![]() Author has written 26 stories for Zoey 101, iCarly, Harry Potter, and Glee. Name : Shannon Favorite Pairings- Glee: Queer As Folk: Misfits: Skins (UK): Criminal Minds: Sherlock: Torchwood: Doctor Who: My friends and I... Miranda and I walking Playing a game we invented Walking in the hall when my friend fell Kelsey: "Let's sex, NOW!" Natalie: "I'm a panda!" Kelsey: "She's too alive to be dead..." Kelsey: "He's like one of those Asain people she adopted from, like, Asia..." Playing Left4Dead Mom: "I'm afraid of pumpkins" Talking about a play I auditioned for Aaron: "As long as I am more of a slut than Dani." Dani: "If someone fried me and was picking at me, I'd sue!" Emily: "Modest is the hottest!" Laundry... Me: "I'd be like rawr and shit." Natalie: "Ew. Penis. I'm a lesbian." Natalie: "I will not support your penis baby!" Me: "She's getting her nipple tattooed!" Natalie and Me: "... in old English. Otherwise, you're just a hoe!" Natalie: "If someone came up to me rumbling I would be like, 'All right t-rex'" Natalie: "Drugs backwards is sgurd!" Me: "I could drink a fish!" Me: "Not cool, refridgerator!" After we cleaned our dorm and talking about why we didn't make a fort... Natalie: "You stupid cunt, bastard, bitch!" Natalie: "Damn them Stephiane Meyers, J. K. Rowlings, and bible writers!" Ian: "I'm your man steak." Telling me about the movie "The Patriot" Talking about my dream Natalie: "I look like a ram that got into a fight and lost one!" Natalie: "It is midnight o-one!" Me: "... If you want a dinosaur. (30 second pause) Or a pony!" Natalie and I: "LMAO!" Poking fun at Hannah Montana Vicky: "Half of four is two and a half... That sounded dumb..." Natalie: "Horses are funny." Natalie and I: (singing) "Oh pepperoni! How much I love ya!" Me: "Whip out my penis and (singing) pee on your face" Talking about how many Disney parents are dead or missing Amanda: "Everyones getting married and having kids... I just started college! Give me a few days!" Me: "That was slightly erotic... and disturbing..." Talking about eating lamb... Courtney: "Aren't Bonnie and Clyde famous explorers?" Mom: "I thought I was shot! But, it's just bubble wrap..." Me: "I had to stop reading. It was getting to an intense part and I didn't think I was ready." Me: "Do I have to pay for it?" Kate: "They look like they are twelve! Why can't I work here?!" Kate: "I figure everyones gonna die, you might as well eat them." Talking about a dog cake they made on Cake Boss Kate: "Didn't you make-out with a thirty year old?" Joe: "You better be a guy! ... I mean... You better be a girl!" Kelly: "You are, like, popping my laundry cherry!" Kiara: "Water. It's wet." Tootsie: "I know you're the slut, but what's your name?!" Random girl in my hall: "No more dicking the doors!" Improv Game: "All. My. Hunger. Was. Caused. By. Georgia." Kiara: "It's Sistine Chapel? When did they change it?" Kiara: "And then we can spoon." Kiara: "This teacher needs to learn how to speak English before she teaches in England... We're not in England! We're in America!" Damon: "You can see really far out windows..." Improv Class: (singing to the tune of Pinky and the Brain) "Jesus and the Pope. Jesus and the Pope. One is a Jesus, the others a Pope." Tim: "Well, Bill Cosbys old, so, he's probably gonna die soon." Seng: "... like jumping off cliffs and getting pregnant..." Mom: "If you do this your eyes jiggle!" Me: (whispers) "It's gonna be epic" (backs away slowly) Me: "I feel like I just birthed a 19 year old kid!" Kiara: "I feel like I just molested you..." Me: "Everything looks cooler with a cape!" Me: "This balloon is not a good vollyball." Me: "Vowels are the whores of letters!" Kiara: "Oh yea, deaf people can text! I thought because you couldn't send texts in sign language... Yeah..." Kiara: "I would go to Africa, get impregnated, and give it to you. Just so you will have a legit African baby!" Kelly: "You have the smallest ear holes..." Kelsey: "Don't look at my underwire!" Kelly: "It tastes good because it's healthy!" Kiara: "We were walking up this hill-" Lance: (singing) "The moonlight shines on her... forehead?" Kelly: "You would make a good phone sex operator." Me: "A chair raped my face!" Amanda M: "You're a terrible person!" Micheal: "For your safety you must die." Eric: "Actually you look like kind of a slut." Tootsie: "Free Tibet? Is Tibet under capture?" Me: "I would assume this deaf person could read..." Colin: "It's not rape if you're willing." Dani: "I've never kissed a boy before..." Me: "Can I get in your pants again?" Kat: "He talks pretty... and shirtless!" Me: *belch* Me: "You tell her batman!" Bill: "I feel like you're my drug dealer." Chelsey: "I'm fully aware you can see through my shirt, but if you don't like, then don't look." Me: "It's not rape if you can't say no!" Me: "It's so good and large." Amanda: "I poopin' love otters." Amanda: "You look like shit." Kiara: "Hey, Shannon..." Kiara: "I just ask you to know the answer to everything and you're just like 'mehhh'" Kiara: "Shannon, your life depends upon this." Kiara: "That chair attacked me!" Kiara: "Why didn't I put my bra on before I tried to be Wonder Woman?" Me: "I'm trying to think of more words that end in O..." Kiara: "Oh my God, get me outta this room with this crazy person under my bed. Help her lord!" Me: "Would you rather steal from a blind man or a girl scout?" Mom: "Write down: 'towels pick out of the garbage.'" Kat: "It's so big I don't know what to do with it." Kat: "I'm glad I'm walking with you. I'd say: 'Take the tiny, cute, pretty one.' And while they're raping you I'll run away!" Me: "It takes so much effort. First I have to take off my pants and then I have to take out my eyes." Wyatt: "And on your right there's a dumbass." Wyatt: "I may be a girl, but I'm also a boy..." Wyatt: "We look like two retards who don't know what stairs are." Wyatt: "I'm sorry. She's a little cookie right now." Guy: "Booze and naked boys, what else do you need?" Guy: "Why wasn't the pretty pussy in the hotel list?" Kat: "It's like if a cheetah fucked a thirteen year old girl." Kat: "Oh, it's called 'Not Enough Rope.' I thought it was 'Not Enough Rape.'" Kat: "So apparently rape and suicide are HILARIOUS!" Me: "I have a better idea. It involves that plan and the plan from last night. It will get us Cheez-its, Diet Coke, and new back bones. All we will need is to kill someone, steal their food and legs..." Me: "Power walking for short people is running!" Me: (singing) "I just had sex!" Me: "No, if he was my twin then it would be incest, ew. But, if he was my clone it would just be masterbation." Me: "Hammers solve everything!" Doug: "You're buttering a bed..." Chris: (angrily) "THAT MOVIE WAS BEAUTIFUL!" Chris: "I'd take hard over tight anyday." Chris: "There was a vagina in your pants... I need a cookie." Chris: "You don't have to face down to pray to Satan." Kelsey: "You don't like your penis being poked?" Me: "Sexual tension squid..." Will: "I feel like a terrorist." Billy: "Incest is WINcest" Chris: "If you sharpened your nipples you could stab her in the neck." Kyle: "Consent is sexy." Billy: "Have you ever seen a fetus?" Jordan: "That's what people do in New York. They lick you." Chris: "I want that inside of me." Lance: "I thought we were about to dance battle." Aaron: (to me) "She's more of a person than you." Kevin: "Theatre's a contact sport." Wineman: "I'm a nun!" Lance: "It's science. Thunder goes BOOM. Lightning goes (weird hand movement)." Lance: "Now remember what I taught you. What does thunder do?" Lance: "Solve that crime." Aaron: "Enjoy your wife. I know I did." Me: "We're golf clubbing!" Me: "I could be your pocket Shannon!" Me: "I wouldn't need a job because I can break dance." Chris and I: "I can't math/English." Molly: "You're taller than me, we can breed!" Me: "Your computer's making me hot." Kyle: "Santa is so real. I felt his glove." Kyle: "It's so sad how Andy died in that car accident. And the toys visit him in the hospital..." Chris: "I wish you had a unibrow right now." Me: "What is pizza?" Chris: "Take me Prince Phillip!" Chris: "I woke up and Aaron wasn't under me and I was scared." After an ambulance passes Talking about my slurpee Mom: "Are there rattles in there?" Mom: "... and mall cops, they're not real cops." Mom: "Why do you laugh all the time?" Courtney: "Don't worry about money, just make sure you have enough to bail yourself out of jail." Me: "You can't do that! That's, like, a sin against Santa!" Me: "Finding jeans that actually fit and on sale. It's like the heavens open up and smile. A chorus of angels sing. And Jesus tips his cowboy hat and smiles." Samm: "I want to put Nutella all over my arms and just lick it off." Richard: "Shotgun. Window. Chinese delivery. Masterbation." Jane: "Prepositions are important." Jane: "But, you killed the king, so screw you!" Me: "I feel like you shouldn't have cocks on the table..." Brittany: "I just finger everything." Andy: "I'm gonna bake you a pie!" Simon: "I went... Yeah, whatever." Gregg: "How do you define incest? It's another of these things like swimming." Gregg: "But, I'm a bastard and I hate everyone." Gregg: "Shall we go to the butchers and buy a pound of beef?" Gregg: "What is she doing?!" Gregg: "Oh, that's alright Margret. Back to work." Gregg: "I thought they were brilliant, but then my thinking moved on." Laura and Me: "TEAM LAERTES! ???: "The awkward moment when the lights flicker in the room above the prison..." Cassidy: "You're God and you just ripped this babies head off?!" Tour Guide: "I saw the fat suits and I was in heaven." Me: "I just made myself all wet" *pause* "That sounded bad..." Morgan: "I'm not going near anyone's salad!" Me: "Wyatt, you should get one of those." Adam: "You're a bad gay!" ???: "He's 17 years old and he won't die!" Lance: "Guys are magicians with their penis." Me: "Shh. Come closer. Put your lips to my finger." Lucas: "Gay, straight, bi, Korean..." |