Kyoya's POV – 1 month ago
"Kyoya, please, for the love of God, do not let go." Haruhi whispered.
I tightened my grip on her hand, but now my arm was getting weak.
"I- I can't hold for… much longer."
"Please don't let go. I don't wanna die. Not here, not now." Tears started to fall down her face, and the site of her looking so scared made a lump form in my throat. I looked past her, and took in the distance between the bridge and the river below. From a glance, I'd say it's about 35 metres.
I turned my attention back to Haruhi. All I could see in those big brown eyes of hers was fear, not the sarcasm or obliviousness I was used to seeing.
"Haruhi, I need you to swing your other arm up and grab my other hand, okay?" I asked her. My voice sounded more uneasy than I'd hoped.
"I don't think I can…" she said quietly. Her hand started to slip.
"No! You have to try! I can't lose you Haruhi! Please, hold on! Please…" I begged her, but I knew what she would do next. Her smile said it all.
"Take care of Tamaki and the others, okay? They're gonna need you to be strong for them."
"No, Haruhi… Please!" I yelled, as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Don't cry. Not over me."
And then she let go.
Ranka's POV – Present day
"Ryoji Fujioka?"
I stirred from my nap, praying that when I looked around, I would be somewhere - anywhere else. I opened my eyes and took in the harsh fluorescent lighting, the stark white walls, and the bed where my daughter slept. She hasn't moved for a whole month.
"Nurse Kimberly, how many times must I ask, please call me Ranka." I said tiredly.
"Of course, I'm sorry Ranka. Doctor Patrice would like to speak with you in his office." She smiled at me, just like she had done every day before. Only this time it was different – her smile was full of pity.
"Oh, okay. I'll go after I freshen up a bit." I returned her smile, and waited until she left the room. I let out a sigh, and turned to my daughter.
"So, Haruhi. I think that… that day we knew was coming has finally arrived." I whispered to her, one hand on hers, the other wiping tears out my eyes. I kissed her lightly on the forehead, then went about getting ready.
Twenty minutes later, I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair, pretending to understand the technical language that was being thrown at me.
"So, Mr Fujioka, I trust you, err, understand your choices?" He asked timidly.
"Um, well, could you explain that again, maybe using some simpler language?" I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.
"This will be difficult to take in, but here I go… As I'm sure you're aware, your daughter has been in a comatose state for 31 days now. Her vital signs remained stable, but there hasn't been any sign of her… waking up, so to speak." The doctor cleared his throat.
"Yes, I understand so far. Please continue."
"Well, it's my sad duty to inform you that the higher-ups of the hospital's management have decided to declare your daughter brain dead. They've given you seven days to say your goodbyes before they turn off her life support. I'm so sorry."
I cried then, harder than I ever had before. First, I lose my Kotoko, and now my beautiful daughter is being taken too.
"This… this can't be right. You- you can't take her from me!" I yelled, banging my fists on his desk.
"Please, Mr Fujioka, calm down! Violence and anger won't change their minds. Please try to understand."
I breathed out. He's right. This won't help.
"We have informed her school for you already, although I think it would be best if you broke the news to her closer friends." Dr Patrice said, that same look of pity the nurse had given me.
"I understand." I said softly – even I couldn't hear myself properly. I walked over to the door and grabbed the handle.
"Mr Fujioka, I really am sorry."
"Mm." I opened the door, and closed it behind me, before running to the nearest phone.
I punched in the number I was so used to dialling. I sat there, cursing at every time the phone rang. Hurry up…
"Ranka. Any news?" Kyoya's voice crackled from the other end of the phone, and I hated how hopeful he sounded. I'm about to crush this boys heart, along with 5 others, maybe more.
"One week, Kyoya. That's all she has. Haruhi has one week… to wake up… or their pulling her life support." I said slowly, taking in every word. I didn't get a response from the other end of the phone.
"Kyoya… can you please inform the other members of the host club. I don't think I could take it."
"… Of course. I'll be over at the hospital in thirty, maybe forty minutes. See you then."
The phone went dead, and I started to cry again.