Author has written 205 stories for Fushigi Yuugi, Song of the Lioness, Les Miserables, Misc. Anime/Manga, Horatio Hornblower, Outsiders, Westmark, Shakespeare, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, LXG, and Phantom of the Opera. Konban wa. :little wave: I used to write here with my partners KoKourin (nickname KoK), and my I used to write quite a bit of Fushigi Yuugi fic, and verily is it terrible. Please don't hold it against me. For a while I ducked into the Les Miserables fandom, but now I'm mainly playing with League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (graphic novels and movie) and various Jules It being now some six months since I wrote the above paragraph, I might as well point out that I've managed to gravitate back into Les Misdom, with some Phantom of the Opera on the side and fondness for Notre-Dame de Paris. I love concrit above all things, but I like it to be concrit. :P Flames heat the garret of this starving artist when winter sets in (in summer they are generally used for teriyaki grilling). Lastly, I am a fabulously pretentious advocate of the spellcheck, and this message is brought to you by Webster's Dictionary: If you have it, use it. Also, do not abuse semi-colons, or the Semi-Colon Beast of Doom shall devour you. And you'll deserve it. _~ ...&c. Enjoy the fanfiction. |