Zack woke to find his cell door was slightly ajar, he glanced over to Cloud who was laying there curled up into a ball wearing the remains of his tattered infantry uniform. Zack looked at him, feeling anger towards Hojo as everytime Cloud was returned he always lay in that position, whenever Cloud woke from that position, he hardly had the confidence to speak for a while, each time this happened it took longer and longer for Cloud to recover, so torn between getting out and comforting his friend, Zack stood there.
After a while Zack decided this was a good chance to attempt to get away so he got up off his slab and cautiously walked toward the door pushing it open. Zack grinned and gained confidence from this chance to get out he was about to leave the cell to to go grab his sword, when he heard Cloud moaning, so he turned and rushed over to Cloud when he discovered he was muttering "I'm sorry professor, please forgive me" however he was unmoved which meant he was still in a deep slumber, realising he had never heard him say that before, hesitantly Zack placed his hand on Clouds shoulder and shook it to wake him however Cloud just lay there unresponsive so Zack shook him again and again until eventually after a couple shakes Cloud turned straightening his body, Zack was relieved, but suddenly Clouds eyes shot open and his head turned to look at Zack. Zack took a step back as he saw Clouds bright green cats eyes which stared right into his own, Zack recalled the last time he saw eyes like this, it was when Sephiroth was crazed laughing as was burning down Nibleheim. Cloud's eyes were unblinking as Zack took a step back afraid, to keep distance between himself and Cloud. Cloud rose up menacingly up from his slab and assumed a commanding standing position eyes constantly staring deep into Zack's soul. After standing there for a while Cloud suddenly took a determined step towards Zack and punched him square in the jaw, knocking him out cold. Cloud stood there looking at Zack then left the cell, muttering to himself "Hojo forgive me".
When Zack woke he noticed Cloud was gone but at least the cell door was still open. He felt his Jaw, which was still sore, but was not broken. he picked himself up off the ground and decided to get out, and go find Cloud. he headed straight for his Buster sword which hojo had left leaning against the wall to taunt Zack. As he picked it up he noticed the harness was also laying on the floor behind it, he couldn't remember seeing that behind it whenever he lay on his slab staring at the sword but he decided not think about it now. He finishing strapping the harness to his back then placed his sword on it, 'perfect fit' he thought to himself grinning, 'now to get out of here'.
Zack walked to the exit door and opened it, as he did he discovered a rocky tunnel was behind it, he realised that he recognised this tunnel but from where and when? He shook his head, deciding thinking about it would only distract him, he needed to focus in case he was attacked, so he put the thought aside and started walking down the tunnel. he passed several doors inbedded in the rockface, suddenly he remembered where he had seen this tunnel before, he was still in Nibleheim underneath the Shinra mansion! Now that he knew where he was, he remembered how to get out so he ran down the tunnel towards where he expected to find a ladder which led up into the mansion, when he got to where he expected the ladder to be he found there was a spiral staircase instead. He started to question, was this really where was thught he was, but quickly decided he was under the mansion. that Hojo had this staircase installed to allow himself easier access to and from mansion proper. Zack mentally kicked himself for allowing himself to get distracted which these thoughts and ascended the stairs, when he got to the top he found himself stood in a small storeroom.
He looked round for something he could use, in the corner he found a pile of discarded clothing laying next to a cupboard. As he picked up the clothing he realised it was Clouds infantry uniform, he put it down and opened the cupboard inside he found several Shinra uniforms. Zack looked through them, since the clothing he wore was dirty and torn he would get changed, however there was no SOLDIER uniforms in his size they were all too small for him, the only clothing that would fit him was a low ranking Infantry uniform which he put on thinking he could discard it as soon as he found more clothing. After getting changed he heard people talking outside the room he was in. Zack swore to himself realising he might have to fight his way out, he opened to door slightly and glanced outside, there were several infantrymen standing with their backs to him, who were looking at some dead infantrymen. Zack quickly closed the door and grabbed a helmet from the cupboard and put it on, then picked up his and Clouds uniforms and hid them underneath a heavy chest of drawers making sure to remain as silent as possible. He walked back to the door took a deep breath and opened it, then walked out feigning a mild limp and acting groggy, as if he just woken up from a beating, as he did one of the commanders turned round and noticed him
"Stop right there.. wait you a survivor?"
"Yeah, well at least I assume so" Zack lied "I don't remember, just woke up..." the infanrtyman walked over placed a hand on Zacks shoulder
"You're lucky to be alive rest of the men stationed here have been killed we were sent here to clear away all evidence this incident happened and prepare the town for reconstruction" Zack nodded taking this information in for use later, then fell to his knees holding his head "you ok?" the commander enquired
"yeah, my head ache,, feels groggy, I need to rest" Zack replied getting back up allowing the commander to help him as he continued feigning giddiness, the commander looked to his comrades
"Private Jones I want you to take this man to the medics to get him checked out," he then turned back to Zack looking at the sword on his back, "That sword you have, where did you get it?"
"I, err I found it in a cupboard, thought it looked cool, so I took it" Zack replied, hoping he could talk his way out of this situation.
"Sorry, but I need you to hand it to general Jamesson his tent is next to the medic one it might help us identify who did this massacre"
"Yes sir" Private Jones took Zacks arm over his own shoulder, and led him out of the mansion while walking out of the mansion, Zack tried to think of a way to avoid giving his sword up.
As they left the mansion Zack saw the camp set up in the middle of the ruined town, Zack removed his arm from the private's shoulders assuring him he was able to walk unaided, the private agree'd but stayed close in case he was needed, as they got closer to the camp, they saw dead bodies were scattered everywhere, Zack and the private stood there stunned, the private then suddenly left Zack and ran over towards a blonde nurse "Michelle, nooo!" the private fell to his knees and scooped her up and held her lifeless body in his arms her resting his head on top of hers he starting sobbing, then shouted for all to hear as he started swearing vengeance, Zack took the opportunity to get away and quickly walked away from the camp towards the town gate as he did he found a motorbike was parked near the gate, with a dead 2nd class SOLDIER laying next to it who Zack presumed to be the General, Zack saw that there were some keys laying next to the body, Zack picked them up and tried them in the bikes ignition, as he turned the key the bike roared to life,
"Stop!" Zack heard Private Jones calling after him, Zack ignored him, as he put the bike into gear and turned the throttle, the bike's engine gave a satisfying roar, as it shot forward out through the town gate, and away from Nibleheim, Zack, glanced back towards the town and saw Private Jones running after him, Zack turned to face forward again, swerving just in time to avoid a rock, when Zack was a good distance from the town, he thought to himself 'the general must have tried to escape on this bike' as he continued heading south.
As Zack rode the bike he saw a canyon ahead, which the on board sat nav system identified as Cosmo Canyon, High about Zack a man with a black wing was flying, following, waiting for a chance to swoop in to kill Zack but a voice in the mans head said
"leave him be my child, he has the potential become a valuable ally to us one day. now return to the cave big brother is about to awaken".
New story guys got inspiration while writing a chapter for "dreams", which evolved into this.
edited March 21st, added 600 or so words and tidied things up a little. also added single line breaks between the lines of conversation.