![]() Author has written 19 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Angel Beats!/エンジェルビーツ, and D.Gray-Man. Greetings and salutations! If you've come here after reading any of my fics, or just came here out of slight/moderate curiosity or sheer boredom, welcome aboard! :) First things first: Most times you won't see any updates for months or years, then all of a sudden there's about six stories that just got updated all at once, and other times you'll only see one update within a few months or even years as well. I have no discipline when it comes to writing and I can really lack the proper motivation for it most times. So if you ever see a long break, don't be too worried; I'm probably just unmotivated for a spell, but I'll be back eventually. Another thing to know: I'll start one and end up getting so caught up in that particular one that I will often times lose interest in the other fics I had been working on at that time. So, almost all of my stories are still works-in-progress and only the one-shots are complete. Though I haven't been as hasty about posting new things. I've learned to lighten my load here a little. So that means I actually gotta finish the stories I have before I start posting new ones :) Stories in Progress/Updates: Grandfather Paradox: Currently going under a rewrite. Finally getting around to that. Mako Mutations: Finally made some head-way! Re-write is going smooth so far, will try to have all the chapters re-written soon! Puppy Days: This one was on a chopping block for a while, but then I decided to actually try and pick it up again. Though it will be a short story if I can actually finish it. Here's to hoping! Requiem for the Lost and Damned: A chapter has been recently uploaded. Not sure when I'll be in the mood to write the next one though. The Puppy Becomes the Parent: Recently updated! Will write again when the urge strikes me (And hopefully it'll strike a little faster this time.) Transmogrify: Finally got a new chapter out after a three-year writer's-block hiatus! Let's hope the next one won't take as long. Tsudzukeru: A new chapter is out at last, but I lost my beta reader. (They moved onto other things, which I don't mind at all :3) I'll do my best managing this one. Unbreakable Bond: New chapter out and the story is working it's way up to the final climax and conclusion! Dragonheart: Recently updated with a nice, hearty chapter. Will post the others soon. Character Sheet Basics Name: Zimithrus1 Stats Strength: 8 Abilities Cloud Nine: A subconscious ability that activates often, and at random; causes self to become lost in daydreams/thoughts regardless of situation or setting. Can become detrimental during lectures, yet operating heavy machinery is no trouble. Can either restore or drain mana gradually depending on the thought. Archaic Lore: Possesses and can recall an uncanny amount of useless information that most others might have forgotten, can usually uproot said information in others, unlocking their own retellings of the same event/object. Encyclopedic Knowledge: Possesses and can recall an uncanny amount of knowledge in a field of extreme interest. Normally surpasses any other amount of knowledge the user contains. Hyper Focus: An ability that causes the self to lock-in to a specific task and ignore all human needs until said task is completed. If task is unable to be completed, Hyper Focus will heavily drain mana and cancel out any of the user's other artistic abilities. If task is completed, restores a generous amount of mana. Habitual Delay: An uncontrollable ability that activates before the user begins a specific, creative task. Has a 50/50 chance of either causing the user to avoid the task all together to sustain current mana levels, or attempting the task with an overly-critical gaze that drains mana over time. Artist's Aegis: Activates a creative skill within the user, letting them tap into their artistic abilities. If activation is successful, restores mana greatly and adds new artwork to the user's inventory. If activation is unsuccessful, mana is heavily drained and one of many subconscious abilities can activate. Also boosts 'perform' skill. Poet's Prose: Activates a creative skill within the user, letting them tap into their written abilities. If activation is successful, restores mana greatly and adds new fics to the user's inventory. If activation is unsuccessful, mana is heavily drained and one of many subconscious abilities can activate. Also boosts 'perform' skill. Weary Woes: A subconscious ability that activates at random; causes the user to suffer saddening and degradative thoughts that plagues their mana. If left to fester, can eventually tap into the user's HP when mana is completely depleted. Anxious Alterity: A subconscious ability that activates at random; plagues the user with intense fear and doubt, often times leading to states of immobilization or physical symptoms. Plagues mana, and if left to fester, can eventually tap into the user's HP when mana is completely depleted. Perfect Poise: A subconscious ability that has an activation rate of 50% after completing any given, artistic task; casts a film over the user's eyes and makes them observe every wrong flaw or fatal mistake in their creations. Therapeutic Grace (New!): An ability that activates after recalling words of wisdom from a seraphim of mental prowess. Can negate or lessen the affects of any negative, subconscious ability, and replace it instead with a sense of calm or enlightenment. Author Origins Hello! :D I've been writing stories and creating worlds since I could first pick up a pencil at the age of 4. They used to be silly stories about me discovering islands made of cheese or playing soccer with a giant dragon, but as I grew and discovered things like video games and movies, I started adding those characters into my stories as well. Like a story about one of the veggie tales characters going to a very well known fast food chain and hanging out in a massive play-place, where a giant piranha plant attacked! 8 year old me had some wild ideas, I'll say that. But I stopped writing for a long time after my mother made it her personal goal to go through everything I ever wrote or drew and critique them or throw them away entirely if they didn't agree with her, completely invading any sense of creative privacy I had c: I still have a notebook where she ripped out more than half the pages! Yikes! But in middle school, I met my best friend (Who I am still best friends with to this very day), and it was then that she introduced me to a little something called fanfiction. She shared her Sly Cooper fanfiction with me and I fell head over heels for it, and soon began writing my own fic. My very first one being a Resident Evil 2 fic, and shortly after scrapping that one, it was Inuyasha. And then we both started writing and sharing more fic with each other during lunch in our little spiral notebooks. I've written for a bunch of different fandoms over these past some odd years, some including: Resident Evil, Inuyasha, Sly Cooper, Chibi Vampire, Yu-Gi-Oh, Final Fantasy VII, and many more! But Final Fantasy VII has been my most favorite to write for since 2011. It's story, characters, and beautiful places got me through some of the roughest, darkest spots in my life, and if I ever feel like I'm still in those spots, I'll just load up the game again :) And it's been so much fun writing out those characters- an absolute blast! And honestly I don't think I'm ever going to stop writing for it or being a part of its' fandom. Can't wait for the remake ahh!! So, since then, I've still been writing fic. Been at it since 2007 and I don't plan to stop any time soon! Thanks for reading this ol' author's backstory :) Fanart Artist: Secluded Delusions This girl is talented and amazing :D Her artwork is astounding and I can't believe she's already drawn me this many drawings! I feel so honored! :) Want More Than Just Fanfictions? Here Are The Other Places We Can Be Friendos! (NOTE: Trying to fix links, they aren't connecting correctly, so don't be surprised if you click a link and don't see anything) |