This is a future fanfic of what could happen in Fairy tail if Natsu ever found out that he was END. I don't own any of the characters Hiro Mashima does. I own any OCs that are in this.
It was early spring and the cherry blossoms were almost blooming. Under the covers of her bed Lucy was curled up into a ball trying to keep herself warm. She longed for some strong warm arms to wrap her up in a bundle. But that would never happen, he had been missing for three years. Lucy had no idea where he was or if he was dead or not. She wouldn't be too surprized if he had committed suicide out of guilt. It had been three years since he vanished, and the he was Natsu.
Lucy stepped out of the bed and flung the covers over a small blur sleeping exceed. Happy hissed in annoyance. "Lucy what was that for?" He growled as the cat flew to her shoulder. Lucy giggled and then placed a hand over the cats head. Happy had been living with Lucy for the past three years as Natsu hadn't taken him with him. "Lucy are you going to your Land Lady's funeral today?" asked the blue cat.
"Yeah I am Happy, the old cow was going to die eventually, but I never thought she would die of my old clothes crushing her. I can't help but feel a little guilty." Lucy looked down at her feet. The old women was always stealing her clothes and Lucy knew that they never looked good on her and were damaging her health. Lucy brought out a black dress from her wardrobe and slipped it on over her head. Next she slipped on some dark tights and finally some pumps. Before reaching her keys she stole and apple from the fruit basket and headed out the front door. "See you later Happy." Lucy called as the door shut. The little blue cat had only recently finally adjusted to living with Lucy instead of Natsu. There were so many rules like no business in the house, don't scratch anything and don't eat everything. Happy had been raised to live life on the edge by none other than his partner Natsu. But Natsu was who knows where and doing something crazy at this point.
Happy always missed his partner. It had been a sad lot of years but some good moments had come around like when Mira and Laxus got married or when levy and Gajeel had a baby, Drake. The guild always was to quiet, well Gray and Gajeel were sometimes at each other's throats but the pointless brawls just seemed well pointless without Natsu. Lucy, since Natsu disappeared had not smiled once properly, and would write letters to her Mum, Dad and Natsu and would let them fly in the wind outside the window hoping he would read one. The apartment felt big without Lucy but now that she was gone Happy could enjoy his cat nap in peace.
Away from the rest of Magnolia Erza was strolling through the Sakura meadow with Jellal on another date. They had been official for three years now and in the battle with Zeref, Jellal finally asked Erza to go with him and she accepted. They were very much I love, what really made Gray happy as Erza didn't get angry at him for starting fights as all her attention was on Jellal. It was cold that early morning but the love bird decided to take a stroll through the orchard of sakura trees. Erza sighed in contentment and continued to wrap her arms around one of Jellal's arms. At this motion his face slowly blended into Erza's hair. He gulped and turned his face to hide a blush which Erza giggled at. She never was this happy when he wasn't around. The idea of being with him for three years made her feel strange as it really didn't feel like three years to Erza it had gone by so quickly.
They decided to sit down on a small rise that looked over the town. It was quiet but from bird song. It was perfect. They both laid down on the ground and stared at the birds flying. It was perfect. Erza just enjoyed staring at the white fluffy clouds floating in the sky above her. She reached out to try and grab one and lay down on the comfy pillow of sky wool. A breeze caught Erza's hair and the scarlet locks flowed in the wind untamed by any force like wild long reeds. The winter snow that year had left Magnolia feeling cold and barren but with springs kiss the day had suddenly been awakened into new light. "Erza?" Jellal caught Erza's attention and she rolled onto her front to face her boyfriend. The Twenty three year old stared at the thirty year old. "We've been through a lot and I want to, how can I put this? Err this is so damn frustrating."
"Take a breath."
"We've been through a lot and I love you more than life itself, so I um." A blush exploded onto Jellal's face. This was a huge step for a person and he had little to no courage when it came to romance. Erza giggled at this and put and hand over her mouth she was trying not to laugh but Jellal was being funny. "I being serious. Well here it goes. Erza we've been through a lot and I want to ask you if we can go further, I mean Erza Scarlet would you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Erza Fernandez?" Erza could believe her ears as there was Jellal standing in front of her on one knee with a blue velvet box. He smiled down on her as she opened it the ring was beautiful it was silver with a very shun ruby and was sparkling like water droplets.
"Erza?" asked a worried Jellal, maybe his proposal overwhelmed her. She surprised him by kissing him hard on the lips and parting after. "Jellal my answer is." Her lips moved once more as the ring slipped on her finger.
AWW Jerza is my second favourite and I wish Jellal would snap out of his I'm not good enough act already but till then us Jerza fans must unite with our fanfics.
Well Natsu in flashback next chapter, don't skip its vital to story. But he will appear later.