The Mako Toddler

Genesis eyed the boy for several seconds as Sephiroth, the blonde's crazy father, rooted around in his make shift diaper bag for new wipes. The toddler was looking back at Genesis with a glare while the red head held the child as far from himself as he could possibly get away with. The boy was called Cloud Strife and at this time there was no better reason. The disgusted general finally upended the bag entirely, a small pile of –materia, toys, teething rings, and assorted other items fell around his ankles.

"What's the problem, General?" Genesis asked the man. Cloud's lips started to quirk down ward as the red head lifted him slightly higher to get the stench further from his nose.

"I seem to be out of wipes." Sephiroth stated softly. Green slit eyes narrowed in contemplation as Cloud shoved his fist into his mouth and began gnawing on the skin. "Why are you holding him like a feral feline?"

Genesis was not proud to admit it, however he needed to respond. It was the only way to describe that horrid smell and when you added the fact that Soldiers were enhanced it just made the entire thing torture. "My friend, the fates are cruel."

He quickly passed Sephiroth his offspring and fled.

There was no way in Minerva's name he was going to change a diaper. As a favor though he did call and order Angeal's student to retrieve more wipes for the General.