The RPG Games
Chapter 3
By Lucia Widdop
A/N - Hey everyone sorry for such a late update, second year of A levels really sucks I never have any free time! For those waiting for updates from my other stories please be patient, I'm working as often as I can, and to those whom I vwe reviews, again sit tight, I'll get to it when I can.
Thank you to all of my brilliant readers who have waited for an update, I have to say it feels good to finally be posting again!
Xion slumped in her seat, angry at both herself and her irritating, freak of a mentor. Xaldin was busy discussing tactics with Cloud and he had deliberately excluded her, the only thing which cheered her up was their arrival at the Capitol.
As she gazed out of the window she could see masses of citizens all cheering, waving flags, screaming in joy and excitement. Xion waved and grinned to them all triggering more shrieks and chants.
She grinned and then blocked out the voices of Cloud and Xaldin, allowing that moment to permanently etch itself in her mind and as she glanced across the hoarde of citizens her eyes blurred until all she could see was a whirl of brightly coloured wigs, costumes and painted faces.
Finally the train ground to a halt and Xion stepped off of the train first all thoughts of Xaldin and Cloud faded away as she was greeted with cheers, whistles and clapping.
Xion grinned, this was what it was all about, this was what she had dreamed of, she pumped the air with her fist as adrenaline and excitement coursed through her veins.
She twirled and waved basking in the attention that the crowd was giving her.
She heard footsteps and as Cloud stepped off the train and the crowd went wild cheering and chattering despite his frosty response.
Xion glared as Xaldin marched forwards flanked by Cloud and it was with great reluctance that she left the platform and followed them to get ready for the parade.
She smiled as she was separated from Cloud and Xaldin and was whisked away by several make up artists.
Xion laid on a table and closed her eyes imagining herself winning the games, she didn't even mind as she was scrubbed, plucked, waxed and had makeup painted onto her face.
Eventually, when her treatment was completed, she followed the artists into a room where her personal fashion designer stood.
She waited in anticipation wondering what concoction had been cooked up for her, she knew it would be bold and extravagant after all her district was known for its exquisite jewellery.
Still, nothing could have prepared her for what she was to wear.
She was presented with a black, gothic dress, it's bodice was made up of a jewelled corset and red ribbon, her skirt was huge and puffy made up of stiff, ruffles.
Her footwear included a pair of black, lace up boots complete with hooks.
As she allowed herself to be dressed and her short hair was backcombed she finally glanced at her reflection in the mirror.
Her eyes had been made up with dark makeup, her face painted white and her lips blood red, her hands were clad in fingerless, jewelled, leather gloves and when she looked at herself in the mirror she smiled, she looked like a vampire queen.
Her designer who had emerald green hair and who's entire skin was covered in bronze paint, smiled in a satisfactory manner and Xion bared her teeth in the mirror.
Once she narrowed her pencilled brows and was handed a large polished scythe she realised what the overall effect was supposed to convey.
She was not a gothic, vampire queen she was a goddess of death, and right then she felt like one.
Sephiroth smiled icily and the crowd roared their approval as he glided past.
This was merely child's play, once the fancy parades and exaggerated interviews were over he would finally have his chance to well and truly annihilate Cloud Strife.
It was these ugly thoughts which calmed Sephiroth and forced him to comply as those ridiculous make up artists painted his face and stuffed him into an uncomfortable and equally ridiculous costume, the only thing which he drew a line at was having his long, silver mane shorn.
Once those stupid makeup artists had finished and he had been stuffed into a silver, suit of armour he stepped clambered into the horse drawn carriage alongside that foolish girl Yuffie.
Although District 2 was famous for its luxurious items, their fashion designers had decided to focus on their Career status, and so Sephiroth sat beside his supposed sidekick and waited for the rest of the tributes to climb into their carriages.
It seemed that the designers were all displeased with Sephiroth's icy attitude but they did not realised that he truly despised them.
It seemed pointless, he thought, to dress all the tributes up when eleven of them were going to end up dead anyway.
It was a publicity stunt he supposed, this was the part when they were flaunted to the world so they could get sponsors.
Again, it was stupid, he thought.
Sponsors were for the weak, sponsors were for those who weren't quick enough to dodge a blade or weren't strong enough to kill their opponent.
He wouldn't need sponsors, besides what did it matter if he died, as long as he killed Cloud first?
Speak of the devil, Sephiroth's mouth curved into an evil smile and Cloud walked stiffly towards the carriage in front of Sephiroth's own.
The blonde male looked simply ridiculous in a black suit and red, silk lined cape. Death gods? Please both would end up victims of Sephiroth's blade.
As if reading his thoughts, Cloud turned and his piercing, blue eyes matched Sephiroth's own.
Cloud glared at Sephiroth as if he was trying to intimidate him, Sephiroth stared back his smile widening.
If it hadn't been for the carriages slowly moving forwards neither would have broke eye contact.
Margarete shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her body was barely covered she was wearing a skin tight silver, glittered dress and a headdress made up of electricity cables which were braided into her hair.
She looked at Yuri and had to stifle a laugh, he looked extremely stupid in his silver, glittered get up.
Thankfully Yuri didn't seem bothered at all he was too busy waving his arms at each member of the crowd.
Margarete sat still, she knew that this was important, that this was where she needed to interact with the crowd, create that all too important first impression, yet she just couldn't.
Yuri wasn't supposed to be here and how could she cheer and feign excitement when she was going to have to kill her best friend or allow him to kill her? And that was if they weren't killed by anyone else first.
The carriages began to pull forwards, slowly at first and then they picked up speed, Margarete half heartedly waved to the crowd as they screamed and yelled and craned their necks like flamingos as she rode past.
"Margarete, what are you doing? Interact god dammit!" hissed Yuri.
Margarete looked into his eyes, he was serious about this she realised, his dark eyes were warm and filled with hope not sadness, he hadn't given up and if he hadn't why should she?
Margarete clasped Yuri's hand as they pumped the air, waved and smiled and then bared their teeth in a true warrior fashion.
Whether she liked it or not Yuri was here to stay and she'd just have to get over it.
Axel had to admit, a small part of him had wondered how on earth they were going to create a costume for him and Karin simply based around fishing, but those crazy designers had managed it and even Axel had to admit that he was quite impressed.
Karin was dressed as a water nymph, in a flowing blue dress which was decorated with black and silver nylon fishing nets.
Axel himself was stood tall, his chest bare (which most of the females in the audience enjoyed). He wore loose, navy blue pants and in his left arm was a large, golden trident.
As the horses galloped pulling their carriage along, Axels eyes passed across the huge crowd of citizens, cheering themselves hoarse, clapping until their hands were red and chapped and whistling until their lips were parched.
Feeling suddenly inspired, Axel roared back at the crowd then narrowed his eyes and sliced his trident through the air in a menacing fashion.
Naturally the crowd loved it, Axel turned this way and that, calling, smiling, waving and singling people out by pointing to them with the sharp prongs of the trident.
He didn't even notice that Karin had wrapped herself in spare fishing net and was tearing through each net simply with her hands, showing off her strength.
He wondered as he gazed at the other tributes, were they nervous like him? Were they looking forwards to the arena, would they bat an eyelash as they sliced him up with various weapons?
He gazed at Karin, he barely knew her, what was she like in the arena? Would she fight alongside him and defend their district of would she go for glory, turn on him and attack him when he least expected it?
He looked behind him, sure the Career's wouldn't be easy to kill but at least he wouldn't feel as guilty.
He turned around briefly, some of the tributes were so young, some looked afraid and gazed into the crowd with pleading doe eyes.
Axel felt guilty even thinking it but at least those tributes would be easy to kill.
He was strong and if the Careers finished each other off and he only confronted the weaker tributes he might actually have a chance.
After all he had heard that the male from District 2 and the male from District 1 hated each other and couldn't wait to slay each other, if Axel was lucky they would both die in the battle.
Axel glanced into the crowd looking for one person, the one person who was a victim of the Capitol but the one person he used to believe in.
He found her, her cheeks flushed pink, her blonde hair slicked back as usual, their aqua green eyes met and Axel found himself forgetting about the crowd, the sponsors and the games themselves, because he couldn't look away from her.
Namine wrung her hands on her lap as she tried her best not to look nervous.
As she gazed at the huge crowd and spotted Keith Valentine, the famous TV presenter sat in the top box her heart pounded in her chest so hard that she could hear her pulse throbbing in her ears.
Beside her sat Squall he didn't seem to care about the attention but even he knew that they needed the sponsors and so he waved at the crowd, smiled one of his rare smiles, he waved and pointed and fist pumped and all of the other clichéd things that the tributes were doing.
"Come on Namine you need these sponsors too if you don't try to get attention you'll just fade from people's minds." whispered Squall.
Namine nodded, "I know but I don't know what to do!" she exclaimed.
Squall smiled at her briefly.
"Think Namine, I'm supposed to be a hero but you're supposed to be a damsel in distress, work it and show your strength!" said Squall.
Namine tried to think, the longer she took thinking the slimmer her chances were of survival.
She glanced back at Keith, his silver blonde hair hung around his face and he wore a purple, velvet suit, he pressed his hand against his forehead in a swooning motion and then mimed stabbing President Ansem the wise beside him.
The President gave him a strange look but Keith was continuing his commentary shouting about the tributes from District 5, finally it hit Namine what she had to do.
Taking Squall's hand with one hand and resting her other hand on the carriage she stood up.
As they were pulled forwards Namine mimed swooning and fainting into Squall's arms who seemed bewildered but followed her lead continuing the charade.
Namine let go of Squall's hand and closed her eyes briefly then stood, turned and mimed stabbing him in the back.
The crowd roared in excitement at the blonde females sudden trick and as Keith had hinted, all attention was on her and Squall.
Namine stopped thinking and worrying and allowed herself to get lost in the moment, she barely realised what she was doing but smiled and pouted, then bared her teeth at other citizens.
As she stared into the crowd she spotted her mentor Kain Highwind who gave her the thumbs up and smiled.
Namine grinned, even if she was facing death, even if she wasn't the strongest tribute, at that moment it didn't matter, because she had won Kain Highwind's approval, and to her that was an achievement in itself.
Riku sighed as he posed for the audience, this really was difficult and troublesome and District 5 was getting all the attention which meant Hilda was N0T happy.
"Riku, do something I'm a star we can't get outshined by her!" whined Hilda jabbing a finger accusingly at the blonde female who was in front of them.
Riku sighed, he was dressed entirely in a golden which was supposed to represent light and power, Hilda was dressed as some sort of fairy and she carried a small (fake) nuclear rod in her hand.
"What do you want me to do?" he asked reluctantly.
Hilda grinned revealing those pointed teeth and Riku felt chills run down his spine, this chick really did scare him.
"Hold still." she replied.
Before Riku even had chance to ask Hilda what she meant she had sliced his arm with the sharp end of the rod which caused the crowd to gasp in astonishment.
Hilda pulled a small, pink straw from her pocket and Riku glared at her wondering what she was plotting.
Hilda sucked up the blood in her straw and then spat it back into the straw holding it up into the air.
The blood spurted through the straw like a minute fountain and the crowd gasped as droplets of blood rained down onto their carriage.
"Hilda what the hell are you doing?!" cried Riku furiously.
Hilda just grinned at clambered out of the carriage and onto the back of horse.
Naturally the horse panicked and began charging full speed forwards, Riku held tightly as the carriage sped forwards and sighing he jumped onto the horse in front.
Hilda let out a huge battle cry as they charged forwards and then grinning threw her nuclear into the crowd, where several people began fighting for it.
They sped forwards Hilda pressed a button causing all the light bulbs on her costume to switch on, the mirrors on her costume directed the lights to different area's of the parade, Hilda was like a human mirror ball.
Riku caught the eye of their mentor Joachim who looked thunderous.
The presenter was in ecstasy screaming his approval on this years batch of tributes.
Finally Riku's glance landed on President Ansem who's eyes were narrowed in anger.
Great, Hilda's thirst for attention and apparently bloodshed had caused them both a whole lot more trouble…
Tifa Lockheart gasped as the carriage in front of hers zoomed forwards leaving behind a trail of blood, it seemed the young boy Halley was terrified as well judging by the force of his grip on Tifa's hand.
Several game makers and security guards grabbed the female tribute in front and dumped her in the back of the carriage by the looks of it she was in a lot of trouble.
Tifa was finding it hard to concentrate, with the way some of the tributes were acting she could not think of a way of drawing attention to herself and Halley without committing some outlandish act.
They were out fully in the open now and the noise emitting from the crowd was simply deafening.
As Tifa looked at the cameras which were staring down on her like vulture she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as she imagined Barrett at home with Fuujin and Raijin praying for her safe return.
Tifa bit her lip, this was it, for many citizens first impressions were what really mattered and now she had to stand out.
She looked down at her costume, it was made of lots of green and brown material designed to foreground her Districts speciality: lumber but it was not this which interested Tifa, it was the vast amount of green leaves which covered her entire silk skirt.
Feeling nervous she ripped as many of the different shaded leaves as she could from her dress, Halley began doing the same until each of her hands held a bouquet.
As the horses picked up speed Tifa raised her arms into the air and flung as many of the feathers as she could into the air.
The crowd screamed in delight as different coloured leaves floated through the air like confetti at a wedding.
Tifa smiled at them all, waved and blew kisses as the crowd began jumping up and down excitedly.
She didn't have time to even glance at Halley she was so busy tossing feathers into the crowd and smiling and when the carriage finally started to slow she felt breathless, her cheeks flushed pink with exhilaration.
It wasn't anything disturbing or gory, she hadn't portrayed vicious or cruel or brave but what she had done is lifted the crowd's spirits even higher, she'd joined in the celebrations, rewarded the crowd and she knew that it was that which would help get her sponsors.
Alice had always hated crowds and as she was drawn forwards into the spotlight she felt more nervous than she had before.
Everything was so strange here in the Capitol, everyone in the audience was an individual each and everyone of them donning strange clothes and neon coloured hair: ruby red, bright orange, canary yellow, emerald green, sapphire blue, violet, pink, silver, white…
Alice tried to wave and interact with the crowd but she felt overwhelmed, the noise was deafening, the other tributes seemed so confident everyone gazed at her forming their opinions and Alice knew what she had portrayed…weakness.
It seemed like an eternity until the carriages finally stopped and Alice willed herself not to cry in front of the others.
She wasn't cut out for this, Johnny had tried hard to get some attention and Alice knew that she had simply burdened him.
She imagined her father sat at home refusing to watch the television, hearing rumours and hushed voices in the chapel of how Alice had disgraced herself, hadn't even tried, had simply sat and looked like a fool.
She wondered how long she would last in the arena, but with no experience in fighting, low self esteem and a pacifist nature Alice knew that she would be fodder for the other tributes after all, they had been brought up and trained to commit the worst sin in God's eyes and Alice knew that even if her life was threatened she would not be able to extinguish the life of another.
After the parade and a chiding from Zhuzhen, Alice finally reached the accommodation, she ate little of her supper despite not having eaten much that day and as early as possible she left the table and barricaded herself in her room.
Zhuzhen tried to enter and speak with her as did Johnny but Alice would not let them in the room she just couldn't face them, and the only response they received was the sound of Alice crying softly into her pillow.
Although Roxas had spent the day worrying about Selphie and feigning amusement at her jokes even he was astonished by the parade.
District 9 was one of the poorer districts and from the moment he had reached the Capitol he had been surrounded by nothing but luxury.
He looked at Selphie as they waited for the carriage to be drawn ever forwards and for themselves to be exposed to the restless crowd.
Their district specialised in grain and wheat and so it was their designers idea that they carry several punctured pouches of grain to leave a trail and to toss into the crowd.
Selphie looked back at Roxas and he waited for her to crack another awful joke but this time she didn't her eyes were wide and nervous and her face was pale.
"I guess it's time to get serious huh?" she said to Roxas and he nodded back thrown by Selphie's suddenly serious attitude.
"Yeah, this is where it matters Selph, no jokes we need to make a good impression and get those sponsors, after all in that arena jokes aren't going to save our asses." he finally answered.
Selphie nodded her eyes lowered in shame and Roxas knew that she was remembering her foolish acts on the train and at the Reaping.
"Roxy? Can I ask you something?" asked Selphie quietly.
Roxas nodded "Sure." he replied.
"Are you afraid?" she asked her green eyes shimmering with tears.
Roxas nodded and put a comforting hand of her small shoulder.
"I've been terrified from the moment they called our names." he admitted.
"Me too I only made the jokes because I was afraid." she admitted her lower lip wobbling.
Roxas slung an arm around both her tiny shoulders now.
"I know Selph, I keep wishing that things had been different, that we hadn't been chosen, or someone had volunteered, I wish that we'd have trained together just in case. But now…We're in trouble." he said dejectedly.
"Roxas, could you really kill me in that arena?" asked Selphie as she snorted to prevent snot dripping down her costume.
Roxas stared at Selphie disbelieving, was she seriously doubting their friendship?
He thought of all of the things that had happened over the years, their friends getting entered in the games and then never returning, them getting in trouble with the Peacekeepers for bad conduct, them standing at the Reapings year after year joking and laughing on the outside whilst secretly praying that they wouldn't be chosen.
They'd nearly survived as well, then they'd have never feared being entered again.
Roxas ran over the memory of their Reaping in his mind, the shock and then instant pain he'd felt as Selphie was called forwards, the fear he'd felt on the train, the anger at Selphie for not taking things seriously…
Their carriage was moving, this was it, that moment the crowd had all been waiting for, the chance to see all of the tributes in the flesh for the first time, Roxas just hoped that he and Selphie would manage to make a good impression…
Sora glanced at Rinoa as the carriages finally came to a halt, the parade had been difficult, feigning excitement and happiness all to please a never satisfied crowd of people.
What was the point of it all anyway? It was all just a fancy way of executing them, a reminder to all Districts that the Capitol was in charge and if they dared to disobey then they'd be annihilated just like District 13.
They'd pulled a brave stunt, Sora had tried to grab the crowd's attention for Rinoa's sake rather than his own but it hadn't been working.
One set of tributes had tossed things into the crowd, another had done a small acting piece, one girl actually attacked her team mate and went riot, and so Sora had done the one thing which he'd always wanted to do anyway to grab them some spotlight, he'd kissed Rinoa.
She hadn't expected it but she kissed him back, whether it was to get the support from the crowd or whether she actually meant it he didn't know, he wasn't sure of his own feelings never mind hers.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the President of the Capitol, President Ansem the wise.
Sora tried not to look nervous as he looked at the President for the first time, the President had pale, corn coloured hair and golden eyes, his skin glowed and his face was hard as stone; he looked like the fiercest warrior.
"Welcome!" he called as the shouts and screams of the crowd came to an abrupt halt.
"Welcome, tributes we welcome you, we salute, your courage and your sacrifice, and we wish you, happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favour." stated the President.
Sora felt a shudder run down his spine, he hated it how he was simply deemed a sacrifice, it made him want to fight back to win just to prove to the Capitol that he was worth something not just a tribute, but chances were slim even he knew that.
He longed to look at Rinoa but did not want to be singled out and so he forced his gaze to remain on the man whom he hated.
The carriages were pulled away and Sora finally glanced over at Rinoa expecting pride or bravery, he was shocked to see silent tears pouring down her face.
He tried to take her hand but she shook him off, Sora knew what she was thinking before she even said it.
They were going to die…
Rikku stuffed as much food as she could into her mouth earning a disgusted glance from Larxene.
The parade had gone horribly for her, Auron had received a fair bit of attention, 'strong and silent' they had called him, but she had been overlooked at now all she could do was hope that she'd impress at the interviews and hope that her skills would prove her worthy.
Auron didn't touch his food which shocked Rikku.
In District 11 food was scarce, you was lucky if you had a loaf of bread for your family and now they were seated at a table with rich, luxurious food yet he wasn't eating.
Rikku sat back and rubbed her stomach in appreciation stifling a burp.
The food had been delicious, pea soup for a starter and then a main course of roast chicken with tiramisu for afters, yet the only thing Auron had touched was a small roll and he hadn't even buttered it.
"Why aren't you eating?" asked Rikku concerned.
"I think there's more important things we should be worrying about than good food." he said glaring at her.
Rikku flushed and fell silent, so what if she'd eaten a lot she hadn't had a proper meal since…well forever!
Jecht sat and shot a stern look at Auron.
"You are right we have a lot to discuss, this doesn't mean that we can't enjoy a good meal though Auron." said Jecht.
Auron ignored him.
"What happens next, not another stupid parade I hope." he said arrogantly.
"It wasn't stupid, it was our chance to get sponsors and you blew it, you didn't even acknowledge the crowd!" exclaimed Rikku angrily.
"What did you expect, me to pull you into my arms and kiss you?" Auron retorted.
Rikku stood up and slammed her cutlery on the table.
"You don't know anything Auron you don't even care about your life, but I care about mine!" she cried and fled into her room.
As she sat there and watched some large television screen she hunched in a ball.
She hated this all of it but if they didn't work together they wouldn't get anywhere.
Rikku hunched tighter and thought, the next time they'd be exposed to the crowd fully would be the interview's she'd just have to impress them then…
Kairi didn't eat much that night.
The parade wasn't the problem, their designers had literally engulfed them in a cloud of smoke and then dressed them as twin Phoenix's going down the fire route rather than the mining route, the problem was that Kairi couldn't stop thinking of her Grandmother and wished more than anything that she could see her just for a little while,
Thankfully, Aqua was quite reassuring and promised that as soon as they were in the arena she'd visit their Grandmother then collect sponsors.
"So, what comes next?" asked Irvine curious.
"Starting tomorrow you will both undertake survival training, pay attention, don't show off your talents just work on what your weak at and for the love of God don't piss off other tributes especially the Career's just keep your head down." said Aqua.
Kairi nodded it seemed reasonable.
"Okay, so do either of you know what your talents are?" asked Aqua.
Irvine raised his hand.
"I can make my own weapons and I'm a skilled shooter I never miss a target." he said.
Aqua nodded impressed.
"That's good that means we have a good solid attack and what about you Kairi?" asked Aqua.
Kairi blushed "I don't have a specific weapon choice but I'm good at setting traps." she mumbled.
"That doesn't matter, traps catch food and other Irvine can finish them you will be better focusing on survival skills, that's if you are planning on working as a team?" asked Aqua.
"We are." stated Irvine.
Aqua beamed at them, "That's what I like to hear, now when you've finished your food, bed okay you need your strength for tomorrow." she said.
Kairi nodded and smiled tentatively at Aqua and Irvine.
Maybe, just maybe things would be okay…