Author has written 25 stories for Digimon, Angel, Les Miserables, Doctor Who, Power Rangers, High School Musical, Stargate: Atlantis, CSI, and Glee. Hi there! As you can guess, the name's sparxxa and this is my profile page. I'm Welsh, a graduate of the University of Glamorgan, I love fanfiction and musical theatre, as well as numerous other things that I have neither the time nor the patience to go into in great detail right here. My LiveJournal (click above on homepage) is the place to go if you want a better insight or to find fic that may not necessarily be posted here. Come in if you can, stay if you dare... I write slash and I read slash. There you go you have been warned. Oh, and one more thing... If anyone ever suggests throwing a rubber duck (named Treacle) with green garden twine around its neck, off the Castle Inn bridge into the Taff river just to get an interesting shot for a video project just say no...I wish I had... Stay Spiffy! Sparxxa |