put a hand gently on his forehead.
Riku and Roxas continued to spar, Riku getting frustrated that no matter what he tried, Roxas had a trump card up his sleeve. No way was Riku going to use Darkness in a friendly match, either. He looked around. Aha. He smirked.
Riku did a triple backflip, landing on the bent-over tree behind everyone. Roxas tensed, waiting for what the teen was planning. Riku flipped again, gripping onto the trunk of a palm tree. He climbed up so he was sitting on top of it. One wrong step and he was going to fall. Way to the Dawn vanished as he collected coconuts.
"Hey, Roxas!" He called. The Nobody looked at him.
"You know more people are killed by falling coconuts than by sharks each year?" Riku asked.
"Yeah, so?"
That was all Roxas managed before he got several coconuts thrown at him. One smacked up square on the forehead, causing him to collapse. Riku jumped out of the tree and landed beside him, Way to the Dawn in hand and pointed at Roxas's throat.
"I win." He smirked.
"Damn." Roxas laughed. Almost everyone else was laughing at Riku's improvise; Sora's head hurt too much to bother.
A few hour later, Sora was back on his feet with Keyblade in hand. The three continued to spar, and everyone looked shocked when the Kingdom Key was pointed at Riku's throat, ending the fight. Roxas had sat out. Everyone looked at each other, and then started laughing excitedly. Riku rolled out from under the Kingdom Key and jumped up, pulling Sora into a hug.
"Great job!" He complimented as he released his younger brother. Sora laughed, smiling.
"Well, then, I guess I can call King Mickey and tell him that you've recovered." Their father smiled. The brothers nodded. Sam walked over and pulled the two into a gentle hug. Neither put up a fight; Riku was too exhausted to bother, and Sora couldn't give a damn. When Sam released them, she smiled at Sora.
"Good to have you back." She commented.
Sora stretched again. This was getting boring. The three Keybladers were standing outside the throne room in Disney Castle. It had been a month since Sora had returned to full strength, just enough time to plan out the official ceremony. Everyone else was inside. All three were nervous as hell, although they tried not to show it. Everyone of importance in the worlds, along with some of Sora's friends, such as the Restoration Committee etcetera, had come for the ceremony.
You wouldn't think by looking at them they were ready for an official ceremony. They were wearing the clothing they had worn during their last inter-world adventure; Sora the clothes the fairies had given him, Riku his white vest, black, sleeve-less zip shirt and baggy blue pants, and Roxas his Twilight Town clothing.
The three were positioned in a triangle, facing each other boredly. Riku had long since sat down, Sora was stretching and Roxas wasn't doing anything. He was the only one who had an empty expression, using his traits as a Nobody to not be bored, anxious or nervous.
Lucky bastard. Riku thought. He'd do anything not to feel bored right now.
A loud knock on the door sounded that the ceremony was about to begin. The three of them turned to face the door, and emotions returned to Roxas's face. He appeared to be more serious than anything else.
Sora's hand strayed over his crown pendant. There had been four gems placed on it. On the point furthest to Sora's left (our right when looking straight at the pendant) was a purple amethyst. In the middle was a blue sapphire, and on Sora's right (left when looking straight at the pendant) was a white crystal. In the middle of the pendant was the largest of the four gems, a canary yellow diamond. The three smaller gems glowed faintly. He wore the Keychain to the Kingdom Key around his right wrist like a bracelet.
Roxas, who was behind and to the right of Sora, was wearing a leather grey wristband on his right arm. It had the chakram from the Bond of Flame Keychain on the top of it. He was wearing the Oblivion Keychain as a bracelet on his right hand, Oathkeeper on his left. In the middle of the chakram, a blue sapphire had been placed.
Riku was also wearing a leather wrist band, this one on his left arm. His was black, decorated with a large purple amethyst. He was wearing the Soul Eater Keychain around his right wrist, having accepted that his weapon was of the Darkness, not the Twilight. Way to the Dawn had turned back into Soul Eater.
The doors opened and the three walked in calmly. At one point Sora's pendant, Riku and Roxas's wristbands all began to glow. Starting at their feet, some weird armour began to form. It stopped at the base of their necks. (Think of Terra, Aqua and Ven's armour. It's a similar style.)
Sora's was golden, with blue a blue stripe down his right arm, a purple stripe down his left. He also had a gold cape with silver embroidery around the edges. A sword belt, a silver color, was around his waist, and on the left side of the belt the Kingdom Key rested.
Roxas's was blue, with a sky blue cape and navy embroidery. He resisted the urge to look over the armour, and blocked out the emotions that caused curiosity, as he had the ones that caused nervousness. His sword belt was navy. On the right was Oathkeeper, the left Oblivion.
Riku's was black, and his cape was a dark purple, the edges seemed frayed at first glance, but upon closer inspection, were stitched to look that way. The embroidery was silver. His sword belt was the same shade of purple as his cape, with Soul Eater to his left. The three stopped before the throne room, lowering themselves to one knee. Sora braved a glance around. He spotted the Seven Princesses of Heart, all dressed in fancy clothing. He almost had to do a double take at Kairi, who was wearing a fancy, sleeve-less red dress which touched the floor. Sora would bet money that she was wearing sneakers and not high-heels. She was also wearing a fancy gold circlet upon her head.
Beside the Princesses of Heart was the Radiant Garden Reconstruction Committee. No surprise that they were there. Also along the walls were a decent amount of King Mickey's Musketeers. Some other people Sora had met in the various worlds he had visited, Mulan, Shang and the Emperor from the Land of the Dragons, Simba and Nala from the Pride Lands, both were still lions; Sora probably wouldn't have recognised them otherwise. He noticed Roxas staring in particular direction, so he followed his glance and spotted Hayner, Pence and Olette.
That's something I didn't expect, but, then again, they were involved in the incident with the Nobodies, so they have all right to be here. He thought.
He also spotted Peter Pan, Hercules and Phil, Aladdin and Genie and Beast. There were also many people he didn't recognise. Standing on either side of the throne were Donald and Goofy, both looking some what proud. In front of the throne was King Mickey, and Sora and Riku's father. Sora felt his heartbeat quicken as he looked his father in the eyes. He got a smile in return.
"You've done well, my son." His father whispered. Sora smiled, before he called the Kingdom Key to his hand and passed it to his father, who took it and tapped it on either shoulder. "In the names of the worlds, and in my own as Keyblade Master, I pass my title on to you, my youngest son. Take your weapon." Sora called the Kingdom Key back to him, and stabbed it into the floor in front of him. He rested his hands on the hand guard. His father stepped aside and bowed to King Mickey. "Your majesty," he said.
Mickey stepped forwards, his own Keyblade in his hand. Sora noticed that his pendant materialized, wrapped around the Kingdom Key's hand guard. The King tapped it lightly with his Keyblade. "Keybearer of Light," he walked over to Roxas. He and Riku had both stabbed their Keyblades into the ground before then. The hilts of Oblivion and Oathkeeper were crossed over each other, and the wristband materialized where they crossed. King Mickey tapped it. "Keybearer of Twilit," he then walked to Riku, whose wristband was on Soul Eater. He tapped it, too. "Keybearer of Darkness," he finished, walking back towards the throne.
"The three of you are the guardians of the worlds, known and unknown. You will explore new worlds, and protect them. I will lend assistance where required, but the task of protecting the worlds falls to the shoulders of you three. Be strong in your trails, work together, and find your individual strengths." He stepped back, and Sora and Riku's father took over.
"You three, do you promise to fulfil this task to the best of your abilities?"
They nodded.
"Do you promise not to destroy the worlds?"
Another nod (Riku knew that this would've been targeting past Keybearers of Darkness in the past).
"Do you promise to help maintain balance between the Light, Twilight and Darkness?"
Another nod.
"Then may you be connected for all eternity."
Sora, Riku and Roxas all stood, and pulled their Keyblades from the ground. They turned to face each other, and held their Keyblades out so the tips of all of them touched. A light formed in the small gap. Sora, Roxas and Riku all closed their eyes calmly. The light expanded until everyone else had to shelter their eyes.
When the light faded, Sora swayed, but didn't collapse. Riku and Roxas had grabbed his arms to steady him. He had felt another connection formed in his heart, in addition to the one he already had to Kairi, and the one he had with Roxas. Riku had a tired look in his eyes for a moment, but it quickly faded. Sora recovered, and stood straight again and laughed.
The next thing the three noticed was the marks on their foreheads. Sora had the symbol of Kingdom Hearts on his forehead in gold, Roxas had the Nobody insignia in blue, and Riku had the Heartless symbol.
"Don't worry – the marks go away when you deactivate the armour." Sora and Riku's father assured them. The three nodded.
There was silence for a moment, before a cheer ran through the crowd. Sora, Roxas and Riku were all bombarded by Kairi, Sam and Rachael. Roxas ruffled the youngest's hair, and Riku gave his younger sister a hug. Kairi had nearly knocked Sora over when she hugged him. He laughed and returned the gesture. He spotted her sneakers for a split second.
"There are so many people here, most of them you've never mentioned, Sora."
"Most of them I don't know." He laughed in response. Everyone looked at Roxas, who was watching Hayner's gang. "Go on, introduce yourself, Roxas." Sora urged. Roxas glanced back, before he nodded.
"Fine, I will." With that, Roxas ran off.
Everyone continued to mingle and celebrate for awhile. Roxas made quick friends with the Twilight Town group, at the same time meeting various officials from the different worlds. Sora and Riku were also introduced to everyone, as well. Most said that they hoped that the three would visit their world under circumstances not involving Darkness. This comment continued to tick Riku off. At one point his father had to pull out of the throne room and sit him down outside.
"Where's Riku?" Sora questioned.
"I sat him outside; his temper was going to get the better of him soon. He needs time to cool off; he's finally accepted the Darkness and everyone's still prejudice about it."
Sora nodded.
After awhile, Riku still hadn't returned, so Sora went out to check on him. He found the teenager asleep on the floor. He laughed and shook his brother awake. Riku sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"How long have I been out here for?"
"Long enough; come on." Sora pulled Riku to his feet.
The two re-entered the throne room. Riku froze, watching a woman with silvery-red hair. Her eyes were a blue-green color. She was in her early twenties. Her clothing wasn't that you'd see at a fancy ceremony. She was wearing black jeans, with many black leather belts looping, crossing and overlapping each other. She was wearing a sleeve-less zip-shirt that looked exactly like Riku's. Over the top she was wearing a blue vest. Her hair reached her shoulders, and was cut so that it looked spiked at the bottom.
"New recruit for the Restoration Committee?" He asked Sora, since they were the only ones out of dress code. They had all right to be, they had to continue rebuilding parts of Radiant Garden right after this. Sora shook his head.
"Not as far as I know." He replied.
"She's creeping me out." Riku commented as they continued. "She's watching me."
The woman's attention was diverted.
"Oh, hello, Rachael. I didn't expect to see you here."
She knows Rachael? Riku thought, watching Rachael talk with the woman, who she had called Leera. He walked over.
"Rachael, who's this?" He asked his sister. She looked up at him.
"Oh, this is Leera, she helped me escape the World that Never Was. Leera, this is my brother, Riku." Rachael introduced them. Riku held his hand out, and Leera shook it hesitantly.
"Pleasure, I'm sure." She said dully. It was obvious that she didn't mean it. She yanked her hand back and walked off. "Leran, we're leaving!"
"She's not normally so rude…" Rachael commented.
"Maybe she hates the Darkness, too." Riku sighed.
"'EY! Riku, Roxas! Get over here!"
Riku walked over to Sora. "What's up?"
Sora put his hand out in front of him. Roxas and Riku both laughed, putting their hands on top of his. Donald, Goofy, King Mickey and Sora and Riku's father joined in next, then Kairi, and anyone else who could fit. Anyone else either stretched over the top or just reached out in front of them.
Sora called out when everyone was ready.
"All for one!"
"And one for all!"