Bright blue eyes opened to the sound of chicks chirping, begging to be fed. Cloud sat up from his place against his mother's soft feathery side. Yawning he stood up, stretching his stiff limbs.
Mama Bo lifted her head, "Something wrong?" she chirped. Cloud smiled and shook his head.
"Just a little stiff," he admitted, popping his shoulder.
"Take your brothers for a run, they've been restless all morning," Mama Bo replied resting her head back down. Cloud picked up his spear and started at a jog, whistling loudly, calling his two brothers. They weren't really his brothers, besides the fact they were a different species, they weren't even Mama Bo's chicks. They were her sister's, Sui's chicks. She had been capture and tamed by the humans over a year ago. Mama Bo took in her three chicks as a favor that no bird should have to bare. Unfortunately the smallest of the three, Helle, died from disease. After that Cloud took it upon himself to help look after them for Mama Bo.
Fiere trotted up on Cloud's left while Teioh was on the right, chirping happily, glad that Cloud was going to play with them. Luckily the two younger but larger birds had taking a liking to the spiky haired boy, and listened to his instructions when something was wrong.
"Where are we going today?" squeaked Fiere, the smaller of the two brothers.
"Somewhere new," responded Cloud. He picked up the pace, full on sprinting now. Running with a flock on chocobos had enhanced Cloud's stamina way past any normal eighteen year olds so keeping up with Fiere and Teioh wasn't a problem for Cloud.
"Are we going to free more of our kind?" asked Teioh, obviously wanting to see Cloud execute one of his raids. Cloud could only chuckle at his anxiousness.
"I've already set free all of our kind around this area," he answered. "Heads up," Cloud spoke as he used the butt of his spear to pole vault himself onto Teioh's back. Cloud's stamina may be high, but he is still a human and not a bird. Plus he needed to save his strength in case something happened.
"Then where are you taking us?" chirped Fiere. Cloud only smiled, keeping their destination a secret.
"Why is that?" Zack asked. Finally he was going to learn something. The girl, woman actually stepped out from behind the tree, revealing herself to the SOLDIER.
"Why should I tell you?" she inquired, raising a slender eyebrow. Zack was taken aback; he wasn't used to girls being so cold to him. He decided to just tell the truth, no point in lying when she was already so suspicious of him.
"I'm curious is all," he answered. Okay, so he didn't tell the whole truth, but at least he didn't lie. The brown haired woman narrowed her eyes a bit before giving it.
"Five years ago our chocobos started disappearing. One or two a month, but it got worse, five or six a week," She began, flipping her brown almost black hair out of her eyes. Zack took in every word she said. He was about to ask a question but a glare from her stopped him right away.
"The town's people call it the Phantom Rider. No chocobo is safe here," she nodded to Zack's bird. "I would leave if you don't want to lose your chocobo,"
Zack glanced at his bird; it was cleaning its feathers, paying them no mind. "I can't leave, not yet," spoke Zack turning his attention back to the woman. She merely shrugged.
"It's your loss. My name is Tifa by the way. Tifa Lockhart," she stated. He obviously did something right because she offered her name without him asking for it.
"Zack Fair," he replied, adding a charming smile just for good measures. She didn't seem affected though, and that made Zack cry on the inside.
"Who is the Phantom Rider?" he asked, setting his pride aside for a moment.
Tifa looked around as if making sure no one was listening before she answered. "No one really knows, but I have a guess," she spoke quickly and quietly, taking a few cautious steps towards the male. Zack unwillingly took a few steps back, a little unnerved.
"Who do you think it is?" he asked slowly.
"I think it's Cloud… The kid that disappeared 15 years ago,"
Zack sat against his chocobo's side, staring into the fire that blazed in front of him. It was too dangerous for him to stay at an inn for fear of the town's people taking his chocobo in his sleep. He didn't really mind sleeping outside or on the ground, but he couldn't get what Tifa said out of his head. Is Cloud really the phantom rider? Never the less, he had more pressing matters; like the person hiding not 20ft away. Very stealthy for someone not enhanced with mako.
He guessed it was the man who begged him for his chocobo back in town. I bet he plans to try to kill me in my sleep and take my bird. He could only smirk and just to taunt the person hiding, he walked to the other side of the fire and sat down. He could only wait now.
Cloud gazed at the stranger by the fire, hatred spreading through him as he glanced at the tied up bird. The man had no idea that he was hiding in the shadows, waiting to pounce. He had sent Fiere and Teioh home a few hours ago so he could visit the village in peace and not be spotted. He had heard the chirping of a chocobo and thought that one of his brothers had followed him, but he was utterly shocked to see a man trotting through the town on top of a bird. He had followed and watched him since then, slowly getting closer and closer, waiting for the perfect moment.
Zack laid his head down and evened out his breathing, in the dim light of dusk anyone would believe that he was asleep. However, he was on full alert for any disturbances. This is when Cloud made his move. Pulling the chocobo skull headdress down past his face to keep his identity hidden he moved into the camp, his bare feet making no noise. Not even the giant bird stirred as he cut the binds with his spear.
"You know, it's not very nice to take some one's possessions without asking," Zack stated. While the person's back was turned he had gotten up and approached him. He seemed shorter than the man who was in town.
Cloud froze and his blood turned to ice. No one had ever caught him before, let alone spoken to him. But what was he saying?
Zack took a couple steps forward ready to grab the thief, but he didn't expect the person to whip around and jab a spear at his face. His enhanced reflexes insured he would dodge the blow but it still surprised him.
Cloud had no choice; he had to kill the man. He couldn't let people know he was real.
Zack dodged and blocked every move the strange man made. The fire, now almost coals, gave off just enough light to see the figure. To say that Zack was puzzled was an understatement. The figure had a chocobo skull covering his face, no shirt, a few scraps of animal hide to cover his private parts, and a few other things he couldn't quite make out because he was moving so fast. That was another thing that surprised Zack. Humans shouldn't be able to move this fast, not without military training.
Cloud tried to move faster, attacking any opening he saw, but only hit air. Damnit! Just die already!
Zack bluffed, making it seem like he had tripped, and his attacker took the bait. Zack took a hold of the wild man's wrist, yanked him towards him and hit him hard in the gut with his knee. Effectively knocking him out cold.
Cloud cursed himself for screwing up and could only groan as he slipped out of consciousness.
Zack caught him as he went limp and positioned him comfortably on the ground. The few items that he couldn't see before were clear as day now; an anklet made out of wolf fangs, an arm band that had a few golden feathers off of it, and three large claw scars running from his left shoulder down to his right him. He truly is a wild man.
Zack removed the headdress and nearly had a heart attack. He looked older, much older, but he matched the picture perfectly. He couldn't wait till morning, he had to leave. Now. He woke his chocobo and cleaned up his camp site in record him, constantly making sure that his captive didn't wake up.
He saddled up and pulled the boy up in front of him, letting him rest against his chest. "Take us home," he muttered to the chocobo. The bird didn't hesitate and took off down the mountain path.
He had to get the boy back to his house, actually it was Sephiroth's, but whatever. He needed his help. He just hoped Sephiroth didn't turn him down. Zack shook his head, dispelling the thoughts. He just had to hurry.
Sephiroth… I found him… the lost child… Cloud Strife…
Author's Note: When Cloud is talking with the other chocobos think of Tarzan. For those who have not seen Tarzan; they are speaking bird, hence everyone else thinking that they are merely chirping and tweeting to each other.
Another note: Thank you all so much for the support and positive feed back and I apologize for the short chapter. Writer's block was kicking my ass. Any way, hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for the next chapter!