This chapter isn't very long unfortunately as it's only the first one, I promise these will get longer XD Anyways, in this story Cloud is seventeen and Zack is twenty three, age gaps bring out the worst in me I swear. And I just wanted to point out that Zack is alive because as the title says, the situations changed, Zack survived, he didn't have Cloud to protect and he solved everything that Cloud did in the game originally. Which is why they don't know one another in this ^^. Hope you all enjoy.

* I do not own the characters nor the game of which they come from, only the plot of my fanfiction

Situations Change I

Though it was the winter season in Midgar, the sun had never been brighter.

It's rays burning down onto the people who were enjoying the strange weather patterns. One person, however, wasn't enjoying the weather all that much.

First Class SOLDIER, Zachary Fair, had been sent out on a normal patrol around the city though the trouble with Sephiroth and Genesis had been cleared up long ago, he was still sent out to do what he liked to call 'shitty police work'.

His blue eyes narrowed as he pulled at his thick black spiky hair, stretching his back a bit as he had been walking for several hours now and hadn't taken a break.

Boy oh boy, I'm going to melt…like that witch in that crazy film Reno made me watch Zack took long strides as he walked passed the beach, ignoring the temptation to just run into the ocean completely naked and get rid of the feeling of sweat running down his back.

The SOLDIER looked down as he felt something hit the back of his legs and raised an eyebrow as he saw a black and white stripy beach ball sitting there.

"Sorry sir!" a breezy voice sounded to his left and he watched as a short light blonde haired person rushed over to him, their cheeks bright red with embarrassment. Zack picked the ball up and examined the person before him, their eyes were large and crystal blue with a little bit of green surrounding the pupil, they were dressed in a baggy plain blue shirt and baggy black shorts that fell just above their knees and they had a green and white bandana wrapped in their blonde spiky locks that framed their pale feminine face perfectly.

"That's alright, a pretty girl like you shouldn't worry about trivial things," Zack grinned as he handed the ball back to the startled looking person whose eyebrows were up on their forehead.

"Um…I'm a guy," Zack flinched and felt the heat race to his cheeks like a heavy tidal wave.

"I'm so sorry!" he panicked as he waved his hands around, causing the boy to laugh a little, Zack sighed, "I'm Zack Fair," he introduced.

"Cloud Strife," Cloud beamed at him and held the beach ball tightly to his chest, "it doesn't really matter that much, I get it a lot, I just picked up most of my mothers features I guess," Zack felt incredibly relieved that this kid seemed to have a sense of humor, "well I better be getting back," Cloud said and turned to look at his frantically waving friends.

Zack nodded as he watched the blonde part away from him, guilt still seeping into his veins as he stared sheepishly before finally giving in to his screaming head, "Cloud!" he yelled and several heads turned around to look at the strange SOLDIER including said boy who was once again bright red in the face, "look I know you said it was alright, but I'll continue to feel guilty," Zack tried to explain quickly, "so can I take you out for a drink?" Cloud laughed lightly as he shook his head.

"I'm only seventeen, so I think its best that I don't," he replied carefully as he tried to avoid hurting the man's feelings.

Zack felt his body becoming heavier as he seemed to deflate hearing Cloud's reply, though he should have known that Cloud was no where near his age considering the thin frame the kid had and the fact that he looked a lot younger than seventeen.

Cloud watched Zack's face fall and his breath hitched a little, rolling his eyes at himself as he walked back over to Zack after he had booted the beach ball over to his friends.

"One drink, but I'll be having orange dumbapple juice; do you know the 'Sukai Bar'?" Cloud smiled innocently as he watched Zack try to conceal his excitement, it was almost as if the man had been an over hyperactive puppy in his past life.

"I know it!" Zack cheered and he punched his fist into his palm, "be there at eight," he flashed a toothy grin and Cloud shrieked as the man pulled him into a rough hug, a leather clad hand ruffling his hair, "wow your hair is so soft!" Cloud gasped, as he was suddenly free from the tanned mans grasp and he watched in amusement, as Zack walked away doing what looked like a small dance with his hands.

"Well done Cloud," the blonde muttered to himself, "you've picked up a right nutter there,"