Heya folks it's Watermalone here with a brand new beginning to hopefully something amazing!

Before I begin, I must explain a few things. If you couldn't care less then scroll past the bold to begin your reading adventures! :)

First, if you did not know already, I've been gone for a month. I know what you're thinking, "You could've just come online on your phone or whatever". (Maybe not exactly that but you get the gyst of it.) And it's true, I could have. However, I didn't. The reasons I have are personal, but let me tell you this: because of everything that has happened, I've had little to no motivation to concern myself with writing and updating, and barely enough leftover energy to read/review everyone's amazing works. And for that I do apologize. Honestly, everything in my life has been falling apart, starting last July. I've tried concealing it but there have been times where I simply broke down into a million pieces. I've been angry, sad, hyper, anxious, and confused. Psychologically, I basically felt insane the past month.

I know this probably isn't a concern of yours, but I had to get it off my chest. Now that my meds have kicked in I've been able to look at life a lot differently. I know that I felt broken before, but I'm more than willing to pick myself back up again. Not only for my future, but for my present. There's things that I do have to live for, and you guys are definitely one of them. And so I thank you all kindly.

Second, I know my first update after so long is not for my main series 'For Old Time's Sake', and the reason why is because I know it's a depressing story, and I wrote it during my state of... 'depression'. (Technically, but I don't refer to it as that anymore.) It's not that I'm afraid to look at it again, it's just there's so many memories associated with it, I'd rather let it rest before I continue it.

Finally, A GRAND THANK YOU TO SO MANY PEOPLE. While I know this might sound stupid, I have to let you guys know that above all, you guys are the best thing since sliced bread. Through my tough times, I've seen lots of new writers (and old writers), spring up with new stories which all gave me something to smile about. It was kind of like a tether, something that kept me grounded while I was- for lack of a better term- losing it.

To follow up this thank you, I would like to make a couple of honorable mentions and dedications. (Again, skip this if you want I won't take offense :D)

1. Striiker- While it has been a while since he updated, he's got a story out there called 'The Bunker'. It is incredibly well written, suspenseful and thrilling. Hope you come back soon and that your studies all go well! :)

2. EVAunit42- I would mention your current stories although I can't imagine anyone reading mine has never read yours before. But updates for Starco Academy, If I say I miss you, and the incredible series of one shots; There's always a star and a hoodie, have been prevalent in this community for a while. Thank you for being such an awesome person, and giving me the final go on this story that I needed.

3. GolfAlphaMike- Thank you so much for your support, it really meant a lot. I hope you update your story 'Starfall' soon, everyone is really anticipating the upcoming chapters!

4. H. Mae- I probably over vented my problems to you (well some of them), and I would really like to thank you for taking you time to listen to me ramble on. While she hasn't written anything SVTFOE related in a while, I encourage you guys to check out (if you haven't already) her Tumblr account where she posts fantastic drawings of many different shows.

Alright that's enough of my randomness for one day, without any further ado, I present: the start of Something New. (Extra cheesy just for you guys!) :)

Read, relax, rate and review!

Even if I owned SVTFOE or anything related to it, I would deny it in fear of all the fans angry at the 8-10 month hiatus.

Something New

Star mashed the keyboard on her phone, desperately trying to send a message for help.




Her fingers trembled as the arrow disappeared on the brightly lit screen, indicating the message was indeed delivered.

She sighed in relief and peered (again) through the crack between the doors. A large room filled with beings moving in awkward motion as a hypnotic thudding sounded off in the background.

Yup, Prom night.

The night all the students from ECA had came to let loose and immerse themselves in. One magical night, to have the time of their lives before they were to part ways, possibly forever.

All except Marco Diaz.

Star pleaded with him to go. It was his last night to see most of his friends anyways, plus it could've been fun! There was a party, food, a popularity contest... What more could a teenager want?

"This teenager wants to be alone, OK? Besides, there's no point in me going. Jackie's gone, you're going to be with Oskar the entire time, I'll probably just end up being alone anyways, only with enough people around to judge me." He huffed before slamming his room door in her face.

Even his parents couldn't make him budge.

Star frantically searched for the other exit to the gym. It wasn't too far, if she could just sneak around the large groups of party goers, maybe she could stay inconspicuous long enough to avoid...

She shook her head. No. They would see her. Everyone would see her, and then what? They'll make a commotion. She needed a distraction, something like...

"Ah-ha!" She exclaimed to herself quietly, pulling out her wand. Directing it at the ceiling, she muttered under her breath.

"Party Pump-up Fun Ball!"

A stream of rainbow light shot out her wand and connected with a hanging support beam along the gym's ceiling. A humongous disco ball promptly swung down, reflecting the assortment of lights that were hanging off of the walls.

Everyone instantaneously marveled at the sight.

Suddenly, the ball floated downwards, spinning, and then growing. Gasps could be heard from the crowd as the mirror ball dangerously expanded outwards.

"IT'S GONNA BLOW!" The children fled in random directions hoping to escape the blast radius.

And then the ball stopped growing. However, instead of exploding, a small compartment at the base opened up, showering the dance floor with glittery packages.

One brave soul stepped forward to examine the contents.


Cheers could be heard across the gymnasium as the crowd gathered at the site, intent on grabbing as much of the loot for themselves as possible.

Star snuck out the side door, completely unnoticed.

She exhaled softly upon observing the door behind her slam shut, throat no longer constricted by the dense gym atmosphere. But now, the chilled night air enveloped her being, sending goosebumps up her exposed arms and shoulders.

She hugged her shivering self. When would he get here? It's been, (she checked her phone), apparently not as long as she initially assumed. Two whole minutes. Oh! Now three.

Shoving her phone back into her purse, she began to stroll around the school grounds. It was night, once again, on the dimly lit premises of Echo Creek Academy. Shadows protruded from around every corner of her eye. Inescapable and foreboding, the darkness only seemed to creep up closer the further she wandered from the school.

The nighttime silence was only broken by the clicking of her heels on the solid concrete sidewalk.

She eventually crossed over to the far side of the building, there which sat a single bench illuminated by a streetlamp. Perfect to find some peace and quiet.

Upon sitting down, she thrust her purse to the side and planted her face in her hands.

"UGHH! I HATE HIM!" She screamed out into the void of space, her voice reverberated down the sleeping avenue.

What kind of guy does that? Seriously?! No normal guy could ever possibly be such a rude, selfish, uncaring, absolutely egotistical piece of... of- bleagh!

Well, clearly Oskar Greason was 'no normal guy'.

How could he just go and... and do that to her?

Was it her fault?

Was she not good enough?

Did he deserve someone better...?

Maybe she could've...

But even then...

"... Why?" The only word she could force out.

Minutes passed, every thought cluttering her mind soon dissipated with each passing moment. All was calm.

Muffled footsteps suddenly came from behind her. Startled, she quickly jolted to her feet, attempting to locate the source of the shuffling.

A single streetlamp wasn't powerful enough to shield her from the encasing darkness.

"W-who's there?" Her voice cracked.

More footsteps. Closer this time.

"I-if this is a joke... th-this isn't funny!"

Even closer. Louder. Echoing into the night.

"Whoever you are! I should let you know that I'm armed!" Every ounce of courage poured into that statement. Grabbing her small star shaped purse off the bench she fumbled around, desperately searching for her wand.

"GET HER!" A high-pitched voice shrieked.

"Wait... Ludo-?" She looked up for a split second before a large body tackled her to the ground.

Her purse flew from her hand, and skidded into the shadows.

"Ugh-GET OFF OF ME!" Kicking and clawing at the mass on top of her, she furiously tried to escape, to no avail.

"Ha! Princess Butterfly, it would seem as though you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, LITERALLY!" Ludo cackled maniacally as he stepped forth into the beam of light.

"That wasn't clever or funny, Lu-dork." She retorted, still struggling.

"HA-HA!" Bearicorn was chuckling to himself in the distance. "Lu-dork..."

Ludo fired a death glare in the direction of his voice, shutting him up at once. "Hey! I'M the one who's got YOU pinned down, so I CRACK THE JOKES!"

"I'm not in the mood right now Ludo, I've got a lot on my plate!"

"Exactly! This was the most opportune time to strike!"

"Hold up... You were spying on me?!"

Ludo's expression fell into guilt, "Well, yes, but IT'S NOT WEIRD."

Star shot him a look of disgust.




Still nothing.

"Idiots-?" Ludo turned around.

"OOMPH!" To his surprise, an unconscious Deerbeard fell face first into the light, a large bump beginning to form between his antlers.

"Whu-?" Before he could register what was going on, Ludo was punted like a miniature football, screaming, into the dark abyss.

The large being lying atop Star, which was made out to be Buff Frog, looked around for his leader.

"Master Sir-?" Star took the opportunity to lift herself up with her hands, and drive an elbow into his face, freeing herself.

Frantically, Star scurried away to where her purse had landed, hoping to feel around in the darkness for the fabric. She hadn't noticed Buff Frog recover and begin charging at her.

"RAAAARGHH-OOF" He was forcefully sent flying to the side.

"C'mon c'mon," Star blindly brushed her hands along the ground feeling for the soft fabric of the purse on the cold pavement. "YES!" Successfully taking hold of the small bag by its strap, she plunged her hand into its contents.

Star pulled out her wand, aiming it at the sky, and yelled at the top of her lungs. "Mega Glow Stick Illumination!"

A pink zap of electricity shot its way out of the face of the wand and arced towards a point in space, before stopping and materializing an extremely dense, truck-sized glow stick, which proceeded to crash down onto the middle of the road, embedding itself in an asphalt crater, and setting car alarms off everywhere.

But, at least she could see now.

Her eyes eventually refocused to scan the confusing scenery. Ludo's minions lay disoriented and in suffering around the area, their groans of pain cutting through the annoying honking of neighbourhood vehicles. Ludo himself was stuck tangled in the branches of a distant tree.

Amidst the chaos stood a familiar Latino boy, shielding himself from where the enormous yellow glowing block had landed no more than 3 feet from him. His distinct red hoodie acting as a beacon of comfort and hope as her eyes fell upon it.

"Marco-? How did you-?" Star was clearly astonished by how he had managed to take out an entire army in the dark.

He rushed to her side, preventing her from finishing that thought. "Star! Are you okay? I-I got your text, a-and I drove here as fast as I could, but when I parked I heard something going on over here so I-" his stammering cut short when she yanked him into a hug.

Some time passed. Ludo and his minions eventually made their usual inglorious retreat back to their dimension, the damage caused by Star's magic was poofed away, and the chaotic night reverted back to peace.

Star and Marco sat in silence on the bench beneath the lone streetlamp.

"Sooo... Wanna tell me what happened?" Ah, the inevitable question. "Obviously, you didn't spam text 'SOS' because of Ludo."

Star sighed. She didn't want to tell him. She didn't want to say anything! All she wanted was him to come, pick her up, bring her home, and let her be alone. But looking into his eyes, sparkling beneath the soft illumination, all that inhibition melted away.

"I-I don't know- there was- and then- AUGH!" Marco slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Her head rested in his neck.

"Start from the beginning, I'm here to listen."

She inhaled a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she faintly recounted what had happened not long ago.

(About an hour ago)

"Yeaaahhh I'm just waiting for Oskarrr~" Star replied absentmindedly as a confused Janna walked past her, shaking her head.

"Okay byeeee!" She waved energetically. Wow, so many people must've really cared about her, that was probably the... 17th person to ask what she was doing there.

She stood by the entrance to the gym, leaning on the support post for the door. The time was 7:45pm. While the dance had begun almost 2 hours ago, and she was reaaaally anxious to go in, there was still plenty of time before the real party started. And so she stood there, waiting.

The theme for the night was 'Royal Ball'. Fitting for a princess such as herself, considering she was on the Prom committee and all. However, despite it being her suggestion, she would've preferred the rejected Jurassic Park or Halloween themes she had also proposed. At least then there would definitely be more candy, plus she could dress up all monstery-like, so it would be a win-win.

Star still didn't quite understand that Halloween was just a holiday, not a random event where she got free sugar.

But the committee settled on 'Royal Ball' theme. Which was fair enough, she had thousands of dresses tailor made for her back in Mewni so at the very least she definitely had something to wear. Not to mention this wasn't her first formal 'Ball' event she had attended.

A teal and seafoam green dress. While she initially opted for classic pink, it was ultimately decided against. Besides, this dress was magnificent on its own. The bodice was a glittery green scoop neck which wrapped around her waist, supported by two thin straps over her shoulders. Laced in the back, the dress fit snugly around her body and poured downwards. The skirt was a frilly material, intertwining green and teal fabric as it flowed down to the floor like a caribbean ocean, covering her legs, along with her matching seafoam green heels.

She impatiently rocked back and forth, awaiting Oskar's entrance. They had been 'dating' for practically 3 months now. While she was used to his carefree attitude, it wouldn't hurt to show a bit of punctuality.

Just one of the many things she admired about him, she supposed.

"Hey Star, it's nearly 8 o'clock. Food's gonna be here soon, you coming or what?" She turned around to see Ferguson and Alfonso. They had both cleaned up pretty nice, sporting matching tuxedos and bowties, hair slicked back, and each reeking of cologne.

"Nah I'm good, Oskar's gonna be here aaaany minute!"

The two gave each other a concerned glance. "Okaaaay," Ferguson said in disbelief, "me and Alfonso here are gonna get our fill so we aren't hungry when we go lady hunting. Y'know, the desperate ones who get stood up or dumped by jerks." He added with a brow wiggle. "Peace!" The two disappeared into the crowd.

Star turned back to face the hallway. He was coming. Anytime now. He'd be here, and everything was going to be perfect!

Suddenly, a pair of headlights shone through the front door. The left one flickered slightly upon the car's arrival, which sputtered its way into the parking lot.

"Ooooh! Oskar's heeeereeee!" She jumped up and down, anticipation flooding her heart.

When the main school doors flew open, she felt her smile drop to the floor.

It wasn't the fact that he was so underwhelmingly underdressed for the occasion. Nor the fact he brought his keytar to yet another social event. Even being late in general she had already overlooked. No. It was his face. And how it was attached to someone else's.

He was making out with- with some random girl that she had never even seen before!

Star threw herself into the crowd before they could notice her. Dodging partygoers, decorations, chairs and tables that littered the gym floor, she managed to weave her way to the far side of the gym and dive into the sports equipment storage room.

Her mind was absolutely distraught. On one hand she wanted to cry, on the other she wanted to burn the entire building down. She was enraged, no she was sad. Scared? Confused. Lonely... Vengeful! She needed out. She needed to get out and get away.

Star instinctively reached for her purse. She needed-


"You." Star managed to choke out. Grabbing a fistful of his hoodie, she threw her face into the fabric, sobbing wildly.

Marco could only shake his head. This was totally an 'I-told-you-so' moment, he had warned her that Oskar was nothing but trouble, but Marco didn't want to be that kind of friend. Instead, he remained silent, holding her close, stroking her hair until she had calmed down.

It was quite a while before he finally spoke.

"It's hard to believe how small everything is..."

Star looked up at him. His vision had wandered to the stars above.

Her voice caught in her throat. "Wh- *hic* -what do you mean?"

"I mean it's odd to think that any of this even matters. We're just a small speck, a tiny insignificant being in the immense universe. It's hard to believe that anything out there really cares about us."

"I guess..." There was a short pause.

"Y'know, when I was a kid, I used to believe in higher powers, er-God." He corrected himself, sensing Star's confusion. "That there was some guardian deity up there looking out for me."

"Well, what happened?"

"I dunno, I guess I kinda just... grew up. Maybe I relied too heavily on the idea for so much of my childhood, it was difficult to understand that I played any role in my own life, let alone had an impact on others. Instead, I was some plaything for a puppet master known as destiny. Life... kinda held no purpose."

"So how about now? What do you believe in?" She suddenly became intrigued by his blathering.

"I believe in people. That it's people like us who shape who we are to become as society, whether for better or worse. That we control everything within our power, and that we have a responsibility to remain true to our morals. Morality in of itself is a real mystery gift. No one knows if it is by nature or nurture that we feel sympathy for the dying, or guilt when we cheat. But people take it for granted. Some even exploit it. However, there are always certain individuals who give nothing but undying love to those around them, thinking not for themselves, but the benefit to others. They could be common, they could be rare. All I know is, this proves that in the microscopic lives we share, we do have the potential to create our own happiness, our own future, our own destiny."

Star gazed at him in wonder. "That-... That was great and all but, what does it have to do with any of this?"

Marco shrugged. "Probably not much, but it sure stopped you from crying." He smiled down at her. A grin twitched upon her lips.

She snuggled her head further into his chest. "Thanks Marco." Such a nonsensical conversation, yet it made her feel... better...

He lifted up his watch. "Hey, it's only 8:53, if we hurry back inside maybe we can still catch the crowning of Prom King and Queen." He gestured towards the building.

"I thought you didn't wanna go to Prom?" She stared at him incredulously.

"I said I didn't want to go to Prom alone."

Star grinned at his words. "And who exactly is the Safe Kid going with?"

"I thought it was implied that it was you-"

"Upupupup.. Nope! I never even agreed to go with you!" She was toying with him, like a kitten occupied with a ball of yarn.

"Fine," he relented, "do you wanna go with me?"

Star looked taken aback. "Oh I'm sorry, do I want to go with you to where?" His mind clicked where this was going.

Lifting himself off of the bench, he lowered a single knee to the pavement.

"Ahem- Star Butterfly?" Appealing the most sincere smile to her.

"Yes, Marco Diaz?" Fake haughtiness garnished her tone.

"Will you do me the honour of accompanying me to the Echo Creek Academy Prom?"

"Ummm, I don't think so."

This absolutely rattled Marco. "Are you kidding me?! After all that? Why not?"

"Well, for one, you can't go in dressed like that!" Again, she had played him like a record.

"What? This is classic 'red-hoodie' stuff! I mean, c'mon who even cares? It's just-" he stopped himself realizing the uphill battle he was no doubt going to lose. "Yeah okay fine. But I gotta go home and change first."

Star rolled her eyes. "Nope! Just close your eyes and-"

"Woah woah woah, I told you I hate it when you change my clothes with magic!"

"Relaaaax, I'm much better at this now!" She waved him off while fishing for her wand inside her purse.


"No buts." She put a finger to his lips, shushing him. "Now, close your eyes."

A bright pulse of pink light wrapped around the couple.

So obviously this story will be continued. But the funny thing is, this story is already finished.


It's ready to be all released.

But I won't.

Because I'm evil! :)

Not really. I actually finished this story a while ago, however I'm releasing it in parts because it was originally an 8000+ word one shot. I know that would be a lot to take in, even through chapter separation, so instead of being a jerk and making you read hours worth of fluff and romance I'm going to draw it out over the course of a week or two!

Okay so a bit evil.

Nonetheless, you can be sure to see an update from this story eventually, while I'm not fully back to this whole writing scene, I am definitely trying.

And as always, reviews and comments are deeply appreciated, you guys are probably the best thing that's happened to me this entire summer. :)